Alien Lord

Chapter 3281: Will be

The latest website: The entire Thousand Star City, or the entire Star Sea, has a lot of casual repairs like this, at least on the surface, there is no flaw.

In addition, Lin Ze is the most suitable, and the others are gone, so Zhou Qing waved to Lin Ze and said, "Okay, it's you. Come with me."

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Ze followed Zhou Qing into the mansion with a look of "Xing Xi".

Soon, Lin Ze saw Zhou Yuanyuan. It’s just that Zhou Yuanyuan is now looking at Lin Ze standing below with a dissatisfaction, complaining in her mouth: "There is only this kind of stuff? Is this still the best?" Hearing that there is no cover, it is very disgusting, Lin Ze The skin twitched uncontrollably.

Zhou Qing's face was also full of bitter smiles, and she stepped forward to persuade: "Miss, you also know the outside situation, so you will do it. If you don't want this, then you will lose that Tian Tian. Miss, look..."

It will be just a moment! ! After hearing Zhou Qing's words, Lin Ze's face twitched again. To be honest, if it weren't for getting into this Zhou Yuanyuan team, Lin Ze would definitely make these two guys look good.

"Will you?! Well, when things are over this time, I see how you will be'will be', hum!!" Lin Ze was secretly cruel! To be honest, it is not that Zhou Yuanyuan's side is mean, it is that the gap between expectations and reality is too big.

She had heard that among the top ten guards around Tian Tian, ​​there was only one in the early stage of foundation construction, and it was said that it was possible to break through to the middle stage of foundation construction at any time.

As for her, she used a lot of hard work to make up the top ten guards. Originally, four of them were in the middle and late stage of the foundation building. As a result, Lin Xiang went into trouble at this time, and now he has to change into an early stage of foundation building. Yes, how could she raise her head in front of Tian Tian!

Zhou Qing obviously knows Zhou Yuanyuan very well, so she immediately comforted her: "Miss, you have done your best, presumably Young Master Xu can understand it. Besides, miss, sometimes the weak can even more arouse the ideas of those strong."

"Huh..." Zhou Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, but when she thought of losing to Tian Tian, ​​she felt a sense of depression in her heart and waved her hand: "No matter, just take him out and make arrangements for him first. Stay in a place, prepare a copy for him if he should be prepared, and set off together tomorrow."

"Yes, miss!" Zhou Qing took the order, and then retreated with Lin Ze. When Lin Ze saw Zhou Yuanyuan, he was in the city lord's mansion, but their residence was in another courtyard south of the city.

After leaving the City Lord’s Mansion, there was a carriage waiting outside for a long time. After getting on the carriage, Zhou Qing kept her eyes closed and silent. This was her deliberate act, because the carriage was always filled with depression. atmosphere of.

Zhou Qing was a strong man in the early stage of the Golden Core. Any cultivator in the foundation building period would feel tremendous pressure with her. What's more, this time Zhou Qing was deliberately deterring? Lin Ze's background has not been investigated, Zhou Qing is not at ease.

After arriving at the other courtyard, Zhou Qing opened her eyes and glanced at Lin Ze, her face was indeed a little surprised, because Lin Ze was sitting opposite her as usual now, and the previous dismissal did not seem to have the effect of beating.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing, who was already very vigilant in her heart, was even more wary of Lin Ze, thinking secretly in her heart: This kid, there are some ways! It just happened to be here at this time, is it inside...

It is said that the stronger the newly recruited people, the happier Zhou Qing should be in her heart, but now this sensitive period involves Zhou Yuanyuan's safety issue, Zhou Qing's heart is a little uneasy.

She glanced at Lin Ze a little harshly on her face, and got out of the car first, without even saying hello.

Lin Ze naturally followed and got out of the car.

After entering the other courtyard, the place Lin Ze went to was somewhat "familiar", because this time Zhou Qing actually arranged him in a small courtyard next to Lin Xiang!

This yard is a full half smaller than the one where Lin Xiang lives, but the decoration is still good, and Zhou Qing did not treat him badly. Lin Ze looked along the other side, and all of it was such a big yard, while Lin Xiang's side was full of big yards.

Seeing this, Lin Ze understood in his heart: Sure enough, the treatment is different if the realm is different.

Obviously, the stronger you are here, the bigger and better your yard will be!

After entering the door, some servants nodded and bowed to follow. When they got here, they hurriedly stepped forward to open the door, and said: "Please, please, sir."

Zhou Qing went in first, and sat down casually in the main hall, only to see the new recruit in front of her. At this time, she did not "consciously" follow her to sit down. Her heart became dissatisfied, so she couldn't help but feel cold. Hum: "Hmph, Lin Ze, since you are following the young lady now, then you will not be a mountain villager in the future, so we have some rules here you have to learn!"

