Alien Lord

Chapter 3251: 1 palm fly

From the very beginning, the night rain has been sweeping Lin Ze and Wang Ziming with bad eyes. After the banquet began, after a few bowls, he stood up and said to He Ziyan: "My lord, the new year is coming soon, isn’t it? How many distinguished guests of the human race would you like to spend the festival with us?"

At this time, He Ziyan patted her forehead, and said with a trace of annoyance: "Look at my surname. Under the weight of the Gu Clan during this period of time, we almost forgot our most important festival."

The New Year on the Hai Clan’s calendar is not the same as the New Year’s calendar on the Human Clan’s calendar. The Human Clan’s calendar is used to guide farming, so generally speaking, the beginning of spring is the New Year, and the Hai Clan does not need these. Their calendars It is formulated to guide the practice, and the solar terms are formulated according to the strength of the heavenly gods, the strength of the divine fire, and the full loss of the moon.

The year of the Hai clan calendar is actually a major cycle of the Hai clan’s practice. Of course, the New Year of the Hai clan calendar is the beginning of a new cycle. This is the most important festival of the Hai clan’s year. .

The important surname is similar to the important surname of the human race in the new year.

However, for the human race on the sea of ​​stars, they have no idea about the festival. Here is the sea race and the bewitching race dominating, where is the matter of the human race. In addition, it is too far away from the mainland, many people now gradually forget these festivals.

This is the sorrow of being an overseas human race. It's not that they don't want to celebrate the festival, but as a foreign country, it is very difficult for them to celebrate!

The Sea Clan is obviously different here. The Sea Clan, who started with a tyrannical body, will hold a grand celebration ceremony every New Year of the Sea Clan. The most important one is the competition. In the wrestling competition, no one can use true qi, and can only rely on purely/physical/physical strength competition.

At this time, Ye Yu looked at Lin Ze and the others with unkind eyes: "The King, Mr. Lin and the others are the distinguished guests of our tribe, and it coincides with this opportunity. Shouldn’t they also be invited to participate in this year’s competition? ?"

After hearing this, anyone who is not a fool would know that this night rain came out to make trouble, and it was aimed at Lin Ze and his party.

After all, everyone knows that, generally speaking, the strength of the nine layers is ninety-nine-ninety-nine...the human race is far inferior to the sea race, not to mention the others, there is a big difference in height alone, so now Yeyu Inviting Lin Ze and the others to participate, on the surface seems to be kind, but in fact, this night rain obviously deliberately wanted Lin Ze and the others to make a fool of themselves.

"This night rain, really mud can't support the wall! It's all this time, I don't know whether it is good or bad, doesn't he know that Lin Ze and the others are important surnames for our tribe now? I don't know that the ancient clan is the biggest one now. Danger? Don't know we are in a weak position now?

You know you are jealous, you know these things, hey, this night rain is really improper. It seems that in the future, in the tribe, he has to reduce some of his efforts. (Not a typo He Ziyan thought secretly, and at the same time, a hint of unpleasantness flashed in his eyes.

Before Ye Yu and Wang Ziming’s fight for wine, she saw some signs coming. She thought it was like this, so He Ziyan didn’t say anything, but she didn’t think that Ye Yu had to make progress. Suddenly, He Ziyan really wanted to be direct. Scold this guy who doesn't know what is wrong.

It's just that it's at the celebration after all, and Ye Yu is also the second strongest in the tribe. He Ziyan still has to give him face, so He Ziyan has to endure the unhappiness in her heart first, and then come out to make ends meet.

"Yeyu, Mr. Lin, they are not our people. It is not fair for them to participate in the competition."

He Ziyan said with a smile, her eyes full of apologetics.

It’s just that her kindness was completely regarded by Ye Yu as the liver and lungs of a donkey. Ye Yu didn’t appreciate it at all, or that he had already been blinded by jealousy. She laughed, and said uncompromisingly: "Sir Wang, Mr. Lin, they are They are the heroes of the human race, not worse than ours, so what is unfair to let them participate in the competition?

I've heard that before, Mr. Lin took Yegu's fifth-grade artifact directly into scrap iron with a single palm. I am afraid that no one in our clan can match this kind of supernatural power. Presumably, Mr. Lin’s companions will not be bad anymore. For example, Mr. Wang, did you say what I said? "

While talking, Ye Yu's pair of prismatic prince Ming swept back and forth. If his eyes could kill people, Wang Ziming would have been slashed a long time ago.

When He Ziyan was about to scold him, Huang Quan, who had long been uncomfortable with Ye Yu, stood up unceremoniously: "Yes, I can't compare to the young master, but if you compare it with you, it should be enough. I am willing to participate."

