Alien Lord

Chapter 3239: Curse

... On the ship of the Sea Clan, He Ziyan kneeled at the feet of Ye Luo, Ye Gu, and Ma Yu.

When the three of them came back, they were called directly by He Ziyan. She had actually discovered their previous actions a long time ago, but because she wanted to see if the attack was really successful, He Ziyan had never seen it.

During the day, the exchange terms proposed by Lin Ze were really too harsh. He Ziyan could not make this determination after thinking about it for so long.

At this time, the guards around him heard Ye Gu and the others' actions in secret, and He Ziyan's eyes lit up, ready to come forward.

If Ye Gu and the others succeeded in the night attack, then she would not have to have such headaches. Even if it failed in the end, this night attack by Ye Gu and them also gave Lin Ze and them a kind of shock and let those human races know them. The Sea Clan is not easy to provoke, and the conditions can be lowered then.

But He Ziyan's wonderful plan was completely destroyed by the three stupid pigs in front of him. When they went to the night attack this time, they were directly scared back by the sneeze of a human race. When He Ziyan knew the news, she really couldn't directly kill the three guys who had not succeeded or failed.

You went to attack at night, but you were scared back by a sneeze. Wouldn't that directly prove the weakness of the Sea Clan? !

"Idiot! What a few hopeless idiots, why don't you just die outside!" He Ziyan cursed with a gloomy face: "Use your wood-like brains to think about it, who will be right then? Wake up when you want to attack and come out to go to the toilet? Who just chooses the direction of going to the toilet on your head? And who is really good when you want to make the first move. Did a sneeze?"

The three of them were dumbfounded when they heard this, and they realized at this time that their group was fooled.

Also, although they are physically strong, they are really far from someone like He Ziyan in terms of IQ.

"Hey, I shouldn't have expected anything from the three of you before. This time it was my fault!!" He Ziyan shook her head with a headache: "Do you think Human Race didn't make any preparations?! In fact, they did it. Well, wait for you to drill! You should understand now that these human races are not only extremely powerful, but also quite cunning? Just a simple sneeze scared you back, hey, headache! "

Ye Gu is not really stupid. He Ziyan said so clearly. Of course, he also understands that these people have been tricked by Lin Ze and the others, so he asked helplessly on his face: "My lord, what are we doing now? Do it?"

"Hey!" He Ziyan sighed, her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of anger, and now Ye Gu and the others were frightened back like this. She is absolutely inferior here, and she wants to not agree to Lin Ze's previous conditions. Not working.

It's just that no matter who it is, it will definitely not be very happy in my heart when someone is forced to agree to a condition.

However, now He Ziyan can't do it if he wants to or not. Who told him to have such a group of people who succeeded but failed.

Thinking of this, He Ziyan's head started to hurt again, and she waved her hands directly to the three kneeling people. The three of them didn't dare to say anything, and left dingy.

"Hey, it seems that I have only agreed!"

The next day, as if nothing happened yesterday, He Ziyan directly found Lin Ze and said: "I know, you human race, everything can be negotiated, and there is nothing that cannot be exchanged."

While saying this, she sat down Shi Shiran, and the first words she said made everyone present feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, you came to attack at night last night. Not only did you not apologize, but also acted as if we needed you to come here to discuss. Lin Ze frowned directly.

Lin Ze intentionally wanted to use the night attack from last night to make some articles or something, but when he thought that he was really asking for help this time, if he really wanted to reveal it like this, it would be bad for future cooperation.

Besides, Lin Ze also saw that He Ziyan in front of him was actually holding on forcibly. If he exposes it, it would easily cause He Ziyan to turn his face out of shame, so Lin Ze immediately dispelled this idea. Of course, there is still some discomfort in his heart, he can only comfort himself in his heart: explaining to a sea clan, there is no need.

"However, this actually makes all the tribes in the sea of ​​stars are willing to start some transactions with your human race." After He Ziyan said this, her face changed very calmly, she also thought that this time it was actually the other party who wanted her , Then why do you have to be weak: "Since you know the soul of psychic, instead of the popular name "psychic", it shows that you have a good understanding of this mysterious inheritance of our marine clan. Then you should know, even It is the high priest in our tribe who wants to display the magical powers of this psychic soul. If it succeeds or fails, it must be a huge price. Therefore, the price paid by my Yasha tribe can not be said to be small."

