Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 475 “Deathrattle”

The faint blue stream of light instantly penetrated the tumor-like protrusion at the end of the tentacle mass, and the black object wrapped inside exploded——


Ke Lan only heard a crisp sound, and the tunnel fell into darkness, as if someone suddenly pulled the switch and all the lights went out at the same time.

No, no, this metaphor is not appropriate... Not only the lighting equipment in the tunnel was extinguished, but also the searchlights and status warning lights on the mechas and power armors, the tactical flashlights and laser-assisted aiming on the handguards of the assault rifles. It disappeared, and even the fluorescent display on the inside of the helmet's visor dimmed as if the power had been cut off.

Wherever you can see, you can't see your fingers.

It was as if a black hole had appeared in the tunnel, absorbing all the light.

Ke Lan tried to move the shoulder joints of the power armor, and the hydraulic actuator was still functioning normally. In other words, the energy of the power armor was not exhausted. But in this case, why did the heads-up display go out?

Could it be an EMP shock?

The drive motor of the power armor can still operate normally, but the precision electronic equipment such as the head-up display has crashed. This situation is indeed very much like being attacked by an EMP, but there is a more sudden problem, but Ke Lan Can't ignore it.


The surrounding environment is really too quiet.

There was silence in all the communication channels. Not only were there no exclamations or questions from other team members, there was not even the sound of electric current that should have been caused by interference.

They were just a few feet away from him, but Ke Lan couldn't hear any sound.

He couldn't hear the sounds of voices, footsteps, gunfire... not even the sounds of breathing and heartbeat.

The black hole not only absorbed all the light, but also seemed to suck out all the sound in this space.

Could it be that all the air in the tunnel was taken away, causing the sound to lose the medium through which it was transmitted?

Ke Lan quickly rejected this idea - he was still stepping on solid and flat ground. Even if the entire tunnel was evacuated into a vacuum, as long as they were still in contact with the ground, the tunnel itself was the best way to transmit sound. medium.

The speed of sound propagation in solids is even faster than that of liquids and gases.

As if he understood something, Ke Lan took a step back and reached back.

The hound was standing behind him just now. A veteran like him, who has experienced hundreds of battles, will stick to his position even if he encounters such an unexpected situation, instead of panicking like those inexperienced recruits. Running around in confusion.

But Ke Lan missed the mark.

He felt that the fine hairs on the surface of his skin stood on end, and a shuddering feeling of fear gradually spread in the darkness.

Ke Lan controlled his breathing rate as much as possible. He slowly retreated to the back of the team's original position.

Not only did the hound disappear, but everyone else also disappeared, and even the huge Valkyrie One evaporated out of thin air... He was the only one left in the tunnel.

Have you been teleported? At the moment when that tumor-like protrusion was exploded?

This damn thing... also has a deathrattle (note 1) effect?

At least what is certain is that the abnormal phenomena that occurred in the tunnel are definitely related to the tumor-shaped object.

It's a pity. It would be nice if there was a Baron of Rivendell. Teleport here and then back, just pretend that nothing happened... (Note 2) Ke Lan complained in his heart, trying to regulate his nervousness.

But before he could relax his tense facial muscles, a voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

...the sound of slimy limbs rubbing against the ground as they squirm.

He is not alone in this dark space...

Ke Lan immediately picked up his gun, but when he wanted to shoot in the direction of the sound, he found that he could not locate the source of the sound at all. The crawling sound seemed to come from all directions, and seemed to be coming from him. sounded deep in my mind.

damn it.

Ke Lan cursed softly, his lips opened and closed, but no sound came out of his throat.

This is a world without light and sound, and he once again verified this guess.

Ke Lan began to sweep around, and he held the trigger tightly. There was no light from the muzzle, and there was no deafening sound. Only the real recoil from the butt of the gun proved that the warhead was fired. He took off his gloves, stretched out a hand and put it next to the ejection port, and in an instant several hot bullet casings fell into his palm.


Ke Lan took a breath of cold air and threw the cartridge case to the ground. He also did not hear the unique crisp sound of metal collision.

Something's wrong...

He suddenly realized something and stopped shooting.

Why can I hear the wriggling sound of tentacles in a space where no sound can be heard? This doesn't make sense.

There is no light and sound, could it be because my senses are affected - for example, the part of the brain responsible for vision and hearing is interfered with by the outside world?

This is very possible, at least in terms of difficulty of implementation, it is much simpler than removing all the light and sound from this space. Even with the current technology of mankind, it can be done.

Ke Lan took a deep breath, then opened his mouth and shouted silently: Old dog! Layton! Asano Akira! Can you hear my voice? If you are nearby, move closer to me!

Ke Lan waited for ten seconds.

There was no answer, and nothing came close.

The subtle squirming sound still lingered in my ears, neither far nor near.

Ke Lan took out another lighter from his pocket, lit it, and then slowly put a finger over it.

You can feel the scorching temperature on your skin, but you can't see the flames dancing at the air outlet.

Only light and sound are blocked, but the heat, or energy, is still there.

He pulled out the pulse laser pistol from his waist and pressed the muzzle against the butt of the assault rifle——

If the physical laws of this space change and all light will be sucked away, then it is impossible for laser weapons to cause any damage to the target; but if the energy of the material itself is not affected, maybe it is another way of saying it.

A few seconds later, Ke Lan touched the few molten holes on the gun butt and fell into deep thought...

[P.S. Note 1: Deathrattle effect: From the card game Hearthstone, it refers to a special effect that is triggered only after the death of follower cards (including a few equipment cards).

Note 2: Baron Rivendell is also a card in Hearthstone. Its effect is to trigger the follower's deathrattle twice. 】

[P.P.S. Thanks to book friend 20210316133335505, traveler 0821, Ivan for a ride, and 0hjklg for the 100 starting coins. 】

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