Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 413 The Big Explosion of Technology

Ye Yan told me that a brand new competition system will be used in the rematch, but he doesn't know what it will look like. Ke Lan shrugged helplessly and walked to the freezer, Who put the Fat House Happy Water Finished drinking? The stock I just replenished yesterday is gone today?

He turned around and saw Layton pointing his finger at the hound, and the hound pointed at Layton.

At the feet of these two guys, there was a pile of empty cans.

You two, fill up the freezer for me and use your own wallets! After Ke Lan said that, he turned around and walked back to his office.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he found that Ze Luo had stood up from the sofa, put the tablet aside, and held his usual glass in his hand.

You want to drink that carbonated drink called Coke? she asked.

Huh? I originally wanted to drink it, but they drank the last can. Ke Lan replied.

The formula of this carbonated drink is very simple, and the molecular structure is not too complicated. I can simulate it. After Ze Luo finished speaking, a wisp of dark brown clear liquid poured out from her fingertips and fell into the In the glass, Ke Lan could even see large and small bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass and bursting one by one on the liquid surface.

... The corners of his mouth kept twitching, and his entire face twitched as if his face was paralyzed.

Here, Coke. Ze Luo handed the cup to Ke Lan.

This Coke... was 'made' by you... I mean... was... 'simulated' by... you using a part of your body? Ke Lan asked stammering.

Yeah. Ze Luo nodded, But from a molecular level, there is no difference between it and the cola you drink.

Then if I drink it... wouldn't it be equivalent to eating a part of your body? Isn't this a bit harsh? Ke Lan shook his head like a rattle, If you don't drink it, it's not like me. Pervert, even if you beat me to death, I won’t drink it.”

I have cut off the connection with this glass of liquid. Now it is just Coke. Ze Luo continued, After you drink it, the nutrients and water in it will be absorbed by your mouth, stomach and intestines. The remaining part will be stored in the bladder after being filtered by the kidneys and turned into urine and excreted from the body. As for the carbon dioxide dissolved in it, it will escape from your anus and mouth, which is also burping and farting.”

When she said this, her tone was like an explanation machine without any emotion. Even when she talked about things like farting, the expression on her face did not change at all.

No... it still doesn't work. Can you still take back this... uh, this cup of 'Coke'? Ke Lan flatly refused.

Okay. Ze Luo picked up the cup and drank the coke she made herself.

Well... I have a question. Ke Lan said carefully as he watched her put the glass down.


When you simulate these things, do you need to abide by the law of conservation of matter and the law of energy conservation? Ke Lan asked. He checked the books that Ze Luo had read, including a complete set of physics textbooks for Ark's compulsory education.

The former requires that the mass of this cup of Coke is 149.63 grams. When I separate it, my own mass also decreases by 149.63 grams. But I can replenish these lost substances from the outside world through various means, such as human Eating behavior. Ze Luo continued to answer in a calm and declarative tone, But the latter concept in human literature is wrong. When this theory was proposed, humans had not yet discovered the essence. Because of the existence of spiritual power, the theoretical framework is incomplete.

Then you simulated something else? hydrogen bomb?

Yes, but the materials and energy that need to be consumed are very huge. Ze Luo nodded, It is equivalent to asking me to use 100 million tons of TNT explosives to create a hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of 100 million tons of TNT, and in In this process, losses are inevitable.”

But you can do it...can't you? Ke Lan suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe. How could this guy be a biological weapon made by Alpha Civilization... She was clearly a humanoid universal printer. As long as With enough detailed analytical diagrams and materials, she could even create a second ark!

Ke Lan couldn't imagine what would happen if they failed to interrupt the ceremony and allowed Ze Luo in puppet form to fall under the control of the heretical sect...

If you can't use this ability in non-emergency situations, don't use it. Ke Lan said sternly to Ze Luo, If you want to experience life as a human being, you should treat yourself as an ordinary human being. It is impossible for ordinary humans to have such an ability... Those who have this ability can only...

Ke Lan originally wanted to say monster, but then he thought, even a monster cannot have such ability.

Although he is an atheist, he has to admit that only the concept of god is the most appropriate to use here.

In short, if you want to live a normal life, you must hide these abilities. If outsiders discover it, I'm afraid... no, not I'm afraid, it's for sure - we will definitely not be able to stay on the Ark.

I saw a book that said, 'Human beings are always full of curiosity and fear about unknown things.' Ze Luo nodded, I understand.

Whether it is curiosity or fear, it is easy for people to lose their minds, so we must try to avoid this situation. Ke Lan sighed, Everything must be done step by step. History has proven this point of view countless times.

Not only the history of mankind, he even suspected that the disappearance of Alpha Civilization might also be because he took too big a step and accidentally pulled the egg.

Although Alpha civilization is several levels higher than human civilization, in the eyes of top civilizations, it can still only be regarded as mortal. With the power of mortals, trying to encroach on the realm of gods will often lead to disastrous results.

But haven't there been several technological explosions in human history? Judging from the contents recorded in those documents, these technological explosions not only did not bring destruction to mankind, but also greatly improved the quality of human life...

This time, before Ze Luo finished speaking, Ke Lan interrupted her.

That's because the intensity of the explosion is not enough, far from enough. A hydrogen bomb may be enough to destroy a metropolis, but it cannot exterminate a race... But if the sun explodes, then the entire earth will be completely wiped out, even Not a single trace will be left.”

[P.S. Thank you Aba Aba Aba for the 100 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. Disclaimer: Any content related to real-life scientific laws mentioned in this chapter contains fictional content due to the needs of the plot. Please do not take your seat - the author does not bear any responsibility if something misleading happens. 】

[P.P.P.S. Don’t worry about Newton for now. Come and bring a few people to help me press the coffin boards of the two old gentlemen Mayer and Joule...]

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