Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 478 The reversed shadow!

Could it be that the shadow seen in the paused state was one of these humanoid creatures?

Is this a creation of the Alphas?

Or...are they the true appearance of the Alphas?

When thinking of this possibility, Ke Lan's breathing suddenly became faster.

In the fifty years since humans landed on Alpha Planet, thousands of ruins have been excavated, and more than one million documents and items have been transported from the ruins alone, but it is still unknown what the Alpha people look like.

And Ke Lan, who received the inheritance from the stone tablet, also never saw the true face of the Alpha people in those memory fragments.

The creatures that once ruled this planet were even more mysterious than those incomparably powerful prehistoric species.

Although traces of their lives are all over the planet, experts and scholars can only get a glimpse of them - their living structure is very similar to humans, with not only tables, chairs, beds and other furniture, but they can't find anything related to eating or eating. Equipment related to excretion.

No clothing, shoes or socks have ever been found. The only equipment that can be found is a collar made of metal with a crystal circuit structure installed inside - of course, the term collar is just the speculation of experts.

The most puzzling thing is that in all the urban ruins of the Alpha people, there are no medical institutions or buildings with similar functions. Instead, in the center of each residential community, there is a kind of incineration similar to that on the Ark. A device very similar to a furnace.

Some people think that this creature can use its skin for photosynthesis, so it does not need to eat or excrete, and it does not need to wear clothes. Because of this characteristic, Alpha people probably will not feel ashamed to expose their bodies in public.

As for why there are no hospitals, perhaps their biotechnology has already lifted the restrictions on birth, old age, illness and death. The genes of newborn individuals have been adjusted before birth, which is enough to ensure that they will not suffer from any disease before the end of their natural life span.

There are many more speculations like this. In Ark's electronic library, there are more than 5,000 books on the life and society of Alpha civilization. The contents of them combined are estimated to be several terabytes, but most of the contents are But they are all imagined out of thin air by the editor relying on very poor information. Many of the claims are simply untenable, and there are as many loopholes as the code that a newly graduated third-process programmer stayed up late to type out.

But at least one thing is certain: Alphas have many similarities to humans.

Ke Lan once flew in Alpha Civilization's blasphemer mecha. At least the cockpit of that thing can adapt to the human body, and the neural connection device it contains can also be applied to the human body.

Therefore, these humanoid creatures in the square may be the mysterious Alpha people themselves.

What are they doing? A military parade?

Ke Lan tried hard to recall the images that flashed through his mind, trying to make those details as clear as possible...

He was shocked to find that on these creatures, there was a silicone tube connected about three centimeters below the neck. Through the translucent material of the tube, you can vaguely see the light gray viscous fluid flowing inside, slowly pouring into their bodies.

Is this how Alphas eat?

If the internal structure of the upper body of these creatures is similar to that of humans, the silicone tube is inserted right into the esophagus. From the texture point of view, the gray liquid food is more in line with the standard of nasal feeding nutrients that do not need to be chewed and are easy to absorb.

If these Alpha people are really eating, then this square is actually equivalent to an open-air canteen?

The area of ​​this square is not small, it is roughly a square with a side length of about one kilometer. If this square was located on the surface of Alpha Star, it should have been discovered by Ark's detection drone.

But in Ke Lan's memory, from the S-class ruins at the top of the pyramid to the lowest F-class ruins, which were almost removed from the rating committee several times, there was no such square.

Perhaps, this square has been destroyed...or maybe, like the remains of a glacier, it has sunk deep into the ground?

These memory fragments will pop up at this time. Is it because this strange space and strange shadow just meet certain triggering conditions?

Although I don't know why Valkyrie's electromagnetic sniper cannon hit the knob-like protrusion, I was teleported into this space, and I don't know why such a half-human, half-octopus monster appeared in front of me, but there is one thing. Ke Lan was certain that the human silhouette he saw in the time-stop state was the same thing as the unknown creatures lining up to eat in the square in the memory fragments.

If these creatures in the square are really Alpha Man, then what is standing five meters in front of him now is not an extremely precious living sample?

Ke Lan suddenly had the idea of ​​capturing this creature alive.

I'm sorry. Although you didn't show any hostility towards me, except for you, there is nothing in this ghost place, so I had to use you as a breakthrough.

Ke Lan turned on Time Stop, then aimed the hook launcher on the arm armor at the shoulder of the phantom, and pressed the launch button.

There is a steel cable connecting the hook and the launcher, so even after it is launched, it will not be stopped. The sharp tip instantly penetrates the right shoulder of the phantom, and the four barbs open instantly, without any It cut into the opponent's body hinderingly.

At this moment, a sharp pain suddenly came from under Ke Lan's right shoulder blade. The muscle tissue in this area seemed to be torn apart by something. Ke Lan even withdrew from the time-stop state.

As soon as the time stop was released, the hook that had been fixed immediately lost its target and quickly retracted into the launcher. Ke Lan endured the pain and removed the armor on his right shoulder.

He reached out and touched the area where the severe pain was coming from. It was a bloody wound that ran from the front of the shoulder blade to the back.

Ke Lan's heart suddenly thumped.

He gritted his teeth and dug his fingers into the wound. Deep in the wound, he felt four incisions in different directions, which corresponded to the four barbs on the hook...

I hit the shadow that seemed to be Alpha with my hook, but the wound appeared on my own body?

Ke Lan's heart was filled with fear - even though the wound had begun to heal, even though the pain had begun to subside, the indescribable feeling of depression gradually swallowed him up.

Why did the damage I caused to that phantom reflect back on me?

There was no damage to the shoulder armor of the power armor, and even the inner lining of clothing was intact. This wound appeared completely out of thin air.

What exactly is this principle?

Assuming that this is really the case, then why did he shoot the phantom twice before and there were no bullet holes in his body?

wrong! The two conditions are not equal!

Ke Lan subconsciously touched the retracted hook - after the Time Stop was released, the hook that originally hit the target lost its target. In other words... the phantom was no longer there. Naturally, the one that had just been shot There's no way a bullet could hit it.

Extrapolating from this, in other words, this phantom will only have an entity that can be hit when it is in the time-stop state?

No, that’s not right either!

It has no body! The one who was hit was not the phantom! But Ke Lan himself!

That shadow is more like Ke Lan's shadow, a shadow that reverses Ke Lan's perspective!

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