Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 528 The beginning is a death mission

Go to the imam, he will tell us who the enemy is. NPC teammate said.

In the Dashi Cult, the status of imam is equivalent to the priest in Catholicism, but there are some differences from priest. Simply translated from the literal meaning, it is equivalent to teacher of scriptures.

(P. S. Because the name of that sect will be automatically blocked as an asterisk by Qidian. Yesterday’s chapter was blocked, so any mention of this sect in the following articles will be replaced by the ancient name Dashi.)

The imam in the NPC's mouth is actually a small leader of the Hawii militia organization, a subordinate of the warlord Aidid. Instead of imparting teachings, he spends more time teaching his militiamen how to operate weapons...

Using religious beliefs to control subordinate armed personnel is a common method used by many countries with big food religions. Although the combat effectiveness of those fanatical believers is far inferior to that of soldiers who have undergone formal training, any normal person will inevitably feel a little frightened by their madness without fear of death.

As the old saying goes, even those who are violent are afraid of losing their lives... In the original work of Black Hawk Down, this group of armed militiamen exchanged the corpses of thousands of their comrades for the so-called victory and defeated the tired and fearful American army. Driven out of Mogadishu like cattle.

Ke Lan couldn't help but think of heretical sects in reality.

Fortunately, the heretical sect has only been established for more than ten years, and their foundation is far inferior to that of the Great Food Sect that already existed in the 7th century AD... Moreover, the heretical sect is more like a random fabrication by the prophet to satisfy his own desires. Tool is a tool full of self-destructive tendencies - rather than a tool, it is more appropriate to say it is a consumable.

But there is one thing that is enough to put the threat of heretical sects at the front of all religions that have appeared in human history: the god believed in by the Dashi Cult is an idol made up by humans, but the heretical sect's God does exist.

Even Ke Lan himself had witnessed the miracle of that god with his own eyes.

For ordinary people with weak wills, this kind of existence is enough to subvert their cognition and drive them into madness... When the initial madness gradually fades away, these people whose cognition has been reshaped will become extremely loyal to the heretical sect. believers.

Ke Lan glanced at his NPC companion holding a machine gun, and a similar fanatical look flashed in his eyes.

The two pushed open the broken door and walked out quickly.

At this time, Ke Lan could already hear the sound of helicopter rotors coming from far outside the city. The originally bustling civilians on the street suddenly became a little commotion - many people did not run back to their houses immediately, but He stretched his neck and looked around for something.

In fact, many of these civilians are not civilians in the true sense. As long as they pick up a gun, they are armed militiamen and the enemies of American soldiers.

And guns are everywhere in Mogadishu.

Ke Lan couldn't help but think of an original sentence in the movie: They are fighting the entire city...

They refers to the Rangers and Delta members trapped in Mogadishu.

An old black man wearing a white linen robe and a scarf of the same color on his head stood across the street and waved to Ke Lan - the moment Ke Lan saw him, a line of text jumped out in front of his eyes: Mission objective: Go to the militia assembly point.

The NPC companion had already pushed away the passers-by and ran over, and Ke Lan quickly followed.

Except for the fact that they all spoke Chinese, which made him feel a little magical, the scenes, lights and shadows, and NPC characters were all the same as those in the real world. When Ke Lan squeezed through the crowd, he could even smell those odors emanating from the NPCs. The smell of sweat.

Hurry up, hurry up, come here. The old man in white robe pulled Ke Lan and the two of them into a low adobe house. In the corner where the sun couldn't reach, there were more than a dozen people with natural camouflage Uncle Hei was squatting in a dark corner, and they were holding a variety of firearms in their hands - the types, calibers, and origins of these firearms were simply diverse, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they were all very old.

These people probably don’t even know the standard posture for shoulder shooting, let alone the daily care and maintenance of firearms...

A strong black man wearing a denim vest and a baseball cap was holding a handful of microflush and spat on the militiamen: The damn Americans planned a raid. They want to capture Ai. Didi, but Aidid had already received the news in advance and left there.”

