Alien Lord

Chapter 1984: Barbarian surrender

This is for the tribe of Huang Quan. For Huang Quan itself, Lin Ze promised to help him advance to a higher level in the future, even become a god, a fairy or something.

Of course, it is not enough to just lure. Lin Ze also used his full power as the master of the Plane Seed World to make Huang Quan clearly realize that his strength is a scum in the Plane Seed World. Lin Ze can easily suppress him.

In addition to seeing Lin Ze’s powerful strength hidden in the plane seed world, Huang Quan thought carefully and finally surrendered.

It was not Huang Quan who was afraid of death, so he surrendered so quickly, but because of tribal reasons.

Don't think that because the tribes of Huang Quan have a huge spar mine, they think their tribes are very wealthy. In fact, this is not the case.

Although Huang Quan's tribes have spirit stone mines in hand, it is reasonable to say that wealth is not a problem, but the problem is that their tribes dare not use spirit stones arbitrarily.

Once too many spirit stones are used, the fool will know that their tribe has problems.

Don’t look at the strength of their tribe, but this strength is really not on top of the wilderness. It’s more powerful than their tribe.

In addition, the strength of the surrounding powerful empires can even kill their tribe directly.

Another point is that the place where they live is a barren wilderness, where barrenness is incomparable, plus the threat of ten wild beasts around, so the tribe where Huang Quan lives is extremely difficult.

Seriously, if there hadn't been that spirit stone mine for hundreds of years, their tribe had already drowned in the wilderness.

Some people will say that they don’t believe this. With such a large spirit stone mine, the Huangquan tribe will still have a survival crisis. Is this a bit too fake.

In fact, this is not false, like there are many similar countries on the earth.

Oil is called liquid gold, and its value is high, as long as it is not a fool.

Many countries have been called a wealthy country because of their abundant oil resources.

However, in the same way, there are still some countries, because of the abundant oil resources, they have become a country with constant wars and extreme poverty.

Like the current Li/////Asia, this country is extremely rich in oil resources. The number of oil barrels that can be extracted with existing technology: 48.36 billion barrels. This amount of oil occupies the ninth place in the world. A country rich in petroleum resources.

There are also Iraqi//La/// grams. This country has more oil resources than profits /// than // Asia. The number of oil barrels that can be extracted with the current technology: 142.5 billion barrels. The number of oil possessions ranks fifth in the world.

It can be said that these two countries can become one of the richest countries in the world only by relying on the delivery of oil.

Just like the current countries like Saudi Arabia//Tea//A//La//Bo, and Ke//Wei//Tea, relying on the country’s oil output has become one of the richest countries in the world.

However, I believe everyone knows the end of these two countries.

Regardless of whether it is Li ///////Ya, or Iraq//La//G, there are constant wars, fighting every day, dying every day, the country is in poverty, and the people can be said to live in aquatic fiery Among.

Why do these two countries obviously have so much oil resources, yet they still live so hard?

The reason is actually very simple, that is, those powerful countries outside, for the oil resources in these two countries, secretly manipulated, provoked the war in these two countries.

So, it’s not that if you have huge resources, you will be able to make a fortune, and you will be able to live a very rich life. People dare not easily spy on your powerful strength.

And if you don’t have this powerful strength, hehe, the end of these two countries is the best example.

The same is true of the tribe where Huang Quan is located. They own a huge spirit stone mine, and they seem to be able to live extremely wealthy. However, their own strength is not strong enough to protect this spirit stone mine. To deter prying eyes from outside, even if there is a huge spirit stone mine, the tribe where Huang Quan is located does not dare to use it easily. Until now, their tribe still lives very hard.

Finally, and most importantly, it is that the wilderness is really not suitable for survival, even if the tribe has expanded dozens of times than before, but the barren land cannot fill the stomachs of the tribes, only constant hunting Only by killing the wild beasts can the tribe survive.

However, the barbarian's strength is strong. Every time the clan goes out to hunt, it is actually a difficult war. Every time the clan goes out, there will be some casualties in the clan.

Why barbarians continue to attack the surrounding countries, not only because they want to go to the surrounding countries to plunder living supplies and wealth, but also another reason is that they want to occupy the surrounding countries and find a place for their tribes to find a place to live. , No longer need to live on the barren wilderness of extremely barren environment.

