Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 607 Being watched

But after you left the Ark, the target's trajectory changed again. Cao Ge added, But if you draw an extension line in the direction of each change of direction, this line will pass through where you are. The real-time coordinates of the location.”

It's really staring at me... It seems that no matter how far away I am from it, it can lock my position... Ke Lan pondered, Is this also the 'god' of the heretical sect that gave it Ability?

What Ke Lan can't figure out is why the great god gave the black mummy unparalleled strength, an indestructible body, and tracking capabilities that are almost comparable to the global positioning system of the old era. Why not give it to it? How about changing to a slightly easier-to-use brain?

As long as this monster's IQ is a little higher - it doesn't need to be much, as long as it reaches the level of a normal person - the trouble it will bring to Ke Lan and Ark will be hundreds of times more than it is now.

At least, it won't be like now, bumping around in the mountain like a fool.

Could it be that there were not enough sacrifices during the sacrifice?

Ke Lan was not sure, but fortunately at that time, besides him, there were only three people and three erosion seeds in the entire cockpit who could be used as sacrifices. Otherwise, the thing summoned by the black bishop would probably not be this. The stupid black mummy.

But this incident also reminded Ke Lan - the number of sacrifices in the Black Bishop's sacrificial ceremony can be superimposed... In other words, if the heretical sect wants to cause trouble, they can even gather more than a dozen A black bishop plus hundreds of containers are used to complete the fusion sacrifice... With this amount of sacrifice, it can probably summon a prehistoric plant, right?

Wait a minute!

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Ke Lan's head...

Could it be that the primitive species on this planet were summoned in this way?

Otherwise, why don't their genetic samples match any of the indigenous creatures on Planet Alpha?

There are no related species, and they have not left the slightest trace in the process of biological evolution. They are not even the creation of the Alpha civilization - these primitive species really seem to appear out of thin air.

It's really strange...

The heretical sect clearly has such powerful power in their hands - if they advance, they can use the side effects produced when the sacrificial ceremony is interrupted to draw a lottery; if they retreat, they can also gather a group of black bishops and Seed of Corrosion containers to summon the prehistoric Monsters of this level... No matter which choice you choose, you can severely damage or even destroy the Ark, but the prophet did not do so.

In this way, Ke Lan has more reason to believe that there is something in the Ark that the prophet really wants or is very afraid of.

The target is in sight! the staff officer on the side shouted, and at the top of a mountain peak, a black mummy emerged from the hard rock formation, raised its head, and looked at the battleship hovering in the sky.

Its sight spanned a distance of hundreds of meters, penetrated the layers of armor and cabins on the battleship, and was firmly locked on Ke Lan. Ke Lan took a step back, and its sight moved a few times. Spend.

Unfortunately, the black mummy does not have the ability to fly, and it does not seem to know how to jump. It can only stand on the top of the mountain, raise its head, and look at Ke Lan who is boarding the airship with a dull look on his face.

Just when most people thought that the black mummy had nothing to do, the piercing siren suddenly rang inside the Yao class aircraft carrier battleship. Then, the super battleship more than 1,600 meters long actually trembled in the air. He stood up as if he was going to crash at any moment.

Metal parts such as buttons and rings on the officers' uniforms in the command room fell off one after another and were instantly sucked to the floor. The holographic projection image on the podium was even covered in large swaths of snowflake-like interference.

What's going on! Cao Ge's voice sounded a little painful - although his mechanical prostheses are made of high-end titanium alloy and nino alloy, some circuit structures and magnetized components will inevitably be interfered by magnetic fields. Even if these prosthetics have been designed with this problem in mind, the protective measures have limits. When the magnetic field is strong enough to a certain extent, it will still be affected.

Black bruises flowed out of Cao Ge's nostrils and ears. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the edge of the table with his physical arms.

Report! The ship is being pulled by a strong external magnetic field! The risk of crashing is rapidly increasing! The captain's voice came from the communicator, We may lose control of the warship at any time!

Raise the altitude immediately! Cao Ge said immediately.

The Yao class aircraft carrier battleship's eight main thrusters with a diameter of more than 35 meters simultaneously ejected faint blue tail flames. After the battleship's head was raised to a certain angle, the entire battleship trembled towards Fly to higher places.

It wasn't until the altimeter reading jumped to more than 4,700 meters that the battleship's hull stabilized, and the strong magnetic field interference disappeared.

The military doctor on the battleship hurried over at this time, helped Cao Ge sit on a special wheelchair, and attached the electrodes of various examination equipment to his body and prosthetic body.

It wasn't until the military doctor injected a tube of dark brown medicine into Cao Ge's body that Cao Ge's rapid breathing gradually calmed down.

What happened just now? Is it related to the target? Go check it out quickly! Cao Ge ordered his subordinates, and several technical officers immediately immersed themselves in typing in front of the computer.

A data model was quickly projected in front of everyone.

Just twenty seconds ago, the magnetic field around the target's body disappeared - to be precise, it did not disappear, but was constrained into a straight line. A technical officer stumbled and said, We can't figure it out. What is the principle behind this? But judging from the comprehensive analysis of various monitoring data, the goal is to 'twist' the magnetic field on its body into a 'rope'... a 'gravity rope' that is thousands of meters long.

You mean, the battleship was held by this 'gravity rope' just now, right? Cao Ge asked in a deep voice.

Yes. The technical officer nodded.

Continue to maintain this altitude and monitor the range of the magnetic field and gravitational field around the target at any time. Cao Ge ordered.