Lin Ze knows that He Ziyan is raising the conditions after listening to the rescue. In fact, he is a little happy, because He Ziyan is raising the conditions, and positively she wants to trade. In this way, Lin Ze has a chance to get the magical power of the psychic soul. , But when you are trading, you can’t reveal the details too quickly, otherwise, you will be very much wronged by the other party, so Lin Ze frowned here, as if he didn’t quite understand, and said: "What are you trying to say? ?"

"Hehe, it's very simple. I want to know what else can you help us besides helping us find the Millennium God Iron, or what price you can still pay. Because your current price is not enough and unfair. The transaction may last for a while, but it is definitely not for a long time. The young master of the human race, do you say I am right?!" He Ziyan said with a smile on her face.

After understanding the reason for this, she was no longer afraid of Lin Ze.

Lin Ze now also knows that He Ziyan has seen through the things inside, so he looked back at Huang Quan. The latter understood, and he took a step forward: "Your enemy is the demonstrative race? We can help you defeat them."

When He Ziyan heard this, there was a direct movement in his eyes. Now their tribe is indeed facing great danger. The Bewitching Clan has been attacking them, so if the Bewitching Clan can be solved, the temptation of He Ziyan is not great. Therefore, she asked again: "Master of Human Race, is this person really serious?"

"Yes, seriously! I count the words!" Lin Ze replied solemnly.

He didn't want to participate in the battle between the two clans. This kind of battle was the bloodiest and the most difficult. Lin Ze really didn't want to participate if he could. But who told them to ask the Yasha tribe now? It.

"Okay, since that's the case, then we'll close the deal!" He Ziyan didn't hesitate any more, and readily agreed directly.

Some people may have said that in fact, He Ziyan can add some more conditions, I believe Lin Ze and the others have to agree. However, if He Ziyan really wants to do this, then her result will be like what she said before, ‘unfair trades may last for a while, but it’s definitely hard to last’.

He Ziyan is a smart person, knowing that she can't go too far. The current conditions are quite okay. If she is too much, she won't be good at that time, maybe these human races will contact the bewitching race.

Lin Ze here directly promised He Ziyan to help the Yasha tribe defeat the bewitching clan. This condition not only facilitated this cooperation, but also excited the warriors of the sea clan who were extremely hostile to them. They looked into everyone’s eyes. Already show affection and please.

Also, they had already learned about Lin Ze and their strength, so after knowing that Lin Ze and their powerful partners were suddenly added, UU reading would feel that their lives would be an extra layer of protection.

Immediately after negotiating the conditions, Lin Ze and the others moved out of the current camp, vacated the forest, and gave it to someone from the Yasha tribe to search.

Of course, these things didn't need to bother He Ziyan, the patriarch, and in order to befriend Lin Ze and the others, He Ziyansuo accompanied them back to the boat. Lin Ze didn't refuse either. He kept beating on the side while on the way, and it was a rough idea of ​​Yasha's current situation.

Unexpectedly, if the Bewitched Clan is really to be counted, it is not the Sea Clan. Of course, it is not the Human Clan. You should know the name of the tribe. The Bewitched Clan is actually another big race, the Bewitched Clan.

The bewitched tribe is considered to be a kind of close relative of Yasha. The height is about one zhang three or four. Even if it is not very practiced, the life span of the ordinary bewitched tribe is about two hundred years old, and other items are not inferior to the sea Family.

In addition, in this sea of ​​stars, there are nine heavenly tribes in the sea clan, and six kings in this bewitched clan. The two clan have been fighting endlessly for thousands of years.

As for why there are such endless entanglements between the two races, there are countless versions of the origins of wars that have been handed down in ancient times. Some of them seem to be quite reasonable, but in the eyes of people like Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen, these wars are nothing but two. The clan wants to fight for the dominance of the Star Sea.

On the Star Sea, there are actually some human races. In front of the powerful sea race and the bewitching race, the strength of the human race comes from an absolute weak position, so it can be said that it is difficult to survive in the gap between the two races. , No matter how the two races go to war, the human races here remain neutral and have a source of choice.


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