He glanced at Ke Lan and another militiaman who had just entered the room, and then said: But Aidid's cadres are still at the Olympic Hotel. Your task is to protect them and bring them to a safe place!

Hearing the words of this little leader, Ke Lan couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart - the first mission that his group of militiamen received turned out to be more difficult than he had imagined.

The capture operation mentioned by the little boss is the Operation Erin planned by the US special forces in the movie to arrest Aidid's senior staff. It belongs to the first half of the entire Black Hawk Down incident - at this stage, the US The army basically encountered no decent resistance. Under the cover of the Rangers, the Delta members quickly broke into the Olympic Hotel, eliminated the militiamen defending the hotel, and escorted the target person into the motorcade.

As a veteran of this game, Ke Lan has naturally played this part of the story when using Delta characters and Ranger characters. Compared with the entire game process, this part can only be regarded as a novice tutorial at best, and the difficulty is low enough. Ignore it, it is basically used to familiarize players with game operations.

Even if you choose the hard mode Delta Force, as long as you pay attention to the crossfire in the corner when rushing into the hotel, give priority to the few militiamen with automatic weapons. Even if the player can't fire a shot at the remaining enemies, They will also be quickly killed by NPC teammates who follow them.

From the perspective of the American army, this part of the game process is a tutorial for novices... But if you look at it the other way around, from the perspective of Aidid's militia, it is equivalent to a death mission - although this part is not mentioned in the movie. There are only a few shots of the militia supporting the hotel, but in the game, these people basically rush out to kill people... Unless the start of the convoy is delayed for a few minutes, they don't even have a single American soldier. Beat to death.

It wasn't until the Humvee convoy began to evacuate that a dead American soldier appeared - Sergeant Pillar, who was sitting on top of the Humvee and manipulating the M2 heavy machine gun.

Ke Lan thought that the first task would be a slightly less difficult task such as destroying roads or ambushing a convoy, but who knew that they would be asked to support the Olympic Hotel at the beginning? This would be a hellish start!

Quick! Quick! Get going! Under the urging of the militia leader, these dozen people quickly climbed into the two Toyota pickup trucks parked at the back door. Ke Lan also got into the passenger seat of one of the pickup trucks.

Both pickup trucks have machine gun bases welded into the bed, and are equipped with an American-made M2HB Laoganma heavy machine gun and a 14.5 mm-caliber Deshka anti-aircraft machine gun produced by the Soviet Union during World War II.

Ke Lan was no stranger to this car. When he was playing in the Ranger camp, they were the first enemies he encountered. However, the two heavy machine guns failed to shoot down the helicopter. Instead, they were hit by the Vulcan cannon on the helicopter. Sweeped into a sieve.

Anyway, as soon as we see a US military helicopter in the sky, we will jump out of the car. Ke Lan made up his mind and then rummaged around the co-pilot.

According to the settings of the game, on the vehicles of the US military - whether it is a Black Hawk helicopter, a Little Bird helicopter or a Humvee, if you search carefully on the road, you can always find some additional equipment, and at least a few grenades and shock bombs are guaranteed. , if you are lucky, you can even find a fully equipped M733 carbine or MP5K submachine gun. These weapons are much easier to use than the M16A2 rifle issued by the Rangers, which can only be semi-automatic and three-shot.

However, in the cab of this pickup truck, Ke Lan only found a few rounds of 14.5mm machine gun ammunition for the Deshka anti-aircraft machine gun... This thing was completely useless to him, and he would never do it. The person who ran behind the pickup truck to operate the machine gun was a living target.

Hey, brother, do you have any extra magazines? Give me a few. With no other choice, Ke Lan could only pin her last hope on the thick-lipped pickup truck driver next to her.

Magazine? AK's magazine? Oh, there's one here. The driver held the steering wheel with one hand, and with the other hand he rummaged through the glove box filled with debris and garbage, and dug out a curved The magazine was thrown to Ke Lan.

Ke Lan took the magazine and took a look. At the bottom of the magazine, he saw a line of Chinese inscriptions mixed with numbers Northern Industries XXXX-Type 56 XXX - this was not an AK magazine, but It is a 56-charge magazine exported from China.

