Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 521 Planning a Counterattack

In Ke Lan's plan, the first step in counterattack is to use these big media channels to publish the complete version of this video.

Of course, some necessary small means are still indispensable... For example, for the title of this video, he will not choose a title that is defensive or whitewashing. Compared with the serious official explanation, a title called The video Transport Flight Attendant Handcuffs and Headgear Video Full Version 15 Minutes and 26 Seconds Unabridged will obviously be more explosive.

After people click on the video driven by curiosity and find that there is nothing they want to see, they can then strike while the iron is hot and release Colonel Rowland's bribery records and Anaheim's internal financial reports - of course, the latter is Ke Lan needs to use some little tricks to get it.

Ke Lan will not directly point the finger at the Morgan consortium and tell the public that it is the Morgan consortium that wants to discredit him - if he does this, the Morgan consortium will only veto it and then backfire, and the situation will fall into a quagmire of back and forth... For the Morgan consortium In other words, as long as they can drag it out and let the bad influence of the edited version of the video ferment and heat up among the public, they will win.

Although this win cannot remove Ke Lan from his position as the person in charge of the ruins, the impact on his personal reputation is immeasurable, and will even involve the Hunting God Hunting Group, Zofia Soma and Ye Yan and the Ye family behind him.

This impact will not only be reflected in a series of data such as stocks and revenue, but also has a power that cannot be ignored in places other than data.

Ke Lan still remembers that three years ago, a company that produced auto parts went bankrupt due to fraud. Two executives were imprisoned. One of them served a year and a half of his sentence safely, and the other was in prison. He died unexpectedly in the fourth month.

The cause of death was rectal tear and increased bleeding... According to official news, the prisoner's rectal tear was caused by severe constipation, and no prison guard or prisoner was punished for his death.

And this guy who died of a rectal tear had exposed a copper smelting scandal a few years ago. Although the prosecution was eventually withdrawn due to insufficient evidence, it does not mean that this matter will be forgotten as time goes by.

Before this man was imprisoned, he would often receive anonymous emails containing dead rats, razor blades, or excrement. He reported the case to the security department. The security department also had a completely perfunctory attitude and would not report the matter after taking notes. Further investigation - if it weren't for the fact that this person was the only son of the boss of the auto parts company, he would have lost his job in the month when the scandal broke out.

What Ke Lan has to do is to publish these evidences one by one, and then guide the people to deduce the correct answer on their own... In this process, neither the evidence nor the conclusion are actually the most important. What is important is It lies in this guidance process.

Since the birth of human society, this problem has been plaguing rulers of all ages. Otherwise, there would be no such famous saying as It is better to guard against the people's mouth than against the river.

Two days later, Fleet Zero.

In addition to the nominal flagship Yagunaktor, the second flagship of this fleet is undoubtedly the only Gangfeng-class aircraft carrier battleship New Dawn in the fleet. Since the three-dimensional defense circle of the S-019 ruins has not yet been completed, Ke Lan spent the past two days on the New Dawn.

However, the conditions on this No. 2 flagship cannot be described as make do. Apart from anything else, the standard of three meals a day can reach the level of a star hotel - this place is too close to the Ark. , all the ingredients were shipped directly from the Ark by transport ships. After the staff in the logistics kitchen took the fresh fish out of the ice water and defrosted it, the ingredients could even jump off the chopping board.

After enjoying a meal of garlic grilled fish with rich red sauce, Ke Lan wiped his mouth, adjusted the angle of his seat, and pulled a keyboard in front of him.

Come on!

A holographic virtual screen with a length of more than three meters spread out in front of him. The pages of various forums, news portals, and online communities were divided into hundreds of independent windows of different sizes, which were densely stacked on the screen.

Thirty minutes ago, the prepared information and full version of the video were released by major media. Now it is time to test the results.

Just as Ke Lan expected, the gimmick of the unabridged version of the video coupled with the traffic from major mainstream media has pushed these things to the second place on the popularity list in just thirty minutes. The index is close to the edited version of the video that ranked first.

It is human nature to like to join in the fun, and on the Internet, this behavior is called eating melon.

The things originally revealed by the Morgan Consortium have been viewed countless times by netizens before they were banned. Although the discussion is still very popular, everyone is somewhat tired of aesthetics.

But now there are new revelations related to it, and they are published by several major mainstream media known as official media. In addition, they also use this kind of headline that is completely opposite to the daily style of mainstream media - this topic It was detonated in an instant, and even the edited version of the video, whose clicks growth had begun to hit a bottleneck, saw a second surge in views.

Ke Lan took a few glances and found that the main public opinions on the Internet were divided into three types: one was that they firmly believed that the edited version of the video was the truth, and that the so-called full version of the video by the official media was a disguised attempt to whitewash the parties concerned; I smelled a conspiracy, and began to analyze the connection between the video, bribery, and the bidding for the ruins; there is another one, and the one with the most people, who thinks that neither party is a good thing, dog bites dog, and the same thing happens. ——But no matter which view you take, the vast majority of the people already know one thing:

The competitor of the Yip Group, the Morgan Group, which had no chance of developing the S-019 ruins, was involved in this matter.

Colonel Roland's account records, the relationship between Blitz Machinery Parts Manufacturing Company and the Anaheim and Morgan consortium... Anyone with a little bit of brain can imagine that there must be some ulterior secrets in it. .

The Morgan consortium did not say anything about this. Instead, Anaheim Electronics held an emergency press conference, claiming that the matter had nothing to do with them and that it was Blitz Machinery Parts Manufacturing Company's own initiative in order to win the bid. They privately paid bribes for the project... and they also required all Blitzcrank executives to be reviewed and the accounts re-calculated...

