Alien Lord

Chapter 3261: Flag Contest

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Speaking of this "flag-planting contest", the warlike Ma Yu with the surname Tian became excited.

His eyes were red, and he continued to dance with his hands. He quickly said: "The eyes of the stars are extremely dangerous. Even the periphery is not a place for ordinary cultivators. Every participant in the flag-setting contest, In other words, the contestants will have a flag representing their own forces. After rushing into the stars, the contestants have to insert the flag in their hands into the depths of the stars as much as possible. Whose flag Go deeper, whoever wins."

After saying these words, Mo Yu felt as if he had been boiled in hot water, and his body was quite hot.

Obviously, for this flag-planting contest, Ma Yu is actually very yearning for Dao, but for some reasons, or lack of strength, so in the past, he could only watch others participate, and he could not participate. .

Lin Ze nodded and said, "Since it is called the Flag-planting Competition, I'm afraid it won't be that simple, right?"

"That's natural. The flag-planting contest is extremely cruel. Every force can attack other forces at will. In addition, all the flags are uniformly refined, and they can sense each other.

Therefore, whoever has the deepest flag, other participants can immediately feel that, at that time, those participants who do not want to fail will flock to them, pull out the deepest flag, or directly kill these people—— If you want to unplug the flag, you must kill the owner of the flag.

Therefore, no matter who it is, after the flag is planted, there will be a long period of time to guard the flag. At that time, they will face countless attacks, and it will be extremely difficult! "

At this time, Ma Yu and Ye Luo both said that their mouths were foaming and blood was surging, but Lin Ze could see that between flagging, guarding, and drawing flags, besides strength, more were involved. Still a strategy.

Choosing when to plant the flag, where to guard the flag, and how to guard the flag is actually the key to final victory.

Otherwise, in that environment, even if your strength is far superior to everyone, it is impossible to hold your banner under the joint attack of countless elites.

But soon, Lin Ze asked a question: "Since it is what it is, then instead of going to besie the flag-planter, why not kill it a little deeper and plant your own flag farther, and you can win. ?"

Lin Ze was a little puzzled in his heart. Compared to killing other flag guards, this seems to be simpler. At least there is no need to face the full counterattack of the flag guard, right? !

"Hey, sir, it seems that you still don’t understand the demon eyes of stars on our side. There are super savage beasts everywhere. The deeper you go, the more dangers you will encounter. The stronger you are. Over.

If someone planted a flag, it proved that he had already cleaned the road, and future generations would have too much ease as long as they entered along this road.

In addition, sir, not everyone has the strength to enter the depths of the stars' demon eyes. Many people cannot rely on their own strength to get to that position, but the flag-planting person in front has already been cleaned up because of the power on the road. The savage beast loses its strength greatly, so if everyone can gather together and siege at this time, the chance of drawing the flag will greatly increase.

At the same time, it can also eliminate the opponent's powerful elite, right? !

Finally, if you pull out the enemy's flag, you can plug in your own, and you are the winner on your side, so naturally a large number of participants are keen to pull the flag instead of going deep. "

Ma Yu explained in detail, he would know these things, because he had inquired before, and in his heart he really wanted to participate in such a flag-planting contest.

Even if he participates in it, there is a high probability that he will die in it, but for Ma Yu, death threatens him. As a sea clan, the flag-planting competition is his inner yearning.

Lin Ze nodded, Ma Yu explained in such detail, he had no other questions.

Although you will face the problem of dividing the spoils after the flag is inserted, you will also face the problem of keeping the flag, but in that environment, everyone will feel that they are more resourceful than others, and their luck is better than others, or whether the other party is already awkward It's the end of the scull, so countless people will want to fight.

If you blog about it, you will directly change from a bicycle to a car. Faced with such a huge temptation, no one can bear it.

Just like many on-site lottery draws, in fact, people on the 9th floor and 9th floor know that their prizes have long been hidden, and it is difficult for outsiders to get them. However, even so, there will be countless people participating in the end.

why? I didn't think I might be lucky enough to get a big prize, so countless people flocked to the lottery.

This is the last name of the person, the last name of the greedy person!

It's the same with the flag-planting contest now. As long as they win, they will have countless benefits. Therefore, the forces on the Star Sea are all swarming.

