Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 56 Bait Tactics

I will definitely not let this beast escape this time! Layton said through gritted teeth.

However, the first attack just now seemed to be a surprise. The No. 14 deep-sea giant eel did not appear on the surface of the water for a full twenty seconds.

Hurry... hold on... I can't hold on anymore... Zhuo Ligetu squeezed out a few words from between his teeth. Unlike conventional gunpowder weapons that only produce recoil when fired, this electromagnetic weapon When the force is charged and ready to go, the recoil force will be continuously transmitted from the accelerator. The Gauss firearm used by individual soldiers cannot feel this force due to its extremely short charging time and small kinetic energy. But in exchange for If it becomes a heavy weapon that requires a long time to charge, the situation is completely different.

Ke Lan, Hound and Liao Zilang hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed the frame on the outside of the cannon body, and pressed their bodies against it, trying to bear part of the thrust force for Zhuoligetu as much as possible.

But despite this, there was not much time left for Layton. The powered exoskeleton worn by Zhuoligetu kept making overwhelmed clicking sounds, and some of the more fragile supporting parts even began to deform.

Calm down! You must calm down! Ke Lan said to Layton, Don't launch as soon as you lock the target. We won't have a second chance.

I know, I know! Layton held his breath, his face flushed. His clothes were blown by the strong airflow at the hatch, but his whole body remained motionless, like a sculpture. .

Layton's robotic arm was disassembled and turned into a part of the bracket, firmly fixed on the nearest keel, while his other hand was hanging on the sight's operating screen, doing precise movements. Fine adjustment to the millimeter range.

Thirty seconds passed, and No. 14 still did not appear in the field of vision.

Ke Lan, this won't work. That beast is too smart. It's stalling for time. If it drags it for another half minute, the bracket will definitely be scrapped! the hound said quickly.

Don't worry, there is still a chance, there must be a chance!

Ke Lan suddenly realized that when commanding other deep-sea giant eels, this No. 14 seemed to have to surface, and the distance could not be too far. This is why it kept swimming around the entire battlefield. ——From this point of view, there should be no long-distance communication methods between deep-sea giant eels. As he guessed, when No. 14 dived into the water to avoid the attack, other deep-sea giant eels were also attacking. Slowed down, for the Pioneer, these thirty seconds are simply a rare opportunity to breathe.

Ke Lan and the others fought for these thirty seconds for the Pioneer, but there is no more thirty seconds left, and until Ark's reinforcements arrive at Zhonghai, it will take nearly a thousand such thirty seconds...

For the Pioneer, they have to delay until reinforcements from the Ark arrive, while for the Deep Sea Giant Eel, they only need to drag it until the bracket of the Harpoon heavy cannon is scrapped because it reaches the fatigue limit of the metal. The gap between the two It's just too much...

It is the nature of living things to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. As long as the No. 14 deep-sea giant eel hides underwater for a few minutes, Ke Lan and the others will no longer have any means to restrain it.

As for taking this opportunity to send the heavy artillery down, that is even more nonsense - although the other deep-sea giant eels have temporarily lost their command, as long as the transport ship dares to approach the sea, it will inevitably become their attack target. The bulky Pioneer is much weaker than the transport ship's defensive capabilities. Whether it is an arc attack or a powerful tail flick, it is not able to withstand it.

Wait a minute! Ke Lan felt a flash of light in his head...seeking benefits and avoiding harm...No. 14 dived into the water to avoid harm, but what about seeking benefits?

If you release a big enough bait, can you trick it out of the water?

It has been confirmed that No. 14 cannot command the deep-sea giant eels on the surface underwater - if there is a huge flaw in the Pioneer's defense at this time, will it be unable to resist the attack? Desire, floating on the surface?

The brain capacity of this sea beast is not large. Even as a special individual as a commander, No. 14's IQ cannot surpass that of humans. The success rate of this trap will never be low!

Can you contact the Pioneer?

...Yes! the transport ship captain's voice came from the loudspeaker.

Have them turn off the engines, drive the ship horizontally, and stop all defensive weapons from firing!

What?! The captain's tone was full of disbelief.

Didn't you hear clearly?! Ke Lan was a little angry, and he didn't have time to repeat it again.

I heard it's just...

I am the commander, do as I say! Also, tell the Pioneer that this is their only chance! Ke Lan almost shouted.

Benson on the side shook his head repeatedly: You are crazy, you are absolutely crazy, you will kill everyone on the ship!

However, Ke Lan had no time to pay attention to him at this time, but was focused on staring at the Pioneer below.

The Pioneer sent a message asking for details of the plan... The captain's voice sounded again.

Let them execute it immediately! They have at most fifteen seconds - no, ten seconds! Ke Lan roared loudly. Time did not allow him to explain too much. Whether this plan can succeed depends on the pioneers. Are the decision-makers on board decisive enough?

For that man, this was definitely a big gamble, risking the entire ship and the lives of everyone on board.

It's crazy enough just to think about a completely unknown plan proposed by someone you've never met... But if you hesitate even a little bit, it'll be too late.

Five seconds later, the Pioneer, which had been moving at full speed in an attempt to break out, stopped. Its six large propulsion engines were turned off at the same time, and the ship began to roll slowly sideways. At the same time, the remaining defensive forts also became silent. …

Finally, No. 14, which had disappeared from sight for nearly a minute, suddenly appeared in front of the Pioneer on the right side. More than a dozen deep-sea giant eels quickly gathered around it, seemingly preparing to launch a final attack on the Pioneer... …


I caught it!!

The blue arc crackled, and the second harpoon instantly rushed out of the barrel, turning into a sharp arrow dragging an electric light and piercing the sea!

Hit the target! Leighton shouted excitedly, The barb expands! The steel cable is pressurized! Okay, you can pull it!

Captain, raise the altitude immediately! We have to pull this thing out of the water! Ke Lan raised his head and ordered to the camera.

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