Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 610 Information about the Ghost Owl

Is that so? Cao Ge flattened the back of the chair, then rolled up the sleeve of his native arm and lay down.

Ze Luo stood on one side of the chair and said, It's best to have something to fix the arms and body. The process may be a bit painful.

It's okay. Cao Ge shook his head, I'm confident that my tolerance for pain is quite strong. You can start directly.

Okay, but you must not make any large movements, as this may cause more serious trauma. Ze Luo nodded.

Upon hearing the trauma, the surrounding guards immediately took two steps closer with nervous expressions on their faces, but Cao Ge waved his other hand to signal them to move away.

If this 'girl' wants to harm herself, I'm afraid no one here can stop her, so what's the use of you coming closer? Cao Ge said to himself.

It's about to begin. Ze Luo said softly.

Yeah. Cao Ge subconsciously bit his back teeth... If he said he wasn't nervous, he would definitely be lying.

Ze Luo stretched out the index finger of his right hand - this finger was very slender but not skinny. The skin on the surface was soft and white, and the nail cap at the front was smooth and shiny. It was like a flawless piece of art. Taste.

Ke Lan subconsciously thought of a metaphor that often appeared in many novels, green jade fingers, and Ze Luo's fingers really looked like they were carved from warm jade - but that's it. Green jade fingers, the nails with not sharp tips pierced through Cao Ge's skin without any hindrance!

Under her fingers, Cao Ge's muscular arm was like a piece of soft tofu, which could be pierced with just one poke.

Cao Ge's eyebrows twitched twice. For him, this level of pain was not enough to make him scream.

On the contrary, the medical soldier on the side was stunned. He stood there for half a second before he reacted and said: This... this hasn't been disinfected yet!

Ze Luo didn't speak, but Cao Ge turned his head and glared back at the medical soldier.

But the next second, his facial expression became violently distorted, as if he was suffering from great pain...

Cao Ge's legs began to twitch and kick involuntarily. Ke Lan could see that he seemed to be trying his best to suppress his body reaction - his mechanical prosthetic hand had even pinched the metal chair armrest. A crumpled piece of scrap metal.

Can't we give him anesthesia first and then start... Ke Lan muttered. Just when he was considering whether to knock Cao Ge unconscious and use physical anesthesia to reduce his pain, Ze Luo The finger has been pulled out.

Cao Ge's whole body trembled violently at first, and then he collapsed on the chair without any strength.

Sew up the wound. Ze Luo said to the medical soldier who was on standby at any time. The latter quickly stepped forward, took out a few sterilized cotton balls with tweezers, and wiped the wound on Cao Ge's arm.

There is no need for disinfection or debridement, just suture it directly. Ze Luo added, I have already treated the wound and it will not be infected.

But this doesn't comply with the procedure——

Before the medical soldier could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Cao Ge's feeble voice: Do as she said.


Even if there is any problem, you are not responsible. Cao Ge added, and the medical soldier reluctantly put down the tweezers in his hand and took out the needle and thread to suture the wound.

The wound on Cao Ge's arm was not big, only two centimeters deep. After only three stitches, the medical soldier cut the thread and applied a white patch to the wound. The whole process took less than five minutes. minute.

After doing all this, the medical soldier was stunned for a while before he started to pack up his things - in the process of suturing the wound just now, he violated at least a dozen operating rules, if this was a clinical skills test , I’m afraid he will never get the qualification certificate in this life.

Is this good? Ke Lan glanced at Cao Ge, who was breathing heavily, then looked at Ze Luo, and asked.

Okay. Ze Luo nodded and stretched out the finger he pulled out from Cao Ge's arm.

Ke Lan noticed that on her fingertips, there was a soybean-sized, dark green liquid droplet that was shaking slightly.

Is this the toxin remaining in Cao Ge's body?

Ze Luo nodded again, took the cup that Cao Ge had just used to drink medicine, and poured the liquid in.

Suddenly, a burning sound of chichi came from the bottom of the cup, and a stream of white smoke rose from the cup, and a fishy smell suddenly filled the cabin.

Ke Lan looked into the cup and saw that a small hole had been etched into the bottom of the cup. If Ze Luo hadn't stretched out his hand to catch the drop of liquid, it would have fallen on the floor.

Ke Lan even felt that this thing might be able to erode the entire battleship.

This toxin has mutated many times in his body. Although the biological agents he took previously can suppress this toxin, it will also prompt this toxin to continuously optimize itself... At this rate of development, if I had not given If he removes the toxin, he can live for up to one year. Ze Luo said to Ke Lan.

How do you feel? Ke Lan glanced at Cao Ge, who had already recovered. He sat up and moved his native arm that was wrapped in a bandage a few times in some incredible ways.

There is an... indescribable sense of relief, it feels like I am in a dream... No, even in the dream, the pain has never let me go. But now, those painful memories are like a dream ... As Cao Ge spoke, he couldn't help but look at Ze Luo, who was still expressionless, his eyes full of gratitude.

As for the previous fear of Ze Luo, it has disappeared without a trace.

Thank you very much... Although his steps were a little frivolous, he still stood up with force and bowed to Ze Luo sincerely. If you have any requests, within the scope of my personal authority, I will give them all. It’s satisfying.”

Ke Lan glanced at Ze Luo - she saved the person, so naturally he shouldn't interfere with her choice, but if this girl made some excessive demands, it would be very troublesome...

After all, Ze Luo has only been exposed to human society for a short time, and even Ke Lan doesn't know what her inner moral concepts and code of conduct are.

What if this girl said she wanted to dismantle Cao Ge and see what the body looked like after being corroded by this toxin... There is a high probability that Cao Ge wouldn't reject her, right?

