Alien Lord

Chapter 3229: Thunder Chain

In addition, Lin Ze’s current sense of power can’t sense where this enemy is. It can be seen that this enemy is unusual, and I secretly thought: Did this enemy use pure//physical power before? The attack was thrown so far at once, so I couldn't find it? If this is the case, what kind of enemy is hidden in this forest? Where did these enemies come from? What is their strength?

At this time, Huang Quan and Zhou Yong were extremely fast, and they immediately outflanked both sides. Wang Ziming and others followed closely. Everyone chased out carefully, but everyone was not slow, like a road. Lightning slammed into the forest, and within a dozen breaths, the group of people slammed into the forest.

At this time, no one is flying in the air, because in the current state of everyone, although the flying speed is fast, they are now in the forest, surrounded by big trees, and other things are blocking them. Here, Flickering is far less flexible than on the ground.

Besides, for Huang Quan and the others, this place is absolutely unfamiliar, and for the enemy, it is their territory.

In the end, the mysterious enemy in the forest is incredibly powerful. If they come back abruptly, they may not be able to easily avoid such a sneak attack in the face of such a sneak attack.

Because of this, Huang Quan and the others were very careful when they moved forward, and they didn't show much figure at all. Huang Quan and Zhou Yong were the fastest, they had already rushed in first, and the forest was calm.

Wang Ziming, Qiu Yu and others in the back had a short meal. It was not that they were slow, but that they were actually reinforcements of Huang Quan and Zhou Yong. Once the two of them encounter any danger, the Wang Ziming and others will immediately. Go up and give those enemies a front and back flanking, so Wang Ziming and their speed are relatively slow, but a few people also followed in.

In such a cooperative battle, Huang Quan and his party have been through life and death together for several times, and they have cooperated quite tacitly without communicating with each other.

It's like this time? Actually, Huang Quan and his party didn't discuss the plan at all? But after they were killed, the cooperation among them was quite tacit understanding!

Lin Ze behind? And Mei'er and others next to him are still on the spot. They are the last reinforcements? But after waiting for a while, the expected violent battle scene in the forest did not appear? Not for a while? Wang Ziming walked out and waved towards Lin Ze, and said, "Young Master (when they are outside, Huang Quan and they all call Lin Ze Young Master), the enemies here are all gone? Come in without worry."

Lin Ze nodded? After that, the javelin that had attacked them before flew into his hands. After that, Lin Ze didn't delay, and looked at each other with Mei'er and walked into the forest together.

The vegetation here is similar to that of Yan Country? The ancient trees are towering, and the vines are like snakes.

Because this is a tropical region, the trees growing here are relatively wide and thick? Normal leaves are half a person's size.

It is precisely because this is a tropical region, so after walking into the forest? A cool feeling came to my heart.

After Lin Ze and the others reached their destination? He found that Huang Quan and the others were now surrounding a big tree, and at the same time everyone had a look of uncertainty on their faces.

Lin Ze and the others were blocked from sight before, so they couldn't see it. When they walked around and were about to ask "what's going on", they also saw this situation. After that, Lin Ze and the others were also stunned. Up.

What are you? It turned out that there was something amazing on the big tree in front of Lin Ze and them.

This big tree looks like ten people hug each other, but even so, in the forest of this island, it doesn’t actually look thick, at best it’s just average, but nowadays, there are growing out of the big tree. A branch with a thick bowl left a clear paw mark on it!

If it’s just a paw print, it’s nothing. There are many paw prints like this in the forest, but this paw print is really weird. It actually surrounds the entire branch like a vine-it can be seen that, This secretly attacking enemy was not something strange like a snake, or the enemy’s "hand" was extremely huge, and it was a handful of a thick branch, and it was quite powerful, just lightly. One of the claws, the marks left by the claws are deeply sinking into the branches, the bark is broken, and the claw marks are directly on the position of the trunk, and this enemy should not have been long since the fresh juice is still slowly dropping.

"What is this?!" Wang Ziming looked at the trace in front of him and couldn't help asking.

Although he doesn't know what it is, he can see that this unknown thing is powerful, tall, and is definitely not a cultivator!

This question also arises in everyone's heart. At that moment, Lin Ze's sensitivity felt extremely keen, and there was a sudden icy cold thorn behind him, as if countless eternal ice was transformed. Frostbolt will shoot him through!

