Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 775 Shaojiang changes frigate combat record

At 10:34 a.m. on the third day of the combat operation, our ship arrived at the southwest boundary of the Gray Mist Forest with the fleet. After a brief adjustment, the fleet's flagship 'Gamma-class' heavy cruiser 'Forged Hammer' served as the vanguard. , sailing into the gray fog forest airspace.

The entire fleet has entered level one combat readiness.

Twenty-five seconds later, the 'Forged Hammer' at the head of the fleet crossed the 'red line'. A large number of indigenous creatures with the ability to fly that lived in the gray fog forest broke through the canopy and dense fog and launched an attack on the 'Forged Hammer' Attack.

The entire fleet is in combat mode.

The fleet commander's order came from the flagship 'Forge Hammer': All warships in the entire fleet continue to move forward, and do not be reluctant to fight.

This ship will increase its speed to 75% of the maximum speed...

The records of the Shaojiang Kai frigate's central control computer are basically the same as what Ke Lan saw in the files. After being attacked by those biological weapons, the commander of the special operations fleet decided to speed up all the warships and quickly break through the interception of the biological weapons. , but they soon realized that this was a wrong decision - the number of biological weapons flying out of the forest far exceeded the imagination of the fleet command team, and it was precisely because the entire ship allocated the power of the power furnace to the engine and thrusters, causing the energy shield to be unable to receive sufficient energy support. The energy shields of the Shaojiang Kai frigate and another high-speed support ship that was later shot down were overloaded multiple times, and the shield generator suffered a serious malfunction. The cooling unit compartment exploded, killing four engineers and a Marine.

Although it took less than two minutes after activating damage control for the energy shield to return to normal, within these two minutes, the Shaojiang Kai still suffered serious damage, and its thirty-two main thrusters Half of the hull lost thrust, nearly 60% of the cabins on both sides and below the hull were penetrated, and thirty-five people died directly or indirectly from conditions caused by the damage to the hull. In addition, about two dozen people died. Hundreds of biological weapons invaded the interior of the battleship.

The Shaojiang Kai frigate was equipped with only two platoon-level mobile teams of marines. At that time, there were less than 40 soldiers with combat capabilities, and they were unable to deal with the biological weapons that invaded the warship. Captain Hruny Yang had no choice but to order the invaded cabins to be sealed and heavy alloy gates to be used to block the attacks of biological weapons.

Although with the destructive power of these biological weapons, it is only a matter of time before these alloy gates are torn open, but there is another more serious problem facing Captain Hruni and the officers and soldiers of the entire ship——

After half of the main thrusters were turned off, the Shaojiang Kai frigate's speed dropped to one-third of its original speed. Falling behind meant that it would not be able to get support from other warships in the same fleet, and it would soon fall into an isolated and helpless situation. in the situation.

The only solution is to quickly repair the damaged thrusters, but the main thrusters are located at the rear of the battleship. To send people there, they must pass through the closed cabins that have been occupied by biological weapons - the only self-defense on the ship. The strength is barely enough to protect the safety of the bridge and reactor, let alone escort the maintenance personnel through the monster pile.

If the current situation continues, the energy shield of the Shaojiang Kai frigate will be broken again in less than ten minutes.

Just when everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pot but could not come up with an effective countermeasure, the captain of the battleship, Hruni Yang, proposed an almost risky plan.

He decided to let the battleship descend and fly close to the canopy of the gray fog forest. In this way, at least one-third of the volume, including the bottom of the battleship, would sink into the thick gray fog.

These biological weapons will only attack targets outside the dense fog, and ignore the intruders who plunge into the dense fog. This conclusion has been drawn by Hruni since he just observed the battle process of the carrier-based aircraft: Several carrier-based aircraft were forced to get into the thick fog in order to get rid of the biological weapons chasing behind them. When these carrier-based aircraft got into the thick fog, the creatures that were clinging to the behind of the carrier-based aircraft were The weapon will immediately give up pursuit and attack other targets.

Although most of the carrier-based aircraft that got into the thick fog never flew out of the fog again, there were still a few lucky ones who successfully returned to the battlefield.

