Alien Lord

Chapter 3206: Secret method

The former members of the Yan Dynasty royal family, or Zhou Yuan, thought that this book was about some savage beasts, but in fact the contents recorded in this book were vast and complex, far beyond their imagination.

The characters above that look like animal patterns are actually ancient characters, a kind of ancient hieroglyphs, so they look like a collection of monsters and beasts, but this book of the Emperor of Heaven is the highest treasure of the ancients!

In the ancient times, every sect, aristocratic family, and even monsters and beasts had their own secrets of cultivation. In the current version, it means the book of heaven.

Although it cannot be said that these celestial books are the origins of various cultivation secrets, at least 40% of the cultivation techniques and fighting skills of the various races of human cultivators in the barbaric era of ancient times were passed down from these different celestial books. Or learn from it.

Of course, ancient giants such as the dragon clan have their own heritage, and they don’t need to be afraid that the heritage will be cut off, because their heritage is all in the bloodline. As long as they reach a certain level, they will naturally understand it. The secret method of cultivation. This is also one of the reasons why ancient and powerful existences such as dragons still exist.

However, in the ancient times, there were abundant spiritual weapons and countless high-level spiritual materials. Therefore, powerful races such as dragons can easily cultivate to extremely high levels, but now, the concentration of spiritual energy has dropped many times compared with the ancient times. The spiritual materials of the ancestors are even rarer, so the powerful races of the ancient times, even the dragon race, are almost nothing now, and the number is quite rare.

However, now with Lin Ze and the world of plane seeds, everything is different again.

The concentration of aura in Lin Ze’s plane seed world, although far inferior to the ancient times, is still four or five times stronger than the concentration of aura outside now, and Lin Ze has countless treasures of spiritual materials in his hands. , So powerful races like dragons can reproduce the prosperity of ancient times in the seed world of the plane.

Of course, even if these powerful races from the ancient times had restored their prosperity, they still belonged to Lin Ze's subordinates.

As for why the fire dragon king Lin Fu values ​​these ancient celestial books so much, it's not because it looks at the secret cultivation methods inside, but because these celestial books handed down from the ancient times are the true ancient treasures in the cultivation world.

According to what is said now, these ancient heavenly books were actually born by adhering to the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth. Among them are hidden the most original rules of the Shenzhou Continent. It depends on whether you can dig them out.

The reason why Zhou Yuan and the others knew that this was the "Huang Ji Tian Shu", because when everyone first saw this book, no matter if you were denial, whether it was a human, or a savage beast, they would automatically realize that it was In the "Huangji Heavenly Book", there will be a stream of consciousness directly transmitted from the heavenly book, which directly affects your brain. Therefore, as long as you see this heavenly book, it doesn't matter whether it is a human or a beast, you know. This is the "Huang Ji Tian Shu", knowing that this is an extremely important practice secret.

But if you want to read it further, you find that you can't open this heavenly book at all, or if you open it, it's blank.

Obviously, things like the heavenly book are not so simple that everyone or brutal beasts can comprehend it. If you want to comprehend this heavenly book, it depends on your chance. When the opportunity arrives, then you will be able to read the heavenly book, but if the chance is not there, even if the heavenly book is owned by you, you will not be able to understand the contents.

This is like the "Longevity Jue" in the Datang Shuanglong Biography. It is a Taoist book. Legend has it that Guang Chengzi, the master of the ancient Yellow Emperor, wrote it in oracle bone inscriptions. The book is made of black gold thread, so it won't be wet in water or burned in fire.

This book is written in oracle bone inscriptions, which is profound and difficult to understand. Although there are many intelligent people who have read this book among the sages, no one has ever been able to understand and decipher the whole book.

There are 7,400 glyphs in the book, but only more than 3,000 glyphs have been deciphered.

The book is also densely covered with annotations by people who have read it, but it is often more confusing than the original text.

Fortunately, there are seven figures of human figures in the book, all of which have no opposite postures. They are guided by various symbols such as red dots and arrows, which seem to describe a certain method of cultivation, but those who do not understand the meaning can still practice it. , If you force your inner qi to be stimulated by one of the symbols, the qi and blood will be tumbling immediately, and you will get into a demon, and it will be extremely dangerous...

At the beginning, Shi Long obtained the "Longevity Formula" and studied it carefully for several years.

Shi Long can also be considered a master. According to his knowledge and ability, he should be able to get some of the fur of "Eternal Life Formula", but in the end, once he didn't get it, he was just two little beggars. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling didn't know much about the words, but they understood the principles in the "Longevity Jue" as soon as they got it, and learned the "Longevity Jue" at the speed of light.

You said that if Shi Long knew about this matter, would he crawl out of the underworld directly angrily...

