Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 634 The open tower door

Delaying like this is not the way to go. Ke Lan immediately ordered, Valentina, you and Layton go around to the enemy's right side, and Asano Akira and I go around to their left side, and cooperate with the mobile troops to carry out a three-way flanking attack. , give priority to killing the guy who can use the energy shield! Zeluo, Thirty-three, Ivan, you three stay where you are and be ready for emergencies at any time!

The energy shield released by the opponent is not fully covering, it can only block the firepower in one general direction, and there is no way to resist the attacks from the side and rear - and Ke Lan's style of play is not suitable for shooting. There is a very familiar name among gamers: Pull the Gun Line.

The distance between the Zhongsi Guards and them was only a hundred meters. With the speed of Ke Lan and the others, they had already rushed to the side of this group of modified people in almost the blink of an eye.

The first to attack was the plasma-charged cannon of the Blasphemer mecha. A ball of plasma was spit out from the muzzle. It didn't seem to fly very fast, but it exploded among the crowd of Zhongsi Guards in the blink of an eye. The dozen or so modified humans in the core area of ​​the explosion were instantly vaporized, leaving no trace at all. Those cyborgs a little further away from the explosion site could barely leave behind a charred remains, or some transplanted parts with stronger heat resistance.

With one shot, almost half of the modified humans were wiped out... Although the visual effects looked extraordinary, Ke Lan didn't relax at all in his heart.

First of all, the primary target of the plasma-charged cannon - the cyborg who could release the energy shield - was not killed. When the plasma shot into the crowd, it instantly retracted the open energy shield and turned it into an extremely thick cocoon-like shield, completely covering its body in it.

Although he was also in the core area of ​​​​the plasma explosion, the raging energy storm and millions of degrees of high temperature failed to break through its protective shield in the first place. Instead, the subsequent shock wave caused it to escape from the explosion. The core area was pushed out.

Secondly, although this plasma cannon killed more than a hundred modified people, Ke Lan could tell at a glance that those killed were the weaker ones. In the core area of ​​the explosion, there were at least twenty modified people rushing to the electric power. Escaped before the slurry exploded - whether it was reaction ability, mobility or physical strength of the body, these surviving modified humans were completely on two levels compared to their colleagues who were killed instantly.

If we want to make an intuitive comparison, it is equivalent to the gap between Ke Lan, an ordinary person except for special abilities, and a combat ace pilot like Valentina in the field of mecha control.

Although the number of the killed Cyborgs accounted for half of the loyal guards, their actual combat strength may only account for one-fifth, or even less.

Valentina, how much time does it take before the next plasma cannon cools down? Ke Lan immediately asked in the team channel.

About three hundred seconds.

Three hundred seconds? Ke Lan was slightly startled. In his memory, the cooldown time of the Blasphemer mecha plasma-charged cannon he opened was almost fifty seconds, while the cooldown time of the one given to Valentina was It has expanded to six times its original size. It is not known whether it is due to the wear and tear of the barrel itself or some other reason.

But no matter what the reason was, they couldn't count on the second plasma cannon for the time being. Five minutes was enough for them to go back and forth in the formation of the Chungji Guards several times.

Leiton is responsible for the fire cover, and the others are ready for hand-to-hand combat. After Ke Lan finished speaking, the bloody giant claw in his hand turned into a heavy blunt sword without an edge - his primary target to kill was still that man. A cybernetic who can release energy shields. Faced with energy shields, which mainly rely on ablation to resist physical attacks, the attack effect of heavy and thick blunt weapons is much better than that of thin and light blades.

Except for Augustus, the other three rushed directly into the formation of the loyal heir guards.

Ke Lan swung the blunt sword in his hand and smashed it, sending several modified people flying away who were trying to pounce on them. However, when he turned his head and looked, behind Asano Akira, corpses were already densely covered on the ground... All the cyborgs rushing towards him were like tofu hitting the blade. The moment they passed by, they were already dead. Four or five splits...

