Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 20 Sarcophagus

I just can't understand how a monster like you, who can crack the seventh-level mercury lock, could become a lone hunter... Layton's meaning is very straightforward, although elite hunters like them are inferior to the advance team. It is much stronger than the cannon fodder, but as long as Ke Lan can prove that he has the ability to crack the seventh-level mercury lock, then there will definitely be a lot of consortiums squeezing their heads to hire him as a consultant, and the income and benefits will definitely make all hunters They are several blocks away... and the most important thing is that they don't have to go through life and death like them all day long, and the money they make is not as good as a low-level manager in one of those big consortiums.

The vast majority of people who become hunters are not looking for excitement, but are forced to make a living.

...I don't know that I can crack the seventh-level mercury lock...maybe it's just good luck? Facing Leighton's question, Ke Lan could only smile bitterly. Even he himself didn't know how. The mercury lock was broken. He only remembered that he had a dream, but now he can't even recall the specific content of the dream.

With this kind of luck, it would be a pity not to buy lottery tickets... Leighton said quietly.

You idiot, whoever runs out of luck first gets to go first. If Ke Lan had used it to buy lottery tickets, we would have all died here today! The hound patted Layton hard on the forehead. , But then again, if you say you were lucky enough to crack a first- and second-level mercury lock, I still believe it. Even a seventh-level mercury lock can be cracked by luck. This is really outrageous.

...Don't dwell on this matter now. The giant door has been opened. Let's seize the time and get down to business. Ke Lan chose to end the topic on his own initiative. He knew in his heart that no matter how hard he inquired, he would not be able to give an answer. As a reasonable explanation, it is better to put this matter aside for now. Anyway, the crisis has been resolved for the time being, and there is not much point in trying to get into trouble on it.

That's's more important to have a baby!

Old dog, don't you always say that life is the most important thing? Then you have to live to make money and spend money... Layton was interrupted by the hound in the middle of his words: Now there is a difference between life and treasure. No conflict! The good things are in the core area, and the escape route is also in the core area. Why are you so clueless?'s always you who is in charge, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, I'm too lazy to argue with you. Layton said as he lifted Zhuoligetu up with one hand.

I'll take the lead this time, taking advantage of my good luck. Ke Lan said.

Okay, I'll help you sweep the formation. Asano Akira held the scabbard in his left hand, close to his waist, making a posture ready to draw the sword at any time.

Following behind were Ivan and the hound. They held a pistol in one hand and a flashlight in the other, guarding the left and right sides.

Pay attention, especially under your feet and above your head. The core area of ​​the Alpha ruins is not your own bedroom. There will only be more traps. The hound whispered.

The drones and survey robots they carried were buried together in the cargo hold. Otherwise, with the assistance of those equipment, they would not have been in such a mess along the way. In the jargon of the industry, their trip was equivalent to It's running naked.

This is a big taboo in this business - even a desperately poor novice hunter must purchase all the equipment he needs even if he borrows a loan shark. If he directly chooses to run naked, it is no different from committing suicide.

Of course, they have another option, which is to join the advance teams organized by large consortiums. They can get a complete set of sophisticated equipment without spending a penny. Moreover, as long as they can survive three wasteland reclamation missions, then this set of equipment It can become the hunter's private property and can be taken away even if he withdraws from the advance team.

Behind the giant door is an extremely vast space. The Alphas hollowed out almost the entire mountain. They used thirty-two pillars more than 200 meters high to support the rock top above. The pillars were connected by steel cables as thick as a person's arms. These steel cables A complex symmetrical figure is formed under the top of the rock, and directly below this figure is a high platform shaped like a flat-topped pyramid.

Ke Lan? What's wrong with you? Why don't you go forward? The hound asked in confusion when he noticed that Ke Lan, who was walking at the front, stopped.

This high platform... looks familiar. I... I seem to have been to this place before. Ke Lan said with some uncertainty.