It can be said that in the Datang Shuanglong Biography, the "Eternal Life Formula" is a celestial book. It is easy to obtain it, but it is extremely difficult to understand the truth in it.

Without a certain chance, you don't want to comprehend the little things inside. The same goes for those ancient books of heaven. You can get it simple, but if you want to comprehend the truth in it, it is completely impossible without chance.

However, the "Huangji Tianshu" is a treasure no matter how you look at it. The various visions above show that this book is not an ordinary treasure, so even if the royal family of Yan Kingdom cannot understand any of the secrets in it, it is ultimately lost The royal family is stored in the royal treasure house, or even directly placed in the most precious heavenly treasure house, not because of the high value of the book.

The royal family of Yan Kingdom had owned this "Book of Emperor Heaven" for thousands of years, and still hadn't realized the mystery at all, but Lin Ze was different here.

Because, there is Fire Dragon King Lin Fu beside him.

Although the fire dragon king Lin Fu is not a dragon king who lived in ancient times, it is indeed a real dragon clan, and it is still a dragon king. In other words, the fire dragon king Lin Fu had already inspired the inheritance of the ancient dragon clan hidden in the bloodline.

In these inheritances, most of them are indeed secret methods such as cultivation, but there are also many ancient secrets. Among them, quite a lot of secrets such as the ancient heavenly books are recorded in these inheritances.

The royal family of Yan Kingdom didn't know how to open it, or to understand the secret of the ancient heavenly book, but for the ancient dragon clan, this was simply an open secret.

Therefore, with the fire dragon king Lin Fu in his hands, Lin Ze didn't need to worry about how to open the heavenly book.

No, the fire dragon king Lin Fu and Lin Ze soon explained the secret here. After that, Lin Ze nodded with a smile on his face, then looked expectantly at the Emperor Heaven Book in front of him, his fingertips trembled slightly, and he swiped in the air. A series of Lingwen came out.

These are the highest-level divine texts of the dragon clan handed down by the dragon clan in ancient times, and only those who were directly above the dragon clan were qualified to master it.

In addition to the divine texts of the dragon tribe, there are of course the highest-level divine texts such as the wizard divine text, the unicorn divine text, and the phoenix divine text. Every kind of divine text here is so broad and profound, mysterious, mysterious, and extremely powerful.

This string of spiritual texts entered the Huangji Tianshu. At the beginning, there was no response, as if all this was done in vain, but Lin Ze did not give up, and kept typing the spiritual texts until Lin Ze When the ninth and ninth and eighty-one spiritual texts were written, the book in front of the emperor heavenly book finally changed. At the beginning, there was only some aura, and then less than five seconds a ray of light spread from the emperor heavenly book Up.

After seeing this phenomenon, Lin Ze finally let go of the heart he had mentioned.

To be honest, when there had been no response before, Lin Ze also mentioned in his heart, thinking whether the memory of the Fire Dragon King Linfu was wrong, or that the book in front of him was not a real book of ancient times. UU reading

Lin Ze would think this way, but it was normal.

After all, this emperor heaven book has been in the hands of the royal family of Yan for thousands of years. For so many years, the royal family of Yan must have carefully studied this emperor heaven book. Lin Ze believes that with the power of the entire country of Yan, it should be able to study it. Something came, but as a result, the Yan Dynasty imperial family has achieved nothing.

After thinking of this, Lin Ze actually had some questions in his heart about the Emperor Heaven Book.

Of course, he didn't doubt the Fire Dragon King Lin Fu or something, the Fire Dragon King Lin Fu would never deceive himself, so in Lin Ze's view, perhaps the Ten Heavenly Book of the Emperor is not the ancient book of the Fire Dragon King Lin Fu said.

Fortunately, when Lin Ze was thinking about whether he was going to end his hand, the Emperor Heavenly Book finally reacted, which proved that the Fire Dragon King Lin Fu's words were correct. This Emperor's Heavenly Book was indeed an ancient book of heaven.

Of course, Lin Ze now understands why the royal family of Yan Kingdom has not been able to study the secrets in the Emperor Heaven Book.

One is that the royal family of Yan Kingdom doesn't know at all. To open this Emperor Ji Tianshu, you need special Lingjue and Lingwen.

Without special Lingwen and Lingjue, you don't want to be able to open the Emperor Heaven Book. The second is that you have to have a lot of patience if you want to open the Emperor Heaven Book.

You know, after Lin Ze finished the nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one spiritual battle, almost three hours have passed. It is really difficult for ordinary people to stick to such a long time.

Most people will stop after more than an hour. They certainly don't think that they are impatient. They think that if there is no response for so long, it must be a problem on their side.


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