But the most exaggerated thing has to be the Blasphemer mecha controlled by Valentina. Although the plasma cannon has entered the cooling time, she only relied on the armor-piercing sword in just a few seconds. He killed nearly thirty reformers, twice as many as Akira Asano.

On the contrary, Leighton's mid-range fire cover produced almost no kills, and the two multi-barreled Vulcan cannons completely swept away Lonely.

Of course, he couldn't blame him. Most of the cyborgs rushed towards Ke Lan and the two of them. In order not to accidentally hurt friendly forces, Layton could only target the cyborgs wandering around the edge of the battlefield. However, these cyborgs who dare to stand alone are very mobile and have difficulty locking targets. Even if they are occasionally injured, the recovery ability of these cyborgs harboring the seeds of erosion will hardly have any impact on them.

Leiton, don't worry about us. Concentrate your firepower and suppress the reformer who can release energy shields! Ke Lan quickly discovered this and said in the communication channel.

Okay. Layton responded somewhat dullly, turned his head and pointed the muzzle at the cocoon-shaped energy shield, and poured out his full depression onto the warhead.

Not only Layton, but also all the firepower from the mobile unit was focused on the energy shield of the reformer - but after he shrunk the energy shield, the strength of the shield also increased several times visible to the naked eye. Times, the colorful transparent shield that was originally like a soap bubble now looks like a thick piece of amber. If it weren't for the various energy weapons bombarding it with dense ripples, it would be very difficult. It is easy for people to have the illusion that this energy shield has materialized.

There are no signs of weakening of the energy shield at all... This thing can't be so perverted, right? Layton pressed his hands tightly on the fire button on the top of the joystick, and kept mumbling. He said, The shield strength of this thing is already comparable to a fortress-level shield generator, but that thing covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. How can an indigenous biological organ that can be stuffed into a person's stomach? Is it such a high conversion efficiency and output power?”

Actually, this energy shield was not released by this modified person. Ze Luo suddenly said in shock, I have been observing it for a long time, and I have never noticed any energy fluctuations in it.

What, what do you mean? Leiton said in astonishment, It didn't release this energy shield, so who else could have released it?

I can only confirm that his body is not the energy source of this shield. Ze Luo said.

I seem to have vaguely guessed the truth... Ke Lan made a 180-degree turn and smashed the head of a modified person whose skin was covered with thick cuticles with the blunt sword in his hand, and said, This modified man... the transplanted organs in his body may only have a guiding role... In other words, he is just a 'remote control'.

Then where did this shield come from? This guy didn't carry any other equipment! Augustus threw the two Vulcan cannons that had used up all the bullets on the ground, and took out the gun on his back. The electromagnetic sniper cannon - this sniper cannon is the one Valkyrie used in the molten mine area. However, after being improved many times and connected to Augustus's reactor, its power is much greater. It was nearly fifteen times better than in Valkyrie's hands... Let alone penetrate the remains of the building, it would be no problem even if the entire intact building was interrupted.

However, the first shot of this sniper cannon when it was fully charged simply melted into the energy shield without causing even a slightly larger ripple.

The shield it controls should come from the ruins of the Ancient Bronze City itself. Ke Lan said, What we have been bombarding should be the energy shield from the ruins.

What the hell? Isn't it? Layton subconsciously glanced at the top of his head - there were so many shields that the battleships couldn't blast away. Not to mention their little firepower, compared with the fierce battle situation above, their attack was probably Not even scraping.

Isn't it said that the energy shield can only intercept flying objects in the air? Why does it appear on the ground? Layton still couldn't believe it.

No one said that the energy shield of the ruins cannot appear on the ground. We just have a wrong understanding because of our preconceived notions... Ke Lan said, Ghost Owl and the others can do it in the outer ring area of ​​the ruins. Encountering a wall of light moving close to the ground, not to mention this is the core control area of ​​the ruins.

No, that doesn't make sense. As if he didn't believe in evil, Layton fired another shot at the energy shield, If the energy shield in the core control area can be activated on the ground, then we can be stopped directly. It’s enough to stay outside, so why let us in, then snipe and send these modified monsters to stop us?”