But before their self-directed drama could begin, the military issued a statement: The evidence of Colonel Roland Walter's bribery was conclusive and had been handed over to the military court for processing, but Fleet Zero did not cooperate with Blitzcrank Mechanical Parts Manufacturing Company has any connection, and Britz Machinery Parts Manufacturing Company has never participated in relevant bidding.

Although this is just a normal statement, you must know that in the online media, the military's behavior has always been extremely low-key. This statement will be issued this time, which is a powerful message for Ke Lan. assists.

Anaheim was immediately in chaos - they wanted to prove that they had nothing to do with the Blitzcrank briber, but a reporter's words directly stopped their spokesperson: Excuse me, since 'Blitz' did not participate in the bidding meeting held by the military, why did the company bribe Colonel Rowland? To put it more seriously, even if 'Blitz' participated in the bidding meeting, why didn't it ask the person in charge of the bidding Bribing an officer who knows how to do it, and bribing an officer in the combat force instead of the logistics department, will it have any effect? ​​The third question is, the 'Blitz Machinery Parts Manufacturing Company' itself is not that big, two million The credit was not a small sum of money for the company, and how did Blitzcrank executives withdraw such a large amount of money from the company's account without the approval of parent company Anaheim?

This reporter comes from the Ark Official TV Station, the largest news media on the Ark, but these three questions were designed by Ke Lan himself. With Anaheim's preparation, it is impossible for them to answer this soul Three Questions,” especially after the military issued that statement.

For the Morgan consortium, the best choice at this time is to lose the car and save the commander - to let Anaheim admit that it used unfair means in the competition for the S-019 ruins exploration quota. But Ke Lan knows very well that they will never do this. Although this move can keep the Morgan consortium out of the matter, all previous efforts will be in vain with Anaheim's guilty plea. As Anaheim's largest shareholder, they , not only was it unable to prevent the Ye family from obtaining the right to explore the ruins, but he was also faced with an upcoming huge loss.

It's like stealing the chicken but losing the rice...

Just as Ke Lan was smiling and waiting for the Anaheim spokesperson to answer this question, the live broadcast of the press conference was suddenly interrupted - not only was the screen black for Ke Lan, but everyone was broadcasting the press conference. The media in the meeting also encountered the same situation.

Sure enough, you still want to fight to the you want to buy time by unplugging the network cable?

Soon, Ke Lan received the news from the press conference - the entire Anaheim company was attacked by hackers and an emergency interruption was issued.

Hacker attack? Attacking yourself? Ke Lan not only laughed dumbly, but he still complained. He still contacted the official white hat organization as soon as possible and asked them to assist Anaheim in its defense.

We have contacted people from the Anaheim network department. A white hat told Ke Lan, They told us that they have their own technical staff and do not need our assistance. Moreover, the company's database involves a lot of confidentiality Technology, these things cannot be seen by outsiders.”

Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work. Ke Lan replied politely and ended the communication.

Since I asked the white hat to help you refuse, I'd better just invade directly... Ke Lan's fingers began to tap quickly on the keyboard.

It didn't take long for him to find the attacker who was wreaking havoc in Anaheim's internal database. What made Ke Lan speechless was that after entering Anaheim's database, the attacker seemed to have returned to Anaheim. As familiar as my own home, what was deleted were useless information, discarded cases, and bills, while those useful information and drawings were encrypted and moved to other places.

Ke Lan has seen hackers who blindly do damage after an invasion, and hackers who operate with surgical precision, taking only what they want and leaving nothing else untouched, leaving no trace of excess, but this kind of He has never seen the person before.

It's like a thief broke into your home. He took away all the genuine items in your collection, but smashed all the counterfeit items into pieces. Not only did he smash them into pieces, he also used a broom and bucket to remove the pieces. Sweeped it clean...

Is this reasonable?

But then again, if this hacker is really an enemy of Anaheim, then Anaheim's losses this time are really heavy... There is no backup of these precious technical data, so If it was evacuated like this, I don’t know how many years it would take to return to the state before the attack.

Ke Lan thought for a while, but instead of stopping the hacker's actions, he directly locked the hacker's IP address and launched the attack.

Besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao is also a kind of rescue operation. As for whether the gold and silver treasures that Wei has stolen from Zhao will be destroyed in the process, that is something that Ke Lan cannot control.

Ke Lan adopted the simplest and most primitive attack method, but it was also the most difficult to defend against.

DDoS attack.

DDoS attack, whose Chinese name is distributed denial of service attack, refers to a method that initiates a large number of meaningless requests to the target host in a short period of time, consumes the other party's host resources on a large scale, and thereby paralyzes it.

DDoS attacks are the simplest means of network attacks, but their biggest disadvantage is that the attacker also needs to consume a large amount of network resources. It is a routine that can harm the enemy by one thousand and damage itself by eight hundred.

Generally, hackers will use Trojan horse programs to hijack a large number of home computers as their own broilers to launch DDoS attacks, but at this time, Ke Lan did not need any broilers at all.

He holds in his hands the entire Zero Fleet... and the control of the high-performance main brain of all the battleships in the fleet...

[P.S. Thank you to Contractor Yi for the 10,000 starting coins; thank you to the useful soap and reading giraffe for the 5,000 starting coins.

Also, I asked for monthly tickets yesterday. Today is the last day of November. I was still short of the 1,000 monthly ticket threshold by more than 100 tickets. There is no end-of-month double monthly ticket event this month. I received it today. More than 200 monthly tickets were issued, which completely exceeded my expectations. I am very grateful for everyone's support and encouragement. To add the group account, you can find it in the introduction of the details page of the book on the Qidian APP. Click to expand the introduction and scroll to the bottom. There is a one-click application to join the group. To set up, you only need 500 fan points to apply. 】

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