Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 500 Ancient battleship, activated!

Finally, Ke Lan grabbed the bag filled with medicines and bandages. He shook it hard, and Valentina's legs were finally freed from their restraints, and she stood up straight.

Are you okay? After the matter was resolved, Ke Lan immediately distanced himself from the other party - even though in this narrow cockpit, the so-called distance was only a dozen centimeters. At this distance, the other party's hot breath He could feel it clearly when it sprayed on Ke Lan's head.

It's okay, thank you. Valentina said.

You're welcome. I should be the one to apologize. After all, I bumped into you... Let's not talk about it for now. I have something urgent to tell Lao Gou and the others. Which call button is it? Ke Lan poked his head out and looked at Valkyrie's console was buzzing around - this console has been greatly modified according to Valentina's usual usage habits. The layout of various function buttons is completely different from the standard model. Ke Lan was momentarily For a while, I couldn't figure out what the unmarked buttons were for.

The blue round button in the upper left corner. Valentina said.

Okay, got it. Ke Lan immediately pressed the button she pointed to, and then shouted to the pickup on the side of the console: Hello? Hound? Layton? Leader Brea? Can you guys? Do you hear my voice?

Ke Lan? The hound's voice sounded in the cockpit, Are you awake? Are you okay with your body? You don't know how high the radiation content in your body was just detected——

I'm fine. Ke Lan interrupted, How is the situation now?

What's going on? Are you asking...?

The giant pit...has anything changed in the giant pit?

No, it's exactly the same as before you were unconscious. Those sunk crystal pillars didn't rise, and those big bugs were still lying there unable to move... However, the radiation intensity in the environment has dropped a bit. I think it should be the same as those disappearing green pillars. Light has a lot to do with it.”

How long have I been unconscious? Ke Lan asked again.

Wait a minute, let me check my won't be long, about half an hour.

Half an hour? Ke Lan was slightly stunned. Although there was still a dull pain in the depths of his head, his overdrafted mental strength had already recovered... And before that, when he was practicing Time Stop by himself , if the mental energy is exhausted to the point where it is almost bottomed out, it will take at least ten hours of sleep to recover.

Calculated in this way, Ke Lan's mental power recovery speed has been increased by at least twenty times, and the frequency of use of time stop can be greatly increased... But the problem is that Ke Lan has no substantial experience of becoming stronger at all. He even He couldn't be sure whether he was enhanced in that abnormal space or after coming into contact with the metal ball.

But now that his mental strength has been restored, there is no reason for him to delay in the cockpit any longer.

Ke Lan opened the hatch cover directly, turned over and landed on the ground.

Damn it! Why did you jump out like that? There is still residual radiation outside, are you desperate for your life? When the hunting dog saw Ke Lan jumping out, he immediately cursed and then kicked Layton in the face. On the butt, Where is Ke Lan's power armor? Has it been repaired? Put it on him quickly.

It can't be that fast! Leighton wiped off the footprints on his butt with some grievance and said, The light curtain just now almost evaporated the filling gel used for buffering in the armor sandwich. The newly injected It takes more than six hours for the gel to solidify.”

Do you think I will believe your fart? If that light curtain can really burn the gel clean, why is Ke Lan okay? Hound said as he quickly found a spare protective suit and threw it away Gave it to Ke Lan.

Do I need to lie to you? Layton stretched out his hand, and in his palm were strips of charred and cracked things like rubber that had been roasted by fire. There is still some residual gel near the cooler and heat dissipation pipes. , but they are all baked like this. The temperature of this light curtain is really not low, at least over a thousand degrees, and even my manipulator was damaged.

Layton said, suddenly glanced at Ke Lan, and lowered his voice: I don't know why Ke Lan was unscathed... Maybe it's because the civilization that built this battleship has too advanced technology and can achieve ultra-high precision. A precise strike...that's about it.

Leiton originally wanted to say that this might be related to Ke Lan's own special ability, but considering that Aya and others were present, he could only put the blame on the third civilization.

Ke Lan put on the protective clothing, took two more anti-radiation pills handed over by the hound, then walked slowly to the extinguished console and stood still.

Wait a minute, Ke don't know how to do it, do you want to try again? The corner of the hound's eye twitched, You were unconscious for half an hour just now.

It was just a mental overdraft. It has recovered now. The cost of trial and error is not big. Ke Lan said solemnly, Those crystal pillars did not rise again, which shows that the first contact was not in vain.

After coming out of the mecha, Ke Lan immediately focused his attention on the console. However, those memory fragments were still hidden behind the mist and had no intention of emerging.

He was basically certain that the only way to get those things out was to connect himself with this ancient battleship again.

When he first connected, he had a vague feeling that the mental power he had taken away seemed to be used to fill something similar to a progress bar, but his total mental power was too small, even if Even though it was sucked dry, the progress bar could not be filled up.

Then...if it doesn't work once, how many more times should we try?

With this thought in mind, Ke Lan once again placed his hands on the metal ball.

This time, the metal ball lit up with soft white fluorescence.

The scene in my memory matched up! Ke Lan was immediately excited... He could clearly feel that this time, his mental power was only taken away a little bit and then stopped - that progress bar” seems to have been filled!

Ke Lan? Ke Lan, are you okay? Others naturally noticed the difference between the metal ball and the first time they came into contact with it. However, due to Layton and Aya's previous experience, no one dared to reach out this time. Touch Ke Lan.

I'm fine. Ke Lan replied, I feel like this console... is like a battery that needs to be recharged with mental power, but it is now fully charged.

