Alien Lord

Chapter 3211: Win (2)

The injury stimulated Lin Ze. Lin Ze no longer kept his hand this time. The powerful Sky Palm suddenly exerted force again. With a "boom", the Sky Palm really turned into the giant palm of the Sky at this time. The huge palm that was hundreds of meters wide directly submerged the double-winged swordfish below. The powerful palm power was like an unstoppable force, easily shattering the remaining resistance of the double-winged swordfish commander, and then directly Smashed into the body of the double-winged swordfish, and began to overturn the river.

The double-winged swordfish suddenly wailed in pain, and under the struggle, the blood flowed long and the waves on the water surged, instantly turning the surrounding sea area several hundred meters into a blood red.

Even so, Lin Ze didn't stop. The divine thunder fist that had never been used was raised to the sky, and the overlapping palm shadows waited for a thunderous thunder to fall, directly covering the sea about a hundred meters below, and then countless. The shadow of the fist gleaming with thunder and lightning fell to the sky, directly hitting the leader of the double-winged swordfish who was still crying miserably below.

The commander of the double-winged swordfish could not withstand Lin Ze's attack in front, and now he could not withstand countless Thunder God Fists.

Countless thunder and lightning are constantly raging on the sea surface of about a hundred meters, giving way to the commander of the double-winged swordfish in the center of this sea surface. It is a "good enjoyment" for Lin Ze's "hospitality" .

Nearly a minute passed quickly, Lin Ze even smelled the smell of meat in his nose.

Obviously, the endless thunder and lightning in the front directly cooked part of the meat of the double-winged swordfish. Now if you sprinkle some cumin on it, I believe you can have a barbecue party directly.

At this time, Lin Ze also felt almost. He put away the magical powers of his hands, and then the emperor jade sword beside him turned into a stream of light, and it continued to fly around Lin Ze. Lin Ze pointed his right hand at the double-winged swordfish below. , Suddenly the emperor's jade sword came to the front of the leader of the double-winged swordfish, and then stabbed it with a sword unreasonably!

"Puff!" With a sound, the incomparably hard scale at the back of the double-winged swordfish's head was pierced by Lin Ze's jade sword of the emperor, and then, the power of the endless sword energy flowed continuously along the jade sword of the emperor. Rushed into the body of the double-winged swordfish commander.

Having said this, Lin Ze sighed inwardly that the strength of the double-winged swordfish commander was indeed very strong. Even if it had fallen to this situation, it still resisted constantly.

This double-winged swordfish is worthy of the commanding level, and its strength is beyond imagination. Although it is not as powerful as the super-grade dragon crocodile that Lin Ze won before, the strength of the double-winged swordfish commander encountered in Lin Ze Among the first-grade wild beasts, it is definitely the most powerful.

No, the power in the double-winged swordfish commander's body is still fighting against Lin Ze.

To be honest, if there is only the emperor jade sword, even if this is the key to the double-winged swordfish, it will be forced out by the tyrannical force in its body, but this double-winged swordfish has received heavy damage before, Lin Ze's Sky Palm and Shen Lei Fist both acted on it before and after, directly eliminating most of the resistance of the double-winged swordfish, so now the power of the emperor's jade sword directly invaded the double-winged swordfish.

To be honest, this is the first time Lin Ze has used this pair of Lingbao-level gloves. After being strengthened by the Lingbao's supernatural powers, after unfolding, the feeling is really wonderful. All ideas about power are executed perfectly. You can use it as you want, and you can be as strong as you want. It is completely driven by an arm.

Lin Ze also understands that he can display it so easily, because this is not a magic weapon, magic weapon or the like, it is a higher-level spirit treasure, and the spirit treasure has turned its power into his own body temporarily. a part of!

For his body, of course it is driven like an arm!

To be honest, using the words "like an arm to drive" to describe Lin Ze's feelings at this time couldn't be more appropriate.

People who have never experienced it will never understand the beauty of it. They will never understand. A pair of powerful palms that are more powerful than top-grade magic weapons, how "beautiful" it is when displayed thing. This is actually the Lingbao, whether in ancient times or now, it is extremely precious.

Lingbao, this name has a spiritual surname in it, so this kind of treasure actually has a considerable spiritual surname, once you master it, it is equivalent to a part of the body.

After a short period of use, Lin Ze had already figured it out that Qingtian's palm has infinite power and is suitable for all overbearing attacks.

Shen Lei Fist has a kind of "kingdom" meaning, panic and awe-inspiring!