Then I don't know. Maybe this thing has limitations and must rely on a 'guide' to activate - and the thing in the stomach of the transformed person should be a 'guide'.

Then what should we do now? The three fleets can't blast away the shield, and we can't blast it open even more.

Layton said, lowering the muzzle in despair.

Ignore this guy for now, get rid of all the other modified people in the Zhongsi Guards... At least judging from the current performance, the 'Guide' can only use these shields for defense, but cannot use them for attack. It’s just a hard-shell turtle. If it can’t be broken, we will go around it,” Ke Lan said.

That makes sense. Can I choose close combat? Seeing how long you've been killing me, I'm already feeling itchy. Leighton said.

Have you run out of ammunition?

There are still fourteen rounds left in the electromagnetic sniper cannon, but the penetrating power of this thing is too strong, and you guys move so fast, I'm worried about accidental damage.

Are you okay with melee combat?

Hey, Ke Lan, do you look down on me? After all, I have recently obtained the M9 level license, and I am just a hair away from being an ace. Leighton shouted.

Is there only a thin line between M9 and ace pilots? Can you fit several galaxies in this line? Ke Lan complained. In the mecha competition, those M9-level pilots were almost outnumbered by ace pilots. The pilot rubbed against the ground. Not to mention a combat ace like Valentina, even an ace pilot from a competitive club had an insurmountable gap between him and an M9-level pilot.

I just don't have time to take the promotion assessment-

Okay, pay attention to safety. However, Ke Lan finally agreed to Layton's request. With Augustus's performance and armor strength, even if he stood still, those modified people might not be able to hurt those sitting there. Layton in the cockpit.

Okay! After receiving the approval, Layton immediately swallowed up a lot of complaints that followed. He grabbed the two fighting daggers that popped out from the hidden grooves of the arm armor and went straight into the battle group.

The zerg-type cyborg seems to be the most powerful one among the loyal heir guards. Although there are many troublesome guys among the remaining cyborgs, the two of them, Akira Asano and the Blasphemer Mecha, In front of the unreasonable bullies, they were killed before they could even show their strength. When they were beaten behind, Ke Lan and Leighton could only pick up the small fish and shrimps that slipped through the net. Most of the reformers died in the hands of Akira Asano and Valentina.

Okay. Layton pulled out the fighting dagger from the chest of a crustacean cyborg, and then used the close-range anti-machine gun mounted on Augustus's shoulder to refill a few rounds of active ammunition at close range, eliminating the erosion in the opponent's body. Only the last one is left.

As he said, at this moment, the only modified person on the battlefield is the big belly wrapped in a cocoon-shaped energy shield.

The battle lasted for twenty-five minutes. Ke Lan said to the commander of the mobile unit, We should not waste any more time on this guy. My suggestion is to ignore it and go directly to the core tower.

Well, the commander nodded, then do you need to leave a few people down to watch it?

It's not necessary. This guy hasn't shown any attack methods from the beginning of the battle to now. In the absence of other modified people, he doesn't pose a threat to us. If you leave people here, they will be easily attacked by other enemies. Attack. Ke Lan said, It is better to concentrate on breaking through the core tower, which is the key point of the entire battle.


After wiping out the loyal guards, the airborne team no longer encountered any obstacles and reached the base of the core tower very smoothly.

Like the tower body, the base is also a hexagonal column, with each side about fifty meters long. In the center of each side, there is a door fifteen meters high and ten meters wide.

These six doors are all open, but you can't see anything when you look in from the outside. Even if the searchlight light shines in, you will be completely swallowed by darkness in an instant.

We... want to go in? Layton said first, I always feel... that it's not a good place inside.

I feel the same way. Thirty-three continued, To be honest, just looking in at these doors, I feel as if something is crawling up my back...

It's just psychological factors. Ivan glanced at him and said.

What about you? Do you feel this way? Thirty-three asked immediately.

...Yes. After a moment of silence, Ivan nodded.

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20190204193718587 for the reward of 500 starting coins; thank you to the first author Han Li for the reward of 400 starting coins. 】

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