Lin Ze calmly replied with a respectful expression: "Yes, the subordinates obey."

To be honest, others used to be subordinates to oneself, but now that you are subordinate to others, you still need to listen to others respectfully. For a while, Lin Ze really felt a little uncomfortable.

But there is no other way. Lin Ze has to rely on others if he wants to get involved in this flag-planting competition. Therefore, this time he is not appropriate and appropriate.

"Also, for this draw of the flag, we will leave tomorrow. I would like to remind you one more sentence: along the way, you must remember that there are some things you shouldn’t see, don’t listen to, and don’t listen. Don't ask, do you understand!"

"Yes, the subordinates know." Lin Ze replied respectfully.

"Also, I don't care who you were before, and I don't want to pursue the matter in it anymore, but I also want to warn you, this is the City Lord's Mansion. If you mess around, you should know the consequences. , If our City Lord’s Mansion wants to trouble someone, I believe it’s not a difficult thing, don’t you say it, Lin Ze?

Zhou Qing began to beat Lin Ze, and now there is no time to investigate Lin Ze's specific identity, so Zhou Qing had to warn Lin Ze first.

"Yes, the subordinate understands!"

At this time, Lin Ze's body seemed to be lower. Seeing Lin Ze's tame appearance, Zhou Qing nodded, very satisfied.

In fact, to be honest, Zhou Qing didn’t care much about Lin Ze. One was that Lin Ze’s strength could not threaten them. Even if Lin Ze had some other thoughts, Zhou Qing believed that with her own strength, It can be solved easily.

The other is that guards like Lin Ze who just joined in will not be arranged by Miss Zhou Yuanyuan, so even if Lin Ze has other thoughts, he will have time to defend himself.

The last one, as Zhou Qing emphasized above, is that they are the City Lord’s Mansion of Thousand Star City. As long as they are not eaten by the bear heart and leopard gall, no one dares to calculate them. Therefore, Zhou Qing’s warning to Lin Ze is only verbal. Yes, the others are gone.

"Very good, that's the best!" Zhou Qing nodded with satisfaction: "Also, you know something in your heart. This time you are out, you are the weakest among the top ten guards on our side, so When you are on the road, you have to be more careful about things like people and things, both internally and externally. It should be when you clamp your tail to be a human, you have to clamp your tail, do you understand?"

"Yes, subordinates remember!" Lin Ze replied with a serious face, his waist seemed to be lower...

Zhou Qing looked at Lin Ze's very submissive look, and felt a little more comfortable, but when he thought of coming on the road, Lin Ze was able to sit like a mountain under the pressure she deliberately released, as if there was a thorn in her heart. Why is it so uncomfortable. She gave a cold snort, got up and walked away.

The servant who came with them was also a person who was observant. After seeing Zhou Qing facing Lin Ze like this, he didn't have any thoughts to be close to Sun Litao, and did not stay to entertain Lin Ze, and went out with Zhou Qing. .

After leaving the house, Zhou Qing was still a little worried about whether Lin Ze was coming to the city lord’s mansion and was in trouble, so she directly whispered to the servant who came out: "You keep an eye on him at night, don’t leave here at all. , This person I am not so relieved now."

"Yes!" The servant nodded and replied: "Don't worry, I don't sleep at night, I will keep staring at this person."

"Very good!" Zhou Qing left with satisfaction.

After waiting to see Zhou Qing no longer, Zhou Yong's voice rang in Lin Ze's ear, his tone full of disdain: "Hey, Zhou Qing, I can't even beat people anymore, too. No wonder she's still a little girl's attendant now."

"Hehe, this is normal, but she is the close-knit maid next to Zhou Yuanyuan, where do you need those things!" Lin Ze said with a smile, Zhou Qing suspected that it was normal for him, but if it was Lin Ze herself, she would be wary. .

This night, he took a rest in the house very steadily. Early the next morning, the other courtyard got busy, and the people got up very early. They washed the spirit beasts Zhou Yuanyuan was going to ride this time, and prepared some items.

When the sky was getting bright, Zhou Yuanyuan had already rushed over in person. Soon, in Zhou Qing's eyes, Lin Ze, a recognized parallel importer from the nine guards, was already waiting in the main hall of the other courtyard in full suit.

Zhou Yuanyuan soon came to the living room. She is now dressed in a strong outfit, with a gold belt around her waist, holding a flying sword that looks quite high in grade, and a dozen servants behind her. She went into the living room and looked at Lin Ze

After waiting for someone, he nodded with some satisfaction, then waved his hand, the servant behind him was holding a tray with ten storage rings on it, and the wooden sign under each ring was written with the name, which was directly distributed to Everyone.

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