Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 538 Unexpected Disaster

Has the situation become this serious? Ke Lan was a little stunned... The last time the block separation wall was lowered, it was an order issued to round up the most dangerous element after the prophet attacked the Security Bureau stronghold. After that, the separation wall was no longer available. Has not been enabled.

Even in the Arasaka Consortium incident, the East 9th District was blocked by a defense line composed of the Security Bureau and the garrison, not an alloy wall several meters thick.

These separation walls, like the whole ship blockade, are equivalent to the last barrier of Ark. If even this barrier is broken through, it means that the current crisis is no longer able to make Ark's top management take care of ordinary people. life.

If you change it to a more refined word, it would be - life is ruined.

There are 50 million civilians on the Ark. After excluding the large families and conglomerates with private armed forces, as well as the mercenaries, relic hunters, and retired soldiers with certain combat effectiveness - the remaining 40 million people are at least without fighting. Ordinary people with abilities, except for shooting a few times with Type 01 rifles in popular military training, throughout their lives, these people will never have any interaction with words such as weapons and combat.

When disaster strikes, the only thing they can rely on is the shelter from the top of the Ark... and those six to eight-meter-thick composite armored isolation walls are the last official insurance for them.

The entire ship is blocked and the separation wall is lowered, which means that the connections between the various blocks will be completely cut off, transportation will be interrupted, logistics will be blocked, and the production and life of everyone in the Ark will be completely stopped. Not to mention anything else, just count the economic losses. , the loss caused by every minute of blockade may be measured in units of hundred million.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Joint Parliamentary Group... No, the Joint Parliamentary Group is probably not qualified to issue such an order yet - it should be said this way: It is impossible for the Immortal Crew to activate this plan unless it is absolutely necessary!

What happened? Ke Lan asked again.

However, the soldier just glanced at him and did not answer.

Seeing this, Thirty-three quickly walked forward, approached the sergeant with the highest rank among the soldiers, and said, Brother, we used to be from the first division of the first army corps of the field force...

As he spoke, he pulled up his sleeves, revealing a tattoo on his arm, Seeing as we were all colleagues in the past, can you tell us some news so that we can feel a little more at ease.

After seeing the tattoo on Thirty-three's arm, the sergeant was stunned for a moment, and then immediately showed a look of awe - the first division of the first regiment of the field force, that is known as the ace among aces. , except for the fleets and mecha units in the air, the most powerful unit in the human army belongs to the First Division. Countless soldiers have sharpened their heads and want to get into the First Division, but those who can succeed often fail. several.

The screening conditions of the First Division are very strict. A soldier with enough strength to be selected into the Sharp Knife Company from other troops in the field army will only be ranked at the bottom in the First Division, let alone those under the First Division. An elite unit with a special number.

The strength of the First Division can be said to be the strongest in the Army, and the combat tasks they receive are often the most arduous. According to the statistics of the past ten years, not counting the disabled and missing, the field corps has served for five years. The average battle fatality rate was four per thousand. The five-year average combat fatality rate of the First Division is 25%...

In other words, for every one hundred soldiers who joined the First Division, only seventy-five will be alive after five years.

This is still the data that the war has been relatively relaxed in recent years. If we put it in the few years after the landing, it is estimated that after five years of fighting, there will not be a few veterans left in the entire First Division - the earliest batch of soldiers would have been It was all gone, and all that was left were reserve troops that were added later.

Whether it is the field troops, the garrison troops, or the air fleet, which has always been above the top, when it comes to the First Division, there is only admiration and respect in their hearts.

After the sergeant saw the tattoo symbolizing honor on Thirty-Three's arm, he subconsciously saluted him with a standard military salute, and then said with an expression of embarrassment: It's not that we don't want to tell you, it's actually us. I don’t know... Really, twenty minutes ago, our brothers were watching TV at the station, and suddenly we received this order... Even we are still confused.

Yes, yes. Several other soldiers from the garrison nearby also immediately agreed.

Brother, since you are a retired member of the First Division, you must know someone among the top brass of your army. You see, although the entire ship is blocked now, the communication lines have not been disabled. How about trying Give me a call and ask? the sergeant asked kindly.

Based on this situation, the people I can contact... probably won't know many. Thirty-three shook his head slightly, and then focused on Ke Lan.

In his opinion, since Ke Lan is the captain of Yagunaktor and the person in charge of this new S-class ruins, he must be familiar with the Ark's senior management, and maybe he will even join forces. The members of the parliamentary group all know several of them. A high-ranking official of this level must know the inside story.

Um...who is the person with the greatest authority you can contact? Thirty-three asked Ke Lan, Do you know the members of the joint parliamentary group?

Ke Lan shook his head: Just kidding, how could I possibly know the congressman...

The conversation between the two was overheard by the soldiers, who immediately looked at Ke Lan with surprise. These soldiers never expected that besides a big boss who retired from the First Division, among the four people, there were actually A big shot who can build relationships with congressmen.

But this big shot is really too young.

Fortunately, Ke Lan immediately denied Thirty-Three's statement, otherwise, these soldiers' jaws would have been shocked to the ground.

It's just that... although he doesn't know the congressmen, he does know a group of guys who are more powerful than the congressmen.

Wait a minute, I'll make a call.

Ke Lan took out his cell phone and dialed the number Demeter left for him. The ringing only lasted for two seconds before the call was connected.

What's going on? In order to save time, Ke Lan asked straight to the point. He believed that the other party must know what he was asking.

It's hard to explain on the phone. Demeter said, You should follow this group of soldiers to the shelter first, and someone will come to find you soon.

Ke Lan raised his head and saw that the surveillance camera at the street entrance was facing here, and the red indicator light representing the working status was flashing rhythmically next to the camera.

