Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 642 Blood of the True God

Chapter 642 Blood of True God

Is there an ace pilot sealed inside every mass-produced mecha as a living CPU...

There are two main sources of living CPUs. One is people who are seriously injured and dying on the battlefield and cannot be saved even by the most advanced medical cabins. The other is people who have committed serious crimes and were originally sentenced to death or sentenced to death. Exiled a sense, they have made the best use of their resources.

Make the best use of everything... If it were me, I would rather eat peanuts... Ke Lan thought to himself.

Before these mass-produced Fallen Angel mechas could successfully land, the original erosion seeds had already launched an attack on them - the original erosion seeds that had originally split into two bodies had now merged into one, and although their size was larger than the ones they had just taken from the ground It was a little smaller when it came out from underneath, but the tentacles were no longer in the translucent state like molluscs before, but instead had a texture similar to metal.

INIT type erosion seed No. 4 individual, according to the information available, it can absorb metal elements in the earth's crust and use it to strengthen its own body... (P.S. INIT type is the abbreviation of initial, which means initial, initial.)

Wait a minute...Individual No. 4? Is this the fourth primitive erosion seed you have discovered? Ke Lan couldn't help but ask.

It's not important... Anyway, individuals No. 1 to 3 have been confirmed dead and will not pose a threat to the Ark and humans... By the way, are you coveting the blood of gods in their bodies? the intelligence dealer asked meaningfully.

No. Ke Lan denied.

It's a good thing to desire power, as long as... you are sure you can afford the price.

I saw those mass-produced fallen angels relying on their high-power jets to easily dodge the tentacles' attacks. They even landed directly on the back of the tentacles, inserted the sharp blades in their hands, and then ran all the way down. , a huge gap opened up on the surface of the tentacle.

These mass-produced fallen angels are equipped with two melee weapons. In addition to the heavy armor-piercing sword that is the same as the Blasphemer mecha, they are also equipped with a sword that is thinner than the armor-piercing sword. A long black sword that is long but extremely bloated at the handle. The end of the sword is covered with thick armor from the guard to the handle. More than a dozen hoses extend from under the armor to Inside a metal can carried on the back of the machine.

Rather than saying this is a sword, it is more appropriate to say it is a syringe - this thing is an improved version of the Ronin team's sword. Due to the increased weight, the mass-produced fallen angels can carry flesh-eating worms. The dose of active cells is much greater than that of the ronin who put mobility first, and the continuous combat capability is naturally not comparable to that of the ronin team.

The fighting method of these mass-produced fallen angels is extremely simple. First, the heavy armor-piercing sword cuts the surface of the tentacles with one cut, and uses the energy shield wrapped on the blade to roast all the tissues in contact into charcoal. Then, while the first cut is made, Before the wound was completely healed, he pierced the syringe sword in his other hand directly into the wildly growing granulation bush. High-concentration venom spurted out from the small holes in the sword body along the pipe, and penetrated in the blink of an eye. Deep inside the body of the Seed of Corrosion.

When Ke Lan and the others finally landed on the ground, a six-kilometer-long tentacle fell from the air and hit the ground heavily.

Fortunately, Valentina had already pulled the body off the ground in advance to avoid the incoming shock wave - on the other hand, the wreckage of an armored vehicle not far away was directly shaken into the air more than ten meters above the ground and was blown away. Penetrated by a top-down laser beam.

Ke Lan didn't know if there were any surviving passengers in the wreckage of the armored vehicle - but even if there were, the people inside were probably killed by the shock at the moment they were blown away. What the laser could do It just evaporates the lifeless corpse.

I'm going to die... I'm afraid even the people on the Ark can feel the shock of this battle. Leighton muttered softly.

One of the tentacles of that giant erosion seed was 'solved'. Ivan said with some disbelief, That tentacle has lost its ability to move... Its internal organization is collapsing, and it is necrotic from the inside out. and corruption… which are the hallmarks of complete inactivation!”

