Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 580 Burning Glass

However, how to get in touch with the fleet is a problem.

Ke Lan's equipment had all been wiped out during the airborne landing, and it was impossible to have equipment in the exile camp that was powerful enough to communicate with the fleet dozens of kilometers away and thousands of meters in the air... As for the marine troops surrounding this area, the actual horizontal distance is more than 20,000 meters away from Ke Lan, which is already twice the maximum communication distance of portable military radio walkie-talkies.

The fastest way to contact them is to run to the surface and actively enter the surveillance range of the Marine Corps - but there is an obvious problem with this: the Marine Corps can only monitor the drone from the surveillance screen or Seeing himself in the telescope, it was difficult for Ke Lan to express his meaning clearly with gestures alone... As for asking the Marines to come over to meet him and then contact the fleet, it would take more than ten minutes to waste. .

Based on the growth rate of the piles of rotten meat in front of us, by the time the fleet aims its main guns here, Dr. Renee may have become a meat mountain dozens of meters high, and it will be much more troublesome to deal with. ...As long as one cell in its body can escape, endless trouble will be left behind.

It would be even worse if these surviving cells were later recycled by the heretical sect.

Since we want to kill, we must kill thoroughly, and we must avoid future troubles forever...

If it doesn't work, we can only apply for the use of strategic-level nuclear weapons... Or, simply let Ark's main gun fire another round. Anyway, this area happens to be within the range of the main gun... Ke Lan thought in his mind - -If the situation gets out of control, this is indeed a simple and crude solution, but another problem arises: with the power of the Ark's main gun, the Marines are now in dangerous areas. To retreat to a safe zone, you have to retreat at least hundreds of kilometers away, and this retreat will take several hours.

If the people from the heretical sect took advantage of this opportunity to recover part of Dr. Renee's body tissue, then everything Ke Lan did today would be in vain.

Time, it’s a matter of time again!

Ke Lan couldn't help but clenched his fists and thought quickly.

If I can find some scrap electronic parts, I can make a simple radio station by myself... But just walking all the way, it seems that I didn't see anything like electronic equipment at all. This group of exiles are even so poor. Not even an old radio…wait a minute!”

Ke Lan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered something.

The Walker AT-A1 bipedal mecha guarding outside the cave!

Although this old-fashioned mecha does not use the intelligent operating system that comes standard with modern mechas, it must have electronic communication equipment. Otherwise, the pilot sitting in the closed cockpit would not be able to hear the commander's orders and interact with friendly forces. The synergy between them is even more impossible to talk about.

I hope the heretic sect didn't dismantle the communication equipment in the mecha! Ke Lan immediately turned around and ran towards the entrance of the cave!

He quickly ran to the mecha disguised as a big rock, and with a few clicks of his bloody claws, he removed the cockpit hatch, and then pulled out the body inside.

There was a strong smell of blood in the cockpit. Because the heater was on, the plasma flowing out of the corpse did not coagulate and flowed almost everywhere. There was a thick layer of blood on the foot pedal at the bottom of the cockpit. A thick layer.

Ke Lan glanced around the cockpit, and soon his eyes rested on a microphone hanging on the right side of the driver's seat. He reached out to grab it, but the black microphone suddenly shattered...

This has something to do with Ke Lan's current physical strength being too strong, but the main reason is that this communication device is too old. The black plastic shell has been severely aged and is so fragile that it breaks at a touch. .

The pilots of the heretic sect don't use this communication device at all on weekdays, and naturally they won't replace it with a new casing.

Fortunately, the microphone inside is made of metal and is not rusty. There is only a thin layer of oxide on the surface.

Ke Lan used the tip of his claw as a knife and pried off the cover plate where the microphone was connected. Along the way, he took out the entire communication device hidden in the gap between the cabin and the armor.

This communication device looks like it has not been used for decades, but fortunately the main components are still intact. The most sophisticated circuit boards are also well installed in a resin protective case. The four corners of the protective case are Although the screws are extremely rusty, the condition of the circuit board is almost as good as new.

