Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 468 Park Sang-woo’s Sacrifice (4000 words long chapter)

Valentina! Release the fixed bracket! Release the rescue capsule! Ke Lan shouted again.

It's a sacrificial ceremony! Aya, who is the leader of the Special Agent Team of the Security Bureau, also saw the change in Park Sangwoo. This man is a key member of the heretical sect! Only key members can initiate this kind of ceremony!

The signal light on the top of the rescue capsule has turned red - this means that Park Sang-woo's body has died, and something indescribable in words is coming to this world using his flesh and blood as a medium.

It's too late. Even if his body is blown to pieces now, there's no way to interrupt the ceremony. Ke Lan said... The situation in front of him was something he didn't expect - he hadn't even used the forgery he asked Layton to help him. Evidence, Park Sangwoo didn't ask for it, and he even showed his trump card directly!

He is a true madman, a madman who doesn't care about his own life in order to achieve his goals...far crazier than the guys in the institute.

His acting skills are even more superb than Yui Arasaka's, and everyone can even feel the fear, despair, and inner struggle he showed before... However, all of this is just his disguise.

Didn't we check this guy's body to make sure he was not infected by the cells of the Seed of Corrosion? The hound pointed its muzzle at the door of the rescue cabin, What's going on?

It's not a seed of erosion. Ke Lan said, This is a sacrificial ritual that is even more incomprehensible than the seed of erosion. With our current technological level, it is impossible to understand the principle of this ritual... I just You know, the thing summoned by this ritual is much stronger than the Seed of Corrosion.

It's that kind of black skeleton! It was mentioned in the report on the East 9th District operation! Aya Breya said, It's the thing you encountered in the Pioneer 9 cargo bay.

The things summoned by this kind of ritual don't seem to be fixed... Ke Lan remembered what happened when he recited the Holy Word, This kind of sacrificial ritual... will be completely different due to the difference in the content of the prayers. Different results.”

This is like an ordinary person praying to the God of Wealth for wealth. Assuming that the God of Wealth really exists and hears the person's prayer, there are many ways to satisfy the prayer's wishes - the stocks and funds purchased by the prayer can suddenly be affected by something. If the price skyrocketed due to some reasons, he might also pick up a bag of diamonds left behind by others when he went out the next day.

As long as the ultimate goal can be achieved, not many people will care about the process of achieving the goal.

The black-robed believer I met in East Ninth District, the content of the Holy Word prayer was to gain powerful power, so he turned into a monster like a black skeleton - not only did the purpose of gaining power be achieved, but in the prayer The phrase I am willing to sacrifice myself has also become a fact.

When facing Arasaka Yui, Ke Lan did not directly pray to the great god for strength, but said that he wanted to kill him - his goal was also achieved, and in the process of achieving it, However, his body did not show any abnormal changes.

But if you want to modify the Holy Word, one prerequisite is that you must master the language of the Alpha civilization... According to the current known information, he and the Prophet are the only two people who have this ability.

There is definitely a price to pay for using the Holy Word, but obviously the Prophet also knows this, otherwise, with the help of the power of the Great God, the heretical sect can easily destroy the Ark and become the ruler of mankind.

As for other people, it is even less possible to rely on the Holy Word or unimaginable power... In those memory fragments, it is clearly stated that using the Holy Word requires paying the life force equivalent to the gift, and the life force of an ordinary human being , in the eyes of the great god, is very small...

To use a metaphor that is more understandable, it is a desperate person who sells his body to arms dealers in exchange for weapons - ordinary people with ordinary looks (ordinary people who don't have much life force to pay for) might be able to In exchange for a pistol or a grenade; and for that kind of beautiful woman who is alluring to the country (human beings with extremely strong vitality), maybe they can exchange for a few more kilograms of C4 explosives; but no matter how beautiful they are (the limit of human vitality) It is impossible for people to exchange weapons like intercontinental missiles from arms dealers.

It's not that the arms dealers don't have missiles, it's just that no one can afford the price.

Of course, quantitative changes can also lead to qualitative changes, and the birth of Zeluo is an example.

To be honest, Ke Lan is not particularly worried about what Park Sangwoo's sacrifice ceremony can summon - with his own vitality, the most he can exchange for is monsters like black skeletons, but as far as the reconnaissance team found With some firepower, it only takes a few seconds to blast the black skeleton into smithereens.

Subject to the principle of equivalent exchange, no matter how terrifying the power of the great god is, only a very small part of it can be lent to Park Sang-woo.

But I don’t know if it’s because Park Sang-woo is an enhanced person, but the power he “exchanged” seems to be a little too much.

He did not turn into a black skeleton. The originally shriveled body quickly expanded again. The whole body was like an inflated balloon, instantly filling the remaining space in the rescue cabin. The facial features were completely distorted. Above the porthole, it looks particularly weird.


Everyone heard a muffled sound like a balloon exploding from the rescue cabin. Blood and minced meat were coated in a thick layer on the inside of the porthole, making it impossible to see the scene inside.

This guy...could it be...exploded? Hound muttered in a low voice.

I don't know. Layton shook his head, But the rescue capsule seems to be moving...

I heard the sound of something squirming inside. It was slimy. Akira Asano said. He held the scabbard horizontally with his left hand, and tightly grasped the handle of the knife with his right hand. He had already made the starting position of Iai Slash action.

It's about to come out... Zhuoligetu stared at the hatch nervously and moved his finger to the trigger.

Bang! The next second, the door of the rescue cabin was knocked open by a huge force, and dozens of thick tentacles, as thick as a person's arms and covered with mucus, poured out from inside the rescue cabin - it did not He also threw away the life capsule, but lifted it up and carried it behind his back.

