Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 572 Information worth 100 million

No... we didn't find any traces at the scene. The commander's secretary said, Dr. Renee's blood disappeared after leaving the wreckage of the transport plane. At present, we have expanded the search area to a radius of three meters centered on the crash site. A mixed force of security bureaus and marines are conducting a blanket search in the entire area within ten kilometers.

Is this what the commander of the fleet is doing? Ke Lan asked.

Yes... Due to the lack of manpower, a group of fleet crew members have been mobilized to join the search force. The fleet is currently temporarily taken over by the fleet adjutant, Colonel Yevgeny. If you need it, I can transfer you to the colonel.

No need for the moment. By the way, have you notified the superiors about this matter?... You should know what I am referring to, right? Ke Lan lowered his voice slightly, although he didn't know whether this beautiful secretary knew about the Immortal Crew Yes, but since the fleet commander is personally appointed by the crew association, there is no reason why he should not have the right to know as a secretary who needs to help the commander handle a large number of official duties.

Sure enough, after hearing Ke Lan mention the word above, the secretary immediately said: The crew already knows.

That's okay. Since the Undead Crew already knew about it, there was no need for Ke Lan to worry about it. By the way, there's something I almost forgot. The virtual immersion chamber sent by Ark showed a lot of trouble. Serious security issues, in order to prevent leaks, Cheng Dong, the leader of the 11th field team of the Security Bureau, and several other insiders were locked up in the No. 1 infirmary of the New Dawn... But this matter is no longer like this. It’s important, go and release them. After being imprisoned for so many days, I hope the emergency food on the ship doesn’t taste too bad.”

Uh... The secretary was obviously stunned for a moment, There is... no emergency food on board the New Dawn... yet...

What are you talking about? According to the management regulations of the Ark Fleet, not all rooms on the ship must be equipped with emergency safes. Personal survival items in them must be regularly checked and updated. Things like medicine and food should be prepared. !”

It's like this... New Dawn is a newly built 'Gangfeng-class' aircraft carrier battleship. According to the original arrangement, it will not be commissioned until four months later. There is a high probability that it will be used as a substitute flagship to supplement the first Go to the cruise fleet. The Zero Fleet is a temporarily established new fleet, including the mobilization of ships and personnel. All the work was completed in just a few days. The priority of this batch of emergency supplementary supplies on the ship is not that high. , so it was placed at the back of the schedule. If this batch of supplies can be delivered on time, it will be a week later. The secretary explained to Ke Lan in great detail.

Fortunately, we are locked up in the infirmary. There should be enough glucose nutrient solution so that we won't starve to death... Ke Lan said with a guilty conscience. He had drunk medical glucose, and the taste could only be described as sweet. , completely different from the imagined sugar water.

After ending the call with his secretary, Ke Lan thought for a while, put down Zofia in his arms, stood up and walked to the window, opened the curtain with one finger and took a look outside.

What's wrong? Zofia turned around and asked.

I always feel like I'm being watched, Ke Lan said.

Zofia's face suddenly turned red, she hesitated for a few seconds, and then said: Then just now...

There is no surveillance device in this room. I scanned it when I first came in. Ke Lan shook the watch-like thing on his wrist. After the secret filming incident of the Morgan consortium, he went to do this A special watch comes - the technical content of this watch is not too high, but it is still very useful for detecting hidden bugs, cameras and other gadgets.

I suspect that my whereabouts are being monitored, and... Ke Lan did not continue the second half of the sentence. If monitored, then the undead crew must have been monitoring him. There is no doubt about this. But with that intelligence dealer's ability, can he really do this?

The news of Dr. Renee's defection can definitely be regarded as the highest level secret within Fleet Zero. Except for a few senior officials of the Undead Crew Association and the Security Bureau, no one on the Ark should know about it. Then he Where did you get the news?

Moreover, that surveillance video is not accessible to ordinary people.

Ke Lan thought for a while and sent a message to the other party:

Where did you get this news?

The other party was obviously in a state of online invisibility. Seeing Ke Lan's reply, the gray avatar immediately turned into color.

Brother, you don't know the rules in this business, do you? We buy information without asking the source, and if we all play like you do, we won't be able to continue in this industry. At the end, the guy also added a grinning expression.

Don't fart, you know my identity now, so you should know that this information was leaked from under my hands. Isn't it too sarcastic for you to send this video to me? Ke Lan said in a bad tone replied.

But when I sent you this information, you didn't know about it, right? Then this information is meaningful. I didn't ask you to collect money because you are an old customer.

I ask again, where did you get this video? Not many people can get this thing now. Is it possible that you have a deal with the top brass of the Security Bureau?

You really like to joke, how can I reach those big shots... If I deal with them, doesn't it mean that I am a thief selling stolen goods to the police (defence) and police (harmony) bureau (harmony)? ? Why don’t I light a lantern in the latrine?

Don't talk useless nonsense. Except for the top brass of the Security Bureau, no one else has any channels to learn about this information.

Ha, you've missed a group of key people.

You want to say the soldiers of Fleet Zero, right? There are also your informants among them?

The person who provided the information cannot be regarded as 'my informant'. The transaction between me and him was purely monetary. The other party sent another shrug.

Then make a price and give me that person's information. Ke Lan said.

That's not okay. If you do this, I won't be able to hang out in this circle anymore... You know, there are more than one or two people who want to buy your information from me, and the prices they offer are not low, but I haven't sold it once. Pass you.

Who knows whether you have sold me or not... Ke Lan muttered in his heart, but since the other party had already mentioned it to this extent, he could not continue to ask: Then I ask you to say this, you are quite Talk about credibility?

Of course, don't you still know what I am like?