I connected several broken wires respectively, and briefly repaired the earphones. I scraped off the rust on the electromagnet coil and wrapped it again. Finally, connect the entire communication device to the battery under the seat.

Suddenly, a burst of blah blah blah sound of electricity came from the earphones.

It's done!

Ke Lan was overjoyed and turned the FM knob in a very small amount - unlike today's smart devices that only need to enter the communication channel code to complete the connection, this antique is just like the old radio, you have to manually adjust the frequency band. …And it’s still impossible to decipher the encrypted code…

Coupled with the electromagnetic interference that was strong and weak in the wilderness... it took him nearly five minutes to find the public channel of Fleet Zero. As soon as he said a word, he was immediately questioned——

Please report your unit and identification number immediately, and explain the reason for using this frequency band, otherwise we will lock your location——

Lock it quickly! Hurry! Ke Lan's reaction made the communications soldier on the fleet obviously stunned. This was the first time he heard such an outrageous request.

At first, he thought that someone from a heretical sect had mistakenly entered the fleet's public channel. After all, this frequency band was not encrypted, but judging from the other party's tone, it was obvious that he had not entered by mistake.

Please report your affiliation immediately... The signal soldier was about to repeat what he said just now, but Ke Lan interrupted him impatiently: Stop the fucking process of breaking the competition! I am Ke Lan! Put Yevgeny on the phone!”

Ke...Ke Lan?! Captain Ke Lan?! Faintly, Ke Lan seemed to hear the sound of the heels of his boots colliding when he stood at attention on the other end of the receiver.

Although not everyone in the Zero Fleet has met Ke Lan, everyone knows Ke Lan's name... After all, he is the captain of Yagunaktor, and the entire Zero Fleet They were all established for this ancient battleship, and Ke Lan was truly the Number One of this fleet.

Don't waste time! The situation is urgent! Get Yevgeny over immediately!

But...even if you are Captain Ke Lan, I still have to verify your identity before...

Identification code XXXXXXXXXX, okay, give the intercom to Yevgeny quickly!!

In less than fifteen seconds, the voice on the other side of the receiver changed from the young communications soldier to Colonel Yevgeny, who spoke Russian-Chinese with a thick accent.

Colonel Yevgeny, have you locked my position now? Ke Lan asked as soon as he opened his mouth.

Report to Captain Ke, the lock has been completed. The coordinates of your current location are E04554, C19062, which happens to be... exactly in the ravine where we found signs of the exiles' activities.

Yes, this is the coordinate...Wait a minute, the exact location should be a little bit in the inner southwest...You can fine-tune the coordinates, probably change it to something like E04552, C19061, and first release eight rounds of ground-penetrating bombs at this point ——We need that kind of ground-penetrating bomb with a tactical nuclear warhead. After blasting the surface of the ground, we will use a plasma cannon to carry out a covering saturation strike, and finally use napalm to wash the ground again. Do you understand?

You...what did you say? Yevgeny was confused for a moment. Ke Lan's order was tantamount to telling him to shoot at me - and when Yevgeny and others received the order In the secret order, protecting Ke Lan's safety and protecting Yagunaktor are at the same priority. Even if Ke Lan puts a gun to his head now, he would never dare to issue such an order.

I asked you to level this place quickly - ah, no, dig three feet into the ground and evaporate the things under the ground. Otherwise, things will be in trouble! Ke Lan yelled into the microphone.

What? What's under the ground?

It's hard for me to explain to you clearly in a few words on the phone, but you just need to know that it is an extremely troublesome thing! Believe me, if I were a member of the Undead Crew, they would also agree with my decision Yes! Hurry up and start charging the plasma cannon when launching the missile. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to destroy it!