Suddenly, Lin Ze didn't even think about it, but he turned around fiercely, and the Shen Lei Fist on his right hand was directly raised high, pointing diagonally upward, spreading his five fingers, and squeezing it directly!

"Om..." A weird sound rang from the palm of the Shen Lei Fist, and then an invisible fist beam quickly spurted out. In the mid-air where Lin Ze's palm was facing, there was a huge green in the distance of about five feet. The figure is throwing down from a thick thousand-year-old tree.

It is clear now that it is more than ten feet tall, has a strong physique, and its muscles are bulging, and there is no trace of excess fat. The hands are big and the feet are big, and the fingers have long bone claws!

After being discovered by Lin Ze, this mysterious creature was ready to go, but was suddenly caught in the air by a powerful force. With the strange sound of "hum", Lu Ying was "solidified". In mid-air.

Feeling imprisoned, this mysterious fetish kept pedaling with both legs, one paw moved forward and wanted to grab the top of the nearest Zhou Yong's head, and the other paw was dragged behind and ready to send a second. hit!

Under the charged pounce, the muscles all over his body stretched like steel wires.

However, this seemingly murderous blow was directly blocked by the power of thunder and lightning on Lin Ze’s move of the Thunder Fist. At a distance of three or four meters from the top of Zhou Yong’s head, it was directly sent by electricity. Trembling, and then staring at Venus was frozen.

This mysterious creature really doesn't have a good temper. It flew into a rage, mobilizing all the power in its entire body, trying to break free of this restraint.

"Cracking..." There was another weird sound of thunder and lightning. Lin Ze wouldn't care about this mysterious creature. It was a move of the **** thunder fist, the powerful thunder and lightning power, once again let this mysterious enjoy the power of thunder and lightning.

This is just the beginning. When the power of thunder and lightning is not short on this mysterious creature, a series of words of the power of thunder and lightning directly lock this mysterious creature for one after another.

The mysterious creature can feel that the power that binds itself has suddenly increased several times. The most important thing is that the power of thunder and lightning is constantly acting on itself. Now for it, it is not just a bondage, but a force of thunder and lightning. The force came in.

This is another imprisoning ability that Lin Ze came up with, the lightning chain! !

This trick was realized by Lin Ze during the battle with the double-winged swordfish and the silver-horned killer whale. This "thunder and lightning chain" also involves some lightning power rules, and it is extremely advanced. Rule of power.

It's just that Lin Ze hasn't realized the full power of the Thunder Fist, so there are still some problems with it now. Aside from other things, the control of the power of thunder and lightning in it seems to have not passed the test, the fluctuation of the power is relatively violent, and some feelings that are difficult to control.

Lin Ze can only use the power of the Thunder Fist now, but he can't really see clearly and master the rules of lightning power contained in this, otherwise Lin Ze's realm and strength can still improve!

The mysterious creature imprisoned by countless lightning chains in midair is really powerful. Even if it is imprisoned, Lin Ze can already feel that its power is really powerful.

This mysterious creature is not only a powerful and powerful body, but even from the realm, it is equivalent to a strong man in the late Jindan stage!

Such a powerful enemy, UU reading, is now confined by himself with a lightning chain in the air. For a moment, Lin Ze could not help but whether there was something similar in the "Shen Thunder Fist" that he cast The additional attacks of the people are increasingly expected.

"Ho **** ho..." Even if the mysterious creature is caught, it is still piercing the needle. No, there will be strange noises in its throat, and it will hardly catch your breath. coming.

The blood in its whole body was squeezed by some terrible force, and it rushed toward the brain together. After a while, a pair of scarlet eyes was about to be squeezed out!

However, at this moment, Lin Ze hadn't done anything on this side, his induction power felt a terrible power erupting from the body of this mysterious creature!

"Boom, boom, boom..." A strange sound came out from the mysterious creature's body through the // flesh // body, and then a little red light flashed from the abdomen of this mysterious creature, and it kept walking. Finally, it went all the way to its chest and neck, and the light became stronger and stronger.

After that, the body restrained by Lin Ze’s "Thunder and Lightning Chain" was shaking forcibly, and the mouth of the mysterious creature slowly opened. Lin Ze took a closer look and found that its innermost red light was blooming, a red thing. Constantly forming inside!

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