Alien Queen

Chapter 1552: The threat from the "king"

Slightly stunned, Li Junshan only felt that something was awkward.

Sure enough, in the next second, nineteen pictures showing that a large number of **** aliens were slaughtering those blood-blooded warriors disappeared. A little white light flashed in the black "color" light curtain, and soon more white "color" light spots Together, they formed an unusually large and strange face. ]

Looks like the face of the iron-blooded family, and the lips of the huge face are slightly opened, and the peaceful and huge universal language of the main **** world sounds: "Among the 112 identical people, how are you? Did you find No. 1 correctly? According to my calculations, it is impossible for you to make any judgment under the circumstances at that time."

"who are you?"

Taking a deep breath, Li Junshan asked in a deep voice: "The patriarch of the armor of the Iron-Blooded Clan?"

"I am not the patriarch, I am the king. No matter whether it happened before 33,421 years, three months and fourteen days, or now, I live in this magical world. The only king."

The giant face reported an accurate number and continued: "Of course, if I can talk to the elements of this magical world, I will be the living king. As the only king in the ethnic group who has all the authority of the wisdom brain, When I handed over the authority to the patriarch when I was aging, I changed the energy from nuclear kinetic energy to magic energy, and an extremely unstable mental brain experienced an energy burst. At that time, the energy storm engulfed me, and no one knows the reason. , The program of my soul and wisdom brain is perfectly combined..."

"What do you want to say?"

I haven’t read science fiction before, but Li Junshan is not blind to such a strange thing, and he doesn’t know what this weird life form that combines the brains of the Iron-Blooded Iron-Blood family and the so-called "king" soul wants to do. Leng Bingbing interrupted the other party's voice.

"Abandon the slaughter."

"King"'s voice is still calm, but it's like saying something extraordinary: "You have found what you want to find, leave here, while you can still leave now."

"Great tone!"

Li Junshan smiled angrily: "My son was abducted in a despicable manner, causing him to suffer 25 years of inhuman torture here, including clones and those ugly monsters..."

"That's not an ugly monster, it's a clone of the second stage correctly."

"Wang" corrected Li Junshan's statement: "Our ancestors can create alien creatures. As long as we have genes, we can also create milder creatures with alien terror lethality and easier control. Clones cannot be transformed. The alien shape does not reach our expected goal, so we have corrected the research direction, which is the cloned beast that was researched in the second stage. But obviously we have not succeeded yet. The mystery and evolution of life are the most miraculous and difficult research topics in this world. , We originally discussed whether to let Bing Xuefeng take advantage of the opening of the Galaxy Battlefield to find a way to get a real alien you have back while trying to take advantage of the "chaotic" world in the "chaotic" world, but did not expect the Bing Xuefeng Betraying our iron-blooded family."

"Don't tell me this is useless."

Li Junshan said with a sneer: "I really want to know why you think I will stop now and leave peacefully. In the present situation, I can destroy all your people in the shortest time and completely occupy this base. What do you want to use Threat me? Blow up this huge energy body and die with me? Do you think I will be killed by you like this?"

"According to your performance in the base today, combined with the current environment, I calculated that the possible "sex" of the magic kinetic energy orbital bombardment to kill you is only 50%, while the detonation energy source can kill you. It’s more than 80%, so according to the probability, I can still threaten you."

"King" paused and said, "Of course, this is limited to you. As for the aliens you have that are killing my people in the base, I assure you that I can kill them all."

"Wang"'s avatar zoomed out and moved to the corner of the light screen, and over a hundred small pictures appeared on the huge light screen.

More than a hundred pictures are not the same place, the only thing is that there is an oval-shaped flying saucer-like metal thing in the picture, and the light screens on those elliptical metals flash red silently. "Color" light spot.

"One hundred and seven magic nuclear bombs. When you slaughtered the second-stage cloned beast in the cell of No. 2 clone laboratory, I have issued an order to allow my people to be evenly placed in different places of the base, without any key. , I can detonate all 107 magic nuclear bombs in an instant. You have already seen the power of magic nuclear bombs. You and your aliens can live from the magic nuclear bomb radiation composed of different elements of the magic world. Down, there may even be stronger mutations, but I assure you that the energy shock wave from the explosion of the 107 magic nuclear bombs and the explosion that will definitely be detonated by the energy source, all your monsters Don’t try to survive."