Fortunately, the 56-pounder is originally copied from the AK47, and the magazines of the two are completely interchangeable.

After throwing the magazine to Ke Lan, the driver stopped talking, and Ke Lan didn't continue to talk. Instead, he took advantage of the time he was on the road to quickly fill the spare magazine with bullets.

In less than five minutes, the two pickup trucks arrived at the entrance of an alley just one street away from the Olympic Hotel. The militiamen in the vehicles jumped out and ran towards the hotel. But Ke Lan looked around, locked onto a three-story building with a balcony, opened the door with the butt of his gun, and walked in quickly.

What are you going to do? Seeing that Ke Lan did not follow the predetermined route, the NPC who was with him from the beginning stopped and asked.

Since the Americans want to raid the hotel, they must go through the street. This house is the commanding height facing the street. We can go to the balcony and roof to snipe the Americans. Ke Lan explained to the NPC.

Good idea! The NPC nodded and ran over immediately.

It turns out that this guy is the assistant assigned to him by the system... Ke Lan thought to himself, when playing the Delta camp and the Ranger camp, there will be one to three soldiers following him all the time, even if the player does not act according to the mission instructions, these NPCs Soldiers will also always follow the player's side to provide cover for the player.

Of course, Ke Lan did not tell the truth to the NPC here - running to the roof to snipe the American troops on the street would only become the target of helicopters in the air, and their legs could not escape bullets. If they really did this, I'm afraid the two of them will become the first two militiamen to be killed in the Black Hawk Down incident.

Ke Lan's real purpose was actually the car that the informant used as a marker.

In the original work, in order to allow the soldiers participating in the attack to identify the target building Olympic Hotel at the first time, American intelligence personnel specially arranged for an informant to park a car in front of the hotel, and A cross-shaped logo was affixed to the roof of the car with eye-catching white tape.

If this car could be moved... then the Delta Force raid might not go so smoothly at the beginning.

Ke Lan and his NPC teammates quickly rushed to the balcony on the third floor. With just one glance, Ke Lan spotted the informant's car - a cross with white lines on a black background. Although it was not visible from a horizontal angle, it was If you look down from a high place, it is extremely eye-catching.

At the same time, a US military reconnaissance plane was hovering in the nearby airspace, probably helping to locate the attacking US military.

In five minutes at most, those helicopters full of Rangers and Delta members will appear here... The war is about to break out.

Have you seen that car? Ke Lan pointed at the car and said to his NPC teammates.

I saw it! The NPC teammate nodded vigorously, Why is there such a pattern on that car?

This thing may be used as a locating mark for the attackers! We have to move it! Ke Lan said.

What should we do? NPC teammates immediately asked - although the AI ​​of these NPC characters is not low, due to the settings of the game, under normal circumstances they will not question the player's proposal at all, unless the proposal is too outrageous: For example, if Ke Lan, who is a militia character, says that he wants to destroy his BOSS Aidid with one shot, then the player will definitely be executed as a traitor by his teammates in minutes.

Let's go! After saying that, Ke Lan ran downstairs with his teammates. While paying attention to the reconnaissance helicopter in the sky, he quickly moved to the informant's car.

The timid informant had already left, leaving only an empty car parked on the street.

Can you drive? Ke Lan asked.

Yes. The NPC nodded.

That's good! Ke Lan hit the butt of the gun again, smashing the window glass on the driver's side.

Drive this car as far away from here as possible!

[P.S. Thanks to Meng Liuying for the 520 starting coins; thanks to book friend 20211208190302702 for the 500 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. By the way, do you like this kind of transitional plot outside the main line? Or do you hope to continue the main plot quickly? To be honest, in writing this part, I actually wanted to try the Mugen-ryu and Zhutian-liu, but you can rest assured that this is just a superficial taste. This book will definitely not be written as Mugen-ryu and Zhutian-ryu. This is just an insignificant episode.

Of course, if everyone likes it, I can also arrange more such episodes. 】

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