Ke Lan estimated that between the time he ran out of the cave and the time he connected with Fleet Zero, the size of the thing had probably expanded several times. The larger the size, the larger the amount of debris that would be splashed out when bombed. The more there are, if a piece of tissue fragments has flown more than ten kilometers away and has not been burned by plasma cannons and incendiary bombs, then trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But... what about your safety? Will you have time to leave the bombing area? Yevgeny asked.

Don't worry, I will definitely be able to escape from the bombing area in time, as long as your bombs don't get lost!

Okay, okay. I will reserve twenty minutes for you to evacuate the bombing area. Please hurry up...

Twenty minutes is too late! One hundred and twenty seconds is enough! The bombing will begin in one hundred and twenty seconds! Don't delay! If you dare to disobey... I know that threatening you with shooting is useless, but I can To tell you the truth, if you disobey, the consequences will be beyond your imagination!

Ke Lan glanced back at the dark cave beside him and shouted the last words into the microphone: Don't ask anything. Every time you ask a word, you are wasting my time to escape. Two minutes. Now start the countdown!

After saying that, Ke Lan dropped the communication device, climbed on top of the mecha, jumped out of the ravine.

As he got closer, he started running towards the northeast.

As he ran, he silently counted down the countdown in his mind.

One hundred and nineteen, one hundred and eighteen...

With the blessing of active armor, Ke Lan's running speed is no less than that of a Junius armored off-road vehicle speeding on a flat area. However, it is still quite difficult to run out of the scope of the explosion within two minutes. difficult.

Ninety, eighty-nine...seventy-five, seventy-four...forty-six, forty-five...

When the countdown reached forty-five, Ke Lan stopped. He knew that even if he ran for forty-five seconds, it would be difficult to reach a safe zone. He simply squatted down and started digging a hole in the ground.

Twenty-nine, twenty-eight...

A shallow pit nearly half a meter deep soon appeared on the ground. As for the dug-out soil, all of it was pushed to the side close to the bombing area.

Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen...

Ke Lan took a deep breath, then lay face up in the pit.

Three, two, one——

As soon as the last number was counted, Ke Lan saw more than a dozen missiles flying from a distance with white trails behind them. After reaching the marked point, these missiles turned their warheads and drilled vertically downward into the ground.

The dull sound of explosions came from the underground as the ground shook violently. The active armor on Ke Lan's body immediately generated a large number of hollow blood bubbles, lifting his body up to prevent his internal organs from being destroyed by this force. It was shattered by the terrifying power.

There are still seven rounds. Ke Lan thought silently in his heart. Although he could not see the bombing area from this angle, the sound alone was enough to make people feel that more than a dozen tactical nuclear warheads were exploding deep underground at the same time. The power produced.

Another round of missiles pierced the sky, and wave after wave of heat waves hit from above. The sand and soil that Ke Lan piled beside the pit had already been blown away, and a large part of it was blown back into the pit. Most of his body was buried.

The sand contained scorching heat. Ke Lan felt like he was in an oven. The method of wrapping the sand and then heating it reminded him of a food called salt baking. The processing method - this is still several kilometers away from the bombing point. As for the underground laboratory that was directly hit by the missile, it is estimated that nothing is left.

Logically speaking, eight rounds of nuclear strikes are enough to destroy Dr. Renee to the point where nothing is left, but to be on the safe side, Ke Lan still feels that it is better to increase the intensity - perhaps, Phobia of insufficient firepower This problem is already deeply ingrained in the genes of every descendant of China, right?

What came after the ground-penetrating missiles were plasma cannons that were like materialized laser beams. These plasmas emitted extremely dazzling light. Even if Ke Lan closed his eyes, the strong light could still be projected through the gaps in the armor and eyelids. On his retinas, his vision was reflected in bright white.

The bright light lasted for several seconds before dimming, and it took Ke Lan five times as long for his eyes to return to normal.

Shaking off the sand and soil from his body, he climbed out of the shallow pit, turned around and looked towards the bombing zone.

He saw a large pit, a large pit with a completely glass-like texture.

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