Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 70 Underwater Lost City (Part 1)

The engine on the back of the deep diving suit began to make a subtle buzzing sound, and the air in the airbags on both sides was expelled at an even speed. As the buoyancy decreased, Ke Lan began to slowly sink to the depths.

Beep - the first communication test starts now.

Liao Zilang gently moved his arm to distance himself from Ke Lan, and the communication signal between the two began to weaken rapidly in the process. Until about twenty-five meters away, only the The sizzling noise of electricity.

At the end of the test, at a water depth of ten meters, the maximum distance of the AF-6 single-to-single communicator is twenty-two meters.

The AF-6 type is the most powerful portable wireless communication equipment they can purchase. On the land of Alpha Star, without strong interference sources and without the use of communication base stations, the maximum one-to-one communication distance can reach a thousand More than four hundred meters, but underwater, this distance is compressed to only twenty-two meters.

Electromagnetic waves will be severely attenuated in water, and the seawater on Alpha Star contains a lot of radiation interference. It is already very difficult to achieve the figure of twenty-two meters.

As for acoustic communication equipment, it will also be affected. For example, the micro sonar carried by Ke Lan has an effective distance of only about one hundred meters. This is why they chose the number one hundred meters for the test diving depth.

Liao Zilang swam over and gave Ke Lan an everything is normal gesture, and the two began to continue diving.

Less and less light can penetrate the sea water, and the surrounding environment is already pitch black.

Neither Ke Lan nor Liao Zilang turned on the lighting equipment. In this environment, the light source is too eye-catching and can easily attract hunters who are very sensitive to light. Although darkness is full of unknown dangers, it is also can be their disguise.

Of course, they still carry lighting equipment, but this equipment is not hand-held. This method is too dangerous and is equivalent to actively exposing their position. The correct way to use it is to use compressed air to eject the flares. , when necessary, it can even attract the attention of sea beasts in this way, so as to wait for an opportunity to escape.

However, the lack of light does not mean that Ke Lan has become completely blind. Under water, hearing is far more important than vision...

The miniature sonar hanging on the belt emits ultrasonic waves in all directions every three seconds, and by analyzing the received echoes, the surrounding environment is depicted on Ke Lan's eyepiece with a three-dimensional image. But so far, Surrounded by seawater, the only abnormal object was Liao Zilang, who was diving with Ke Lan.

It's eighty meters deep. How are you doing? Ke Lan asked Liao Zilang. Although the other party was not wearing a fully enclosed helmet, he relied on an improved underwater throat microphone to pass through the throat bone even without opening his mouth. vibration to complete the communication.

Fortunately, I can't feel the water pressure at all. Liao Zilang's head was down, his arms were close to both sides of his body, and his legs together were swinging up and down like the tail fins of fish - unlike Ke Lan who needed help External force, for him, whether he is floating up or down, is as if there is no resistance. His body is like a part of the sea water, and the sea water is an extension of his body.

Ninety meters. Ke Lan glanced at the depth gauge and began to fill the air bag with gas. Only by keeping gravity and buoyancy in a relatively balanced state could he maintain a stable depth in the water.

Did you find anything? Liao Zilang swam behind Ke Lan, and then grabbed the shoulder buckle of the deep diving suit - although this was far from his limit, out of caution, he had to try his best to The deep diving suit is driven by a propeller anyway, so as long as the crystals are not used up, the power will never run out.

No, the sonar didn't scan anything. It's still a long way from the seabed. Ke Lan stared at the image in front of him and said, Now let's start the second step and explore the horizontal layer.

I felt a little uncomfortable today, and I had some issues. In the end, I only managed half a chapter. The missing half will be filled in tomorrow. I couldn't stay up late due to physical reasons, so I went to bed first. I hope everyone can understand.

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