Alien Lord

Chapter 1975: Barbarian saint

It wasn't until this time that Huang Hui saw clearly that the dark light hit was a huge black iron halberd with a length of two or three meters. The halberd was thicker than his wrist. After hitting him, he went backwards. Back to the depths of the stone temple.

This huge black iron halberd is heavier than the heavy giant axe in the hands of the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan, and Huang Hui feels that it is four or five times heavier.

This is actually because of the barbaric power, so the weapons of the barbarian warriors are very simple.

For example, the black iron halberd that appeared now was created by the barbarian's refining master with thousands of pounds of black iron and thousands of hammers.

This black iron halberd, if you really want to count it, the level is not very high, it is the top-grade magic weapon, but because it is extremely heavy, strong and durable, it is very suitable for barbarian warriors, and it is also extremely powerful.

The stronger the barbarian warrior, the heavier the weapon used.

The barbarian warriors who previously projected this giant black iron halberd are undoubtedly at least four or five times stronger than the barbarian leader Huang Quan.

Huang Hui narrowed his eyes sharply after seeing the details of the dark light.

Seriously, he had come here several times to investigate secretly, and was blocked by this huge long black iron halberd. After knowing its power, Huang Hui did not dare to continue to venture into this mystery. Inside the stone temple.

However, today is different, with the support of the army behind him, especially the owner Lin Ze. He must knock down this stone temple and investigate everything inside.

Of course, the first thing that needs to be done now is to force out this powerful barbarian warrior.

Zhou Da, Lin Guang and Xu An were equally shocked and stopped, not daring to move forward.

The divine power of the barbarian strongmen in this stone temple reminded them again of the pictures that had been hunted down by Huang Quan before, and for a time, there was a chill in their hearts.

Huang Hui thought about it carefully, and did not continue to approach the Stone Temple. He looked back at Lin Ze with a solemn face, and whispered, "Brother Lin (so called in front of outsiders), it seems that the barbarians are here. There are still some strengths, so I will enter the Temple of the Warriors first. Brother Lin, please wait outside first."

Without enough assurance, Huang Hui did not dare to let Lin Ze go inside to take risks.

If there is any danger, Lin Ze is going in after they have solved it first.

Lin Ze looked rather indifferent at this time, and he had already arrived at the gate of the temple.

He knew that Huang Hui had just said that it was for his own good, but, seriously, there were plane seeds in his body. Such a raid really meant nothing to Lin Ze.

Moreover, he is now more and more interested in this temple and the barbarian tribes inside.

Just a barbarian tribe has so many powerful fighters, and the strength is more powerful than one. Such a tribe, Lin Ze heart is more emotional.

Lin Ze knew that it was not a simple matter to conquer this barbarian clan. The barbarian clan first emphasized strength. This time, if he had not shown strong power this time, this barbarian clan would be terrified, otherwise, he would like to It is absolutely impossible to conquer this barbarian tribe.

And now, it is the best opportunity to show Lin Ze's powerful fighting power.

"No, Brother Huang, let's go in together now!"

Lin Zedan smiled, reached out his hand, and said that after heading straight, he walked straight towards the gate of the Stone Temple.

Huang Hui soon wanted to understand everything inside, so instead of stopping Lin Ze, he followed Lin Ze into the temple together.

When going in, Huang Hui will not really go in with Lin Ze, but will lead by half a step.

In this way, if he really wants to encounter any dangerous situation, he can resist it first.

"Huh, I really don't know life or death, but here is our territory. If you want to come in, let's leave your life first!"

Inside the Stone Temple, there was a cold hum again.

"Woo!!!" The black light burst out again. But this time, Wu Guang hit Lin Ze directly.

Obviously, in the eyes of those inside, Lin Ze's age is slightly younger, so he believes that the chance of killing Lin Ze is greater.

Moreover, the people inside also recognized Lin Ze as the owner of the Jindan period Jiaolong at this time, and they were so miserable to defeat this time, which had a very long reason to the Jindan period Jiaolong sent by Lin Ze.

Before Lin Ze had been in the depths of the battle front, and there was a dragon guardian around him, so the barbarian could not hurt him, but now, Lin Ze is coming alone, still in the front, which is one of the best for barbarians A good opportunity to clean up Lin Ze, therefore, the black iron halberd came directly to Lin Ze.

