Alien Lord

Chapter 3289: Expert 1 shot, know if there is any!

Latest URL: Zhou Yuanyuan is very angry at Lin Ze’s contempt for herself, but she knows that winning the next game is the most important thing, so Zhou Yuanyuan directly ignored Lin Ze’s contempt for her, and then nodded to Lin Ze Said: "Well, as long as you can win this competition, then these sapphire books will be yours."

Zhou Yuanyuan promised that she agreed to Lin Ze's request.

Maybe those blue jade books are very important to Lin Ze, but they are heavenly books, but this thing is not as important as Xu Mingxin to Zhou Yuanyuan.

This is the woman who falls into love. She doesn't think about other things at all when she does things. She just wants to be with her sweetheart all the time. Even if she gives everything, it is worth it.

If this matter was known to her father Zhou Ziqiang, I believe he would be **** to death.

However, Zhou Ziqiang is not very clear about the details of the Qingyu Book, he only knows that this is a treasure left by his ancestors. But Zhou Ziqiang actually didn't know what was the use of this treasure.

Zhou Yuanyuan would carry these blue jade books with him. It was actually for this reason. Otherwise, if Zhou Ziqiang knew that these blue jade books were fragments of the blue jade heavenly books, he would definitely stay with him for details and would not give such important things to Zhou Yuanyuan. .

Therefore, this is also Lin Ze's luck, otherwise, how could he have the opportunity to get three fragments of the heavenly book from Zhou Ziqiang's hands.

"Brother Lin, don't be stupid, you are going to die if you go..."

Yu Jin is quite a friend, so he just came up and didn't want Lin Ze to go. Zhou Qing and Xu Liang on one side, after hearing Yu Jin’s words, looked at him sullenly, trying to make Yu Jin shut up, but Yu Jin didn’t care at all. They persuaded Lin Ze: "Brother Lin, you are Why bother?! There are more people here than we are, so why do you force yourself?"

Tian Tian was already a little impatient over there. She looked at Zhou Yuanyuan and asked impatiently: "Zhou Yuanyuan, when are you going to discuss until? Is it because you are afraid and dare not go out?"

Zhou Yuanyuan didn’t say much, but looked directly at Lin Ze. Lin Ze patted Yu Jin’s shoulder. Yu Jin’s good intentions were still in his heart. After that, Zhou Yuanyuan was not allowed to urge him. Challenge."

After seeing Lin Ze playing in the battle, Tian Tian was stunned, and immediately said, "Zhou Yuanyuan, Zhou Yuanyuan, I didn’t expect your country girl to have such a gloomy mind. Knowing that it’s not my opponent, I don’t want to I was said to be defeated without a fight, so I sent the worst one out. Let’s be embarrassed to kill him, right? Okay, then I’ll do what you want and promise not to kill him."

Tian Tian thought that he had seen through Zhou Yuanyuan's intentions, and waved to a guard next to him: "Master Shen will play the first battle of the formation."

After saying this, Tian Tian paused for a while, and then ordered: "Don't hurt that person's surname!"

The first person on the left behind her, that is, Shen Yu stepped forward, with a calm face, first looked at Lin Ze with contempt, and then handed over to Tian Tian, ​​and said: "Miss, this time a certain family disdains to take action. ! Such a competition is really not a victory!"

Tian Tian didn’t agree. She didn’t want any surprises in this competition, so she persuaded her with all her heart: "Master Shen, this young lady also knows that you will be able to make you such a powerful person and a foundation building. The initial little monk duel has lost your identity, but we have already agreed here. If you don’t play, we will lose. Therefore, this time I will be wronged by you, the master. In this way, after returning this time, This young lady presented wine to apologize to you masters in person!"

At the last time, Tian Tian directly said to the three quasi-jindan guards next to her. She was deeply afraid that the remaining two people would be like this Shen Yu. So, it is better to take advantage of the current situation. Good, so as not to have to explain both sides.

Tian Tian is very sincere here, so Shen Yu no longer refuses, but when he thinks that he is still bullying the weak with strength, his face turns black. After hesitating for a while, he walked out: "Okay, that's it. once!"

Seeing that Shen Yu was playing here, Xu Liang, the guy who hated Lin Ze, sneered secretly behind Lin Ze, and couldn't wait to see Lin Ze vanish in other people's formations.

As for the other guards, their faces are also dim at this time. Most people have a hint of sympathy in their eyes. After all, Lin Ze in front is only in the early stage of foundation construction. How could it be a quasi-jindan stage strong? What about the opponent?

