Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 369 Sacrifice to God (4000 words long chapter)

On the other side, Layton and Ivan, who were hanging out in the outer area of ​​Area B, also heard the broadcast.

Compared with Ke Lan, who taught himself more than a dozen unpopular languages ​​when he was bored, the only languages ​​Layton mastered were Chinese, the official language of Ark, and his own mother tongue, English. However, the content of this broadcast did not include these two languages. He was confused by the language.

Doctor, this... what kind of stuff is playing on this radio? At first I thought it was in German, but it didn't seem like it... I, I didn't understand a damn word. Layton choked. After a long time, he decided to ask Ivan for help.

Ivan masters many more languages ​​than Layton. In addition to the official language Chinese and his native Russian, he also knows seven or eight languages ​​including French, German, Korean, and Japanese. But the reason why he learns so many languages ​​is simply to facilitate access to relevant academic papers. The languages ​​Ivan masters, including those who have a little dabble in them, are basically the languages ​​with the largest number of speakers on the Ark.

And this obscure prayer even contains several extremely rare small languages ​​​​that are almost no longer used in daily life and are only retained in the database as cultural heritage... I don’t know where they live. Where did the residents of the sick village learn these languages?

They shouldn't have the authority to access the space station database, right?

I didn't understand it completely. Ivan replied, I can only understand less than half of its meaning... This seems to be a prayer, but to be honest, the order of the words is in a mess. Even if it can be translated into Chinese, it will be very difficult. It’s hard to form complete sentences.”

Prayer... Tsk, when I hear this, I feel that we will encounter a lot of trouble this time. Layton muttered a little depressed, Tell me, is it possible that all the people on this space station are all him? Mom believes in a heretic sect, right?

I don't know, but it's better to be careful anyway. Ivan shook his head, If the situation changes, contact the Greek ship immediately. Finding people is second, and our priority is to ensure the safety of Ke Lan and Asano Akira. By the way, It has been eight hours since the last communication with the Greek ship. They should have entered the predetermined orbit now. Please contact them again.

With perverted masters like Asano Akira here, no one can threaten them, right? Layton said, Okay, let me check the communication equipment again. If you ask me, doctor, you are just too cautious-

The word cautious got stuck in Leighton's mouth and he didn't say it for a long time, while the expression on his face gradually became ugly.

What's going on? Ivan noticed something unusual about Layton and turned around.

Damn... I don't know where the electromagnetic interference came from... I can't contact the Greek. Please wait a moment and I'll try again...

How many times have you tried? Ivan asked immediately.

Six times... now it's seven times. Hey, it's really weird. When we just got off the transport ship, although there was a little interference, it was far from as powerful as it is now - this thing is the highest power I can get. If you can’t contact the Greek with this portable radio, you’ll have to use laser communication,” Layton said.

But there cannot be any obstruction between the two parties in laser communication... In other words, the communication between us and the Greece has been completely cut off, right?

It may also be affected by other factors. You must know that the interference factors in space are no less than those on the ground. Perhaps a meteorite containing a large amount of metal minerals or a strong electromagnetic field just drifted nearby. The area will cause communication interference, and it might be fine after a while. Layton scratched his head through the helmet and said.

We can't put our hopes on probabilistic events. From now on, we have to be prepared to not have any external support - there will be no landing craft, and there will be no fully armed marines. And we, Ke Lan, They have their only backup. Ivan said seriously.

That's enough. Layton confidently patted the missile launch nest hanging on the side of the shoulder armor, Just these sickly guys, I feel that my firepower alone is enough to kill the entire space station. .

In Ke Lan's words, you are setting a flag for yourself. Ivan complained expressionlessly, Judging from the current population density of Area B, I'm afraid the number of residents in the entire 'Sick Village' must be Ten thousand people, our ammunition is limited. Even if they line up for you to kill, you can't kill so many people... What's more, they also contain a large number of radioactive mutants, who burst out during the battle. The strength will not be any weaker than that of your biochemically modified people.

Idiots fight for their bodies, smart people use weapons. Leighton teased, The reason why I chose to transform my body was just to be able to use more powerful weapons.

Let's not talk about this for now. Ivan interrupted, It has been almost an hour since Ke Lan and the others were brought in. We can't continue to waste time here. We have to do something.

What to do? Do you want to find someone to find out what the broadcast just now means? Layton suggested, I see that many local residents walked deeper into the residential area after hearing this broadcast. ”

How do you ask? These people are not willing to contact us at all... Do you plan to use violence? Ivan asked confused.

Hey, doctor, have you forgotten those cans in our backpacks? Leighton said with a smile, Money can make all the difference, not to mention these guys who rely on cockroach protein blocks to satisfy their hunger all day long. This thing, The temptation for them will definitely not be small.”

Then you go try it. Ivan said. Based on the previous exploration records, although they may open their mouths because of this, it is still very difficult to ask something useful.

Then it depends on the person's ability.

Regardless of whether you can ask for information or not, remember not to conflict with the locals. Even if you want to break up with the other party, Ke Lan and the others have to make the decision. Ivan warned.

Don't worry, my temper is much better than that of the old dog - he is just like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard. Layton put his hand into his backpack and took out a can of beef tenderloin with black pepper.

This is produced by the factory under the munitions department of the Ark Field Force. It is an officially distributed military supply. Of course, this stuff can also be bought on the black market. Not only is the price affordable, but the quantity is also large. For the people at the bottom of Ark, it is the best choice to improve their daily meals.