As a patriarch, Huang Quan knows the difficulties of his tribe's life. Why did he lead the great elders in the tribe to take root in Tianyuan Mountain? The biggest reason is because he wanted to open a new one for his tribe here. Survival territory.

To be honest, if this is not an attack by the family alliance, Huang Quan will move the old and young people from the tribe to Tianyuan Mountain in less than ten years.

Only the strong power of the Jindan period, the old nest of the guardian tribe, avoids the exposure of the spirit stone mine.

Huang Quan's tribe would study the new-style warships and warships with such full strength, but they were actually designed specifically for transporting spirit stones and clan.

It can be said that they are indeed excellent in calculations, but unfortunately, they have now encountered Lin Ze and were directly wiped out by Lin Ze.

However, this is also an opportunity for their tribe.

Tianyuan Mountain is much better than the barren wilderness, but here is after all a hundred thousand mountains, full of powerful beasts, and every few decades, there will be a strong tide of beasts.

Surviving in such a place is still not dangerous. This is why their tribe will improve the Great Sunset Divine Cannon. It is not because they want to rely on the powerful power of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon to deter the powerful beasts around them.

Now it's different. Lin Ze's plane seed world is not threatened by wild beasts, and it can't remember the wealth. It is better than Tianyuan Mountain.

It can be said that Lin Ze's plane seed world is like a fairyland for anyone, and living in it is definitely the happiest thing.

And is this happiness not exactly what Huang Quan and his tribe have been pursuing?

No, not always pursuing, but a wonderful opportunity hundreds of times better than their previous pursuit.

Faced with this temptation, Huang Quan's heart resistance is not so strong.

He is a strong man in Jindan period and has a strong self-esteem. But he is also the head of the tribe. The first thing in his heart is the development of the tribe. Now such a good opportunity is before him. How could Huang Quan be indifferent.

After seeing Huang Quan's heart moving, Lin Ze added again, and directly introduced the beautiful development of the future Plane Seed World to Huang Quan.

Knowing that in the future this plane-seed world will become a real world, and he has the opportunity to become a **** and rise to immortality. At once, Huang Quan is completely moved, especially, as long as he recognizes the Lord Lin Ze, he need not worry anymore. The problem of life span, this temptation even hit the deepest part of Huang Quan's heart.

Lifespan is definitely the most important thing for all warriors.

Now Lin Ze can give him countless years of life, plus the previous promise, Huang Quan's heart of resistance immediately disappeared.

There is no need to say more about things afterwards. Huang Quan cooperated with Lin Ze and planted a puppet mark in his knowledge of the sea.

Huang Quan would be so simple, one reason is that he knew that he had fallen into Lin Ze's hands and the ending was already doomed.

Don’t look at Lin Ze’s way to get him before, but Huang Quan knows his own things. Under Lin Ze’s divine attack, he insists on being extremely difficult. Maybe he can persevere in a day or two, but, After a long time, his consciousness will still be captured by Lin Ze.

At that time, he still had to be planted with puppet marks, so it would be better to surrender now. In this case, his status in Lin Ze's heart would be even higher.

In addition, Huang Quan knows his qualifications for cultivation, and with his qualifications and current cultivation resources, he has reached the state of the Great Perfection of the Jindan period, which is his greatest achievement. If he wants to be promoted to Yuan infantry, that is absolutely impossible things.

After all, he still needs to manage the tribe, and continuously expand the living space for the These things will greatly consume his time, so it is absolutely impossible to promote Yuan babyhood.

But now, if he surrenders to Lin Ze, everything will be different.

First of all, the development of the tribe no longer needs him to worry. Lin Ze’s countless talents can help him manage the entire tribe well, and he can devote himself to cultivation.

In addition, he no longer needs to worry about the cultivation resources and the cultivation secrets needed to break through the infancy. As long as he wants, these Lin Ze will prepare for him.

In the end, there is Lin Ze, Huang Quan has no restrictions on his future, as long as he does not fall in the middle, let alone the infant period, even if it is a fairy, it will be a matter of time.

One is the Jindan period, and the other is Chengxian, the greatest original intention of the warrior. You said that if you were Huang Quan, what choice would you make? !

Anyway, Huang Quan thinks that if he can really become a fairy, then he can give everything for it.

Of course, now Huang Quan is doing just that.

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