Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 576 Liquid Gate

The further inside, the uneasiness in Ke Lan's heart became stronger.

The neatly arranged crystallization tanks, the ever-increasing serial numbers, the rusty metal wires... everything in his field of vision constantly reminded him of the specialness of this cave... Perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, for the Alpha civilization, this was The place is no less important than the deserted island that can only be reached by falling into the depths of the sea.

But compared to that desert island, this place... seems a little too easy to get in.

Is it because the mechanism originally set up outside this ruins has been destroyed by the heretical sect?

A complete laboratory of Alpha civilization. For a prophet who can read Alpha text, it is not difficult to transform it into the combat power of a heretical sect... Ke Lan suddenly understood why the prophet brought Dr. Renee here. This is the place - he was not forced to flee here to escape the tracking of Fleet Zero. This ruins was originally the destination of the prophet!

Dr. Renee's research results, her own cell clone tissue, and the mysterious laboratory left behind by the Alpha civilization, these three factors were added together. Ke Lan was not surprised at what the prophet could come up with.

The Prophet must be stopped...

Just when Ke Lan counted to the seventy-eighth crystallization jar, the jar was finally not empty!

This jar numbered seventy-eight contains a person!

This person's whole body was tightly entangled with a sticky substance. It looked like a cocoon, but also like a mummy that had been eroded by mold and not properly preserved. As for the entanglement, The things on his body were somewhat similar to melted chewing gum.

Before Ke Lan even got close to the jar, the man started struggling violently. Ke Lan seemed to still be able to vaguely hear the dull cry for help coming from his throat.


But the more he struggled, the tighter the chewing gum wrapped around him became, and the sticky fluid material even poured back from his mouth, blocking his throat.

His struggle gradually weakened. Although those sticky things were fluid, their strength after stretching was no less than that of steel wires. These slime threads even directly cut his skin and dug into his flesh. , the dripping blood flowed down the surface of the human-shaped cocoon, but before it reached the bottom of the jar, it was already absorbed by the mucus.

The body that had stopped moving began to squirm again, but Ke Lan could see that it was not the person inside who was moving, but the things attached to him that were moving.

When all the mucus fell off, the flesh, blood and organs on the person had disappeared, leaving only a blackened skeleton.

Black skeleton...

Just as Ke Lan expected, the newly born black skeleton only moved its joints slightly, then quickly climbed out of the crystallization jar and pounced on Ke Lan.

Apart from being fast, the black skeleton itself is not very strong - Ke Lan later learned that the black-robed bishop in the East Ninth District only turned into a black skeleton after activating the Holy Word, not because he didn't want to In exchange for more power, but with his meager vitality, as a sacrifice, he can only reach this level.

If it were a stronger person, such as an enhanced person like Park Sang-woo, Ke Lan and his team would have to pay a heavy price if they wanted to pass that block.

The distance of more than ten meters between the black skeleton and Ke Lan was erased in the blink of an eye. The slender black bone claws stabbed hard at both sides of Ke Lan's neck - its target was Ke Lan's heart. The trajectory of the bone claws' trajectory: after piercing Ke Lan's neck, they would penetrate into his chest and then cross at the heart.

With just a little stirring, this most important organ in the human body, second only to the brain, can be torn to pieces.

But a pair of hands wrapped in blood-colored armor tightly grasped the black bone claws, preventing them from falling any further. As Ke Lan clenched his fists, he heard a few clicks and the black bone claw was broken by Ke Lan.

The biggest advantage of the black skeleton is speed. In front of Ke Lan, who has the ability to stop time, it is almost like slow motion. Ke Lan can even analyze its attack movements by pausing frame by frame and respond in advance.

After breaking all ten bone claws, Ke Lan directly passed his hands through the ribs of the black skeleton and grabbed its spine.

The black skeleton that had lost its claws frantically attacked Ke Lan with its arms and legs. However, those sharp bones could not leave any traces on Ke Lan's active armor - even if there was a slight scratch, these scratches The traces will disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Ke Lan felt that even if he stood there and let the black skeleton attack, it would be unable to do anything to him.

Whether it was power, speed or physical strength, the active armor completely crushed the black skeleton. Ke Lan didn't even expend any effort to dismantle the skeleton into pieces.

However, looking at the black bone fragments scattered on the ground, Ke Lan couldn't feel relaxed at all.

This person... is most likely one of the exiles who disappeared outside. If so, he will definitely encounter more and stronger monsters in the next journey.

This laboratory of Alpha civilization has been reactivated by the prophet, and the exiles left on the periphery of this ruins are apparently the guards of this stronghold, but in fact they are meat animals used as experimental materials. …

Ke Lan continued to walk inside.

The frequency of something in the jars embedded in the rock walls on both sides began to become higher and higher, but not every experimental subject in the jar could be successfully transformed into a monster. Most of the meat animals turned into corpses, and died together with the things that parasitized on them.

The success rate of human experiments like this is not high. Even the seeds of erosion have very high requirements for containers. Ke Lan encountered a total of twenty jars containing things along the way, but the things in the jars were able to escape and attack him only four times, including the first black skeleton.

At the end of this passage is a closed white door.

The material of the door does not look like metal or rock, but rather looks like a high-molecular polymer. Even though the word looks high-class, in fact, in layman's terms, it is just two words - plastic.

