Alien Lord

Chapter 1988: "Treasure Hunt"

"It's a tiny spirit stone mine." Lin Ze's voice also had a pitiful taste.

Linze's attractiveness to micro-sized spiritstone mines is not that great. After all, even if all of them are mined, it is about 160,000 to 70,000 spiritstones, and this is still the highest efficiency, but in fact it can One hundred thousand yuan is only good after opening.


The reason is very simple, that is the consumption when mining.

A billion-ton iron ore mine will eventually be able to extract 780-800 million tons, perhaps less.

Why is there so much loss in the middle? It is not because at the beginning of the iron ore, there will be quite a few ores with very low iron content, such as ores with only a few percent iron content. For these iron ores In general, it is directly discarded.

Not only that, after the iron ore is mined, it will go through a beneficiation process. During the beneficiation, some low-content iron ore will be selected and discarded directly.

Those high-content iron ores will be crushed and turned into fine sand like sand. This is for better reaction during smelting.

Such beneficiation and grinding procedures will also lose some iron ore.

The losses in these procedures add up to a billion tons of iron ore, and eventually even 900 million tons of iron ore cannot be produced.

The mining of Lingshi mine is more difficult than the mining of iron ore. When you mine iron ore, you don’t need to worry about whether the ore will be damaged, just hard, but when mining Lingshi mine, You can't come hard, because once you come hard, the spirit stone in the spirit stone mine will have a stress response, and the spirit inside will explode directly because of the strong impact force outside. What will happen in the end, I believe you Can think of.

Finally, the Lingshi mine does not want the iron ore, the veins are very clear, as long as the veins are found, there is no need to worry about other issues later,

The Lingshi Mine is different. Its veins change a lot, and its branches are very chaotic. There is a little here, there is a little there. Sometimes, the distance is a few kilometers away directly, so when the Lingshi Mine was opened, you It also needs to constantly locate the spiritual vein of this Lingshi mine, and it takes much more time and energy than mining iron ore.

The most terrible thing is that once the Lingshi mine starts mining, the spirit inside will be leaked in a large amount. If it is not prepared in advance, it will inevitably attract the wild beasts and other warriors around. At that time, fighting is inevitable of.

There are only a few hundred thousand spirit stones in the miniature spirit stone mine, and the number is really too small. Maybe Lin Ze hasn’t entered the Xuanyin dense environment before. Hearing that there are more than 100,000 spirit stones, his heart will be happy and crazy. However, after going through the mysterious realm of Xuanyin, and after collecting nearly 200,000 spirit stones with his own hands, Lin Ze heard the news of more than 100,000 spirit stones, and his heart was not much excited anymore.

However, the number of hundreds of thousands of spirit stones is not small, and now the number of spirit stones in Lin Ze's hands is also very small, so he decided to mine these miniature spirit stones mines.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, it is not meat. Since it is meat, Lin Ze is not going to waste it.

"Huang Quan, where are those miniature spirit stone mines, should you remember?" Lin Ze asked.

"Well, Master, the locations of these miniature spirit mines are all recorded on this treasure hunt map." Huang Quan said as he took out a treasure map from the storage bag around him.

Speaking of this treasure map, Huang Quan specially prepared it.

The tribe where Huang Quan is located, because he already has a giant spirit stone mine, so he is really not interested in the several miniature spirit stone mines he found, including Huang Quan himself.

However, Huang Quan did not just throw away the few miniature spirit mines he found. After all, he found it with considerable effort. And it is also a spirit mine. unfortunately.

Therefore, Huang Quan finally turned the location of these miniature spiritstone mines into treasure maps.

In doing so, one of them is preparing to treat these miniature spirit stone mines as the same commodity. If there is a chance in the future, he can exchange some high-value treasures with others.

In the miniature spirit stone mines, the tribe of Huang Quan is not interested. However, other people will definitely have great interest. When the time comes, Huang Quan can use these miniature spirit stone mines in exchange for more treasures.

Another one, Huang Quan also has the idea of ​​preparing some property for his future generations.

In the feudal era, there were many children in each family, usually four or five. However, only one of them would inherit the family, and, to a large extent, the son who was born first inherited the family , The other few children can only be divided into a small part of the family property.

