Alien Lord

Chapter 3220: Dive

"Master, let's go in, we will dive soon!" Feng Miao said when he came to Lin Ze.

"Okay, let's go down!" Lin Ze went directly to the command room below.

At this time, the entire King's Shenzhou completed its changes, and quickly sank below the surface of the sea with the rustling of water.

Yes, the King's Shenzhou actually has the function of a submarine. It can dive directly into the deep sea several kilometers deep.

But under normal circumstances, Lin Ze would not do this.

If you speak of it, its size is quite huge. The length alone is about four to five hundred feet, the width is about one hundred feet, and the height is about one hundred feet, so the king of Shenzhou is definitely counted. It is a huge boat that soars the sky.

Now that such a huge boat is sinking, the fluctuations caused can be imagined.

No, as the giant ship of the King's Shenzhou began to sink slowly, a huge whirlpool formed on the sea.

In order to ensure that the King’s Shenzhou is not affected by the harsh weather above, Lin Ze directly ordered it to sink to a position about one kilometer below the surface of the sea. The thunderstorms in the Devil’s Ocean were very severe. Range, only after reaching this depth, the endless storms on the sea cannot affect this.

However, it is said that the harsh climate on the sea can be avoided here, but it does not mean that it is absolutely safe here. On the contrary, the danger under the sea is actually not lower than that on the sea, because under the sea, the shadows There are countless powerful marine surnamed savage beasts. If one is not careful, encountering them will definitely cause a big battle.

Of course, as long as everyone is more careful when moving forward, and better luck, don't be struck by lightning, don't encounter those ancient beasts that hide under the water, they can safely sail through the dangerous "devil ocean".

At this time, it was precisely the value of the safe passages of the endless ocean that Lin Ze had obtained before. With these relatively safe passage maps, as long as they drive along these passages, the dangers along the way can be avoided.

In this way, Lin Ze's men kept moving forward in accordance with the safe channel. The safe channel is indeed a safe channel. They have been in for more than an hour, and they have never encountered a danger.

Even Lin Ze felt very surprised, because he had been sitting on top of the Nine Emperors, Lin Ze didn't seem to be able to feel the terrible endless ocean in this legend, even the previous one. The level savage beast was killed easily by Lin Ze's side. So, for a while, Lin Ze felt a feeling in his heart: Is this really an endless ocean of danger? Isn't it someone else talking nonsense?

But since Lin Ze entered this "devil ocean", he finally understood in his heart why there are so many legends outside. He said that there were dangers in the endless ocean, and then directly took these cultivators in the Eastern Region for thousands of years. It was firmly sealed on the mainland of the Eastern Region.

The relevant safe passages that Lin Ze obtained before can be said to be within this dangerous sea area. The only relatively safe, narrow and small passage, Wang Zhishenzhou was "squeezed" out of this gap.

In the "Devil Ocean", because of the endless thunder and storms on the sea, there are almost no wild beasts that can survive on it, but after 500 meters below the surface, the number of wild beasts of the sea will increase. .

Moreover, those savage beasts that can survive in this environment have the lowest strength of the second rank, and they are still the strongest among them, otherwise they would never survive.

Lin Ze and the others knew well, so when they moved forward, they always maintained a two-hundred percent vigilance, and kept staring at the ‘radar’ above them. Once something dangerous approaches, they immediately hide.

This is the deep sea, the absolute home of the marine wild beasts. Fighting those wild beasts here is definitely looking for hardship, so as long as there is no way, Lin Ze absolutely does not want to fight here, it is definitely a dead end.

Now the King’s Divine Boat that Lin Ze is on has sunk one kilometer above the sea. At this depth, the one that often swims over their heads is a Tier 1 brutal beast. Even if it is like a dragon crocodile, they also Often seen.

In the middle of this, there were several times when the King’s Divine Ark passed between the land of two ancient barbaric beasts the size of a mountain. Among them, Lin Ze had seen one of the same level as before. The dragon crocodile inadvertently broke into the territory of a giant deep-sea beast. It’s not a problem. Suddenly, thousands of huge tentacles ejected from the dark space, pulling this super-grade dragon crocodile. After going down, he was instantly submerged in the extremely dark deep sea bottom.