A plastic door? Although Ke Lan couldn't explain the reason, he always felt that it would be unconventional to have such a plastic door in the deepest part of the cave.

He has explored a lot of Alpha ruins, and even more ruins he has cloud-explored with the help of the Internet and various pictures, videos and text materials. He has seen countless magnificent stone gates, metal gates and even crystal gates. There are few, but I have never seen one that uses plastic as a door.

Not only the doors, but also the relics of the Alpha civilization unearthed from the ruins are rarely made of plastic.

The main reason for this is that the material plastic will age and degrade on its own, and its durability is far inferior to stone and metal. Even if there were gates made of plastic in some ruins, such a long As time passed, it had long since turned into dust.

On the earth in the old era, white pollution caused by the difficulty of degrading plastics was once one of the most serious environmental problems in the 21st century. However, even the most difficult to degrade plastics will take a few hundred years to degrade. Return to dust - and these relics of the Alpha Civilization have existed for more than ten thousand years.

Could this door be added by the heretic sect? Ke Lan's heart was full of doubts - even if the heretical sect wanted to add a door here, plastic is by no means the best choice... It can even be said that One of the worst choices.

What's more, this door is completely integrated with no trace of splicing. If you want to manufacture it, you must have a huge mold and extremely high injection molding technology. For Ark, it is not difficult to build such a door, but for the heretical sect in the wilderness, solving the problem of survival is the most important issue. How can they waste precious resources on such a thing? What about above?

According to the exile's style, a frugal, reliable, simple and easy solution is the best solution. Even if a door is welded out of discarded steel pipes and iron sheets, it will be much better than this flashy plastic door.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. With this thought in mind, Ke Lan did not push the door open immediately, but instead approached and observed it carefully.

It's okay if you don't observe it. Once you observe it, you will find something extraordinary.

This plastic door is not in a static state, but in a liquid state!

Because the entire door is pure white, many details are not obvious at first glance. Only when you look closely can you see the traces of white liquid flowing.

There is an invisible force field that confines the liquid, making it look like a door - this may be a fatal trap... Ke Lan is not sure, if he crashes into this liquid door, what will happen to him? Will it also become part of the door?

He turned back, picked up some fragments of the black skeleton, and returned to the front of the liquid gate again.

He carefully picked up a piece of black bone and stuck it into the door.


Ke Lan did not feel the position that contained the white liquid. The bone fragment penetrated through almost without any hindrance and inserted into the door.

Where the bone fragments come into contact with the door, there are indeed ripples where the fluid is disturbed - these ripples are like the ripples that appear on the edge of the palm of your hand when you put your hand into the flowing water.

The problem is, if you put your hand into the flowing water, you can clearly feel the push from the direction of the water flow, but although the bone fragments in Ke Lan's hand have interfered with the white liquid, he did not feel any the power of.

This door... is so strange... Ke Lan muttered in his heart, and he suddenly decided to make an attempt - a somewhat exaggerated attempt.

He returned to the passage again, but this time, he used violent means to remove an entire empty crystallization jar from the rock wall.

Then, he walked back to the white door, carried the crystal jar on his shoulder and slammed it into the white door like a battering ram.

The flowing white liquid was immediately separated by the huge cylinder, but the next second, they had penetrated the wall of the crystallizing tank and filled the inside of the tank. When Ke Lan pulled out the tank, the tank The liquid inside reversely penetrated back and did not remain inside the jar.

Ke Lan suddenly felt a cold sweat break out from his back.

This white door does not seem dangerous, but in fact it is fatal to living creatures.

These liquids seem to be able to penetrate the surface of any material - if it is Ke Lan who gets into the door, then all the cavities in his body will be filled with these unknown white liquids, including the brain, heart, and various internal organs of the body. and blood vessels, the gaps and holes between muscles and bones, without exception.

This level of foreign body invasion is enough to kill most of the living things on this planet.

I just don't know if active armor can resist these white liquids...

Ke Lan gritted his teeth, stretched out a finger, and inserted it.

A cool feeling came from the fingertips. This feeling was not painful, and even a little comfortable... But after just a few seconds, Ke Lan's expression changed drastically: he could no longer feel his fingertips!

He immediately retracted his fingers and removed the active armor on his fingertips - only then did he realize that the finger inserted into the door was completely necrotic... The tissue was necrotic so fast that The nerves don’t even have time to transmit the pain sensation back to the nerve center…

There is only a faint numbing feeling in the middle of the finger, and further forward, there is no feeling at all.

Ke Lan had no choice but to grit his teeth and cut off the necrotic finger - to be on the safe side, he cut it off at the root. The moment before the blood spurted out, the flowing active armor sealed the wound. A finger completely solidified from blood appeared at the location of the severed finger.

Until new fingers grow, active armor can only be used as a replacement.

He did not throw away the severed finger, but carefully put it away - the Seraph incident made Ke Lan realize a very troublesome problem: Although he did not feel that he was a monster, in fact, his cells had completely It can be used as a material for biological and chemical weapons.

Whether he wanted to or not, he had to admit this reality.

Putting aside the question of whether he is a monster or not, the strange door in front of him is the first problem that Ke Lan needs to solve.

[P.S. My physical and mental state are not very good. I will go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. I hope the test results show nothing wrong. I hope I can have a good year. 】

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