Alien Lord

Chapter 3214: Ancient Secrets

But at this time Lin Ze and the others didn't care about these things anymore, everyone's attention was on the piece of metal.

After the reaction was completed, Lin Ze, Song Qingxiu and the others went to look again, and saw that where the drop of solution dripped, the surface of the metal was already a bright color of stars. If you look closely, there is still a faint trace of starlight flowing on the surface. With.

"It's so beautiful!" Lin Ze couldn't help saying, the whole piece of metal now looks like the starry sky at night, it's really quite beautiful.

"Qingxiu, how are you now? Did you see it?" Lin Ze couldn't help asking.

"One, two, three...seventeen, eighteen...twenty-six, twenty-seven!" Song Qingxiu counted the starlight points on the metal blocks one by one, and only exclaimed after finishing the count. Said: "There are a total of twenty-seven stars, master, this is indeed a star core!"

Qiu Yu also laughed on the side: "Really, I thought about it before being a stellar nucleus, although it looks like a broken alien nucleus now!"

Lin Ze stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking, "Extrastellar core? What is extraterrestrial core?"

"Master, this outer star core is the metal core left after the annihilation of the outer star, and it is the most precious part of a star!"

Song Qingxiu was really shocking at this time, and what he said directly calmed Lin Ze and other people who had never heard of this extraterrestrial core.

Lin Ze was even more shocked, he also couldn't think of such an ugly thing, what an extraterrestrial core would be.

In modern terms, this is the nucleus of a planet. This... Lin Ze is really shocked. Others may think that the stars in the sky are very small, and they seem to be so small, but Lin Ze But it is clear that these stars are actually other stars. The volume of many stars is much larger than that of the planet where Shenzhou Continent where he is now. The nucleus produced by such a huge planet, Lin Ze really is I can't imagine that even he was really shocked!

"Qingxiu, is it true? The stars outside the sky can also be annihilated?" Qu Jing asked with a face full of disbelief. He was also one of the restrained.

Song Qingxiu smiled and said quickly: "Mr. Qu, don't look at the stars in the sky as great, but in fact they also have life limits. Maybe these lifespans are countless times stronger than ours, but it is undeniable. , They do have life limits.

Otherwise, tell me why there are so many star debris falling on our Shenzhou continent every year? ! Those stars in the cultivation world. Where did the stars, star cores, and other stars come from? ! "

Song Qingxiu’s explanation is quite simple and easy to understand. As long as he is not a fool, he can understand it, not to mention a genius like Qu Jingwen, but Qu Jingwen still finds it difficult to accept this fact. After all, in his previous understanding, stars are eternal. Extinct, they are always hanging above the sky. Now the stars they see are so far away, directly hanging high above the nine heavens. It can be said that they are supreme beings. In Qu Jingwen’s heart, they are already one. A symbol of totem surname quality.

Just like Wenquxing who represents Confucianism and Taoism, in the hearts of Confucian disciples like Qu Jingwen, Wenquxing will always exist, but now Song Qingxiu, a **** fellow, tells him that the stars in the sky will also be annihilated. Doesn't it mean that Wenquxing will fall because of his heart?

If this is the case, then the longevity of Confucianism and Taoism he is now seeking is nothing but empty talk?

Seeing Qu Jingwen and Qiu Yu, disciples from the Confucian sect, looked as if they were being blown away, Lin Ze actually understood their current mood. After all, everyone’s height is different, and the world they see is also different. .

Lin Ze knew very well that what Song Qingxiu said was correct, but they felt a little unbearable looking at Qu Jingwen. After he hesitated for a while, he persuaded: "Qu Jingwen, it is difficult to explain it to you now, and wait for you in the future. One day... if you can reach that height, you will understand it yourself. In other words, if you can build an astronomical telescope one day in the future, then you will be able to understand what the stars in the sky are like?"

In order to distract Qu Jingwen and the others, Lin Ze asked again: "Qingxiu, what is the use of this outer star core? Since it is formed by stars in the sky, it should be very useful, isn't it? "

"Yes, master, this outer star core is the most quintessential part of a star. Generally speaking, there are two types, one is the star energy exhaustion and naturally disappears, and the other is forcibly refined by people. ..."