However, Lin Ze had already prepared before the dark light appeared. With a slight smile on his face, he shot a inch of long golden awn, and the golden awn rose in the wind, almost bursting out of an extremely dazzling golden light in a blink of an eye, striking towards the dark light.

This golden sphere of light was too dazzling, and even overwhelmed the light of the sun stone embedded in front of the temple door, so that the rest of the strong men present could hardly look directly.

Huang Hui, who was at the front, looked a little clearer, but only vaguely saw a rough look. As for the specifics, he didn't see clearly.

The figure of Lin Ze continued to walk into the stone temple, and the walking room was like a cloud and flowing water, without stagnation.


Lin Ze swiped his right hand, and there was a clear drink in his mouth.


Suddenly, there was a very clear symphony of gold and iron symphony, and then, the dazzling golden light that shrouded dozens of meters around him gradually converged.

The eyes of the people recovered. The golden awn and the dark light were no longer visible at this time, so I don't know who won or lost.

However, it can be imagined that Lin Ze has crossed the threshold of the temple and entered the stone temple at this time.

Within the Stone Temple, at this time, suddenly there were several horrible colors.

"This is the ultimate magic weapon!"

Huang Jin, Zhou Da, and Lin Guang and several other powerful family members in the Jindan period were only envious in their hearts. They certainly knew that the magic weapon used by Lin Ze just now was a gold-quality super magic weapon, but they didn't see what it was.

"It is indeed the master, there are countless treasures on his body, even the best magic weapons, the master is really amazing!!"

They each looked at the flying sword magic weapon in their own hands and suddenly felt very shabby. Ordinary magic instruments cannot be compared with the best magic instruments. Between them, one is heaven and the other is earth.

But envy envy, they still know their weight, did not dare to compare with Lin Ze.

Lin Ze entered the stone temple in this way, and looked around quickly, and found that the innermost part of the stone temple was a deity worshipping platform, and there was no **** on the stage.

Under the Shentai, there were four people sitting behind him, and hundreds of brutal barbarians who were seriously injured, staring at Lin Ze and his entourage with their faces full of eagerness to eat them.

Among them, the four old barbarians, sitting cross-legged, have extremely sharp eyes. You can see at a glance that these four talents are people who talk.

They are headed by a white-haired old man. Compared with the average old man, this barbarian old man and its strongness look like two meters and six-five meters, but his left and right hands are each holding a piece of black with the same size of the wrist. Se Xuan Iron God Halberd, this time is full of regret.

I saw that the black-colored black iron halberd had been cut into two pieces by something. The gap was extremely lubricated. Obviously, the weapon that cut this black iron halberd was not ordinary.

It’s quite obvious to see here. The impact of Lin Ze’s golden awn and umang just last time was that the old man with white hair suffered a big loss. Even his most important weapon, the black iron **** halberd, was cleaned. Straight cut off with a blow.

In addition to this old man, there are three old men of similar size. The only difference is that they are slightly younger, and are now staring at Lin Ze and his entourage.

In addition to these four old men, there is also a beautiful barbarian girl in full attire, her body is extremely hot, and her appearance is not inferior to Ping'er beside Lin Ze.

Coupled with the barbarian breath in her, it looks even more attractive.

On the sides of the smaller barbarian waist, there is a black spirit fork, and the calf is naked.

This is the saint of the barbarian, and the shrine has always been her responsibility, and usually does not appear at all.

When fighting before, she was guarding the temple.

Lin Ze saw this beautiful barbarian Seeing her petite body, a strange feeling appeared in her heart.

He even kept thinking in his head that this barbarian girl is so petite and soft, if you count it, will the power be worse than other barbarian warriors? ! If it is not bad, then she does not have the strong muscles of a barbarian warrior, so how did the barbarian divine power of this body burst out?

The four barbarian elders haven’t done anything yet. The barbarian saint doesn’t know if she can’t stand Lin Ze’s eyes, or because she wants to give Lin Ze a dismounted horse, she stands up suddenly and pulls her arms out of the black handle Lingcha, pointing to Lin Ze, then, the whole person showed a gesture like a little leopard that could kill the past at any time, and angered, "Come on, to destroy our tribe, you must pass me first. ."

The barbarian saint had to stand up at this time. She was not unaware of the difference in strength between her and Lin Ze. However, she had no choice, because, of all the barbarians on the scene, only her injury was the lightest. of.

In addition, as a saint of barbarians, she originally needed to protect the safety of the tribe, and now this situation is indeed her should come forward.

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