To inactivate such a large much active cells would be needed? Even the usually calm Thirty-Three couldn't help but sigh.

How... was this done? Ke Lan asked the information dealer.

Actually, the injection volume of active cells is not as large as you think... as long as the key locations are found correctly.

Key position?

Yes, because the body is too large, in addition to the 'true core', the original erosion seed also has countless 'pseudo-cores' throughout the body. It is precisely for this reason that this guy has split The ability. The relationship between the 'eukaryote' and the 'pseudo-nucleus' in his body is equivalent to the main reactor and the secondary reactor on the Ark... except that the drop of real blood of God can only be found in the eukaryote. .

Injecting the active cells of the flesh-eating worm into those 'pseudo-nuclei' can destroy that part of its body?

Yes, but don't think that you can kill it in this way - as long as the true core is intact, those damaged limbs will be able to regenerate quickly. The only function of destroying the 'pseudo-core' is to temporarily restrict it. It’s just action.”

Ke Lan wanted to ask the information dealer more questions, but Layton howled as if he had discovered a new world: Damn it! Only now can I see clearly that all the mechas dropped by the air are all It’s a fucking fallen angel mecha! The Ark actually has so many fallen angel mechas? Did they dig up an Alpha arsenal?”

According to the information I just received, those machines are mass-produced Fallen Angels imitated by Ark, and are not the creation of Alpha Civilization, Ke Lan said.

Imitation? Has our technological level reached that level? Leighton was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, No, isn't the technology of neural connection still in the experimental stage? You want to tell me the experimental body If you can do this, I won’t believe it even if you beat me to death!”

It is precisely because the neural connection technology has not matured that the pilots of these mass-produced Fallen Angels... are all living dead. Ke Lan hesitated for a moment, but still told Layton the truth, These pilots are the body's The living CPU has been completely integrated with the mecha.

It's really a cruel and familiar style... Thirty-three sighed imperceptibly.

It's cruel... but it's also cool. If I can still retain my clear self-awareness as a living CPU, then I would like to try to accept such a transformation. Layton's eyes were full of obsession, The suffering of flesh and blood, Mechanical ascension...

Stop dreaming. If existing technology allows you to achieve mechanical ascension, we won't be forced into this predicament by the legacy of a civilization that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. Ivan patted his hand. Shoulders, said.

Sigh...I was just thinking about it.

The dozen or so mass-produced fallen angels knocked down the second and third tentacles like chopping melons and vegetables. During the entire battle, the original erosion seeds failed to cause even the slightest damage to them.

Ke Lan suddenly felt that the name Blasphemer Mecha was probably not chosen randomly by the Alpha people...especially when it was used in such an occasion.

There is real blood of God in the body of the original erosion seed, but the power of this blood is no match for these mortal creations... At this moment, the title of Blasphemer is suddenly full of a sense of fate. .

But just when everyone thought that the mass-produced Fallen Angels team had a winning chance, three machines suddenly stopped and froze in place. Not long after, they were smashed to pieces by the tentacles that attacked quickly.

What's going on? Is the energy exhausted? Or is there a malfunction in the machine?

This is a normal phenomenon. The intelligence dealer replied, The mass-produced Fallen Angels are originally semi-finished products, and the service life of the living CPU is limited... On weekdays, they are sealed in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius. In the cabin, in this state, living CPUs can be preserved for more than 150 years. But once awakened, their remaining lifespan will be shortened to anywhere from ten to tens of minutes, which is why the crew has no choice. One of the reasons to throw them into battle in the first place.”

In other words, these mass-produced fallen angels are essentially disposable consumables just like the drone troops?

Yes, in Ark's internal directory, they belong to the same directory as unmanned weapons. The intelligence dealer said in a somewhat cold tone, These mechas will not become biological CPUs just because they have one more. Manned weapons.”


But you can rest assured that this mass-produced fallen angel is enough to eliminate this original corrosive seed before all the machines are shut down, but...

Just what? Ke Lan asked immediately.

