Alien Lord

Chapter 3276: Play treasure

Latest website: Oh, why did you say that Lin Ze Jin Danqi was able to contact and master it.

Ha ha, don't forget, Lin Ze is currently driving the plug-in!

As for wanting to master the power of the Three Laws, this is at least the strength of the mid-Yuan Ying.

Only with such a strong strength can their Asura Heart Pill, even if it has been dead for so many years, the strength in the Asura Heart Pill still remains, and even now, the power of the law inside is still intact.

It can be seen from these things that those strong in the Asura clan are definitely above the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and maybe even one or two in the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

Only when he reached such a realm of strength, Lin Ze wanted to grab the three golden silk power laws in Xiuluo Heart Pill before, would it be so difficult.

But now it's different. With the help of a few plug-ins on Lin Ze, he easily refined the remaining power of these Asura Heart Pills and absorbed the power laws inside.

It’s just that now even if Lin Ze digests all these power laws, it is impossible to be promoted to the late Jindan stage now, because Lin Ze’s power limit is now very high, with three law crystals, only the three law crystals are filled. , Lin Ze’s strength will be promoted, and to fill these three law crystals, at least forty-eight power rules, that is to say, each law crystal needs 16 power rules!

Perhaps this number will make countless cultivators feel desperate, not to mention whether they can find so many laws, but how to digest so many laws is a big problem.

As mentioned earlier, the power of law is extremely difficult to consume because it is the top power. For the average cultivator, it takes at least ten years to consume the power of a law.

We also don’t say that the more consuming, the more time things are calculated in the current ten years. It takes ten years to consume one, and if the power of forty-eight laws is consumed, it is 480 years.

For 480 years, most of the time has to be spent on the power of the law. How many cultivators do you think can do it, so this thing is completely like a fairy tale for the cultivators of the nine levels. .

But to Lin Ze, this is nothing.

Apart from other things, just the "Book of the Emperor's Heaven" on Lin Ze can make Lin Ze consume the power of those laws easily.

"Huangji Tianshu Real Explanation", since it dares to name it after the Tianshu, it is definitely emboldened. In addition, do you think that in the ancient times, why so many people competed for the heavenly book? It was not because the heavenly book was actually the embodiment of the law of power!

Owning the heavenly book is equivalent to having the incarnation of a law of strength! Although Lin Ze’s current strength is only in the Golden Elixir period, it is much worse than many strong people in the ancient times. It is even said that Lin Ze can't even compare to these strong people in the ancient times, but Lin Ze With the help of plane seeds, this is the odds. He has more power rules than many ancient powerhouses, and it's much easier.

... things are just as Lin Ze thought. Huang Quan's subordinates are now guarding the door, their faces look a little worried. In Lin Ze's house, the sealing force finally dissipated, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After the door was opened, Lin Ze walked out with a smile on his face, saw the relief on everyone's faces, couldn't help but smiled: "Hehe, everyone is waiting in a hurry? Okay, I'm safe Out!"

"Yes, Master, you have been practicing in retreat for three days and three nights, and there is no other news. We are really waiting here!" Mei Er came up with a grimace, packing Lin Ze's clothes while she Said.

"Hahaha, don't worry, if I really have any danger, why don't I discuss it with you!" Lin Ze said with a smile, and directly shaved Meier's nose. Meier had a face. Not compliant.

Huang Quan stepped up at this time, took a look at Lin Ze, and then expressed his congratulations: "Congratulations, Master, your current strength has improved a lot compared to before, Master, your current strength is already at the peak of the golden core midterm!"

Lin Ze nodded: "Well, this time I practiced in retreat, I really improved to a small level."

"Congratulations Master!!"

"Master Hershey!!"

"Hey, Master, your strength has improved too fast, we can't keep up!"

Everyone immediately came up to congratulate Lin Ze, while Zhou Yong went crazy: "Ah! How come so fast, it seems that I really have no hope of catching up with you, Master, can't you leave me with a thought? This smoky breakthrough? Fast..."

Wang Zhiming said with a look of disdain: "Zhou Yong, do you still have such unrealistic ideas? Think about the speed of the master after we follow the master, and compare your own speed of the turtle... .Zhou Yong, you want to show your face!!!"