How is this possible?! Could it be that you have explored similar ruins before, so you feel a sense of déjà vu?

No... I seem to have seen it in a hallucination, but I'm not sure... the relevant memory is very vague, and I have a splitting headache just thinking about it. Ke Lan felt a strong dizziness suddenly hit him , staggered, but fortunately Asano Akira behind him helped him in time, so he didn't fall.

Why does this sound so mysterious... Hey, look, there is something on that high platform! Hound suddenly pointed to the top of the high platform and said.

Layton squinted his eyes and looked up: It looks like... a box made of stone?

What box... that thing is clearly a coffin! The hound's voice was already trembling a little, Isn't there... the body of an Alpha Star lying in it?

The corpse of Alpha Planet, what this means is clear to everyone present - for fifty years, from the landing of Noah's Ark to Alpha Planet until now, in fifty years, human beings have not even had a small piece of land belonging to Alpha Planet. No body tissue has ever been found, but a complete corpse... this is enough to put the name of the discoverer in the annals of history!

I feel like my heart is a little tachycardia. Ivan said. Compared to others, he knew better the value of an Alpha alien's body. This is a wealth that cannot be measured by money... It can even be said that , all the discoveries made by mankind in the past fifty years combined are not worth such a remains.

But at this moment, Ke Lan suddenly took a few steps back, with a look of horror on his face, and murmured: Still alive, I can feel...still alive!

What's still alive? Ivan's expression changed and he asked hurriedly.

The thing in the sarcophagus is still alive! Ke Lan gasped and stared at the sarcophagus intently. I don't know why, but I can feel the heartbeat and pulse of that thing -

Ke Lan, don't scare me... The hound's eyes widened, This place is more than a hundred meters away from the sarcophagus, and we didn't even see anything in the sarcophagus!

No, what he said is true. Although I can't feel it, I can hear it. There is indeed a heartbeat coming from the sarcophagus, and... it is getting stronger. Akira Asano pushed gently with his left thumb , the war blade made of Nino alloy was immediately unsheathed by half an inch, and a dangerous cold light reflected on the blade surface.

As soon as Asano Akira finished speaking, a gray-black palm suddenly stretched out from the sarcophagus. This palm was thin and slender, and the skin was covered with blood vessels that were as winding and twisted as earthworms. It held it a few times in mid-air. , and then grabbed the edge of the sarcophagus!

This thing wants to crawl out! the hound shouted sharply, Everyone is ready, don't let it have the opportunity to activate the mechanism in the ruins!

Hound's idea is very clear. If there is just an Alpha star who is pretending to be a corpse, by gathering the combat power of the entire team, there may be a chance to kill him. But if the control of the ruins falls into the hands of this Alpha star, then everyone present will Everyone will become a lamb to be slaughtered...

However, what shocked everyone was that the thing that crawled out of the sarcophagus was not the pretended corpse Alpha star they imagined, but... the pilot who had died when the plane crashed!

How could it be him?! Ivan blurted out subconsciously.

What a ghost... This is really a ghost! The smell of the corpse had obviously disappeared in the secret passage, so why did it happen again here! The hound shook his head repeatedly.

Although I don't know how he got into the sarcophagus, at least this is good news. Layton breathed a sigh of relief. It's just a human corpse controlled by insects. Even without the mechanical arm, I can still Easy to deal with.”

No, he is different from those people before. Don't be careless. Ke Lan's breathing has returned to steady. He is holding a gun in one hand and holding a grenade with the safety off in the other. Those controlled are corpses, but it has a heartbeat, it is alive...

There is something going on today, so there will be less updates. I hope you can bear with me.

In addition, I would like to thank readers [Yi Yanye] and [TOP丿Hanfeng] for their 10,000-point reward.

Thank you to the reader [round and fat] for the 20,000-point reward

They are all old friends who have followed me all the way from the wasteland. I am really grateful for your continued support! Later, when the body recovers better, more updates will be added depending on the situation.

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