Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 11 Strange Toxin

There's something really wrong with the smell.

Ivan had already regained his original calmness. He took out several test tubes and collected some tissues from the remains of the meat.

But there are no conditions here, there is no way to conduct experiments, and there is no way to analyze the specific ingredients of this thing... I can only put it away for now. I collected two specimens, intending to hand one to Ark and keep the other for my own research. Do you want to collect some too? I know the value of this thing very well, and the price offered by Ark will not be low. Ivan said.

Forget it. Hound shook his head without hesitation, I feel awkward when I think that this thing once had a face like mine... let's forget it.

Old dog, don't you like money the most? Are these all vain credits? Layton joked.

Do you think this is a silver bar from the old era? It's still white... When I think of this thing being sent for experiments, I feel as if I'm tied to the operating table waiting to be dissected... Think about it Just respond. The hound spit out a mouthful of phlegm. He just glanced at it accidentally, but this glance shocked him - there was blood in the phlegm!

The hound only felt his eyelids twitching, and couldn't help but yelled: Fuck! Isn't it? Why am I still coughing up bloody phlegm? Could it be tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is actually tuberculosis, which is a disease that has been conquered in the old times. Hounds also know that vomiting blood cannot be tuberculosis... but the actual situation can only be worse than tuberculosis!

Old dog...your eyes...and your skin... Layton couldn't help but say.

What's going on? The hound hurriedly found a mirror from his backpack. When he looked at it, he discovered that his eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his eyes were red as if they were about to bleed. In addition, there were also symptoms under his skin. There were dense bleeding spots, and the whole face looked extremely terrifying.

Doctor! Doctor- He wanted to go to Ivan, but when he raised his head, he found that Ivan's symptoms were exactly the same as his!

This smell not only depresses the central nervous system, but is also toxic. Ivan judged. He took out a blood collection needle from the medical kit, pricked his fingertip, and then dripped the squeezed blood into Get a portable analyzer.

Except for one indicator being abnormal... everything else is basically fine... Ivan said with a frown as he glanced at the screen of the analyzer.

Which one is abnormal? Ke Lan asked.

Platelets...the number of platelets in the blood of the hound and I is very low, and has dropped below the critical level.

Critical value? Ke Lan repeated, The critical value of platelets... I remember it is 30×10^9/L, right?

Yes, but the blood platelets of Hound and I now only have less than 5 units, which is far below the standard line of critical value... In other words, we are both at risk of internal bleeding at any time. Ivan said solemnly.

How could this happen... Even if it is an acute blood disease, it would take several days for the platelets in a person's blood to drop to this level. Ke Lan rubbed his forehead in distress.

This only shows that this toxin has the effect of causing platelets to undergo rapid apoptosis...

What should I do? Doctor, do you have any idea? Layton asked anxiously.

Ivan shook his head: I don't even know the composition and working principle of this toxin, how can I find a way... But from the current point of view, the life of the hound and I should not be in danger for the time being, but we are both most vulnerable to it. It’s best not to exercise strenuously—to put it bluntly, you can’t even use force to defecate. If a cerebral blood vessel collapses, you can only save it on the Ark.”

Is there something wrong with the testing equipment? Can you try again? Ke Lan said.

Well, it is indeed possible. After saying that, Ivan collected another blood sample and put it into the analyzer.

Huh... this time the value has increased slightly, to 17 units... But logically speaking, the natural growth rate of human platelets cannot be so fast. Could it be that this toxin does not kill the platelets, but temporarily Is it 'blocked'? Ivan looked at the screen of the analyzer with a confused look on his face.

At this rate, how long will it take for you to return to normal? Layton interjected.

It's hard to say, it could be a few hours, or... maybe a few days. Ivan replied.

Otherwise, Ivan, you and the hound will stay here for now. Layton and I will continue to move forward and keep in touch. If your poisoning symptoms are relieved, we will catch up immediately. On the contrary, if something happens to you, What do you think about asking us for help as soon as possible? Ke Lan suggested.

I think it's feasible. Ivan had no objection.

You two, with a seriously injured person, aren't you courting death by continuing to move forward? Although the hound's face did not show it, there was still a trace of worry in his tone, How about waiting a little longer?

We can't waste any more time. Our supplies can last for forty-eight hours at most. Do you think we have the capital to wait? Ke Lan said.

I don’t know why, in the fifty-year history of exploring the ruins of Alpha civilization, hunters have never found any food in the ruins... The Alpha people don’t seem to need to eat to replenish energy, or... they are different from humans. Is your concept of food too deviant?

In short, it is absolutely impossible to solve the problem of satiety in the ruins. Even if there are indigenous creatures from Alpha Planet living in some of the ruins, the meat of these guys is either highly toxic or has a terrifyingly high dose of radiation. can not eat.

This is probably the only feasible way. Layton agreed, Old dog, if you are not a brother, I despise you. Taking you with me is really a burden now. If anything happens, I will I may not be able to protect you, but I can’t just watch you die in this hellish place like the others before me... Trust me, don’t be stubborn with your brothers.”

...Okay, then you two be careful and keep in touch at all times. The hound nodded, took out a folded metal pole from his backpack, and set it up on the ground.

This is a portable defense device. The built-in sensor can automatically scan a radius of twenty meters. Once an unidentified thermal infrared signal is found, it will immediately sound an alarm. If necessary, this thing can also be used as a small landmine. use.

Don't trust the machine too much. This thing only detects thermal infrared signals. Most temperature-changing creatures can fool its eyes. Layton warned.

Due to the large temperature difference between day and night, 90% of the indigenous creatures on Alpha are ectotherms. In the field of view of infrared equipment, these ectotherms are almost integrated with the environment.

I know, I didn't plan on counting on this thing's alarm. Hound said as he turned off the alarm function and pulled down a safety tab and held it in his hand.

The pull ring is actually a remote control. As long as it is gently broken, the bomb hidden in the device will explode, and the sharp fragments will cover this small passage without blind spots.

If I really encounter something that I can't deal with, even if I die, I will still have to help a few people to support me.

I changed my contract status today. It was supposed to be 4,000+ for two updates, but my cold is still not gone. I plan to go to the hospital for a blood test tomorrow. Once my physical condition recovers, I will start two updates a day immediately.

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