Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 446 Evacuation Path (4000 words long chapter)

Damn! I was still wondering how the measured depth of the earthquake source could be so shallow. How could this earthquake be caused by a battleship?! Hound whispered.

You all know what happened next... As for the current situation of 'Yagunaktor', I'm afraid we can only know it if we go deep into the central area of ​​the mining area. Park Sangyou said, looking at Ke Lan nervously With one glance, I've told you everything I know, you won't break your promise, right?

Don't worry, after all, I'm not a devil. Ke Lan said, Forcing a confession is just a means, and what I want is to achieve the goal through this means. If you had been willing to speak earlier, I wouldn't have wasted so much money. Talkative.

Ke Lan gave Ivan a look, and Ivan immediately pushed the injection in his hand into the infusion tube.

You... didn't you say you won't break your promise?! Seeing Ivan's actions, Park Sangwoo's eyes widened immediately, How did you...

Don't panic, it's just a hormone... Our mission is to search and rescue survivors, not to torture and extract confessions. Every gram of what we carry must be carefully calculated. How could it contain that kind of drug? It's not possible to take it out at the beginning. Just to make a joke with you. Ke Lan said.

...This...this joke is not funny at all. Within just a few seconds, a layer of fine sweat broke out on Park Sangyou's forehead, obviously he was very frightened.

Leader Breya, I think our mission has been completed. Ke Lan turned to Aya Breya and said, The top priority is to quickly convey the news back to Ark and escort Dr. Park Sangwoo out. Mining area. The purpose of the Heretic Sect is very clear. They came here just for this ancient battleship of an advanced civilization. Although we still don’t know what happened inside the battleship. What is certain is that the Heretic Sect invested a lot of money in the mining area. There is no way we can stop them with just our troops.

We can return to the support base first, and then find a way to get in touch with Ark... Aya Breya said.

Don't forget what happened to the garrison base. Since the heretical sect can intercept the garrison base's communications, they can naturally intercept ours. Doing so is tantamount to actively exposing my whereabouts to them... I even suspect that the strong sentiment inside the mining area The interference is also their fault. In addition to the communication equipment we carry, the situation at those transfer stations is probably not much better.

So what's your plan?

First meet up with the people at the support base, and then use vehicles to rush to the 'Mukah' military base closest to the mining area. The high-power transmitting devices there are difficult to intercept. Moreover, if Ark decides to send troops to the mining area,' The Mukakh military base will become the forefront of this operation, Ke Lan said.

But the problem now is how we can bypass the heretical sect's control area and withdraw from the mining area - in the previous conflict, although they failed to catch us, our traces have been exposed. If it is like Ke Lan before As mentioned, if we evacuate the mining area from the other direction, we have to take a long way to get to the Mukach base. And in this way, we will not be able to meet up with the troops supporting the base. We have no vehicles and have to walk on our feet. It will take at least fifteen days to get to the base. Ivan raised his head and said.

And the supplies we carry with us are not enough. Layton said, staring at the electronic map closely. The two transfer stations on the edge of the mining area were destroyed in the earthquake. Whether we can find supplies in the ruins is completely unknown. , and the nearest intact transfer station is 270 kilometers away, and we can't get there at all.

At this moment, Park Sangwoo suddenly said: Can you show me your map?

Layton glanced at Ke Lan, who nodded, and then he projected the holographic image of the electronic map on the car window.

The green highlighted line is our route into the mining area, the red cross mark is the point where we encountered the heretic sect, and the red dotted line area shaped like a large lemon is the control of the heretical sect calculated by the AI. Area... Of course, this is the data from a few hours ago. No one knows what it looks like now. Layton explained, This is the location of the support base. Our supplies and vehicles are left here. This direction is Ke Lan's original planned evacuation you can see, is completely the opposite. We originally planned to search for supplies in the mining area, but now it seems that this method will not work.

I know a passage that can be traced along the edge of the heretical sect's control area...According to the scale on the map, the evacuation point is only fifteen kilometers away from your support base. Park Sangyou said.

Are you sure? Now that the landscape of the entire mining area has completely changed, will the passage you mentioned still exist? Layton said with some doubt.

That is an underground passage built by Alpha Civilization. The walls of the passage are all reinforced with Nino alloy skeleton. Even if it falls into magma, it will not be easily damaged! Park Sangwoo said.

I think we can give it a try. Ke Lan thought for a moment, Can you point out the approximate location of the passage on the map? arm...can't lift...

Leiton, track the focus of Dr. Park Sangwoo's sight and mark it on the map projection. Ke Lan said immediately.

As Park Sangwoo's eyes moved, a winding curve appeared on the map. This curve was close to the edge of the heterodox sect controlled area circled with red dotted lines. There were several prominent positions and it even invaded the dotted line. inside.

Isn't this too close? If this passage has been occupied by a heretic sect, wouldn't we just fall into a trap? The hound muttered.

No, the depth of the passage is more than fifty meters. It is difficult to be found except for the entrance and exit. Park Sangyou said.

But the problem is that the ground in the mining area is now cracked. The cracks are so dense that they are like shrunken chrysanthemums. Even if this passage is buried deep underground, it must have been exposed by now. The hound shook. Shaking his head, This is too risky.

This channel uses a ductile structure. We have tested it and found that the channel itself can be extended to more than twice its original length. Even if the rock formation cracks, the channel will not be torn apart - even if they find an exposed channel , they can’t enter the passage even if they can’t find the entrance. Park Sang-woo continued.

Tsk... That's what I said, but I always feel it's not very reliable. Hound smacked his lips and turned to Ke Lan, Ke Lan, you make the decision.

