Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 640 Escape from Alexandria

The aviation-class energy shield was like paper in front of this beam of light. It was melted away at the moment of collision. The ship's body, which was more than a kilometer long, was first cut into two halves lengthwise. , and then suddenly exploded and disintegrated. Countless burning wreckage fell from the sky, dragging out thick smoke pillars in the air.

It's so powerful that it can kill even an aircraft carrier battleship in an instant... What kind of weapon is that? Layton was already stunned - you know, even the main gun of the Ark or the death ray cannon of the Alpha Civilization cannot be so simple. Split an aircraft carrier battleship in half with its shield and shield, but the seemingly insignificant beam of light just now did it...

If the aircraft carrier battleship was replaced by an ark... Layton couldn't help but picture a huge round cake cut into more than a dozen pieces with a few knives...

If Alexander could cross the White Ridge Mountains, the Ark would probably turn into the cream cake in this imaginary picture...

At this moment, the platform under everyone's feet suddenly split into several pieces. Unprepared, several soldiers and an armored vehicle just above the crack fell directly from an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters.

Fortunately, the power armor on these soldiers was equipped with parachute bags. After a brief panic, these soldiers who had lost their footing and fallen had already adjusted their body balance in the air and opened their paragliders.

However, before they could float far in the air, several laser beams shot from Alexander had already caught up with them and hit them accurately.

The anti-aircraft device of the ruins is still operating! the commander of the mobile unit shouted, As soon as we leave the range of this platform, we will be attacked!

At this time, the copper pillar located in the center of the platform has retracted into Alexander's body, and even the prophet's true body has disappeared from everyone's sight. In this way, anyone who wants to stop Alexander by killing the prophet's true body The possibility is basically cut off.

And from the fact that various parts of Alexander's body are still constantly deforming and reorganizing, it can be seen that the ceremony led by the prophet has not ended yet, and the current Alexander may not be considered a complete body.

At least leave this place first, otherwise I'm afraid we will all be built into this big guy's body in the end! Ke Lan said to others - not only the field army soldiers who invaded the ruins, but also those who blocked them inside the ruins Members of the heretical sect were also used as sacrifices for Alexander.

Ke Lan watched helplessly as a B-type mutant ran wildly on the street, and was suddenly swept up by the raised floorboard, crushing it into a pulp... Although it was not completely dead at this time, it had already lost its resistance. The ability was quickly sucked into a crack.

Ke Lan felt as if he could hear the sound of flesh and bones being crushed and broken by hard gears. The flesh and blood of the sacrifices were collected by mechanical pipes onto the platform they were on now, and then along the gaps and gaps in the platform. The edge fell from the sky and showered on Alexander's majestic body.

The God of Machinery awakens from the blood, and the light of divine judgment will punish all heretics in the world and spread His will to every corner of the planet... Ancient prayers written in Alpha script continued to echo in Ke Lan's mind. It echoed in my mind that although the people on the Ark called the prophet and his men a heretic sect, in the eyes of Alexander, these outsiders from distant galaxies were the heretics who really needed to be judged.

How to leave? Layton looked around in confusion, There is no way to go!

They could not return to the tower through the original route. The only way to leave the platform was to jump off the platform, but in this case, they would be immediately targeted by Alexander's anti-aircraft firepower...

Can we slowly crawl down this guy's body? Thirty-three said, As long as we don't leave the surface of its body, we shouldn't attract those laser attacks.

This is indeed the only way out. Ivan nodded, But the premise is that there will not be a crack or a high-speed rotating gear under your feet during the climb...

That's better than waiting to die here! Layton took a deep breath and guided Augustus to the edge of the platform.

But he just glanced down, and a gasp came from the communication channel.

Ke Lan had already observed Alexander's torso before Leighton. It can be said that the body of this God of Machinery is full of fatal mechanisms. If you want to climb down from it, the difficulty may be as difficult as the perverted version of Cat Leo is comparable.

But as Ivan said, this is their only escape route.

The platform that had been broken into several pieces suddenly sank, and a huge shadow suddenly enveloped everyone on the platform. Everyone immediately looked up and saw that at some point, the part of the ancient Bronze City ruins that had sunk underground had flipped up, and was obviously trying to snap onto Alexander's torso.

And the platform they are standing on now is obviously one of the connections between these two parts.

If they continue to stay on the platform, the fate waiting for them is to be sandwiched inside by this alloy body weighing billions of tons. As for whether there will be a gap that can accommodate people after the two parts are fastened together, No one dares to bet.

Fuck! Everyone, get out of here! Without saying a word, Leighton directly grabbed the edge of the platform and swung Augustus's body out.

Everyone, get off the platform immediately and descend to the ground!

Ke Lan, Ze Luo, Asano Akira, Ivan and the thirty-three-five people jumped directly on the back of the Blasphemer - although the Blasphemer mecha itself does not have an external manned device, but it is together with the machine body. Also delivered was a set of custom-made nested outer armor. This outer armor has many hidden pull tabs for people to climb on... The guys in the equipment department obviously considered the current need to let the mecha act as a weapon. Special conditions of transport.

The power of the Blasphemer's body is much stronger than that of Augustus. It does not even need to borrow force from the edge of the platform. It can move in the air in a short time only by relying on its own thrusters and anti-gravity devices—— While Augustus was still moving inward little by little along the cracks in the platform, the Blasphemer mecha was already clinging to Alexander's torso, falling downwards at a speed that was very close to free fall.

Pay attention to the distance, maintain the current state, and don't be more than 20 meters away from Alexander! Ke Lan shouted, I would rather hit Alexander than pull too far away! So far, I have never seen those anti-aircraft lasers miss the mark. !”