The final blow must be completed by you. The intelligence dealer said, They will help you tear open the body of the original erosion seed and expose its 'true core'. All you have to do is use the living armor to destroy the true core. , absorb the drop of God's blood inside. Remember, God's blood must not spill out... Once it spills, all living things within a few hundred kilometers will be 'contaminated'.


Radioactive ore can release huge energy, and it can also release deadly radiation... and the energy contained in this thing is many times stronger than radioactive ore, and the degree of danger is naturally the highest. said the intelligence dealer. , Among the few 'decoded' records of Alpha Civilization, there was a record of a pollution incident caused by the leakage of God's blood. The specific details... I personally recommend that you read it while dining.

Is it a good meal? Ke Lan subconsciously thought of the final BOSS in the virtual trial program, the Crown of Ashes. According to the text description of the trial mission, that thing should have absorbed a full 700 units of God's blood. It has evolved into a metamorphosis creature that can devour the planet... This ability has surpassed all known prehistoric species.

The Crown of Ashes could even pose a direct threat to Alpha Star, so much so that the Alpha people had to use Annihilation Bombs and Star Destroyer Weapons to destroy it.

The most important thing is that if the pollution spreads here, Layton and others will definitely not be able to survive. Doesn't that mean that Ke Lan needs to kill his companions...

I understand. Ke Lan nodded.

What do you understand? Thirty-three glanced at Ke Lan, Are you talking to the person on the other end of the phone?

Well, there is a new mission. Ke Lan responded.

What new mission? Don't tell me it's to protect those mass-produced fallen angels - on this battlefield, except for Valentina's fallen angel mecha, which can go in for two turns, everyone else will die if they enter. ! Layton said.

We not only have to fight in, but we also have to kill that big guy. Ke Lan said, Don't worry, those mass-produced fallen angels will help us clear the way.

Get rid of that big guy...Wait a minute? The big guy you are talking about is the giant corrosive seed? A look of astonishment suddenly appeared on Layton's face, This...this is the meeting of the undead crew. The new mission assigned to us? Did they get the point wrong? The most critical issue right now is how to get rid of 'Alexander', rather than dealing with that corrosive seed - compared with Alexander, that one The Corrosion Seed is just a cute little pet octopus!

The ultimate goal is of course to kill Alexander, but there is a key prop in the 'cute little octopus'.

Damn... Although I don't know what the crew members think, but they must be crazy! Layton shook his head vigorously, Damn it, I must be crazy too - you go first Hurry over there, I’ll be right back!”

With that said, Layton jumped off the back of the Blasphemer mecha and ran towards an airdrop pod not far away that smashed into the ground more than half a meter deep.

In the early days of the Battle of the Ancient Copper City Ruins, the Air Force fleet airdropped many mechas for use by ground troops into and around the ruins. However, the fighters who could drive these mechas had already lost all their casualties, and most of them were loaded with The airdrop pods of the spare mechas were also crushed into scrap metal, leaving only a handful of airdrop pods that survived.

Layton knew very well that without Augustus, it would be difficult for him to play any role in the next battle with his body, which was not a high level of transformation - but if he could get a machine If A, the situation will be completely different. Whether it was fire support or personnel transportation, or even blocking other people's guns, the thick body was much stronger than his own body.

Huh... Why does it feel like I'm opening a blind box? God bless me, don't open an old antique that is about to be retired... Layton rubbed his hands, grabbed the valve of the airdrop cabin, and pushed hard change.

A pitch-black four-meter humanoid mecha appeared in front of him.

The AMX-95 'Black Armored Warrior' produced by Ye's... is not bad, it is not the first prize, but at least it is a main model that can be ranked among the top ten in active use...

Layton quickly checked the status of the aircraft, then opened the cockpit and sat in.

At this time, at the other end of the battlefield, the Blasphemer had already led Ke Lan and others into the battle area between the Fallen Angel Team and the Original Seed of Corrosion——

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20210412085230416 for the 100 starting coins. 】

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