Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 393: Operation to recapture the your memory...Chinese people...should like white hair very much... Ze Luo said softly.

Compared to her previous babbling appearance, she now speaks much more fluently, which can be described as rapid progress.

However, the content of this sentence caused Ke Lan to fall into a brief moment of embarrassment - You... what have you read? Don't confuse the two-dimensional XP with things in the real world. Ah...and, precisely because many people like white hair, white hair is more eye-catching!

Oh... Ze Luo looked at Ke Lan blankly, obviously not understanding the meaning of Ke Lan's words.

However, her hair color changed into a color between dark brown and pure black in just one second.

In addition, the person your companion is looking for has been found. Chiron suddenly interrupted.

Marshall? He is indeed on this space station. Ke Lan said, It's just... you said before that this space station is actually a large research institute. He shouldn't know this, right?

Well. He doesn't know. He always thought that he had escaped from that experimental project... But in fact, even his escape route was planned for him by us, and so were those who helped him escape from the Ark. We arranged it. He has always followed the experimental process step by step and never exceeded it, Chiron replied.

Then it sounds like his fate is really sad... The reason why you transferred the experimental project from the ground to the space station is to circumvent Ark's laws and public opinion? After all, if this kind of human experiment is accidentally exposed, , it will definitely cause riots among the people. Ke Lan said.

Not to mention anything else, even when the project of biochemically modifying humans was first made public, it triggered several large-scale riots - at first it was just verbal protests and demonstrations, but later it gradually evolved into deliberate sabotage. There were even attacks on the military. These riots gradually subsided until officials decided to use force to suppress them.

Even so, body modification surgery was not officially legalized until the Ark landed on Alpha and there was an extreme lack of frontline combat power. Before that, even the name of this surgery could be considered a taboo.

That's right. Although many people are aware of the existence of this type of experiment, those who are aware of it are smart people. They understand the benefits and risks involved, and they know how to remain silent. However, when this group expands to the entire population, the situation becomes It’s different. The collective consciousness is blind and blindly obedient, and is extremely emotional. It can easily go to extremes. If someone with good intentions provokes it at this time...

The tragedy of hundreds of years ago will happen again. Ke Lan continued Chiron's words, So, even if your hands are stained with sin, you still feel that it is necessary, so you have no complaints about it. ,Right.

Everything I have done is for the future of mankind, and I have a clear conscience. Chiron replied, Those experimental projects back then have continued. Neither the United Council nor the Undead Crew have thought of giving up these projects.

After what happened here, can we take Marshall away? Ke Lan tried to ask, No matter how other experimental projects are progressing, at least the one you are responsible for should be over.

It's a pity that you came a step too late. Chiron said with a hint of imperceptible regret in his tone, This experimental project has been completed, and the perfect work is Marshall.

What? Ke Lan subconsciously remembered what Asano Akira said to him, Then this Marshall, he can already... fly with a sword?

Chiron said: With the ability to materialize thoughts, the 'sword flying' you mentioned can indeed be achieved in theory, but it has no practical value.

I'm just making an analogy. Of course I know how terrifying this ability is... By the way, does it produce energy? Although Ke Lan knew that now was not the time to ask this, he couldn't help but ask.

No. When you passed through the Wall of Flesh, you should have seen the hatching experimental subjects... These are just ordinary experimental subjects fused with Gene 44, and the final survival rate is less than 5%... As for the telekinesis-enhanced type like Marshall, he is the only perfect individual born. Chiron said.

What a pity. Ke Lan sighed, but for some reason, after hearing the news, he felt an inexplicable sense of relief that he couldn't explain.

Moreover, he himself is unwilling to leave this place with you. Chiron continued, I'm not sure whether he has seen through the truth about the 'Sick Village', but even if he already knows the true purpose of this space station, he He has also regarded this place as an isolated refuge... It has been difficult for him to integrate into human society, and...

Chiron paused, and then continued to say to Ke Lan: Although the experiment was successful, in a sense, this perfect individual is not perfect... He has at most one week left to live, I think , which is probably one of the reasons why he is unwilling to leave with your companion.

Will this thing affect life span? Ke Lan asked.

After the idea materializes, it is an unbearable heavy burden for the human body... If he does not rely on this ability to maintain the status quo, his body may collapse at any time. He is now like It was a broken doll that was put back together again with glue. However, while maintaining the shape of the doll, the glue was also constantly corroding the doll itself. From the moment he became a 'perfect individual', he He is already running towards death.

Okay, I understand. Ke Lan nodded, If I had known better, I wouldn't have gotten involved in the bad things here. Not only did I fail to take him back, but I also made myself a mess.

By the way, regardless of whether Marshall has seen through the true purpose of this space station, I hope you will not tell him the truth, lest his emotions be stimulated. In addition, the people I send will use the reason of 'suppressing heretics' Setting off with you... For the residents of this 'sick village', the truth is a kind of torture.

Okay... Oh, I should rephrase it - yes, Lord Pope. Ke Lan said, bowing slightly to the rotting mountain of meat.

The spare space shuttle Chiron mentioned is parked in the Emergency Escape Hangar in Area A. It is a Devara-class medium-sized space shuttle that can carry up to thirty-two people and has the ability to penetrate and protrude into the atmosphere alone. capabilities, but what makes Ke Lan feel a little regretful is that this space shuttle is not equipped with any weapons.