Many soldiers in the field troops on missions resell the uneaten cans they are given. After all, fresh food in the military canteen is always better than canned food.

Basically 80% of the cans on the black market come from this way. As for the source of the remaining 20%, you have to ask the managers of the Ministry of Munitions and the processing plants.

Naturally, this cheap canned black pepper beef tenderloin cannot be made from real beef. The main ingredients are synthetic protein meat, minced chicken trimmings, mixed with meat glue and a large number of additives and seasonings. Yes, even the pepper inside is just a pepper-flavored chemical seasoning.

Of course, only real foodies will care about these things, and for people who rarely eat real meat a few times on weekdays, such food is already considered a delicacy.

The target chosen by Layton was an old man sitting under the scaffolding. This old man looked to be sixty or seventy years old. His hair and teeth were almost completely gone, and his body was as thin as a skeleton. Of course, It may also be that the torture of the disease makes him look so old, but whether he is really sixty or seventy years old, or actually only in his fifties, he can be regarded as the oldest in this residential area. One of the people.

As a doctor, Ivan's first concern was the other person's condition: there were a large number of festered ringworms on the man's arms and nape of his neck, but his symptoms seemed to be limited to the surface of the skin. Originally, it was just mild radiation sickness. Otherwise, it would be impossible to live to this age.

All hair and teeth have been lost; severe malnutrition; obvious jaundice on the face, chest and abdomen, suspected of severe liver function impairment; severe skin ulceration on the back of the neck and outside of the arms, suspected of being in the middle stage of skin cancer...

While Ivan was analyzing this man's condition, Layton was already squatting in front of him with a can.

The reason why he chose this target was very simple. An older person like this old man would definitely have lived on the space station for a long time, and he would definitely know more. Secondly, this guy was so weak that he couldn't even walk. He could only sit on the ground holding on to the scaffolding. Even if he wanted to avoid Layton, he couldn't move his body at all.

Hey, old man, can you hear me? Layton picked up the can and shook it in front of the old man's eyes.

The opponent's pair of cloudy eyes moved slowly, and finally locked on the can in Leyton's hand, and his throat subconsciously made a swallowing movement.

I want to ask you something. Layton continued to say to him.

The other party just looked at the can and did not respond.

If you answer my question in the affirmative, this, here, can, do you see it? I'll give this to you. Leighton moved the can up a little further.

...Give it to me. The old man finally spoke. He stretched out his hand with some difficulty and grabbed the can that Leighton handed over.

It took almost all of his strength to tear open the aluminum easy-open lid of the can. Then, completely ignoring the risk of being cut by the sharp edge of the can, he directly used his fingers to remove the food frozen in the grease and soup. He fished out the beef tenderloin and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.

He has no teeth and cannot chew these artificial meat products at all. He can only use his bare gums to squeeze the food, mash it as much as possible, and then swallow the whole piece of meat like a gulp.

Even Ivan, who stood behind and watched coldly, couldn't help but worry whether this way of eating would choke the person to death - according to the requirements of nursing, patients like this can only be given liquid food. As for the specific Nutritional ratios and sanitary conditions have very strict requirements.

However, in the sick village, even filling one's stomach has become a luxury, and no one cares about these things.

Hey, old man, don't just eat. You should answer my question. Layton knocked his knuckles on the floor beside the old man with some dissatisfaction. What's the meaning of the broadcast just played?

The old man struggled to swallow what was in his mouth, and then wrapped the remaining half of the can in a dirty rag. It was not until he finished all this that he raised his head and looked at Lei with a dull look. pause.

He stared at Layton for more than ten seconds, then pointed to the can wrapped in cloth and said, One is not enough...

Fuck! You're greedy, aren't you? Leighton said angrily, but when he thought of Ivan's instructions, he tried his best to suppress his anger and asked patiently, Then you say it yourself, how many more fucking cans do you want? , can you answer my question?

Two...give me two more...I...I'll tell you. The old man stretched out two skinny fingers and said intermittently.

His lungs and trachea also seemed to be diseased. Just after saying these few words, his chest rose and fell violently, as if he would die at any time.

The last two, if you still dare to play tricks on me, I will put my hand into your throat and dig out all the things you just ate, you old bastard! Layton said viciously and took something out of his backpack again. Two cans were thrown to the old man.

The old man caught the can, looked around cautiously, and then carefully hid the can behind him, and then said to Layton: Just now... that was... the oracle.

Oracle? What does oracle mean?

They... want to select... warriors... and... sacrifices.

[P.S. Thanks to go to hell boss (brother, your starting ID is a string of numbers, QQ is anonymous, I have to use the WeChat name to call it.) For the 100,000 starting coins reward, this book finally has a fifth leader! Moreover, after this guy learned that one-third of the IOS rewards would be taken away by Apple, he gave me a red envelope via WeChat. I am really grateful.

At the same time, I would also like to thank Hua Die Fengyue and Jiang Mingzi for the 100 starting coins, and thank you all for supporting me and Alien Ruins Hunter. These rewards are in addition to the subscription fee, no matter how big or small, they are all yours For your encouragement, I really have nothing to repay you except saying thank you at the end of the chapter.

Also: IOS users please don’t tip me, and underage readers, if your money comes from your parents and not earned by yourself, don’t tip me either, as long as you can support genuine novels , I am very satisfied.

The leader's updates will probably be made up in a while. My head hurts from the electric drill these days... It's a bit difficult to maintain daily updates... I'm extremely sorry. 】

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