The meaning of "King" is threatening, but its tone is calm.

"You're awesome!"

Li Junshan sneered twice: "I can easily calm down the armoured blood and blood family, and even you are still threatened! Soul fusion wisdom brain, in the final analysis, you are also an icy machine, icy computer, you also need energy control ..."

"Your tone shows that you have believed my words, and now it's just strong words."

"Wang" said quietly: "Machine? Computer? These two nouns have their existence in my memory. Combined with the spicy hot words that you created in the Asian continent from time to time, through me Analysis and judgment, you have a great chance to come to this world from these planets."

One hundred and seven pictures on the light screen disappeared and replaced by nine spinning planets.


At the first glance at the penultimate blue "color" planet in the third row, Li Junshan seemed to be struck by thunder, and his head was suddenly muddled.

The earth is definitely the earth, even if Li Junshan forgets what he looked like before, he will not forget this blue "color" planet.

"Your blood "liquid" flow has accelerated, indicating that my judgment is correct. It is strange, but the technology and energy status of these planets, not to mention that we came to this magical world for 36,000 years, that is This time has doubled again, and it is impossible for the creatures on these planets to "chaotically" flow through the space that nearly destroyed our battleship. How did you come to this magical world?"

The voice of "King" was very curious. Perhaps it was also calculated that Li Junshan would not care about it at all, but said arbitrarily: "Nicholas is still Nicholas, but he is not. To be precise, his body is still his, And his soul is already you. Is it like me and Zhinao fusion, your soul and Nicholas' body are merged. If so, how could your soul pass through the vast and terrifying and terrifying space 『 What about chaos?"

"I'm not here to discuss these with you."

Suppressing the horror in his heart sent out spiritual communication to all the aliens, but Li Junshan knew that it was definitely not easy to find the core of this "king" or Zhinao in this huge base.

"I'm waiting for you to detonate what magic nuclear bomb and this energy source..."

With a few sneers, Li Junshan continued: "To be honest, if you are just a pure cold wit brain without human or iron-blood feelings, I might be scared by you, but your curiosity just exposed you just the same With some emotions, I would like to see if you will detonate the magic nuclear bomb to detonate the energy source now, under such circumstances."

"King" was silent, but it was only an instant when the nine planets on the light screen turned into a large piece of debris and disappeared. Instead, they were replaced by a grotesque aircraft or warship. After all, the blood and humans who were embarrassingly boarded In terms of body comparison, although this battleship is not as large as the base, it is definitely not small.

There was a slight tremor, and a low engine sound that Li Junshan did not imagine sounded in the picture. The glaring element light turned into two thick fire pillars and sprayed into the dark deep hole under the battleship. The battleship was obviously already in the process of starting. .

"The sub-ship, with the energy source supply, the patriarch and the elders have boarded the ship, and now only the core technicians and alchemists of this magical world we have trained are boarding the ship. The sub-ship has been activated, don't try to find it, no matter what It’s you or your alien. Before you find the sub-ship, I have enough time to detonate the magic nuclear bomb and energy source."

Having finished speaking Wang" but did not give Li Junshan the time to respond, but continued: "In such a short period of time, the armored iron family with pure blood has been killed by you by 50%, I think Twenty-seven thousand and thirty-one of our people's "life" life is enough to calm your anger? Nicholas, take your alien and leave, or let’s sit down and talk, because it won’t take long for us to face the same enemy, a brutal Mosnell blood that I can’t calculate to judge what strength I have today. A family. "

"Now you want to sit down and talk?"

Li Junshan laughed loudly, and he said with a strong tone: "I said to myself just now, I will never leave here without slaughtering your armor and blood family today."

"Do you want to find the existence of the main control room or the auxiliary ship by the aliens that ignore all the barriers and can travel through the metal as you like?"

"King" has a smile in his voice, this is the second person's "sexualized" performance in front of Li Junshan who shows curiosity: "We may have underestimated your alien ability at first to let you successfully sneak in Come in, but we will not make such mistakes for the second time. They are now far away from the core of the brain in the main control room, and the sub-ship is about to take off from the base, trust me, No matter how fast you are, you can't keep up with the fully-powered sub-ship."

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