It is estimated that people from the Immortal Crew are looking at him from behind the camera... For some reason, Ke Lan suddenly felt the urge to make an international friendly gesture to the surveillance camera.

Why are you looking for me? To capture young men? Since you want me to do work, you must let me know the content of the work.

The people who come to you later will tell you...but you need to be mentally prepared. Things are far more troublesome than you think. Demeter said in an extremely calm tone.

But after hearing her words, Ke Lan couldn't calm down.

Damn... Even the people from the Undead Crew said that this matter was far more troublesome than they thought... I guess it can no longer be described as troublesome...

This is not trouble, this is disaster.

Okay, I understand. Ke Lan was silent for two seconds before responding.

Beep—— After receiving a positive reply, the other party hung up the phone without hesitation.

After putting down the phone, Ke Lan realized that everyone around him was staring at him - except for Thirty-three, Qin Zhao and Valentina, the eyes of the soldiers in the garrison were also full of curiosity.

They are also human beings. If they take off their military uniforms and put down their guns, they will be no different from ordinary people. When encountering this kind of thing, they will inevitably have doubts, worries, fears and other negative emotions in their hearts... especially in this situation where it is obvious that the sky is falling. However, without knowing anything, these negative emotions will be amplified hundreds or thousands of times...

Compared with the civilians who just need to wait for rescue in the holding facility, these soldiers are the ones who really need to face this disaster... If the matter is really so serious that it is unspeakable, then perhaps the only thing waiting for them is... die.

When the landing area was first opened, the advance legions who landed first knew that the battle would be fatal, but they still jumped out of the vehicle resolutely... But now, this kind of thing has happened to these soldiers. superior.

There were obviously some uncomfortable expressions on the faces of several young soldiers - when Ke Lan and Demeter were on the phone just now, they did not deliberately avoid these people, and in the extremely quiet environment, the words leaked from the receiver The sound was also transmitted to the ears of the people around him extremely clearly.

Although the voices of both people on the call were calm, this calm was more like a calm before the storm: thick dark clouds fell from the sky, making people feel as if they couldn't breathe... This short-lived After the calm passes, they will face an unimaginable storm, and a powerful cyclone will sweep through, sweeping everything...

Of course, there is no such climate landscape on Planet Alpha, and Ke Lan has only seen similar scenes in a science documentary from the old era, but using this scene to describe the current situation is extremely appropriate.

Brother...who is the person you just called...? The sergeant couldn't help but ask after thinking for a long time.

A friend. Ke Lan said. Although the Immortal Crew Association acquiesced to these people listening to this call, it did not mean that Ke Lan could tell them about the existence of the Immortal Crew Association.

Well, what is your friend's identity? Unknowingly, the sergeant had already used the honorific title you.

It's not really a member of the joint parliamentary group, is it? Thirty-three interjected - he would rather believe that Ke Lan's statement that he didn't know the member just now was just a joke.

She is not a member of Parliament, but she is almost the same as a member of Parliament... Ke Lan said vaguely. He was right to say so. After all, the Joint Parliamentary Group is actually just a group of puppets. Those who actually perform the functions of the Parliamentary Group are actually It's this group of people hiding behind the scenes...

The congressman just now... ah, no, it's the lady. She seemed to want you to handle this matter... The sergeant swallowed and continued to ask Ke Lan, Excuse me... who are you?

God Hunting Group, Ke Lan. Ke Lan didn't need to hide his identity, Oh, he's the one who made headlines recently, the person in charge of the S-019 ruins 'Aguna Kotor'.

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers in the team looked sideways, and the sergeant couldn't help but open his mouth - he was stunned for several seconds before he realized: I'm very sorry! We have caused you trouble! If necessary, we can arrange transportation for you now, and we should be able to send you out of the East Eighth District before the wall is lowered!

The sergeant couldn't help but shed a layer of dense beads of sweat in the palm of his hand that was holding the butt of his gun. He never imagined that he could stop a group of people at random and actually stop such a big man... And the most terrible thing was that he stopped a group of people casually. , this big shot seems to be the key figure in solving this incident.

Even if he did not violate any rules and regulations and could even be regarded as a conscientious soldier, his interception did delay the opportunity. If his actions caused a butterfly effect, I am afraid that shooting him a hundred times would not be enough. Atoning.

It's okay. Since the person asked me to wait at the shelter, let's go to the shelter quickly. Ke Lan said.

Ah...Okay! I'll drive you there! the sergeant said quickly, and then turned to the other soldiers and said, You continue to patrol along the edge of the New East Ninth District, and if you find anyone lingering, you will immediately control them. , collect them and send them to a holding facility!”

Yes! other soldiers responded.

Fifteen minutes later.

The temporary holding facility the sergeant called was actually a department store with the doors and windows sealed and several barricades surrounding the outside. The people brought in by various patrol teams were gathered in the second and third floors of the department store. On both floors, the containers were pushed to one side, and yellow and black warning tapes divided the entire building into dozens of areas, with thirty or fifty people gathered in each area.

Some of these people were talking on the phone with anxious faces; some were sitting on the ground, frowning and staring at their phones; some were constantly chatting with the soldiers standing guard next to them, trying to get some information out of the soldiers' mouths. Come.

Like Ke Lan, they were all walking on the street and were suddenly brought here by the soldiers who came over - there were still some unwiped blood stains on the floor tiles at the door... I don't know if there was a stampede or violence. conflict.

Mr. Ke Lan, please wait here for a while. If someone comes to see you later, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible... In addition, I hope you don't tell the people here about what happened just now. I'm worried that it will cause trouble. If the group panics, the situation will become difficult to control. The sergeant said to Ke Lan.

Okay, of course I know that. Ke Lan nodded.

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