Even if it was about the formation of this competition, since they were sent out by Tian Tian to compete, their ability in the formation was definitely not weak, so in this competition, Lin Ze lost the nine-layer nine. It's not just these guards who think so, even the invisible Zhou Ming actually thinks so.


In Zhou Ming's view, Lin Ze played this time out completely asking for trouble.

Although from the point of view of Zhou Yuanyuan sending Lin Ze to fight, this Lin Ze should have some strength in the formation, but it happened that Zhou Ming knew Shen Yu in front of him, and he knew that Shen Yu's formation was quite powerful. In terms of formation ability alone, even Zhou Ming would have to bow down, so Zhou Ming didn't think in his heart that Lin Ze would win this competition.

Yu Jin looked at Lin Ze who was going to fight, with a sigh in his mouth, but he was helpless. Like other guards, he is strong in combat, such as formations, alchemy, and talisman. He doesn't understand anything.

Shen Yu looked at Lin Ze who was playing, his face was cold, and his heart was even more dissatisfied. He thought that the junior in front of him really didn't know what was good or bad. He knew that he was not an opponent and had to go to the battle. This was not causing him trouble.

Thinking of this, especially thinking that after this time the test was passed out, Shen Yuxin was even more upset when he was going to be a bully leader, so he decided that he could do this for this test. Don't want Lin Ze's surname, but he will also make Lin Ze look good and let him know what the consequences of forcibly coming out are.

"How can I say, this guy will be seriously injured for a year or so." Shen Yuxin has already made a decision.

Then he looked at Lin Ze and said directly: "You come first! If I make a move first, I am afraid you will not have a chance to make a move!"

Lin Ze thought for a while and nodded directly: "Well, then I will come first!"

As he said, Lin Ze pointed his fingers out, and in less than half a minute, he laid a formation on the ground next to him.

As the saying goes, the expert will know if there is any!

Before Lin Ze made a move, everyone didn't know Lin Ze's formation ability. Now that he shot, everyone saw Lin Ze's formation ability.

Especially at the moment Lin Ze took the shot, everyone on both sides saw Lin Ze's fingers flickering in the air, and in an instant, a formation was set.

Seeing this, the people on both sides of the enemy felt a little dumbfounded, and thought to myself: This person's formation strength is not bad! Even Shen Yu feels the same!

In fact, what everyone didn’t know was that Lin Ze had already closed his hands to set up the formation. He was unwilling to reveal the true strength of his formation, so he replaced the formation with his fingers. The power of the formation was naturally not as good as using the formation. .

At the same time, Lin Ze did not use what he is best at this time. He just laid out a three-kill formation that he thought was acceptable.

Seeing Lin Ze set up such an extremely simple formation, Song Qingxiu sneered: "Master, what formation are you set up, don't tell anyone that I teach you the abilities of your formation. This type of formation Fa level, such a rough formation...Hey, I really can't afford this person."

Lin Ze didn't care, he said with a smile: "This formation is already okay. Now I am only a casual cultivator. If I show a very powerful formation ability, I am afraid that some people will think more in their hearts. Now this level is just right. Not only can I win this round of battle, but it will not be too conspicuous! God knows how many people and foreign races are watching now, if I expose my strong formation ability, hehe... "

There is no need to say the rest, Lin Ze will definitely pay attention at that time. If one is not good and arouses the hostility of some alien races, then Lin Ze will face great danger now, so Lin Ze has to keep a low profile for the time being.

"Master wise!" everyone said in unison.

Experts will know if there is any as soon as they make a move. UU read www.uukanshu. Com only from Lin Ze's formation method and the time, it can be seen that his attainments in formation are really good.

Even Xu Liang and Zhou Qing, the two people who didn’t want to see Lin Ze, were surprised for a while, and secretly said in their hearts: So this kid really has two brushes on the formation. No wonder he did. So arrogant.

But even if Lin Ze showed some details, no one was optimistic about Lin Ze. After all, it can be seen from Tian Tian's previously cherished appearance that the person she sent this time must be everyone in the formation.

More importantly, the huge gap between the two sides in realm is extremely obvious. One is in the sky and the other is on the ground. Such a huge difference in strength will also be clearly reflected in the formation.

Even if you didn't reach that realm, that strength, and the high-level formation, even if you knew it, you didn't have the strength to deploy it. Therefore, Lin Ze was inherently at a disadvantage.

At this time, Shen Yu was a little stunned at Lin Ze. As the formation mage, he could see Lin Ze’s ability in the formation. Therefore, this time he did not host Lin Ze any more, but slightly nodded towards Lin Ze. , Be regarded as a recognition.

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