Asano Akira, Layton and Ivan also arrived at the hangar under the leadership of Chiron. In addition to the God Servant wearing bronze hammer armor and Marshall, Chiron also sent them sixteen Individuals, these sixteen people are all experimental subjects hatched from the meat cocoon, and each one has a strength that is not weaker than the God's Servant.

Tsk... I didn't expect that one second we were enemies, and the next second we were teammates acting together. Layton muttered in the team communication channel, To be honest, leave your back to these... these people ’, I’m not too reassured.”

At this time, Ke Lan and Asano Akira had also put on a spacesuit and connected the communication equipment that came with the spacesuit to the team channel.

Don't...question...our...loyalty to the great god. The servant of the god wearing bronze hammer armor said word by word - just as Ke Lan had guessed before, this guy is actually Chiron's It was just a microphone, but these words were actually spoken by Chiron through his mouth.

Of course, to be more precise, it was said with the help of the sound-generating device built into this copper hammer armor.

This guy...hasn't he just relied on role-playing to pass the time and relieve his loneliness for so many years? Ke Lan couldn't help but cursed.

Compared to these people, I care more about this little girl. Ivan stared at Zeluo, who was following Ke Lan closely, and asked, Is she also a combatant in this operation?

Not only yes, but also very important. Ke Lan said seriously. He didn't explain much, but as soon as their eyes met, Ivan immediately understood what Ke Lan meant.

Among the people present, Marshall seemed relatively free and easy. He held Asano Akira's shoulder with one hand, and grabbed the wine bottle he snatched from Ivan with the other hand. He drank while saying: Hey , I really didn’t expect, little dwarf, that we actually have a chance to fight side by side... Last time, when was the last time? I remember... it seemed like we were fighting with those guys from Class 10, right?

Akira Asano did not answer his words, but lowered his head and held the hilt of the sword tightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although Ke Lan did not tell them the truth about the space station and Chiron, he still told Akira Asano through the one-to-one communication channel that Marshall only had one week left to live.

Ke Lan believes that there is no need to hide this matter. White lies are used to protect children, and Asano Akira is an adult. He has the right and necessity to know the truth, even though this fact is very important to him. It's cruel.

Ke Lan, I want to confirm with you one last time. Is the senior member of the sick village sect you came into contact with... trustworthy? Ivan said in the team channel.

Believable. Ke Lan nodded at him, The heretic sect is our common enemy. They hate the heretic sect more than we do. And that thing has now occupied the Greek airship. If we don't cooperate with them, No one can escape the fate of destruction.

To be honest, it has been ten minutes since you told me the origin of that thing, but I still can't believe that the thing in the Iron Maiden can actually survive the bombardment of the Ark's main gun.

If there is a chance, I really want to get some living samples of that thing and take them back and study them carefully. Ivan continued.

Your speech is too dangerous! Ke Lan muttered silently in his heart, and couldn't help but glance at Ze Luo who was following him. If Ivan knew that the rightful owner was this person, he didn't know what kind of expression would appear on his face.

However, Ke Lan is not worried that Ze Luo's identity will be exposed. In Ark's archives, with Chiron's authority, it is not a problem to get a legal identity for her. As for the physical examination, Ke Lan doesn't need to worry about it - Zeluo has almost perfect mimicry ability. In Chiron's words, even if she is sent to the operating table for dissection, the researchers responsible for the dissection will You will only see a body that is 100% human from the inside out. Although she didn't know how she did it, even Chiron said so, so Ke Lan naturally had no reason to question it.

To be honest, this operation is really difficult. Layton was already in the driver's seat of the space shuttle at this time. Although that thing doesn't seem to have control of the Greek ship yet, you have to know that we The space shuttle is a black account whose serial number and identification code have been canceled. The friendly force identification system of the Hellenic cannot identify us. As long as we enter the final warning range, even if no one is controlling it, the automatic air defense on the Hellenic will Weapons will be fired on us too.

This space shuttle isn't even equipped with a laser transmitter for crushing meteorites, let alone an energy shield. As for the armor... it's simply brittle than the thing I'm wearing. I feel like we are the same person. Thin-skinned dumplings with big fillings, it’s as if you’re going to die if you bump into them.”

That's Plan B you said. Before that, at least try Plan A first. Ke Lan said.

The so-called Plan A was actually proposed by Layton. He had discovered something was wrong when he escaped from the space station and was about to contact the Hellenic. Although he could not observe what was happening inside the Hellenic, the wreckage of shuttle reconnaissance aircraft and armed landing craft floating in the universe could. It shows the seriousness of the problem.

He had originally planned to fight to the death with the aborigines in the sick village, but when he returned to the space station, he found that the aborigines no longer regarded him as an enemy.

The most critical aspect of Plan A proposed by Layton was the wreckage of these landing craft.

As long as the friendly force identification module in the wreckage can be successfully recovered, with his technology, he can completely disguise the space shuttle as an armed landing craft carried by the Greek - of course, the premise is that the friendly force identification module is complete. OK.

[P.S. Thanks to book friend 20180204010015047 for the reward of 1,000 starting coins; thank you to book friend 20180501141757849 for the reward of 600 starting coins; thank you to Zhuka Badra, book friends 20181212140854252, and Meow Meow's Tail for the reward of 500 starting coins; thank you to Kongkong Boss for the reward. 200 starting coins; thanks to Bai Di and the Prodigal Son for the 100 starting coins. 】

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