Alien Lord

Chapter 3243: beg for mercy

Zhou Yong is also very cooperative here, he said angrily: "Master, this guy really doesn't know what is good or bad, don't let him go this time!"

"Yes, that is, such a guy who doesn't know what is good or bad, really can't let him go!" Huang Quan added his jealousy on the side.

"..." Ma Su was stunned, with a full face, "Who am I?" ','Where am I? ’, ‘what am I doing? ’The dumbfounded.

Ma Su can be 100% guaranteed. He was really begging Lin Ze for forgiveness before, but who knew it would develop like that afterwards.

It was just a pleading for forgiveness on my own side, how could it become a mockery of Lin Ze?

At this moment, Ma Su felt whether he was dreaming, or whether he was really stupid, otherwise, how could such a simple thing finally become what it is now.

Ma Su’s blow is not over yet, because Lin Ze is also taking advantage of the situation. Next, he looked at Ma Su angrily and said, "Hehe, it seems that I am really good at talking, but what you don’t know is that actually I am a small-minded person, quite a grudge!"

Lin Ze did not go to surrender his status to marry Ma Su before, but now he has the opportunity to teach this unknowing Ma Su a profound lesson, Lin Ze would not mind this.

By this time, Ma Su was really crying. He knelt down in front of Lin Ze with a frustrated face, and said, "Mr. Lin, you can tell you what you want. How can I do it?"

At this time, Ma Yu stunned his head and intervened, and said, "Mr. Lin, Ma Su’s sister is the first beauty in my Yasha tribe after the king. If your anger is hard to dissipate, it is better to let his sister serve you. sleep?"

Ma Su nodded madly. If this thing can pass like this, he is absolutely willing. As for the use of his sister as a bargaining chip, hehe, for Ma Su, this is really nothing.

Or to put it directly, this kind of thing is really normal on the mainland of China. This is like in ancient history, the imperial dynasty was weak, and when faced with threats from foreign enemies, it had to adopt a method such as peacemaking.

Many people think in their hearts that marriage is a very beautiful thing, but in fact it is not, because every marriage is actually the most embarrassing time for the dynasty.

The men of the entire dynasty couldn't beat others, so in the end only a small woman was allowed to ‘save’ them. This is the most embarrassing thing to look at.

However, one more thing needs to be said, there is a dynasty that does not take the matter of marriage into consideration, and it is even normalized. I believe everyone knows which dynasty this dynasty is, yes, that is the big counsel!

As far as Da counsel is concerned, being together is the right intention (not a typo, everyone knows the reason), and being together can ensure that doctors can safely enjoy themselves. As for whether it will be too shameful to do so, will there be loss of country //What is it, will it be manly?

Hehe, those who can only drink, have fun, and talk about love are where the doctors care. For them, enjoyment is the most important thing, and nothing else is important.

Therefore, the dynasty is really a big counsel. Is it strange that such a dynasty is not destroyed? !

Ma Su’s current choice is actually very common on the Star Sea. Zhou Yong and the others also know these things, so Zhou Yong and Huang Quan are now trying to look at Lin Ze with their eyes, and Lin Ze’s whole body is watching. Fuzzy.

Lin Ze showed a wry expression on his face: "Mayu, don't I look so much like a good person?"

Ma Yu was about to nod with certainty, and he was muttering in his heart. When you looked at our patriarch before, there was something in your eyes.

Lin Ze saw it, so he gritted his teeth and floated up, grabbed Ma Yu by the collar, and yelled, "Fool!"

After that, Lin Ze slapped Ma Yu away, and rolled his eyes at Zhou Yong who was gloating.

However, Lin Ze also knew that it was useless to explain this matter himself, so he changed the subject and said, "Dig and dig again, maybe there will be more."

Afterwards, where did Zhou Yong’s digging work, Zhou Yong’s hands were on his side. Mo Yu and the other sea people around him rushed over. After Kneeling on the ground before seeking Lin Ze’s consent, Mo Su also grumbled and got up. : "A few distinguished guests, just rest, we have the strength, let us come!"

In fact, Mo Yu and Mo Su are just doing this to please Lin Ze. It is already extremely lucky to be able to dig out such a large piece of Divine Silver. How could there be a second piece?