The power of the palm of the sky is rolling down, and the leader of the double-winged swordfish roars again and again, but it can still be confronted head-on, but when facing the more powerful power of the Thunder Fist behind, all this is like the king's rebellion, along the way It was a grandiose crush, the double-winged swordfish commander did not last long at all, and the body was destroyed by this invincible kingly power into a piece of scum!

Had Lin Ze collected some strength, the leader of the double-winged swordfish would have died under Lin Ze's Thunder Fist.

However, even so, the double-winged swordfish commander is uncomfortable here. The injuries on its body are extremely serious. Hundreds of head-sized scars can be seen on the body. Numerous blood mixed with minced meat flows out of the wounds. At the same time, the double-winged sword The power of the fish leader also leaked. The more it roared here, the more Liu Shi's strength became, and its struggle became weaker and weaker, and it finally stopped moving.

An extremely powerful sea savage beast at the pinnacle of the first rank was easily taken by Lin Ze's palms in less than ten minutes!

In this battle, although there were some coincidences in the middle, like the appearance of the three-eyed turtle, which helped Lin Ze test out the strength of these two-winged swordfish, Lin Ze fought head-on in the end and took them.

From this, it can be seen how powerful the Sky Palm and Shen Lei Fist are in Lin Ze's hand.

If he can further comprehend these two sets of powerful supernatural powers, two or three levels, reaching more than seven levels of all powers, then even with this two-handed palm, Lin Ze will have the confidence to fight head-on with the golden core powers of the same level. , Even if it is a strong man facing the Yuan Ying stage, Lin Ze is still rampant.

It's a pity that Lin Ze didn't want to think about this beautiful thing in a short time.

Heavenly Palm and Divine Thunder Fist are the supernatural powers of the Nascent Soul Level. Such magical powers are top-notch even in the Nascent Soul Level power. Lin Ze can understand some of them now because of his spiritual power.

If he didn't have the spiritual power of Lin Ze's late Yuan Ying, he wouldn't want to comprehend a trace of the sky palm and the thunder fist.

Now the advantages brought to Lin Ze by spiritual power have been consumed, so Lin Ze wants to improve again, and he has to truly advance to the strongest of the Yuan Ying stage.

After this battle, Lin Ze can be regarded as seeing the incomparably powerful double-winged swordfish. Facing such excellent brutal beasts, Lin Ze certainly wanted to surrender them. Therefore, those double-winged swordfish that were taken down were directly Lin Ze collected into the seed world of the plane.

Now the injuries on their bodies are not light, Lin Ze has to treat them first before proceeding to the next step.

No matter how powerful the double-winged swordfish is, once they enter Lin Ze's plane seed world, they will become the lambs to be slaughtered in Lin Ze's hands. Lin Ze will deal with them as he wants.

However, before doing these things, Lin Ze had to deal with some of the remains of the three-eyed turtle that had just been salvaged by his men.

The three-eyed turtle was eaten by the double-winged swordfish, but only the meat of the three-eyed turtle was eaten, like the tortoise shell of the three-eyed turtle. The double-winged swordfish is a little interesting. None of them, they don't want to eat such hard things. UU Reading www.uukā

The tortoise shell of the three-eyed turtle is like **** to the double-winged swordfish, but for Lin Ze and other practitioners, the tortoise shell of the three-eyed turtle is the top spiritual material. Although the three-eyed turtle is powerful, there are not many materials that can be used on the body.

Think about it, the most powerful thing about the three-eyed turtle is the tortoise shell on its back. It uses this tortoise to protect itself. Therefore, the tortoise shell is the most precious treasure on the three-eyed turtle. Other things, compared to this The tortoise shells came, too much difference, too much.

In fact, it is not only the three-eyed turtle, but also most other tortoise-type savage beasts. Except for the tortoise shell on their backs, there are almost no inner alchemy, ghost bones, and teeth. It works.

Unlike the savage beasts on the land, there are other aquatic savage beasts, such as crocodiles and scorpions, they are all treasures.

In terms of value, the value of the tortoise-like beast is actually quite low.

Although most of the three-eyed turtle was eaten, the rest is still considerable.

Just look at the situation on the deck now. Nearly one-third of the entire deck was filled with the remains of the three-eyed turtle.

There is very little in the wreckage like the flesh of the three-eyed turtle. These things were eaten by the double-winged swordfish, but fortunately, the tortoise shell of the three-eyed turtle is very limited. It really It is too hard, and the double-winged swordfish does not bite much.

Even if they bite, they have no appetite for things like this, so the shell on the back of the three-eyed turtle is at most destroyed by nearly one-tenth, and the remaining nine-tenths of it. It is intact. This is really good news for Lin Ze.


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