Demeter was slightly startled, as if she did not expect Ke Lan to ask such a question. After almost three seconds, she replied: The decision is yours.

In other words, I can decide who is qualified to enter the S-019 ruins for exploration by selling tickets, and I can even operate this place as a tourist attraction...I think, those wealthy families The noble young ladies would fight over their heads for such a ticket.

You are free to choose your operating model and we will not interfere with it, Demeter said.

But aren't you worried about me selling tickets to people from heretical sects? Ke Lan asked again.

This is a tricky and sensitive issue that both parties have to face - since the Undead Crew has decided to let Ke Lan take full charge of the operation of the S-019 ruins, which is the ancient battleship Aguna Kotor, Then, in the process of pursuing maximizing profits, it is natural that some things that are contrary to the stance of the Immortal Crew Association are inevitable.

You know, in the old era, some businessmen even sold important materials to people from enemy countries in order to make money - in the eyes of capital, interests always come first, and neither nationality nor morality can constrain them. Without a powerful violent machine to control it, the power of capital will definitely become the main culprit of world unrest.

After all, there are few ways to make money faster than making war fortune.

Demeter looked at Ke Lan and said: You have witnessed a lot of the atrocities of the heretical sect with your own eyes, and its founder 'Prophet' has had a direct conversation with you. You should be very clear that he has chosen a path with no future. On the road of madness, he and his heretical sect will eventually go to destruction - otherwise, why do you think the crew would give up such an opportunity to allow all human beings to evolve into higher-level creatures... Individual power is not real power. , The strength of civilization is the foundation for a race to gain a foothold in the universe.

Although she did not answer the question directly, Ke Lan had to admit that her rhetoric was far more convincing than a direct answer such as We believe in you.

Ke Lan even has reason to believe that in the hands of the Undead Crew Association, there should be a more important trump card than Aguna Kotor... This so-called reward may also be a part of the assessment.

Haha, I was actually just joking. Ke Lan showed an extremely hypocritical smile, But what I am a little curious about is why you want to hand over the operation rights of the S-019 ruins to me instead of directly Send a member to take over this battleship - to be honest, I am a layman. When it comes to rewards and the like, you can just give me a credit card with unlimited limit and no need to repay... Anyway, for you , things like credit points are just a bunch of data.”

If you think so, you are absolutely wrong. Demeter replied, Credit points are essentially the same as banknotes from the old era. Although the central bank can increase fiscal revenue in disguise by printing more banknotes, Temporarily alleviate the financial crisis, but the consequence of doing so is to accelerate the collapse of the social financial system - in the old era, there were more than two hundred countries and regions and dozens of world-class economies in the world. Despite this, there were still several outbreaks Economic crisis... But now, we only have one Ark and a population of less than 100 million. Such a social structure has a very weak risk-taking capacity. The people are very sensitive to these things. If the purchasing power of credit points fluctuates significantly, If so, then the entire human society will immediately fall into chaos.”

So, even you can't 'print money' unscrupulously?

Of course not. Demeter nodded, Although I think that giving you an unlimited credit card, as long as you don't use this card to acquire the assets and shares of major consortiums, and only use it for daily consumption. , will not affect the financial structure of Ark, but we cannot set this precedent. At present, the total number of credit points circulating on Ark is in a state of dynamic balance... A formation between Ark officials, major financial groups and the public It creates a good cycle, and this kind of unlimited card is equivalent to a BUG in a perfect computer program. The undead crew will not allow this kind of BUG to appear. Even if it does not temporarily affect the operation of the program any impact.”

It seems that when you are a leader, you need to consider a lot of things. Ke Lan said.

This group of guys seems to be a bunch of obsessive-compulsive and perfectionists who can't tolerate any mistakes.

But from this point we can also see the difference between them and the prophet - if the prophet were to be the ruler of the Ark, let alone maintaining the economic system, it would be nice if he didn't send everyone to the experimental platform. .

It is estimated that the entire human civilization will regress directly back to that dark slave society.

No... Calling him a slave society may be a compliment. The prophet is definitely a loyal supporter of Darwinism. If the disguise of a religious organization is taken off, then the heretical sect is more like a herd of beasts preying on the weak. The strength of an individual represents the absolute right to speak... In their eyes, the same kind can be either a partner or an opponent... or even...


It is difficult for ordinary people to survive in such a group... The core idea of ​​Darwinism is survival of the fittest, but when the external environment is harsh to a certain extent, even those individuals who can be considered excellent will He also had to face the fate of being eliminated... According to the prophet, as long as a few people... even just him, completed the final evolution, it would be considered a victory.

As for other individuals, they can all be sacrificed or even discarded.

If it weren't for the Seed of Corrosion's high physical requirements for the container, Ke Lan estimates that the current heretical sect would have been fully containerized...

For some reason, Ke Lan suddenly had a scary thought in his head: If Ark had not instituted the crime of exile at the beginning, but had executed all those who should have been exiled, would the heretical sect have no power at all? What if there is no soil for development?

Anyway, the survival rate of the exiles is less than 1/20, and for most people, it is no different from the death penalty.

Is the crime of exile established by Ark's top leaders to frighten the people, or is it to prevent criminals from taking extreme measures because they are desperate?

Or are they using these exiles to explore unvisited areas on Alpha?

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