To be honest, before and after it is five or six breathing times, such a powerful super-grade dragon crocodile, there is no sound anymore, as if it did not exist.

Lin Ze and the others saw this dragon crocodile being preyed by the mysterious deep-sea monster below, so they knew that they were not dazzled before. Lin Ze and the others were more careful about this, because such a mysterious deep-sea monster, This is really very common on the seabed.

Seeing this, Lin Ze once again paid tribute to the seniors who discovered such a safe waterway.

Just by looking at the predation scene just now, you can know how much effort and sacrifice the predecessors have put in when investigating this safe channel.

For the first time, Lin Ze had a strong respect in his heart for these senior developers.

Lin Ze and the others continued to move forward, and did not stop because of fear. At the same time, Lin Ze also knew that the Devil Ocean they were in was not considered the most dangerous. After they passed the Devil Ocean, the endless ocean behind was actually even more terrifying. .

The endless ocean here seems to be infinitely vast, and the number of marine wild beasts living in it can be imagined.

In addition, once you enter the depths of the endless ocean, the danger here is dozens of times, hundreds of times stronger than what Lin Ze and the others encountered before. Here, although the second-rank savage beasts and the first-rank savage beasts can still survive, they must be careful to avoid those monsters that may kill them at any time.

In addition, in the endless ocean, there may be more terrifying storms of destruction than the Devil Ocean.

It will be called a storm of destruction, not only because when the storm comes up, it is completely without warning, but also when the storm comes, whether it is on the sea or under the sea, it will suddenly appear A shattered void and fissure, and then dragged everything around, no matter what it was unreasonable.

When encountering such a void rift, it is considered to be facing the most terrifying deep-sea giant beasts of ten thousand years, or the strength of the monsters that have reached the stage of transformation, and even the monsters of higher realms, encountering such a storm, there is no resistance. of.

Lin Ze knew this information in detail before. At the beginning, Lin Ze thought that others were exaggerating, but after entering this, Lin Ze knew that this information was not exaggerated, but real, so he came here. , Even if Lin Ze has confidence in his heart (hehe, there is a plane seed to protect it, all evils will not invade!), at this time he can only follow the safe channel instructions honestly, not dare to have the slightest Deviate.

This sea area is incredibly vast. The speed of the King’s Shenzhou that Lin Ze is in is actually extremely fast. It can travel thousands of miles in a day, but now Lin Ze feels that the area of ​​the ocean here is too wide, they From the beginning to the present, it has been sailing for nearly ten days, that is to say, they have sailed a distance of nearly 10,000 kilometers, but they still can't see a trace of land, even a small island.

However, Lin Ze soon understood, because here, in the domain of those incomparably powerful ancient beasts, they hated the land, and even a few small islands were crushed by their terrifying force. .

They could not see the signs of the land, such as Huang Quan, they went to retreat again, and they were ready to wait until they saw the land, or when they encountered something. Lin Ze was no exception here. They also chose the plane seeds. Retreat and practice in the world.

Lin Ze has now advanced to the mid-Gold Core Realm, and from now on, Lin Ze has practiced the "Huang Ji Tian Shu" he just got according to the instructions of the fire dragon king Lin .

"Huang Ji Tian Shu" deserves to be a heaven book, she pointed directly to the ultimate end of cultivation, that is to say, from now on, Lin Ze does not have to worry about the problems of the cultivation secret code, "Huang Ji Tian Shu" is the most top cultivation secret. Dian, she can help Lin Ze directly cultivate to the supreme realm.

Before Lin Ze had the help of the plane seeds, his cultivation was quite complete. Each of the large holes in the whole body was enlightened with nine dark holes, and they were full of true energy.

Under such circumstances, Lin Ze, with the help of the fire dragon king Lin Fu, transferred to the "Huang Ji Tian Shu", it would be much less difficult.

This is not it, in just two days, Lin Ze's true qi was completely transformed into the true qi of "Huang Ji Tian Shu".

"Master, I said before that this "Book of the Emperor's Heaven" is the top practice method in the ancient times. Now, it is definitely the strongest method. Maybe you still feel that the master is not so obvious... …"

Fire Dragon King Lin Fu continued to explain, but in fact, Lin Ze's feeling at this time was already obvious. He was not a vulgar person, and he could only judge the quality of a cultivation technique based on the speed of cultivation.

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