"Humph!" Ye Yu snorted heavily, and gave Huang Quan angrily when he stood up. He didn't want this Huang Quan, but Lin Ze and Wang Ziming, but now everyone takes the initiative to stand. After coming out, if I don’t hold back and forgive, it’s obviously aimed at others. Ye Yu wouldn’t be able to deal with it at that time, so Ye Yu turned around and bowed to He Ziyan and said, "My lord, you have heard it now. This Mr. Huang took the initiative to request the competition, now you can't refuse it, right?

He Ziyan wanted to expel this guy directly, but when she looked at Lin Ze, she found that Lin Ze was still an old god. He Ziyan suddenly became suspicious and secretly thought: This Huang Quan It seems that the figure is also quite tall, could it be that a human race born with supernatural power can't make it? After thinking of this, He Ziyan nodded, "Okay."

She reluctantly agreed.

Ye Yu was overjoyed and didn't give He Ziyan a chance to go back. He rushed out and announced to the tribe: "Listen, Mr. Huang will also participate in the New Year's wrestling contest this time, and everyone will be there to cheer for Mr. Huang!"

"Okay!!" There was a burst of cheers outside, among which the voices of the women of the Yasha tribe were extremely loud. The night rain outside the door saw a dark smile here, and seemed to look back at the Prince Ming inadvertently.

Lin Ze shook his head directly, feeling a moment of contempt for this night rain in his heart: just a guy with a completely muddy head, and I don’t know how this guy’s strength was cultivated. It depends on the current situation. Not sure!

Lin Ze believes that this night rain must have seen the dissatisfaction on He Ziyan's face. It stands to reason that if you like He Ziyan, you should back down to please He Ziyan at this time, but how does this night rain do? He simply ignores He Ziyan. The dissatisfaction here is always directed at them, and it is strange that such recognition can win He Ziyan's favor.

For people who don’t know what to do, as long as they are not stupid, there will be no girls who like him, and Ye Yu is still fighting for Huang Quan, who is still forced to fight for himself. He does not know that he is because of this. , Now in He Ziyan's heart, there is no place anymore.

This episode just passed, Lin Ze didn't have the thought to pay attention to a fool, so the banquet afterwards went on as usual.

When the time came, Lin Ze stepped forward and said, "Patriarch He, I have something here for you to check. I believe that maybe you will like it."

With that, some Sunder Talisman appeared in Lin Ze's hand.

At this time, the very uninteresting night rain appeared again. He seemed to have regarded He Ziyan as his forbidden. He especially disliked outsiders, especially other men approaching He Ziyan. So after seeing Lin Ze approaching He Ziyan, he immediately Standing between Lin Ze and He Ziyan, he asked, "Mr. Lin, what good things do you have?"

Looking at the night rain in front of him, Lin Ze frowned, and then said unceremoniously: "I'm talking to Chief He, not to you!"

Lin Ze's words are quite rude, if someone is a little conscious, he should give way now.

But this Ye Yu doesn’t care at In his heart, as long as he can prevent Lin Ze from approaching He Ziyan, he doesn’t care about everything, so he said with a big face: "Mr. Lin, don’t forget. , I am the second warrior in our tribe, the status is equivalent to the level of the elder, so I am qualified to participate in major events in the tribe."

"Hey!" Lin Ze sighed softly, looked at Ye Yu with a smug look, shook his head and said: "What a fool, he doesn't know how to advance or retreat like this!"

Ye Yu's expression changed. He didn't expect Lin Ze to say such a sentence in front of everyone. Suddenly his expression became extremely ugly, and he said with a sullen expression, "What do you mean by this?"

But Lin Ze had no patience long ago, and when he lifted his left hand, a strange noise rang!

"Slap!!" A slap in the face hit Ye Yu's face...

Ye Yu knew that something was wrong at this time. At the moment Lin Ze stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt a powerful force lock his whole body. He was not afraid, but instead said with a grinning smile: "Lin Ze, I can Not Ye Luo!"

He violently struggled outwards, trying to break free from the shackles on his body, but unexpectedly the mysterious imprisonment that locked him on his body suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, Ye Yu was staggered and lost his center of gravity. Lin Ze’s Thunder God Fist was exactly what At this time, he patted Ye Yu's cheek sideways!

A slap in the face of "pop!" The sound was very loud and clear. It was shocked to guard against Lin Ze’s mysterious forbidden night rain. It was slapped and flew out by the incomparable Thunder God's fist. It was still in the air, and there was a layer. Countless palm shadows were superimposed on each other, like a big mountain squeezing his body severely.

Ye Yu's body smashed several thousand-year-old trees one after another and fell into the deep forest.


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