In the general environment of the flag-planting competition, there are dangers everywhere, and when you calculate it together, you have the greatest chance of winning when you attack the flag-pulling team in front. If Lin Ze participates, he also has a high chance of doing so.

Doing so, spend the least effort, but get the greatest gain, why not do it!

Ye Luo drank a bottle of fine wine again at this time, and said with a big wine hiccup: "It seems that the next flag-planting competition will be this year, and it will start soon, Ma Yu, do you remember the time?"

At this time, Ma Yu just focused on drinking, and immediately shook his head after hearing the words: "Where do I remember these things? Anyway, the clan will notify them. Besides, those are all top-power games. We care about those that have a bird use. Our Yasha tribe is in the surrounding dozens of islands, and the strength is indeed good, but in the entire sea of ​​stars, what is our Yasha tribe?!"

"Yes, in that case, we drink..."

In this way, Ma Yu, Ye Luo, and Lin Ze talked while drinking, Lin Ze also smoothly got everything he wanted to know.

Through the words of Ye Luo and Ma Yu just now, he now roughly understands that within the entire star sea, the closer to a mountain and a river, the more prosperous, and similarly, the more dangerous it is. Because these rich areas are almost all occupied by the top forces in the sea of ​​stars.

For example, it is like the estuary of Broken Dragon River. This is the most abundant area within tens of thousands of kilometers around the entire Star Sea. The gentle river bed is deposited with a lot of precious materials and extremely rich food. Here, there is no need to worry about food.

In addition, a large number of migratory marine savage beasts land from here every year, and their strength is not very strong. They are easy to deal with. These things are definitely a lot of income.

The wealth here, to be honest, is so jealous of the Sea Clan and the Bewitching Clan, but it happens that this place is occupied by the two top cities of the nine human cities, Thousand Star City and Xinghai City.

The human races in these two cities are quite powerful. In addition, the top forces, whether it is the Bewitched Clan or the Sea Clan, cannot truly unite. Of course, the Sea Clan and the Bewitched Clan can’t take this piece of Feng Shui from the hands of the two cities. Take over the treasure.

After Lin Ze finished investigating the news, he returned the content to tell everyone that everyone was helpless. If the Infinite Wild Continent was just extremely dangerous, everyone could still venture into it, but now it sounds like it’s fundamental. Even if you can't get in, even if you get in, it's a dead end, so the group of people is really helpless now.

Huang Quan even sighed and said, "I still have to land on the psychic soul, alas..."

… In the evening of this day, Wang Ziming finally came back, but at this time, his face was green and purple. After he came back, he didn’t speak when he saw him. He just sat on a chair and didn’t want to move. .

Huang Quan sat beside him with a wine gourd, took a sip and handed it to Wang Ziming. Wang Ziming didn't say much, he just took it, gave it a sharp shot, but was caught by the third hand. This was Lin Ze's hand, and Lin Ze also sat down with him while drinking wine.

The three of them didn't speak at this time, just a wine gourd passed around, one mouthful. There were ten jars of wine in the gourd. The three of them had been drinking until the time when the sky was full of stars, and the wine gourd in their hands was finally empty.

At this time, the innermost part of Wang Ziming's alcohol burp heavily, and his eyes moved, seeming to be a little alive.

Lin Ze stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "How is it? Is it comfortable?"

Wang Ziming didn't say much, he just nodded, then took another gulp of wine, and yelled from the inside: "Happy! It's so happy!!"

Obviously, the current Wang Ziming is back to Huang Quan's eyes also flashed a little lightness. He put away the wine gourd in Wang Ziming's hand and walked away, while walking, sighing: "Oh. It’s hard to make wine again. Fortunately, I made this wine. I wanted to drink it for a few months, but now I drank it like this all at once. Oh, it’s a hard life!!"

"Hahaha, what's the matter? I'll help you!" The prince mingled and followed Huang Quan, and the two left with a smile...

... On the other side of Ye Yu, he came back later than Wang Ziming, and his appearance was much more miserable than Wang Ziming.

In addition, after Ye Yu came back, he couldn't leave the door behind closed doors. Obviously, he was given a good lesson by the prince.

In this battle, Wang Ziming's long-suppressed emotions were released, but Ye Yu was completely arrogant and was knocked out. After returning, he stayed in his wooden house honestly and would never go out.

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