I think we can give it a try. If we walk on the ground and cross the mining area, our supplies will not be enough. If we return the same way, we will almost 100% encounter the heretical sect. This passage is our best choice at the moment.

That's right, the taller one among the dwarfs... According to what you said, the other plans sound worse. The hound stood up straight and patted the ashes on his legs, What about this guy? He can leave. Yet?

The extracorporeal life support device cannot be removed for the time being. Even if it is an enhanced person, his injuries are fatal enough. Ivan shook his head, We can only carry him back to the rescue cabin and carry him away.

By the way, Dr. Park Sang-woo, what is the width and height of that passage and can it allow mechas to pass through it?

The width is about ten meters, and the height... I have the impression that it is about six to eight meters, but if the passage is stretched by external forces, the space should shrink a lot. Park Sang-woo recalled.

That's enough. Ke Lan said, Check the equipment, clean up the traces on the ground, and get ready to go!

Ke Lan gave the order, and everyone immediately moved. Park Sangwoo was stuffed into the rescue cabin with a stretcher and a complete set of extracorporeal life-support equipment. Ivan pulled out the safety belt from the truck compartment and tied Park Sangwoo firmly to the bottom of the rescue cabin to prevent him from being damaged again due to bumps during transportation.

A rocket launcher nest on the back of the Valentina mecha was removed, and the free bracket was used to secure the rescue capsule. In order to reduce bumps, Layton even removed the shock absorbers of two wheeled drones. Mounted on the bottom of the stand.

Two hours and twenty minutes later, in front of the passage entrance. this what you mean by 'passable'? Layton pointed at the entrance of the passage, one-third of which was submerged in magma, and shouted to the rescue cabin with a straight face.

I...I don't know... There was a porthole on the door of the rescue cabin. Through the porthole, Park Shangyou naturally saw the scene at the entrance.

Old dog, don't be impatient yet. Ke Lan pulled the irritated hound, Look, the overall trend of this passage is upward. That is to say, only the entrance section is soaked in magma. As long as it flows through In this section, all the passages behind are safe.”

Flow through this section? This is magma and not drinking water, so how can it flow? the hound asked.

Leighton, you personally modified the Valkyrie One, right? Tell me, can this mecha move in magma? Ke Lan turned to Leighton and asked.

If you just trek through the magma for a short time, no problem. Layton nodded, This mecha was originally a special type modified for operations in the molten mine area. All the limbs and skeleton are made of 100% One-hundred-purity Nino alloy... For these four legs, I spent half a year's budget of the workshop. However, although the magma cannot melt the Nino alloy, over time, a large amount of heat will be conducted to Once the cooling system on the main body of the mecha cannot lower the temperature, there will be a problem.

I know this. Ke Lan nodded, then stretched out his hand to gesture at the angle of the entrance to the passage, Based on the height of the magma in this rift valley, the length of the passage penetrating the magma will not exceed one hundred meters. , we can get there—everyone, climb on the back of the mecha, adjust the power armor’s cooling device to maximum power, and let’s walk over on the magma!”

Fuck, you guy, you're really crazy! Although Hound cursed, he was the first to climb onto Valkyrie's back, sat down next to the rescue cabin, and slapped the hatch hard. Upper porthole:

I will trust you this time. Remember, if this passage is a dead end, I will be the first to throw you into the lava!

Others also climbed onto the back of the mecha one after another. After everyone had a firm grip, Valkyrie shot two hooks from its shoulders and fixed them on the cliff. The entire mecha began to slowly move towards the crack. The valley descends.

Suddenly, an uncomfortable burning sensation swept over me. Even though the cooling device operating at maximum power was roaring crazily, it still couldn't offset all the heat. The feeling was like trapping a person. Inside an iron barrel, a flame blowtorch is constantly being used to roast the outside.

Damn...compared to this...whatever sauna is like child's play... The hound panted and complained.

Finally, Valkyrie's legs were inserted into the magma - the magma that flooded the entrance of the passage was not too deep, only about half a meter.

But even so, everyone still felt that the temperature of the surface of the body increased a lot in an instant.

Fortunately, I use carbon fiber armor that can withstand temperatures of more than 2,600 degrees Celsius... This thing's thermal conductivity is much worse than metal, otherwise, the back of this mecha would probably be like a teppanyaki. Layton said.

No need to estimate, you can do it now. Ivan glanced at the external temperature indicator and said calmly.

[P.S. Thanks to the villain among the villains for the 500 starting coins. 】

[P.S. I just went to see Changjin Lake with my parents. I won't say much else, as it could easily be spoiled. I can only say that the filming was really good. In the second half, I kept hearing faint sobbing coming from around me. Although I didn’t cry, I was gritting my teeth so hard that my back molars were sore... The sentence that impressed me the most was We don’t fight this war, we Our descendants will fight... My grandfather was also a volunteer soldier who participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. To be honest, I had no impression of this battle when I was a child, because most of the war-related movies and TV series I watched at that time were filmed. The Anti-Japanese War, or World War II filmed by Americans. Until today, I can personally experience the cruelty and hardship of this war, as well as the greatness of the volunteer soldiers...

I really wanted to write something for them, but when I started writing, I felt I was short of words.

I always find it difficult to describe those heroes with words. All I can do is pay tribute to them silently in my heart.

The whole film is three hours long, and when I walked out of the cinema, I was still not satisfied. I strongly recommend everyone to Amway Changjin Lake and the upcoming sequel Watergate Bridge - the reason why I can sit in front of the computer and code safely. The reason why people can read novels on their mobile phones is because they sacrificed their lives to get the life we ​​have now. 】

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