The situation seems not quite right. Ke Lan shook his head, This thing... seems to be a little smarter.

It seems to have a certain learning ability... Cao Ge frowned, and the muscles on his face were so tight that his half-flesh, half-machine face looked even more ferocious.

If it had used this trick on the 'Albatross' just now, with the engine propulsion of the aircraft, there would be no way to escape this gravitational field. Ke Lan said, The 'Albatross' would have crashed directly, and the crew on board would not have even parachuted. There is no chance of escape.

Is this good news or bad news? Cao Ge couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

It's just that the smile on his face was almost scarier than crying... Ke Lan suddenly understood why the new commander of the First Fleet had a poker face most of the time - to him Speaking of which, perhaps the expressionless look is the least intimidating thing to look at.

At least it's good news until no actual losses are caused. Ke Lan turned to look at Ze Luo behind him, What do you think? Can you get rid of this thing?

I can try...but it's too far away from here. Ze Luo said softly.

Okay, I'll take you down.

I will immediately arrange an elite force to escort you to the target. Cao Ge said immediately, but Ke Lan waved his hand to him - There is no need to let your men take this risk, even if we are really in danger , do you think they can play any role?

This sentence immediately choked Cao Ge to speechlessness - Ke Lan was absolutely right. No matter how many and elite soldiers were sent to an enemy that couldn't kill even the First Fleet, it was useless. The so-called escort , sounds more like a joke.

Okay, okay... then I wish you good luck.

In order to prevent the aircraft from being captured by the black mummy's magnetic field again, Ke Lan and Ze Luo took a light glider made entirely of high molecular polymers without any metal parts. The moment the glider passed over the top of the mountain, Ke Lan jumped out of the cabin with Ze Luo in his arms and landed less than twenty meters away from the black mummy.

The black mummy slowly turned around, staring at him dimly with her white-less eyes, and took a step towards Ke Lan.

But the next moment, a shocking scene appeared - the lower body of the black mummy was moving forward, but its upper body was frozen in place... Immediately afterwards, this strange and incongruous feeling was clicked The crisp sound was broken, and an obvious crack appeared on the waist and abdomen of the black mummy.

The crack expanded rapidly and covered the middle part of the black mummy's body like a spider web.

This was the first time that it had damage that could be observed with the naked eye. Black, metallic debris fell from its body. Before it hit the ground, it had already turned into finer dust and completely dissipated in the ground. In the biting cold wind.

I solidified the space where its upper body was, but the movement of its legs did not stop... Ze Luo said to Ke Lan, In fact, its body was torn apart by its own power...

I knew the power of this thing was terrifying, but I didn't expect it to be so outrageous... Ke Lan smacked his lips. His body, which was unscathed by the nuclear explosion, could actually be torn apart... It should be easier for this black mummy to tear apart those warships floating in the sky.


The cracks were still spreading... Finally, the black mummy's upper and lower bodies broke apart. Its legs took a few steps forward with inertia, and then crashed to the ground, shattering into powder.

The body that originally had physical strength far exceeding that of Nino alloy now looks as fragile and fragile as ordinary glass...

The next second, the upper body that was freed from the solidified time and space also hit the ground - unlike the lower body, an irregular crystal fell out of the fragments of the black mummy's upper body.

The shape of this crystal looks like the core of the Seed of Erosion, but there is no bright red Blood of God in it, only a drop of asphalt-like black round droplet.

When Ke Lan picked up the crystal, the drop of liquid was shrinking rapidly... In less than three seconds, it completely disappeared under Ke Lan's eyes, leaving only a hard transparent crystal.

Ke Lan put the crystal away and turned his head, only to find Ze Luo raising his little head and looking at the sky blankly.

What's wrong?

Ke Lan also followed her line of sight and looked up into the sky, but he could only see the battleships covering the sky and the various fighter jets surrounding the battleships. He could not find any other unusual things.

Just now, when this thing was broken, something seemed to look at me. Ze Luo said.

Is it the Immortal Crew Association?

It's not's a completely different feeling. That line of sight seems to come from a very, very far away place. Ze Luo said.

Ke Lan's breath suddenly hitched.

He knew very well what that line of sight Ze Luo was referring to.

That was the gaze from Him - when the black mummy was summoned to this world, Ke Lan had felt the gaze from Him, and now, when the black mummy fell apart, His gaze was once again on the planet. Sweeping across the sky.

But this time he was not looking at Ke Lan, but Ze Luo, who had killed the black mummy.

Ke Lan felt that his heartbeat couldn't help but get faster. He couldn't help but look at Ze Luo carefully, trying to find any subtle changes in her body.

Do you have any different feelings from before? Ke Lan couldn't help but ask.

Ze Luo shook his head and said: Only when I was stared at by that line of sight, my body seemed unable to move... But it was only a very short moment. If measured in human timing units, not even a microsecond. None.

A microsecond, to a human being, may be just a thought that flashes through the mind and does not even leave much memory. It is not even a momentary illusion... But anyone who has been looked at by Him People would not think so.

At the moment of being watched, time is frozen...a moment is eternity, and it is perfect to use it here.

It was an experience that can be called unforgettable. Although all the details will become blurred in the memory, the sight itself will be deeply imprinted in the consciousness of the person being watched.

Other than that? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere in your body? Ke Lan asked again.

My body does not produce uncomfortable symptoms. However, if you want me to simulate human pain or physical injury, I can do it... Ze Luo looked at Ke Lan with some doubts.

[P.S. Thanks to Simple A for the 500 starting coins. 】

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