Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 409 The outrageous escort mission

If you can stop your activities at the moment, wouldn't this really become Dior's 'Smashing Varudo'... Ke Lan rubbed his forehead. This thing...could it really be a fucking substitute?

It is a good thing that his skills have become stronger. As a senior JO chef who has read comics one to eight of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure several times, Ke Lan certainly knows what a perverted ability this is... However, the second The point zero version of the Time Stop skill, this mana consumption is really too scary.

Originally, Ke Lan activated Time Stop, which could last for several seconds at most. If it was divided into multiple activations, the total duration could be extended to a quite exaggerated level... But now, after just using it, he It feels like the mental energy has been almost drained, and it is simply impossible to use it in actual combat.

Unless he can make his mental power strong enough to be like a monster...

Thinking of this, Ke Lan subconsciously looked at Ze Luo, who was looking at the messy pile of corpses of the puppet individuals on the ground, wondering what he was thinking.

Well, the ship will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge... Let's consider these things later. Ke Lan thought to himself, walked back to the control terminal, turned on the broadcast switch in the hangar, and said into the microphone:

The matter has been resolved. Ivan, Layton and Akira Asano, please come to the bridge. The others can rest where they are.

Five days later, in the fourth district of Ark East, the Hunting God Hunting Group headquarters, the group leader's office.

Ke Lan, who was wearing a floral shirt and beach shorts of the same style, was lying on a leather boss's chair. His feet with flip-flops between his toes were placed on the desk in an extremely arrogant posture. A very rare paper of this era. The book was spread out over his face, and slight snores continued to come from under the book.

It has been four days since he came back from the South Sixteenth District. During these four days, Ke Lan spent almost 80% of the time sleeping - and the rest of the time, except for eating, bathing and going to the toilet. , he was quietly practicing the 2.0 version of the Time Stop skill in his room.

Although the duration of the skill did not become longer, and the stinging feeling deep in his brain did not lessen... but at least, he would not scream out in agony due to the severe pain.

In the past few days, Ke Lan wondered more than once whether he had a masochistic nature in his bones, but every time after his mental state recovered, he couldn't help but try again - this kind of power is really too attractive. Even if it was only for a short moment, even if he had to endure great pain, when Ke Lan stepped into the world of black and white, he could not help but be intoxicated.

If you use the words of the psychopath who doesn't want to be human, then this is almost power from the gods.

Although Ke Lan doesn't want to admit it, when the skill is activated, he will always have the illusion that he is the master of this world...

Sure enough, I still read too many online articles...

Ke Lan reached out his hand, lifted a corner of the book covering his face, and looked at Ze Luo, who was sitting on the sofa opposite his work.

The girl's sitting posture was impeccable. She placed her hands squarely on her knees, her head lowered slightly, and she was concentrating on the tablet computer placed on the coffee table - that was the only request Ze Luo made to Ke Lan after arriving here. . This tablet computer stores all the books and documents that can be downloaded in the Ark Library, from the ancient text rubbings on the Rosetta Stone to the cool novels of the overbearing president and the son-in-law of the God of War in the middle and late Earth Era. ...almost everything. During these four days, apart from eating, bathing and going to the toilet, Ze Luo did everything he could to read.

Unlike Ke Lan, she never sleeps. Although Ke Lan told her that as a human, she should maintain at least 6-8 hours of sleep every day, but even in bed, the girl is still holding the tablet computer, hungry Reading.

On Ze Luo's face, there was no other expression other than seriousness. Her pupils reflected the dense text, which was scrolling on the screen at an extremely fast speed - not only did she not sleep , the reading speed is more than ten times that of normal humans.

With this kind of energy, in the old era, it would have been easy to get into any Ivy League school. This is what the hunting dog said about her.

As for Zeluo's identity, it was Chiron who single-handedly took care of it. When the group returned to the Ark, Zeluo already had a complete and legal identity certificate, including a series of records from his birth to his current location. The resume can be found in the archives, and it is so detailed that it is almost impossible to find fault.

Outside the group leader's office is the office area for Hound and other senior managers of the hunting group - of course, it's an office area, but it's actually just a common room. Several solid wood desks were moved to the walls, and an exquisitely crafted billiard table was moved to the center of the office.

Oh, I haven't received any commissions for a week. I'm sitting on nothing... I'm sitting on nothing! Hound sat on the sofa next to the billiard table, holding in his arms a billiard cue that sells for more than four figures in the market, and kept talking. I thought to myself.

It used to be okay, one person could eat enough and the whole family wouldn't be hungry, but now the whole hunting group has hundreds of mouths to eat, oh, and there are also those iron lumps in the underground hangar for fucking maintenance. Motor oil is more expensive than the oil that people eat... That guy Ke Lan left everything to me and became a hands-off shopkeeper... This brat, he didn't know that firewood and rice are expensive when he is not a family, but now he has to spend so much every day I have a lot of money, but I don’t get a penny from it. Oh, I’m so worried.”

Weren't there two commissions that came to my door yesterday? Why did you push me, old dog? Layton leaned on the back of the sofa, holding an extra-large bag of potato chips in his arms.

A mission to explore D-class ruins is too shameful. We are a consortium-level hunting group. People come to us with this kind of mission and it is clear that they look down on us. Hound said, As for the other one, it is even more outrageous. They actually asked us to escort a transport team. Shouldn't we go to mercenaries or PMCs for this damn thing? What are they doing to us? If I hadn't had a good temper, I would have scolded those two idiots.

Speaking of escort missions...I heard some outrageous news recently. Ivan, who was lying on the table hitting the ball, raised his head and said.

What news? Tell me. Layton responded with interest.

It seems that a woman wanted to inspect her family's property in the wilderness and recruited several mercenaries as bodyguards. On the way, she suddenly pulled out a gun and killed the mercenary driving the car.

Huh? What kind of drama is this? Is the mercenary dishonest? Is he just looking for sex? Or does he want to kill people and buy goods? Hound asked.

I don't know if she's committing murder, but it's highly unlikely that she'll be motivated by sex... That employer... She seems to weigh more than three hundred kilograms, and she's nearly forty years old... I don't think anyone would care about her... Is such a woman interested in sex? Ivan muttered.

Don't be too absolute, maybe some people's XP is more biased?

[Thanks to LSP and Xiao Jiaerlang for the 100 starting coins. 】

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