Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 76 Recorder

Before the giant cocoon was completed, the explosives and incendiary bombs set by Ke Lan on the corpse were triggered. A dull explosion sounded underwater. The shock wave instantly tore away the tentacles wrapped around the corpse, and then it burned violently. metal flame.

Those tentacles that came into contact with the flames turned into black charcoal in the blink of an eye, but what made Ke Lan feel a little pity was that the flames did not spread to the tentacles themselves. These tiny tentacles are very dangerous to things in the abyss. It's just like human hair.

The sudden explosion obviously angered the tentacles, and the front end of one tentacle suddenly cracked open, forming a huge mouth filled with dense teeth.

The huge mouth bit the burning corpse in one go. Although it was too far away to hear clearly, Ke Lan could definitely imagine the sound - it was made when tens of thousands of teeth and reinforced fiber fabrics rubbed against each other. That kind of heart-wrenching voice made Ke Lan feel a thick layer of goosebumps all over his body just thinking about it.

Two seconds, only two seconds, the deep diving suit on the body was chopped into pieces... Although this deep diving suit is not as good as the one worn by Ke Lan, it is still made of military grade bulletproof Made of fiber, the inner layer is layered with flame-retardant nylon and metal mesh, plus a reinforced skeleton mixed with Nino alloy. Even the high-yield explosives set by Ke Lan could not destroy it, but after Under this huge mouth, it is as fragile as a piece of low-quality toilet paper.

Fortunately, what the Pioneer encountered was a deep-sea giant eel. If it were the thing in front of them, Zofia and the others might not even have the chance to send out a distress signal.

Most of the bottom of the abyss is still hidden in darkness, but judging from the size of these tentacles, the size of the fusion is definitely no less than a behemoth like the Thunder Beast.

Only one of this kind of creature is enough to fight against a full combat fleet. As for ordinary soldiers, they are just like worms shaking a tree. More than 99% of individual weapons cannot penetrate their skin. , causing even a little bit of substantial harm.


Ke Lan has turned off his searchlight. At this moment, the fusion body's attention has been attracted by the exploding corpse. Taking advantage of this opportunity, maybe he can escape from this abyss...

Carefully checking the propellers on his body, Ke Lan found that exactly half of the twenty-eight sets of propellers had been destroyed in the maelstrom just now, leaving fourteen sets. Ke Lan tried to restart it, and nine sets of propellers rotated again. got up, while the other five groups showed no reaction.

The exterior looks intact, but the internal motor structure has been damaged.

Except for two sets of thrusters that are in opposite directions and cannot be adjusted, the maneuverability of the deep-diving suit is only reduced to a quarter. In addition, in order not to disturb the fusion body below, Ke Lan has to keep the thrusters as stable as possible. In the mute state, the power cannot be fully turned on.

The speed at which he is rising is as slow as a snail climbing a tree...

Faster... faster...

One of the two searchlights on the corpse was bitten into pieces, and the other drifted away far away. With this light, Ke Lan could still vaguely see the tentacles eating the crushed bones.

A full minute passed before Ke Lan floated up less than ten meters. Fortunately, the fusion body didn't seem to notice him...

I'm desperate. No creature can leave the hatchery alive except the fusion itself... The record-like voice sounded again.

The reason why I can still record here... is because I was treated as a food reserve by the fusion body...

Its tentacles penetrated my body, and I couldn't move. These tentacles secrete a toxin, which is eating away at my nerve center...

I don't know how long I can hold on...

A devotee warrior who had received the priest's blessing broke free. They have genes from the true god in their bodies. The neurotoxins of the fusion body are ineffective against them... But he failed to escape. He was less than twenty years away from the exit. meters, the fusion's tentacles grabbed him.

When his body returned to the lower level of the hatchery, it had turned into a pile of indescribable things... The fusion's IQ was not lower than ours. It could have killed him long ago, but it seemed to prefer to play with it. prey……

They also have the bloodline from the true god, and the fusion body is more powerful than the devotee...

It can also evolve... We are not just food, we are also providers of heterogeneous genes. The more species it devours, the stronger it becomes...

The experiment did not fail. It was a great success. We are willing to dedicate everything to the true God...

It's over, it's finally over...

If Alpha language also has the concept of tune, these recordings should all come from the same Alpha star. His identity should be the recorder of this fusion experiment, although Ke Lan doesn't know why his records came to him. memory, but this information is very likely to be true.

Then the context of the whole thing is very clear: the Alpha aliens were cultivating a brand new creature in this hatchery, but for some reason, they got away with it, and the thing they cultivated was the fusion at the bottom of the abyss. Body, out of control, it killed all the Alphas in the hatchery and turned them into its own food.

But what made Ke Lan a little uneasy was that the recorder mentioned that the fusion body had the habit of playing with its prey. Could that be...

He didn't dare to continue imagining it. The last bright searchlight was extinguished, and the abyss returned to boundless darkness and silence.

Among these records, there is very little information related to the fusion body. It can be seen that even the Alpha aliens have not been able to tame the monster they created. So, can humans... be able to kill it?

The propeller blades kept turning, leading Ke Lan to rise slowly. He put his arms in front of his chest and remained motionless, just like a rotten tree trunk sinking into the sea.

He wanted to pray, but he didn't know what to pray to - those religions that originated from the earth were undoubtedly ignorant in Ke Lan's eyes. In the old era, those believers were even arguing about whether the earth was round or square, but Now, humans have long been away from the Milky Way by countless light years...

As for the true god mentioned by the Alpha Planet, that is even less reliable. Let's not talk about whether it will protect heresies from the earth like ourselves. You must know that no devotee warrior with the so-called true god blood has been able to escape, not to mention that the thing underneath also has something from that bloodline. True God gene.

I don’t know what the “true god” worshiped by the Alpha Planet is. Could it be that it is also a huge tentacle monster?

I wonder if it tastes good when used to make grilled squid...

At this moment, Ke Lan suddenly heard a soft beep sound - the micro sonar that had an unknown malfunction before returned to normal at this time!

I haven't prayed yet, why did a miracle suddenly happen?

However, half a second later, the half-smile on Ke Lan's face froze - according to the image returned by the micro-sonar, there were six tentacles from the bottom of the abyss around Ke Lan, and these tentacles were quietly moving Silence has formed a cage with a diameter of more than ten meters, trapping Ke Lan in the middle...

That thing discovered him from the beginning... As the Alpha star said: It seems to prefer playing with its prey...

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