A super battleship of the size of Yagunaktor cannot be driven by just a small amount of mental power. This is like a 120-kilowatt air-cushion vehicle, which is generally equipped with a battery with a capacity of 80 kilowatt-hours. Ke Lan's mental power is equivalent to two AA dry batteries. After being connected to the car engine, he can't even reach the threshold to start it.

But the console is obviously not an engine. This thing is more like a small remote control. For the remote control, two dry batteries are completely enough.

A loud sound of rocks rubbing against each other came from above their heads. As soon as everyone raised their heads, they found that the dome directly above the giant pit had fallen down and was embedded perfectly into the giant pit!

The sound of crystals being crushed came from the bottom of the pit - at this time, those crystal pillars had sunk, and those that could be crushed by the dome were probably those tragic crystallized lava cantharis. But what puzzled everyone was that there was no explosion sound during the whole process, and they didn't know whether the completely crystallized lava canthaphida had lost its ability to self-destruct, or whether this ability was restricted by the giant pit.

The huge pit has disappeared from the field of vision, replaced by a thick square stone pillar - it is actually not accurate to say that it is a stone pillar. After all, the length and width of this thing are already four and a half times the height. Even if it is embedded in the giant Counting the part of the pit, it was twice as long... As for the length of the part above the dome, they were not able to detect it clearly.

The originally empty power room instantly turned into a return-shaped corridor.

There seems to be some pattern on it... It seems to be writing! A sharp-eyed agent suddenly pointed at the lowered stone pillar and shouted.

It's not words! Leighton said immediately, These patterns are all crystal structures embedded in the surface!

Only then did everyone realize that the material of this stone pillar was not actually rock, but a crystal as black as ink!

The surface of this super crystal pillar is covered with delicate and complicated unknown circuits.

Layton was almost certain that this thing was the engine of this ancient battleship!

At the same time, a strange consciousness invaded Ke Lan's mind——

Initialization completed, do you want to start?

This consciousness asked Ke Lan.

start up? Does it mean activating this ancient battleship? Has this battleship not been activated before? Otherwise, why were those lava beetles at the bottom of the pit still alive when they entered? If Park Sang-woo successfully activated this battleship, these big bugs should have been crushed to death, right?

But if Park Sang-woo failed to launch it successfully, how did the battleship get into the air? How were the earthquakes in the molten mine area triggered?

A series of questions popped up in Ke Lan's mind. He wanted to throw them all to the strange consciousness that invaded his mind, but he soon discovered that this consciousness from the battleship did not have the ability to communicate independently at all. .

The intelligence of this thing is not even as good as the AI ​​steward on the Ark. Facing this thing, Ke Lan can only choose from the options it gives.

Now that we have come this far, there is no reason to stop here... Start! Ke Lan shouted out softly in the real world while answering this question.

A strong pressure was immediately exerted on everyone, and the hound who didn't stand up in time even sat down on the ground.

What's going on? Why do I feel that the gravity here seems to have suddenly increased several times... It's like something is pressing on me, and breathing has become a little difficult. Hound said nervously. He originally planned to try He climbed up from the ground, but when he found that the gravity was gradually increasing, he simply lay down - in this position, the pressure on the body would be much less than standing, and there would be no pressure caused by a large amount of blood pooling downwards. Symptoms of dizziness.

It's not that the gravity has's that the gravitational acceleration we are experiencing has increased! Layton reacted immediately, This thing is the 'G force' that pilots and pilots often talk about...this A battleship, it is rising at a high speed!

G-force? What kind of broken battleship...doesn't it even have this kind of...protective measures...? Hound complained while panting heavily... In terms of physical fitness alone, he should be the worst in the team. That's it, and the G force exerted on him at this time has already made this old hunter who is half a year into his destiny a little bit too much.

There should be protective measures, but they don't take effect on those of us. Layton said, his eyes already shifting to Ke Lan.

At this time, the white light curtain on Ke Lan's body appeared again. Under this light curtain, his expression was very calm, and he seemed not to feel the terrifying G-force brought by the battleship when it was raised.

You must know that the powered armor worn by Hound and Layton is itself an anti-gravity suit, which can reduce the G force endured by the wearer to a certain extent. However, the spare protective suit Ke Lan temporarily put on only has A single protective effect will not help slow down the G force.

Now even the armored hounds and others can't bear the G-force. Ke Lan can still stand calmly without any protective measures. Obviously, it has something to do with the light curtain on his body.

Ke Lan, are you in control of this battleship now? Can you control its flight direction? And...can you see the scene outside the battleship? Aya leaned against Valkyrie and held up her hands. On top of his knees, hunched over, he asked loudly.

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20200311085228841 for the 500 starting coin reward; thanks to Xiaoyang Youshiguo for the 111 starting coin reward; thanks to No. 5 Ball for the 100 starting coin reward. 】

[P.P.S. Recently, I have seen many readers complaining about the pacing problem. They feel that the chapter after entering the tunnel is too watery. I think it may be because I updated it a few days ago, so the chapter may be a little watery. Secondly, I have been thinking about the strength of the protagonist. The lack of coolness is indeed a problem, but I hope to find an average between cool and rigorous. It must be cool to be cool. After all, we are an online novel. But I want to write something other than the brainless fun of wireless streaming, so it may take more time to design the plot. I hope you can bear with me.

Starting from today's chapter, the progress of the plot will speed up. With so much foreshadowing, it's time for something big to happen——

In addition, I would like to express my special thanks to my Silver League boss San Shi San for discussing the plot at noon with me, which gave me a lot of inspiration and also helped me understand what kind of content readers want to see. I will try my best to It is possible to improve yourself and your works, and you will definitely not let down everyone’s love and subscriptions. 】

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