Alien Lord

Chapter 3196: Selfishness

As long as this super teleportation formation was not built by Lin Ze's men, and it is not controlled by Lin Ze's men, then Lin Ze will not rest assured to sit on it, especially this super teleportation formation is still in control of the Yan who hates him. In the royal family.

Lin Ze definitely didn't want to be tricked by these people, so let's forget the idea of ​​leaving with the super teleportation array.

Of course, Lin Ze wouldn't have used the super teleportation formation controlled by the Yan Kingdom imperial family for a lifetime. After Zhou Ziyu fully grasped the rights of the Yan Kingdom, Lin Ze could sit in this super teleportation formation with confidence.

It's just that this will take a long time, maybe a few years, more than ten years is also possible, such a long time Lin Ze will not wait, so he should use the King's Shenzhou to cross the endless ocean and come home.

After that, Lin Ze asked Lin Fu, the Fire Dragon King, about the relationship between its power clone and the power of the dragon veins in his body, and how this happened. Finally, the Fire Dragon King Lin Fu explained that a miniature dragon vein was formed on Lin Ze’s body. , So the power of the dragon veins in his body began to resurrect, and this time his own power clone aggravated this change, so the situation where the power of the dragon veins was almost out of control before appeared.

However, this is actually not a bad thing for Lin Ze, and it should even be said to be a good thing.

Lin Ze formed the dragon vein, that is to say, he has a possible surname to become the emperor. As long as the dragon vein continues to grow in the future, Lin Ze will definitely be a generation of emperors.

After saying the good news, the fire dragon king Lin Fu was also extremely harsh in the end instructing Lin Ze that he must never use the power of the dragon veins in his body in the future, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Apart from other things, once Lin Ze uses too much of the power of the dragon veins in his body, it is easily detected by the dragon veins of other countries. Once the dragon veins of these countries detect the dragon veins in Lin Ze, they will definitely target Lin Ze immediately. The dragon veins in Lin Ze's body must be destroyed when they have not really grown up, or swallowed up this one of his dragon veins, so don't look at the dragon veins as good for Lin Ze, but as the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune!

In fact, Lin Ze didn't need to exhort the Fire Dragon King Lin Fu at all. When Lin Ze recalled the situation before, he was already wary.

At that time, when he was blessed by that mysterious and powerful force, although his consciousness was so good and seemed to be sober, he still had no impression of how he swung the knife in the end.

Lin Ze was very afraid of such a power that was not under the control of this family!

With the passage of time, and as Lin Ze’s experience has become more and more abundant, his current vision is not the same as the ignorant boy when he first came to the mainland of China. With Lin Ze’s current vision, he can naturally see from here. Behind the seemingly calm and calm waves, I can see what a huge opportunity actually hides in it. It's okay if it doesn't break out. Once it breaks out, even if you have a plane seed and have countless subordinates around you, I'm afraid it will be hard to escape!

In addition, now the fire dragon king Lin Fu has so cherished advice, so Lin Ze secretly vowed in his heart that before he controls the dragon veins in his body, it is not a matter of life or death, and resolutely will not use the power of those dragon veins.

After making this decision, Lin Ze began to retreat in a real retreat. Mei, Lan, Zhu, and chrysanthemum had the least injuries and healed long ago. Therefore, they did a perfect logistics job for Lin Ze and them. Yuezi just passed five days unconsciously, and all the sects in the cultivation world in the north, south and east regions, the aristocratic family was quiet.

The strongest person in the cultivation world of the Yan Kingdom, Zhou Yuan was killed in the mid-Yuan Ying period. It was supposed to be when the big sects and families of the cultivation world of Yan were swarming to **** the royal resources of the Kingdom of Yan, just like the Cloud Sea Palace in front. , Has now been robbed of the resources of the seventh floor, but this time everyone has a tacit agreement to wait.

What are they waiting for? In fact, it was obvious that they were waiting for Lin Ze.

Although the sect masters and sect masters of the various sects did not say anything, everyone knew that whoever was the first bird was likely to be attacked by Lin Ze.

Apart from other things, the Cloud Sea Palace in front is the best lesson for the past.

It was precisely because of the trouble to find Lin Ze that the Cloud Sea Palace destroyed more than half of the elite power by Lin Ze, and finally fell directly from a top sect to the miserable status of a medium-sized sect. Right now, the Palace of Clouds is still fighting for this medium-sized sect, which is similar to countless sects and families. Looking at their situation, there is no more than a few decades, so don't think about winning or losing.

A top sect ended up in such a tragic end just because it provoked Lin Ze. There is also the royal family of the Yan Kingdom. It was also because of the target of Lin Ze. In the end, not only was the solid pillar of the Yuan Ying’s mid-Yuan Ying directly killed, at the same time, half of the royal family’s elite power was also killed by Lin Ze. If one is not good, he will also step into the miserable end of the Cloud Sea Palace before.