I want to visit this battleship, can I? This request made by Ze Luo would definitely be considered a serious violation of fleet regulations in normal times, and could even be dragged out as a spy and shot - but now , Ke Lan and Cao Ge both breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that her request was just to visit the battleship.

'Yao' class aircraft carrier battleship, with a total length of 1,650 meters, is equipped with three high-power energy shield generators. Its main power source is four ultra-large crystal energy converters. In addition, there are two The nuclear reactor serves as a backup power source. The weapon is equipped with two plasma main cannons, four 200mm caliber cluster laser cannons and 256 quadruple close-range defense cannons, as well as six sets of 'Wanderer' missile interceptors The system and the capacity of more than two hundred carrier-based aircraft... officially entered service in the 935th year of the New Era, and it is the warship with the strongest overall combat effectiveness in the human fleet.

Zeluo said in a familiar manner, but Cao Ge was not too surprised - after all, these parameters are public and can be found by searching on the Internet. Many military fans and netizens are not familiar with the weapon configuration of the Yao class aircraft carrier battleship. It is also very clear. Although it is a bit strange that a girl would be interested in this thing, it is still within the understandable range...

However, Ze Luo's next words made Cao Ge's eyes widen——

The first time I operated a Yao-class aircraft carrier battleship, I relied on the firepower of a single ship to level four military bases in succession...

Wait a, have you ever piloted this kind of battleship? Cao Ge felt that his jaw was about to drop to the ground. The Yao-class aircraft carrier battleship was removed as the prototype ship Di Yao without an army. In addition, a total of two ships have been built. The first Kirin has crashed in the Leviathan incident, and the second is the current flagship of the First Cruise Fleet Suzaku.

More than half of Cao Ge's military career was served on the Kilin and Suzaku. Naturally, he was well aware of the movements of these two warships. He had no memory of what these two warships had attacked. military base...

Could it be that she was talking about the Di Yao that was not commissioned? That's even more wrong - the Emperor Yao is actually not a complete battleship at all. To be precise, this is actually a one-to-one scale battleship model, which was built to verify various technical problems in the development process of the Yao class aircraft carrier battleship.

Not to mention weapons, the Emperor Yao doesn't even have a power source installed... This thing can't even fly out of the dock, so how can it attack a military base on the ground?

Moreover, at the end of the research and development stage, the Di Yao was dismantled, and most of its parts were directly installed on the Qilin under construction.

From a certain perspective, the Qilin Hao is actually the Emperor Yao Hao.

How could she possibly have operated a Yao class aircraft carrier battleship? !

Ke Lan was stunned for a moment at first, but he soon came to his senses and asked tentatively: Is it... in a game?

Yes. Ze Luo rubbed his index finger and thumb lightly, and the drop of fatal liquid disappeared in an instant. It is a self-made MOD by a player in Red Alert 9. The combat units in it are all current The current equipment in service ranges from Zero-1 assault rifles to 'Yao'-class aircraft carrier battleships. The 'Yao'-class aircraft carrier battleships are epic-level units of the 'Shenzhou' force. They have very demanding construction conditions and massive resource requirements. Generally, they are It’s very difficult to create a situation in the game…but once it’s created, the outcome is no longer in suspense.”

So that's it... Cao Ge wiped the sweat from his forehead, Well, it just so happens that the First Fleet is heading to the anchorage of Yagunaktor, and I will take you to visit this battleship on the way. .Mr. Ke Lan, if you are interested, you can also go together.

I'm not very interested in battleships. Ke Lan waved his hand, and he thought to himself, it's a good thing that Layton is not here, otherwise, if this machine guy saw that he gave up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so casually, he would have to find him. Trying your best doesn't work.

Ke Lan has more important things to do than visiting the battleship.

He first called Pan and asked the crew to pardon Chi Hanfeng, who was serving his sentence, and reinstate him in the military. Then he initiated a video conference with everyone who stayed behind in Yagunakitor and told them what happened here.

Stop the exploration of Block 1 for now and concentrate all our manpower. Ke Lan said, The battle for the Ancient Bronze City Ruins will be fierce, but it shouldn't last too long.

Of course it won't last long. With the defense facilities of Alpha Civilized City, it won't take half a day to kill all these hundreds of thousands of people. The hound said angrily, I just can't figure it out... Even that What kind of bastard prophet can understand the language of the Alpha civilization, but it will take at least several years to completely control a ruins? Are the departments responsible for monitoring the entire planet really useless?

Captain Ke, with all due respect. Ghost Owl said with a stern face, The Gray Bird Hunting Group is not a mercenary. Our lease contract with the Ye family did not mention this type of business... Therefore, for the next combat operations, we Will not participate. My men and I will remain at the forward supply base in Yagunaktor until the next exploration operation begins.

I know that. Ke Lan nodded to him, The Gray Bird Hunting Group does not have any obligation to participate in this battle, and I will not force you to join.

Thank you for your understanding. No matter how much money I pay, I can't let my people die. Ghost Owl stared at Ke Lan through the screen, with a complicated look on his face, We are all senior relic hunters. , you should also be able to imagine what an Alpha civilization city with its defense facilities fully activated looks like...especially a city rated as an 'A'-level ruin.

I know. Ke Lan responded.

To be honest, I also led a team to explore this 'Ancient Bronze City Ruins' in the early years... At that time, there were no traces of heretical sects in this ruins - or in other words, not many people had explored it at that time. This ruins. Ghost Owl continued.

Are you one of the members of the original land reclamation team of the 'Ancient Bronze City Ruins'? Ke Lan's eyes lit up, and he even used the honorific in his words - although the activated city is very different from the previously unactivated ruins. , but the experience of a pioneer hunter like this is still extremely precious information.

The land reclamation team doesn't count, but when we took over that mission, the exploration rate of the entire ruins was only 20%.

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