"..." Zhou Yong was speechless, and then he said shamelessly: "Hey, I want to put some pressure on the master from time to time. You haven't seen the master under my constant persecution. , Is the speed of realm improvement getting faster and faster now?"

Huang Quan looked at him with contempt: "Persecution? Ha ha, I really believe it?! Let me see, you were in the early stage of Jin Dan before, when the master was a master. Now, you are in the middle of the golden core, and the master is also in the middle of the golden core. In the same time, you are one, two, three...nine levels worse than your master!

Hey, our Master Zhou (Zhou Yong was born in a Confucian school) is really fierce. He can push others so far away. Well, I'm so scared in my heart! "

"Hahahaha..." Everyone burst into laughter, especially the three words of Master Zhou, which made everyone laugh.

However, Zhou Yong’s cheeks are thick, even if Huang Quan said that, he still did not admit defeat. After that, Suo’s surname cheeked and said proudly: "That’s right, I’m Master Zhou, I’m the Master. , You have this ability, why, are you dissatisfied? If you dissatisfied, you will become a master and show me!"

"..." This time it was Huang Quan's turn to be speechless. He looked at Zhou Yong with a smug face, and said with surprise on his face: "Fu, your old man's cheeky , I am really convinced!"

"Hahaha......" Everyone burst into laughter again.

Even Lin Ze laughed at this moment. He didn't interfere with Zhou Yong's tricks at all.

I didn’t come out in a three-day retreat. Everyone was waiting outside. The string in my heart was tight. It would be bad for them if I didn’t find a chance to relax. That’s why Zhou Yong would act like this. Everyone laughed. After a few smiles, the tension in my heart loosened. So don't think that Zhou Yong is really playing treasures. There is actually a reason why he just played treasures like this.

After the laughter was heard, Lin Ze asked again: "Everyone couldn't wait before, right?"

"Well, yes, we were very worried about your master's safety at that time!" Qiu Yu said directly, this is a fact, there is no need to hide it.

At this time, Song Qingxiu also said, he said, "Master, to be precise, everyone is worried that the infinite wildness will not survive. In case the psychic soul can't find a clue to return, what should we, we do? "

After hearing Song Qingxiu's words, everyone was immersed. Obviously, this worry is indeed lingering in everyone's mind for a while, but everyone has not dared to say it before, or that everyone is unwilling to face it.

Now Song Qingxiu said it so directly, everyone could no longer escape, they were all silent and low. Instead, Lin Ze smiled heartily and said: "Everyone, we are on the side of Yan Guo, facing such a difficult situation, and we are not rushing out? We are now in the Sea of ​​Stars, and our strength is much stronger than before.

Besides, if it doesn't work, just return to the Yan Kingdom and Kyoto, where there is a super teleportation array. With this last way, don’t you have confidence in your heart? The psychic soul should be able to help us find clues, even if it doesn’t work, it’s great, let’s think of another way, as long as we want to go back, we will succeed! "

"Yes, what the master said is right, as long as we are confident, we will definitely go back!!" Huang Quan nodded heavily.

"Yes, we will definitely go back!!"

"Well, the master is the most amazing, I believe we can go back!"

... After Lin Ze left the customs, he looked for He Ziyan, but in the past few days, like Lin Ze, He Ziyan could not find anyone. When Lin Ze started practicing in retreat, He Ziyan went out and has not returned until today.

Lin Ze inquired a little and soon understood that He Ziyan probably took the silver of the gods to the Sea Dragon Tribe to look for support, and she would definitely not be able to return in a short time, so Lin Ze had no choice but to Wait patiently.

Fortunately, He Ziyan returned the next day.

Seeing that Lin Ze had already left the customs, she immediately understood Lin Ze's purpose for looking for her, so she nodded and said: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, what I said before definitely counts. I will arrange a ceremony now and ask the high priest to perform Spiritual soul."

Some rituals in the sea clan are secretive, such as the rituals of the psychic soul of the Yasha tribe.

But this time it was done for Lin Ze and the others, and the cooperation of Lin Ze and the others was needed at that time, so He Ziyan made an exception to let them watch.

This time it is a psychic soul, and the Yasha tribe does not necessarily hold it once in ten years. Therefore, this time the psychic soul is not lower than the previous sacrifice.

The people of the Yasha tribe soon mined new huge bluestone from the mountain, and then built a high altar according to an ancient and complicated method of the tribe.

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