With these two lessons from the past, all the sects and aristocratic families in the cultivation world of Yan Kingdom knew that Lin Ze could not offend. In addition to the relationship between Zhou Ziyu and Lin Ze from the royal family of Yan Kingdom, hehe, those sects and families really dare not mess around!

Five days later, as Zhou Ziyu came out to speak, the situation within the Yan court began to stabilize. After all the political affairs were almost settled, Zhou Ziyu brought her younger brother Zhou Renxuan to see Lin Ze.

As soon as he saw Lin Ze, Zhou Ziyu said directly: "Lin Ze, this is my brother Zhou Renxuan. I actually understand the meaning of your previous words. You don’t want to be in trouble, but I really don’t want to do anything. Emperor, therefore, let my brother Ren Xuan come. I believe that after my brother inherits the throne, Lin Ze, your inner worries will disappear."

While talking, Zhou Ziyu pulled Zhou Renxuan beside him and introduced it to Lin Ze.

Zhou Ziyu didn't pretend in front of Lin Ze, and directly said that he would let his younger brother inherit the throne, not caring that Lin Ze would think she was nepotism.

Originally, this is the throne, who doesn't want the throne to fall into his own hands.

Zhou Ziyu really didn't want to be this emperor. Otherwise, with Lin Ze and the support of her master, Zhou Ziyu could easily become this emperor.

However, Zhou Ziyu didn't want to be it herself, but it didn't mean that she had no selfishness in her heart. No, Zhou Ziyu chose his younger brother Zhou Renxuan to be the emperor.

In this case, even though she is not the emperor, the throne is still in the hands of her family. It can be said that the fertilizer does not flow into the field of outsiders! As for the direct officials involved in the royal family will agree?

Hehe, Zhou Ziyu believes that they are definitely the smartest time now.

Of course, if they are not smart enough, Zhou Ziyu will just help them become smarter, let them reincarnate, and strive to become smarter in the next life! Lin Ze didn't have many surprises in his heart for Zhou Ziyu bringing his own brother.

From the moment Zhou Ziyu refused to let her be emperor, Lin Ze knew in his heart that this would be the result.

The position of the emperor is really too tempting. Even Zhou Ziyu can't avoid it. With his support here, Zhou Ziyu will definitely not let this throne go by.

Similarly, Zhou Ziyu's choice is indeed the best choice for Lin Ze.

Lin Ze wouldn't be willing to change to any other Zhou family member.

I was ready to let Zhou Ziyu ascend to the throne, and now he was replaced by a stranger who had little to do with Zhou Ziyu. What's the deal? !

Therefore, now Zhou Ziyu brought his own brother Zhou Renxuan here and let him inherit the throne, which is the best choice.

Lin Ze and Zhou Renxuan are not familiar with each other, but isn't Zhou Ziyu here? How can Zhou Renxuan say he is also Zhou Ziyu's younger brother, Lin Zeaiwu and Wuxia, of course there will be no dissatisfaction.

Moreover, compared with the direct line of the royal family, Zhou Renxuan's power around the imperial family is even weaker, so he will be more friendly to Linze. UU reading www.

In other words, Zhou Renxuan’s threat to Lin Ze is the smallest, plus Zhou Ziyu, so after Lin Ze took a look, he nodded and said, “Okay, Ziyu, since it’s your brother, that’s fine. ."

Zhou Renxuan looked quite delicate. To be honest, he was more like a literati than a cultivator. He was in his early twenties. In terms of strength, it was the strength of a grandmaster. At this age, it was considered good.

After Zhou Renxuan came in, he didn’t speak much, but his eyes were very clear. When he looked at Lin Ze, there was no resentment. In fact, it was more of a curiosity, a look of inquiry, and a kind of thinking about his side. The treasure was taken away, and he looked unwilling.

Although Lin Ze didn't know the origin of Zhou Renxuan's look, Zhou Renxuan was indeed the best candidate to succeed to the throne, so Lin Ze nodded and agreed.

It won't take him long to leave the country of Yan, so helping Zhou Ziyu to stabilize the government of the country of Yan as soon as possible is the most important thing now.

There may be something wrong with Zhou Renxuan, but just because he is Zhou Ziyu's own brother, Lin Ze will do his best to help him ascend to the throne of Yan Kingdom. After that, Lin Ze looked at Zhou Renxuan again, and nodded to Zhou Ziyu who was on the side: "Ziyu, this is the decision."

"Okay, that's how it is decided!" Zhou Ziyu said with a smile.

At this time, Zhou Renxuan's face was also very surprised for the first time.

Yes, this is the throne. In the past, Zhou Renxuan had this qualification to inherit. His biggest expectation at that time was to become a prince of Yan Kingdom with the help of his sister, but now he is the Emperor of Yan Kingdom!


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