Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 492 Exploring the Power Room

There is no need to rush to explore this huge pit. Ke Lan said, At least there is no need to raise its priority so high... Although we know that the core of the power room is in this pit, we can definitely check it first Somewhere else.

He paused and continued: Just like the core reactor of the Ark, we all know that the core of the reactor is the most important place, but the device that controls the reactor will never be installed inside the core.

Are you looking for the control panel of this power room? Aya responded first.

Yes. Ke Lan nodded, There is a high probability that the console is here.

What's the basis?

Do you still remember the cause of the earthquake in the molten mine area? Ke Lan asked.

It's because the launched 'Aguna Kotor' fell into the magma pool again... But this is just one-sided words from Park Sang-woo, and his identity has been confirmed to be a spy of the heretical sect. What he said can still be believed. ? Aya frowned.

Even if ninety out of a hundred sentences he said are false, then among the remaining ten truths, this sentence must be included. Ke Lan said, Earthquakes of this scale are not caused by heretical sects. If they had the ability to create it, otherwise they would have captured the molten mine area long ago. Moreover, this statement is not just one-sided by Park Sang-woo - the reason why we believed him in the first place was because his confession and the clues we collected were all correct. .

Before finding Park Sang-woo's rescue capsule, they first found a destroyed armored patrol car and a truck transporting Nitro alloy. The driving records of the trucks showed that they initially returned to the base to verify the authenticity of the emergency evacuation notice. It wasn't until they discovered something on the way back that they changed their minds.

The only thing that can be observed by human eyes at this distance and immediately abandon all chances of taking any chances - after thinking about it, the only thing is the giant ancient battleship suspended in the sky.

Keep talking. Aya looked at Ke Lan seriously and urged.

True and false, lies and truth are confused with each other, which makes it easier for people to believe. In order to cover up his most critical lie, he must weave more lies as a cover-up, but in this way, his entire It is very difficult for a confession to stand up... Especially when we have already collected some clues, it is easy for us to find loopholes. Therefore, he must say anything that does not affect the core lie. Tell the truth to earn our trust.”

Ke Lan continued: So I think 'Yagunaktor' caused the earthquake. The credibility of this sentence is more than 90%... As for the further inference, 'some time ago, this ancient battleship was Started', it's 100%.

During this period, only six of them have entered the interior of the battleship! Aya continued what Ke Lan said.

Bingo! The bodies of the three experts and escorts are in the tunnel, the body of the vehicle driver is in the power room, and the scrapped vehicle is also here... At least it can be proved that Park Sangwoo has been to this place. Ke Lan nodded and said, If he didn't go to any other cabin, then he should have activated the 'Yagunaktor' inside.

That makes sense! Then let's divide into several groups and go find the control device separately! Layton clapped his hands.

It is not recommended to split up the troops. This place is too big. If something unexpected happens, it will be difficult for each other to provide timely support... Don't forget, this place is likely to be home to a mutant lava canthus group. Ke Lan said, The supply shortage problem has been temporarily solved, and the extra time can be used to explore this place.

I also agree to act together. Ivan said, The old dog can't see things for the time being and needs someone to take care of it. As for the special indigenous creature like the lava beetle, except for Asano Akira, we don't have any good methods to deal with it. If we encounter a swarm of insects again after dividing our troops, casualties are likely to occur.

Okay, which direction should we go first? Layton asked.

Directly in front of everyone is a huge pit filled with crystal pillars. Going straight ahead is a dead end, so naturally the only choices left for them are left and right.

Let me decide? Ke Lan looked around and found that everyone's eyes were on him, obviously waiting for him to make this decision.

You are the commander of the reconnaissance team. Aya Breya said calmly.

Okay, let me sense which side is more likely to have a console. Ke Lan said with a playful smile, sitting cross-legged on the ground and assuming a sedimentary posture.

What are you doing? an agent asked, unable to hold on any longer.

Shh, I told you it was sensing, don't make a sound! Hound scolded in a low voice. His eyesight has recovered a bit now, and he can vaguely see the outlines of each person - when he saw Ke Lan sitting down and When the joints of the power armor were locked, the hound had already guessed Ke Lan's intention.

Although he didn't know why Ke Lan activated the time stop ability at this time, since Ke Lan did this, it meant that he must have found some clues.

And these clues can probably only be seen in the stagnant time and space.

What sense? The agent curled his lips, Commander... could it be that he is still a legendary superpower?

Hey, do you think I'm complimenting you when I say you are short-sighted? Do you know that there is a sensory ability called 'inspiration'? Those hunters with high inspiration are often the core of a team... Many times, you think It's a dead end, but a person with high inspiration can find a way to survive for you! That's everyone's savior! Hound refuted.

Of course, there was the second part of this sentence that he did not say: People with high inspiration are also the bane of a team. With such people, the team will often suffer many unreasonable disasters, and even encounter many unbelievable and unexpected things. Things that human beings can neither understand nor contend with, leading to the destruction of the group...

The biggest feature of Ke Lan is that when he is around, the difficulty of any ruins will rise by at least two levels...

The inspiration they are talking about is probably something like the sixth sense... Okay, don't argue with them. Another agent grabbed his companion and whispered in his ear, People like them are actually quite similar to the 'gold-touching captains' of the old era... People in this business are very superstitious.

As for Aya, she glanced at Ke Lan and turned away, snorting coldly from her nose: Mysterious.

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20200702004408233 and the sharp Tang Minghuang for the 100 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. This chapter is an update to make up for the debt owed to the Alliance Leader and Silver Alliance. There should be another update later. 】

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