Ke Lan felt that this thing looked like some kind of mollusk with a hard shell - the heavy and hard rescue capsule was its protective shell.

Team leader... what kind of ammunition should be used for this thing? an agent asked anxiously.

You can't blame him, because the monster Park Sangwoo turned into is too much like the Seed of Corrosion - every trained Security Bureau agent knows that the Seed of Corrosion can only be killed with active ammunition. However, the physical lethality of active ammunition itself is very low. In many cases, conventional ammunition is required to tear apart the body of the erosion seed and expose the nucleus to the outside to be effective.

They were completely unsure whether the monster in front of them was a Seed of Corrosion... It was too similar. This thing was so similar that even this group of people with the most experience in dealing with Seeds of Corrosion would find it difficult not to compare the two. Connected together.

Before Aya Breya could speak, Ke Lan said first: Use conventional ammunition to suppress the fire first. Even if you can't kill it, you can at least hinder it!

Use conventional ammunition! No signs of infection were found in Park Sangwoo's body before. This thing just looks similar to the Seed of Corrosion, and it is definitely not the same creature! Aya glanced at Ke Lan quickly and shouted to her men. .

Don't be too sure... No one knows what the things summoned by the sacrificial ritual are... Maybe the first erosion seed on Alpha Planet was summoned by this sacrificial ritual. . Ke Lan said to Aya while pouring firepower towards Park Sangwoo.

Then do you know what this monster is?

I said I don't know... If you want to study this thing, I suggest killing it first. Although the corpse is not as valuable as the living sample, it is at least safe. Ke Lan shouted loudly to avoid his own The sound was drowned out by the cacophony of gunfire.

Are you still in the mood to joke at this time?

I'm not kidding, I'm just stating the facts.

Except for Valentina's body, everyone was retreating while firing at the monster that Park Sangwoo had turned into. Countless bullets hit those tentacles as if they were hitting an extremely soft piece of plasticine. , the warhead penetrated the tentacle almost without any hindrance, but except for a bullet hole that penetrated front and back, it did not cause any greater trauma.

Generally speaking, if an organism is shot, especially a large-caliber full-power bullet, the kinetic energy attached to the bullet will directly tear a large piece of flesh and blood from the hit site, or directly crush the internal organs. ...But when it hit this monster, the kinetic energy on the bullet seemed to disappear for a moment, and it passed straight through its body.

It was not repelled by the barrage, but instead kept crawling towards everyone... Those tentacles squirmed slowly, leaving several twisted traces of slime on the ground.

Conventional ammunition doesn't seem to work on this thing! shouted the Hound. It doesn't even hinder its movement.

Change to active ammunition, test fire one round first. Ke Lan emptied a magazine in one breath, then replaced it with a new magazine with a yellow and black Biological Hazard logo on it, and picked up the gun. Short burst.

The distance between them and the monster is less than twenty meters. With the help of the power armor's auxiliary aiming system, even waist fire can hit 100% - these warheads explode after drilling into the tentacles. When opened, the active cells of the flesh-eating worm contained in the sealed tube were released.

Nothing happens.

According to previous examples, if active ammunition is used to shoot erosion seeds, even if the core is not hit, even if the dose toxicity of active cells in the ammunition is far from reaching the threshold of killing the target, at least the tissue at the shot site will still die quickly... But the monster in front of him seemed completely unaffected by the active cells of the flesh-eating worm.

Don't waste active ammunition! This thing is not a seed of erosion! Ke Lan shouted immediately.

Then how can we kill it? The hound put the magazine he just took out back angrily, Conventional ammunition is not effective, and active ammunition is also ineffective. Is it possible to use artillery shells to bomb it?

The Valkyrie body is equipped with some heavy firepower weapons, but when bombarding targets at this distance and in a closed environment like a tunnel, the aftermath will 100% affect them. Even if they are protected by powered armor, it will be very difficult. It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no damage.

Unless the distance can be increased... But Ke Lan noticed that the monster's movement speed was gradually accelerating, and it seemed to be gradually adapting to this body. This may be the reason why it did not attack everyone at the first time.

Half a minute has passed now. The members of the reconnaissance team have changed from slowly retreating to running back while turning around and shooting. The monster is moving four or five times faster than at the beginning.

Every time those tentacles squirm, it can move several meters on the smooth metal ground. At this time, it is already very difficult to distance yourself from it.

Unless someone takes the initiative to sacrifice themselves to hold this monster back and allow others to retreat beyond the scope of the heavy firepower.

Ke Lan would not issue such an order unless absolutely necessary.

Ke Lan, don't you have any clue? This thing is crawling faster and faster, and we are about to be overtaken by it. After discovering that both types of ammunition were ineffective, the hound simply stopped shooting. Instead, he rummaged through his equipment bag, trying to find something that could stop this monster.

Ke Lan naturally knew what it meant when the hound asked him Do you have any clues? Clue refers to the memory fragments that automatically emerged in his mind when he came into contact with things related to the Alpha civilization - that time in the exile camp. Here, they encountered the Seed of Corrosion for the first time. Ke Lan relied on the information provided in these memory fragments and used the carcass of the flesh-eating worm to trap and kill the monster.

But this time, nothing popped into Ke Lan's mind.

After entering this tunnel, those memory fragments hidden in the depths of my mind seemed to have fallen into dormancy and never appeared once.

I don’t know why, Ke Lan suddenly had a very strange idea...

Those memories seem to be of fear of this place.

[P.S. Thanks to Xiaopangdun uu for the 500 starting coins; thanks to the villain among the villains, Infinite Demon for the 100 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. The temperature has dropped suddenly in the past few days. Less than a week after I recovered from the cold, I seem to have a fever again. I will go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. In addition, everyone should also pay attention to keeping warm and wear more clothes to avoid catching a cold. 】

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