It’s just that they don’t want to think about it. They said before that there is no god’s silver here, but Lin Ze has not found the god’s silver here, and it is still a large piece of god’s silver, so the thought in their hearts, Haha, it's really unreliable!

Lin Ze’s spiritual sense can actually go deep into the ground for several hundred meters, but I don’t know if it’s because this is the silver mine of the gods, so Lin Ze’s sense of power here is actually difficult to penetrate below fifty feet of the ground. The perception of the silver of the gods, it is impossible to perceive it at all, so as to whether there is silver of the gods below, in fact, Lin Ze is also a question in his heart.

It's just that the fire dragon king Lin Fu gave him more details. Lin Ze has also carefully looked around and judged that this place should be a "rich deposit."

Soon, the facts proved that Lin Ze's judgment was correct. Originally, Ma Yu and the others were only trying to please Lin Ze, but when they dug for about five minutes, "ding!" a soft noise came from the ground.

After hearing this voice, Ma Yu suddenly roared in excitement: "Mr. Lin, you are really a god! You are really a god! There is actually a piece of **** silver here, you all come to see. Another piece of God’s silver, hahaha... With these two pieces of God’s silver, this time I see how the gang of tortoise grandsons of the Gu family are still shining in front of us! Hahaha..."

Ma Yu laughed, and quickly dug out the piece of **** silver with his hands and feet.

It was about the same size as the previous piece, and when the two combined, it surpassed the piece of Gu's.

Zhou Yong still has some opinions about Ma Su, so he squinted at Ma Su and said lightly: "Someone said just now, if it is true that the silver of God is dug out, he will be able to give it all. Give it to us."

Hearing this, Ma Su thumped directly to Zhou Yong to kneel down without thinking, and said with a begging look: "Mr. Zhou, you can spare the little ones..."

Zhou Yong let out a cold snort, but finally he didn't care about it anymore.

God's silver is indeed very precious, but since it was said before that it was to help the Yasha tribe search, then Lin Ze would not be unbelievable. As for why Xingchenhai cherishes the lack of metal spirit materials, Lin Ze believes that the biggest reason is that the sea people here are relatively backward in prospecting methods.

Just like this time, Moyu and Mosu have searched here before, and they haven't found it at all, but Lin Ze found God's Silver in this place they had searched before but failed to find.

Therefore, Lin Ze was sure in his heart that the silver of the gods on the Star Sea might not be really lacking, it was just because the race and prospecting methods were quite backward.

What shocked Lin Ze the most was that the race here actually summed up the ‘experience’ that God’s silver would not appear in the stratum below ten feet, how absurd it is!

It's like foreigners who looked at us before, always thinking that there is no oil on our side, but in the end we haven't found a lot of oil. Why can't we find oil before? It's not because those people didn't break the rules and didn't find oil.

After finding this piece of divine silver, Moyu and Mosu had nothing else to say. After UU read the book, they continued to dig. This is indeed a'rich mine'. Finally, Moyu and the others found eight. Piece of God's Silver.

At this time, the ground was dug up to a depth of 70 or 80 meters. The color of the soil below is no longer the color formed by magma before, but a very normal khaki. See here, Lin Ze Knowing that there would be no silver of the gods below, he let Moyu and the others come out.

It's just that Ma Yu and the others still didn't give up. The ‘great’ harvest deeply stimulated them, so they searched the surrounding ground again and dug countless large holes, but they never found it again.

Although they had spent a lot of useless work because of this, they actually didn't have any frustration on their faces, because they were really satisfied with such eight pieces of silver of the gods.

...On the big ship of the Sea Clan, Qiu Yu and others are sitting in their cabins, while He Ziyan arranged for some of the tribes to serve them with beautiful maids.

The male surnames of the Hai nationality are born tall, but I don't know why. Most of them are ugly, and a few are not handsome, but even more ugly.

This is actually one of the reasons why the human race outside does not accept the sea race very much. Imagine that a Sea Clan man who is dozens of times uglier than Hua Clan talking to you, and there are such ugly men in the Sea Clan, would you have the mind to talk to them? !

However, the men of the Hai people are quite ugly, but the women of the Hai people are extraordinarily charming and charming. It can be said that there are almost no ugly girls.

And because it is relatively difficult for the Sea Clan to reproduce, in order to increase the birth rate of the next generation, the atmosphere on the Sea Clan side is far more open than the Human Race side.


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