At this point, even if Huang Quan was the head of the tribe, he would not be able to change his future family property, but only his elder son would inherit it. In this way, his five other sons would have no family property.

Therefore, Huang Quan thought about giving these five miniature spirit stone mines to his five sons. In this case, even if they left their home, they would have enough family property and they would not have to worry about life in the future.

It can be seen from this that the father Huang Quan is really competent, and he is very considerate for his children.

"Treasure map, huh, Huang Quan, you are really okay!" Lin Ze took this treasure map of Huang Quan with a smile. He did not expect that Huang Quan would also make such a treasure map.

"Oh, master, isn't this prepared for his own children." Huang Quan explained embarrassedly, not concealing the true intentions of his heart at all.

However, now he does not have to worry about the future life of his children, because, with Lin Ze as the master, he believes that his children will live well in the future.

"As a parent, Huang Quan, you are really good!" Lin Ze praised Huang Quan in a rare way.

Huang Quan looked so majestic and acted extremely fiercely. However, Lin Ze really couldn't think of his love for his children.

However, this also brings out Huang Quan's inner humanity and human touch.

Unlike some strong men in the Jindan period, in order to practice, it is unsympathetic and desperate. For such a practitioner, Lin Ze is not at all worthy of attention.

A guy who can even abandon his family and ignore him, no matter how strong his strength is, Lin Ze will never see him in his heart.

Since this person can abandon his family, he will be able to abandon everything for this, and betrayal and the like will be like a regular meal. Staying with such a person, you will never feel safe.

Therefore, for those cold-blooded guys who abandoned their family and practiced, Lin Ze looked down upon him. Even if such a guy would be sincere to Lin Ze, Lin Ze would not want it.

The cultivator is first and foremost a person. Since you are a person, then you have to have affection and love. Once you give up these things, then you are no longer a person, but a demon.

Now that he has become a demon, how can he become a cultivator!

"Huang Quan, rest assured, I will arrange for your family, and now to continue the Lingshi, so these few miniature Lingshi mines are married and mined first." Lin Ze said directly to Huang Quan.

"Master, look at you and say, is the thing under yours yours? If you want to use it, just use it. After you follow your master, you don’t have to worry about the security of the tribe anymore. Lingshi mine." Huang Quan said indifferently.

Previously, Huang Quan only found a few miniature stone mines, not because his treasure hunt ability weakened, but because he became the head of the tribe.

As a patriarch, of course, it is impossible to find spirit mines and other treasures outside for a long time. He needs to look forward to handling official duties in the tribe, and formulating corresponding squares for the development of the tribe. At that time, where did he still There will be time to go outside to find the Lingshi mine.

"Oh, for the sake of forgetting that you also have the bloodline of treasure hunting." Lin Ze shook his head, but he was even more happy in his heart.

With such a treasure hunter in hand, he will no longer have to worry about the problems of the Lingshi mine and other treasures in the future.

"Well, Huang Quan, you children and grandchildren, you should also train them well, and strive to activate their blood." Lin Ze thought for a moment, and then ordered Huang Quan.

How much gain a single Huang Quan brings. If there are more treasure hunters like Huang Quan, the gains will soon be more.

The only pity is that now the blood of the treasure hunt is only excited by Huang Quan himself, and none of his children are inspired.

"Yes, Master, Huang Quan replied with a happy face because he will definitely help my children to stimulate the blood on their

Lin Ze said this, which clearly shows that he attaches great importance to his family. In this way, Huang Quan believes that even if countless other families enter Lin Ze’s plane seed world in the future, his family will be the first. A grade of existence.

This news is absolutely great news for Huang Quan.

Looking at Huang Quan's almost smiling crooked mouth, Lin Ze shook his head with a smile, then turned his eyes to the treasure map in his hand.

The treasure map made by Huang Quan is extremely detailed and clear. Therefore, Lin Ze knew the location of these miniature Lingshi mines at a glance.

"Unfortunately, one of the most recent mini-spiritual mines are all within thousands of miles of the wilderness, and the deepest one is even directly into the hundreds of thousands of miles. It’s not difficult to mine all of them. Well, it seems that I have to give up two of them."

Lin Ze was constantly thinking about it, and finally prepared to mine only the three closest miniature Lingshi mines. As for those few distant miniature Lingshi mines, Linze was going to give up.

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