He squatted on the head of the blasphemer, holding the pull ring at his feet tightly with one hand, and holding a strangely shaped shield made of living armor with the other hand - this shield could not only help the blasphemer The mecha corrects the gas flow on the body surface, allowing Valentina to more smoothly control the body's posture during high-speed landing. It can also be used to protect other people on the mecha's back from falling rocks from the sky. of blow.

The torso that rose up from the ground was accompanied by a large amount of rocks and soil. With the movement of the mechanical body, the rocks and soil attached to it began to separate and fall off - although compared with Alexander's huge body, this rockfall was small. It's like shaking off dandruff from the hair, but for Ke Lan and the others, the smallest falling rock is almost the size of a ten-person dining table. If it is rubbed by this thing, it will be seriously injured even if it is not dead. .

In just these ten seconds, several mobile troop soldiers wearing power armor were unfortunately hit by falling rocks and fell out. Fortunately, they were unconscious the moment they were hit by the boulders, and were hit by lasers. When it hits, the whole person and armor are vaporized in an instant, and they basically don't feel any pain.

Move one hundred and fifty meters to the left! Zeluo suddenly said. Valentina felt her head shake suddenly. It seemed that another consciousness had taken over her body, controlling the Blasphemer mecha. Shengchi flew a long distance to the left.

The next moment, on the original descent route, a giant gear with a diameter of more than three hundred meters suddenly emerged from Alexander's body, and meshed with a gear set hanging from the top of an upside-down tower.

If the Blasphemer hadn't moved left in time, I'm afraid he would have hit this gear firmly by now.

Ze Luo! You can foresee the changes in Alexander's torso, right? Ke Lan asked loudly.

I can predict the flow of energy, but it's not 100% accurate. Ze Luo replied.

That's enough, Ke Lan nodded to her, and then said to Valentina, Zeluo will tie you to her consciousness, try not to resist, she will tell you what to do next. How to do it!

Yeah. Valentina gritted her teeth and responded somewhat dullly. Although this feeling of sharing a body with another consciousness is extremely weird, for her, as long as everyone can leave here alive, she will not hesitate at all even if she has to be sacrificed, let alone sharing. What about the body?

With the addition of Ze Luo, the movement trajectory of the Blasphemer Mecha suddenly became extremely strange. However, these high-frequency turns and changes in direction not only allowed the Blasphemer Mecha to avoid all obstacles and obstacles on the descent path. The traps and even the falling rocks that hit Ke Lan's shield suddenly became much less numerous.

Ke Lan suddenly thought that if he really let Ze Luo, a physics plug-in, participate in the mecha competition before, probably no human pilot could survive the three moves under her hands, right?

No... three moves are not needed at all. In a one-on-one situation, this girl can probably defeat the enemy with one move.

Leiton, there are others, follow us closely! With Zeluo's guidance, our route is safe for the time being! Ke Lan said in the all-staff communication channel, except that in addition to being equipped with a laser communication device Except for Augustus, everyone else's radio communications were extremely seriously interfered with, and they could not hear what Ke Lan said at all.

Layton heard it, but looking at the complex movement pattern of the Blasphemer mecha below, he could only curse a few curse words silently in his heart——

Ke Lan, you, your speed is really too fast, I can't keep up. He forced himself to follow for a while. Not only was he unable to avoid the falling rocks above his head, but he was also hit by a sharp point protruding from the surface of Alexander's body. The thorn cut off a right arm and a jet thruster on the right side of the backpack. Augustus, who lost his balance, suddenly hit the surface of Alexander's body and turned several somersaults. The originally beautiful silver-white outer armor had long since become pitted, and the exposed mechanical skeleton and cable lines were emitting large clusters of sparks. Fortunately, Augustus's body performance was still very good, and they were all damaged like this. , but still forcefully asked Layton to adjust the posture of the machine back.

After narrowly avoiding a tenon nearly 100 meters high, Augustus's descent speed suddenly slowed down, and Layton's somewhat hesitant voice rang through the communication channel: How about you guys leave quickly? Leave me alone, I can still help you block the rocks from up there...

You'd better shut up. Ke Lan replied immediately. The next second, two tail flames dozens of meters long suddenly shot out from behind the blasphemer, which was still falling. The stone flew up and caught the remains of Augustus.

Augustus is a six-meter humanoid mecha. When he is held in the arms of the more than ten-meter-tall blasphemer, he feels like a little bird clinging to him. However, in this way, the two of them are The machine body was integrated into one, and the area under attack suddenly increased by about one-third, and the efficiency of the Blasphemer's moving was also significantly reduced than before.

Why bother! Don't drag us down because of me! Layton shouted with red eyes, Tell Xiaona to let me go! Hurry!

If you die here, how will I explain to the old dog when I go back? Ke Lan asked, Does Augustus still have weapons that he can use? Instead of spending your energy arguing with me about these meaningless things, , it’s better to keep an eye on the falling stones——

You - okay, I understand! Leighton said through gritted teeth, The Vulcan cannon on the head of the machine and the missile launcher on the left shoulder can still be used, but there is not much ammunition left... In addition, there is not much ammunition left... The shield generator is still there, and the remaining energy can support it for at least ten minutes!

The energy shield of the Blasphemer mecha is full-coverage. Although it can defend against falling rocks above the head without blind spots, when the shield is activated, Ke Lan and others clinging to the surface of the machine body will also be evaporated by the shield at the same time. , so Valentina and Zeluo could only rely on operations to dodge the falling rocks throughout the whole process, and those who couldn't avoid could only resist.

The falling rocks above are covering me. Just focus on this big guy! Layton responded loudly. Several micro-missiles roared out, shattering a boulder with a diameter of more than fifteen meters into pieces. Dozens of fragments, and then pushing up the energy shield, those fragments with smaller mass were immediately ablated completely.

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