According to the reports of the pilots of these few carrier-based aircraft, they were not attacked again after they rushed into the thick fog. The only danger was that it was difficult to determine their altitude in the thick fog. If they were not careful, they would be killed. It will hit the tree canopy and destroy the aircraft and kill everyone... Those carrier-based aircraft that failed to fly out of the thick fog basically crashed in this way.

But warships are different. The structure of a warship is not as fragile as a carrier-based aircraft. Even if the belly of the warship flies against the tree canopy, it can last for a long time.

Hruni's idea is simple - sinking one-third of the ship's hull into the thick fog can greatly reduce the area of ​​​​the battleship that is attacked, the defense pressure will be greatly reduced, and the energy shield can last longer. .

This effect is far better than relying on the firepower and hull of other warships for physical assistance, and most of the damaged parts of the hull are at the bottom. If these breaches are sunk into the thick fog, it will avoid more damage. Biological weapons invaded the interior of the battleship.

Relying on this opportunity, you can find a way to concentrate your efforts, first clear out the biological weapons that have invaded the interior of the battleship, then repair the damaged propeller hull, wait until the battleship's condition is restored, and then pursue the fleet ahead at full speed.

This plan is very risky, but it is the only way for this battleship to survive at the moment.

In just a few seconds, this plan was unanimously approved by all the officers on the bridge - instead of waiting for the energy shield to explode again and the battleship to be sunk by these monsters, it is better to take a gamble and sink the battleship directly into the dense atmosphere. In the fog.

Anyway, if you lose the bet, the worst thing you can do is crash, but if you bet correctly, it can give all the officers and soldiers on the ship a glimmer of hope.

The battleship was switched to manual operation mode. The helmsman held the joystick with both hands, stared at the altitude indicator, and pressed the joystick down little by little.

But just when the bottom of the battleship came into contact with the thick fog above the tree canopy, the data on the altitude indicator became confused. One moment it jumped to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and the next moment it turned directly into a negative number - Shaojiang-class Most of the frigate's external sensors for the altitude indicator are installed at the bottom of the hull. The moment these sensors were submerged in the thick fog, they all failed. Fortunately, this helmsman can be considered a veteran with rich practical experience. The panic in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and he used both arms to pull up the sinking joystick.

Even though the distance between the tree canopy and the ground is still one or two hundred meters, for a warship of this size and speed, this height is no different from flying close to the ground. If the inclination of the hull is slightly wrong, the entire warship will be destroyed in the next second. It will hit the ground head first.

The Shaojiang Kai frigate was also flying at a speed several times exceeding the safe speed limit for ultra-low-altitude flight. The warship had just been lifted up to a distance of more than ten meters, and before it even completely got rid of the thick fog below, it slowly sank again. Go down.

This time, the helmsman is experienced - he no longer relies on the altitude indicator as a benchmark to control the rise and fall, but turns on the laser rangefinder, which is often used when warships enter the port and line up, and use the fleet flagship Forged Hammer ahead. As a marker, the Shaojiang Kai always maintains a height that allows the thick fog to cover most of the hull, but does not lose balance and hit the ground.

As for the other damaged high-speed support ship, it was not so lucky. Although they also followed the same example, lowering the height of the battleship and trying to avoid the attacks of most biological weapons by sinking into the thick fog. However, the experience of the helmsman of this high-speed support ship is obviously not as sophisticated as that of the Shaojiang modified frigate. Moreover, because the warship itself is a light high-speed warship, the damage to the propeller part is not as serious as that of the Shaojiang modified frigate, and the speed is even higher. A little faster than Shaojiang Reform. At the moment when the bottom sank into thick fog and the altitude indicator failed, the high-speed support ship did not have time to pull up the bow in time and fell directly to the ground.

The violent explosions and soaring flames made Ke Lan and Mo Jue, who were watching the video, hold their breaths - the hull of the high-speed support ship was directly broken into five pieces, and the bow part that hit the bottom was severely compressed, and the battleship Explosions continued to come from inside, and the disintegrated parts were flying everywhere. Some even flew in front of the Shaojiang Kai, and were instantly melted into bright metal jets by the energy shield of the Shaojiang Kai. Then it is evaporated by high temperature.