"His, it was forcibly refined, this..." Qiu Yu took a breath of cold air from here, and he was extremely shocked and said: "Qingxiu, you really are not kidding, heavenly Stars, someone can directly refine them forcibly!"

Song Qingxiu didn't care about being interrupted by him. After he smiled, he quickly explained: "Qiu Yu, this is actually nothing. Think about it, when you were an acquired martial artist, you saw the innate martial artist's What do you feel when you are strong? What do you feel when you see the strength of the strong in the foundation period?! Every time we advance in strength, countless changes will be brought about.

When you reach a certain stage of strength, you think that a star in Lotus is a simple matter.

Now for you, no, it should be us, and it hasn't reached that point. Waiting for you, when we reach that height, I believe we will naturally understand that time.

Don't tell me, I know you don't believe me, thinking that these words of mine are all myths, and there is no similar thing in history.

In fact, if you think this way, you are completely wrong, because there are really several similar records in the history of the cultivation world. It's just that the people on the nine floors and nine people listen to these records as stories.

Qiu Yu, I believe you must have heard a story from ancient times.

What it said was that twenty-six suns suddenly appeared in the sky one day, and the scorching light caused countless people to die directly. At this moment, an ancient **** appeared, and directly used his own mighty force to crush twenty of them. Four suns.

In this mythology, this ancient **** is actually a cultivator, an invincible powerhouse who has reached an indescribable realm in the ancient times.

As for the twenty-five suns, only one of them is the real sun. The other twenty-four are actually huge fragments of stars. It’s just that these formed fragments are quite huge. On the ground, it looks like Like the sun.

The story says that the matter was crushed, but it was actually given to Lotus by this ancient peerless powerhouse. In the end, these twenty-four star fragments were directly refined into the mainland of China and several surrounding continents. Suddenly, the area of ​​the Shenzhou Continent and several other continents directly expanded thousands of times. in

In the most ancient times, the continent of China where we are actually is a huge island. It was not until this ancient peerless powerhouse refined the fragments of the stars that it became the continent of China that is now extremely vast.

So, Qiu Yu, don't think that what I just said is false. In fact, the most powerful evidence is right in front of you, right under your feet! "

After hearing these things, Qiu Yu, no, and Qu Jingwen, Lin Ze and others were really shocked by these flowers at this time. With them here and now, the information is indeed too shocking.

Especially Lin Ze, he is very aware of the dangerous surnames of the huge meteors in space. Many times the earth’s destruction is due to the huge meteors in space, and, generally speaking, such meteors are hundreds of kilometers in size.

But now, from the words of Song Qingxiu just now, Lin Ze can hear that the meteorite that struck this planet at that time was almost not the same as the moon on the earth, and some were even bigger, but it was so huge. The meteorite was forcibly refined by the peerless powerhouse of the ancient times.

Although Song Qingxiu also said afterwards, this strong man in the ancient times was able to do this, in fact, not only relying on himself, but directly hitting all the strengths of the nine layers of the ancient times, these forces added up to resist. Attacked by these huge meteorites and finally refined them away.

Although the power of the nine layers of nine in the ancient times was concentrated, but don't forget that they are twenty meteorites as big as the moon, and they are now directly refined into the Shenzhou Continent and several other continents.

If Lin Ze knew that Song Qingxiu would never deceive him, UU reading www.uukā would tell the truth, Lin Ze really didn't believe it.

However, if you think about it carefully, Lin Ze also has to admit that once his strength reaches a certain level, he can indeed do this.

Not to mention other people, just Lin Ze himself, in fact, after he reached a certain level of strength, he could do similar things.

The power of a meteorite the size of the moon is indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it is only the power of a planet. Compared to the entire world, this power is simply a drop in the bucket.

Please don't forget that Lin Ze still has a world of plane seeds that is constantly growing.

Yes, with Lin Ze's current strength, it is indeed impossible to withstand the attack of a meteorite the size of the moon, but when the plane seed grows to a certain point, it is as if the scope directly expands to the size of the solar system.

No, it doesn't need to be this big. As long as it is one-twentieth the size of the solar system, Lin Ze could easily deal with the attack of a meteorite the size of the moon at that time.

It's amazing when Lin Ze used the power of the plane seeds to directly swallow these meteorites.

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