I don't even know your real name. Do you think I dare to believe you? Ke Lan sent an expressionless expression - before his identity was exposed, neither he nor the other party knew the truth about each other. identity and can still conduct transactions normally. But now, Ke Lan was in the light and the other party was still hiding in the dark. When dealing with this information dealer, he felt a little uncomfortable.

That's not important. What's important is what I can provide you... The other party immediately replied with a series of smiley faces, By the way, there are actually quite a few people in Fleet Zero who sell information. Otherwise, those who are jealous of the new S How did the forces in the super ruins get so much latest information?

In other words, all the big financial groups know about this?

Nine times out of ten, the intelligence dealer said, Think about it, even the captain of a main battleship can be a mole. Do you think what happened in this fleet can still be called a secret? ? You know, the scene of the transport plane being shot down was seen by tens of thousands of eyes on the entire ship... You should know better than me that the so-called 'blocked information' by the people above is actually only for ordinary people.

Then what do you mean by sending this video to me? Ke Lan asked, You are an information dealer, not a philanthropist. There shouldn't be such a good thing as giving away information for free, right?

Of course! This video is just a complimentary fruit plate before the main course. The fruit plate is free, but the main course has to be paid for~

What's the main course?

You should have called the fleet just now, right?

Fought. Ke Lan knew that there was no need to hide this kind of thing - just from the time difference between receiving the email and sending the message, he could guess that he was calling to verify the authenticity of the video.

Then you should also know that those people from Fleet Zero have not found the missing Dr. Renee, right? As if to deliberately whet Ke Lan's appetite, the other party divided the complete sentence into I wrote many paragraphs and sent them out one by one.

You know the whereabouts of Dr. Renee?

Shh, I told you, you have to pay for the main course.

How can I believe that you will know her whereabouts even if no one from Fleet Zero can be found?

Believe it or not - it depends on you. As for whether you are willing to buy my information - it also depends on you.

How much?

It's not expensive, 100 million credits. The other party's answer made Ke Lan sigh in relief - although 100 million is not a small amount, but for the importance of this information, the other party is not a big talker, as long as If the information he provides is useful, then the money is worth it.

A problem that can be solved with money cannot be considered a problem. What Ke Lan is most afraid of is that the other party makes some special requests that he cannot fulfill.

But this guy has never done this... all he seems interested in is money. This is like the kind of game that directly sells values. As long as you can get the money, even the prop shop owner who destroys the world will sell it to you.

Ke Lan checked the fund account of the Hunting God Hunting Group. Part of the reward for exploring the ruins before, plus a few advertising sponsorship funds that had just arrived, added up to just over 100 million. Considering the next exploration The equipment expenses of Yagunaktor have been fully covered by the wealthy Ye family, and the hunting group really has nothing to spend money on recently.

Ke Lan withdrew the 100 million from his account and called the other party.

Wow wow wow... there really is 100 million! Are you saying that if I block you and run away now, will you go crazy?

Stop talking nonsense and talk about business.

Why are you becoming more and more boring, and you can't even make a joke? After the other party made a contemptuous expression, he said: The person who picked up Dr. Renee was the prophet of the heretic sect.

How did you know? Ke Lan couldn't help but ask this again.

Didn't you agree not to ask for the source? Even if you pay 100 million points, you are only buying the information itself. As for other services, I don't have them here.

Okay, go on.

As far as I know, the search force of Fleet Zero is currently searching in an area within a radius of thirty kilometers from the crash site, but Dr. Renee was taken by the prophet to a location six hundred and eighty kilometers away from the crash site four hours ago. An exile settlement ten kilometers away.”

As he said that, the other party had already sent over a coordinate, along with a photo with extremely blurry pixels.

In the photo, a tall and thin figure wearing a sand-colored cloak was carrying a plump woman in a white coat on his shoulders. There were many burn marks and blood stains on the woman's white coat.

The clues have been cut off here. As for whether they are still here, I can't guarantee it.


Ke Lan ended the conversation, turned to Zofia and said: I have to return to Fleet Zero immediately - as for the training staff, you can just contact the Hounds directly!

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20210128095657946 for the 500 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. Regarding the issue of reader groups, I saw a reader of QQ Reading today asking what the group account is and how to add it. This question is actually quite difficult for me - because my book was published on Qidian, the one-click group joining function is currently limited to Qidian APP, and QQ Reading or other channels do not have this function.

And I can’t directly publish the group account in the comment area, because the reader group has been reported to three times by people with ulterior motives. Now this is the fourth group, and if my QQ account as the group leader is blocked I can't log in to the blocked writer's backend, and I can't even do daily updates.

As for the manual review by administrators, firstly, it is very troublesome and not timely. Secondly, some people are simply unwilling to cooperate or do not know how to cooperate.

In the last book, all subscription groups required screenshots of fan values, but some people didn’t know where to check the fan values, and some pirated readers pretended to be stupid and pretended to be genuine readers to join the group. As for the general group, I used to join the group by answering questions, but there are also many people who are not readers at all and join the group. There are also people who invite their friends and classmates to join the group... I thought I could benefit more new readers. The result is that the readership group turns into a gaming group, a GHS group, a classmate group, and then gets blown up.

So this time I will just use Qidian’s own group-joining function, and the group number will not be issued separately. Everyone can join the group with one click in the APP when they meet the fan value requirements.

As for channel readers, I can only say sorry. If you really like this book and want to communicate with other readers and authors, it is still recommended to use’s APP, whether you join a group or leave a message in the comment area Okay, if you have any suggestions or comments, I will reply as soon as I see them.

(Quietly speaking, using Qidian’s APP provides the greatest support to authors. Whether it is chasing reading data, recommending monthly tickets, or rewarding subscriptions, Qidian’s own data is the most important, and data from external sites and Tickets have very little influence on authors, and the share of subscriptions and rewards is much smaller than Qidian.)]

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