Thanks to the Gray Mist Forest, we were able to repair this high-speed support ship and blast it into this state... We can send it directly to the scrap metal recycling station without having to dismantle the ship. Ke Lan complained.

When they were bombed in the glade previously, in addition to the Shaojiang Kai frigate, the high-speed support ship named Genoa was also suspended in the air. However, judging from the degree of damage on the outside, Genoa Hao is much more serious than Shaojiang Reform.

Especially the bow, which was originally at least 120 meters long and used to eject carrier-based aircraft, was squeezed to less than half its length... Fortunately, the bridge belongs to the entire battleship. The damage to the place with the strongest protection was not serious, so the central control computer of the high-speed support ship should also have been preserved.

After emptying out the data in the central control computer of the Shaojiang Kai frigate, Ke Lan planned to explore the Genoa - based on the crash scene he saw on the Blasphemer, Genoa The location of the second crash of No. 1 is not too far from here.

The Shaojiang Kai frigate crashed due to the explosion of the plasma main gun, and the already pineapple-like Genoa was shot down by those biological weapons... If the bridge part of the ship landed If the impact was not severe, the central control computer of the Genoa might still be powered on.

Then Ke Lan will have the opportunity to obtain a relatively complete data.

After nearly half of the Shaojiang Kai frigate sank into the thick fog, the pressure from the outside world suddenly decreased - the turrets at the bottom of the ship were destroyed to pieces, and the firepower was far less than its full strength, while the ship The turrets and weapons above the body are relatively well preserved. Relying on the thick fog, Shaojiang Kai successfully hid its weak points and at the same time reduced the attack surface by nearly half.

According to C.I.C.'s calculations, the energy shield can last at least twenty-five minutes in its current state! Hruni's adjutant reported to him.

That's good, everyone, except the helmsman, fire control and radar, all get their weapons. The CIC only has the minimum manpower left to prepare to clear the cabin occupied by the indigenous creatures! Hruni took the hand from the adjutant on the side. The assault rifle that came over had a military powered exoskeleton on its body.

The remaining Marines were crowded in the corridor leading to the occupied cabin. Dozens of black guns were pointing at the crumbling air-tight door. No one dared to take a breath.

Everyone's fingers are firmly on the trigger. At this time, even the instructors here will not accuse these soldiers of gold fingers... Although maintaining this position for a long time can easily lead to misfire, but no one knows. When will the airtight door in front of me collapse?

The brief moment when your index finger moves from the trigger guard to the trigger may determine life or death.

Captain Hruni entered the corridor with a group of fully armed officers, civilian soldiers and logistics damage control personnel. The originally crowded space was suddenly filled with people - now, the entire Shaojiang modified frigate can fight Most of the people are concentrated here.

Captain, I just did a count. Counting the Marines and the lightly wounded at the end, we only have ninety-seven people in total. The adjutant hesitated for a moment and then said, According to the surveillance inside the ship, the invading battleship There are about two hundred indigenous creatures.

Relying on the advantage of weapons, one on two, it should be no problem. Hruni frowned, holding an arm shield connected to the exoskeleton in his left hand, and holding a rifle with a bayonet in his right hand.

At this time, even if there is a problem, he can only say that there is no problem. No matter it is the Shaojiang modified frigate or the people on this ship, there is no other choice.

Bridge central control, look at my signal, prepare... The adjutant nodded and raised his fisted left hand, Three, two, the hatch!

Crack! The severely deformed airtight door got stuck halfway through opening, and terrifying faces immediately appeared in everyone's field of vision, even though the hatch was only opened to a width less than a mile. There was a gap of 3 meters, but the giant ghost-faced owl at the other end still crazily squeezed through the gap and pounced on everyone.


In fact, there was no need for Hruni to give orders at all. When the first ghost-faced giant came over, the Marines in the front row had already pulled the trigger with their numb index fingers.

Gunshots suddenly rang out in the corridor.

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