Alien Lord

Chapter 1973: Turn around

"Humph!" Huang Quan snorted coldly in his mouth, and his aura surged in his hand, which directly cut off the connection between it and the owner. Immediately afterwards, the earthy yellow light on the earth flying sword quickly dimmed and finally shrank. It is an earthy yellow sword about an inch long.

"Haha, Lin Guang, I'm welcome, your Flying Sword, for acceptance, hahaha..."

When the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan saw that he was so relaxed, he collected an earth flying sword and laughed proudly on the spot.

Although he does not use flying swords, he can collect the flying swords of the enemy on the spot, which is a remarkable record.

"This this."

Zhou Da, Xu An, and Lin Guang were also shocked and speechless on the spot.

Although the earth-based flying sword that Huang Quan took was not as sharp as other types of flying swords, such as metallic and fire-like flying swords, it is also a middle-class flying sword. Not only did he not cut off the wrist of the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan, but only some blood was cut out, and even Huang Quan directly took it off in the end.

Seeing this, even Lin Ze couldn't help but sigh: The toughness of this barbarian leader's //meat//body is comparable to that of the middle class.

After Huang Quan collected Lin Guang's soil flying sword here, it was almost impossible to tell the hearts of all the family league masters present. In a blink of an eye, Xu An, Lin Guang, and Zhou Da were robbed by the momentum, and run by Man Gu, who was chased by Huang Quan, the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan.

Seeing the following similar picture, Lin Ze's heart moved slightly, marveling at the barbarian's divine power and / flesh / / body defense strength, thinking for a while, but secretly shook his head.

Although the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan was amazingly powerful, relying on brute force and a giant axe alone, he could be entangled with Zhou Da and the three of them for so long, and he also collected a flying sword magic weapon with earth properties. However, this person's strength also stops there.

If Xu An, Lin Guang and Zhou Da do not have so many calculations in their hearts, their courage is greater, don’t be fearful, or encounter a stronger Jindan mid-level strongman, Huang Quan will not It's so powerful now.

As long as Zhou Da and they can get out like Huang Quan, then quickly, uniting the three of them, they can easily win Huang Quan, where is the trouble like now.

In addition, Lin Ze's eyes have now turned to the monotonous stone temple in the highest part of the valley.

After the defeat on the battlefield and the complete destruction of the mountain protection array, the remaining strength of the barbarians, like the remaining elders, with their tribes retreated into this stone temple, and the defensive formation was raised law.

From this stone temple, there is a strong breath coming out.

Lin Ze believes that this stone temple is not as simple as that, and maybe there are some killers in it.

"This Huang Quan is worthy of his status as a patriarch. In the face of the three Jindan first-level strongmen, he was able to stay in the wind, and it also took a little advantage. It seems that the strength of this barbarian is really not covered. No wonder the countries around the wilderness not only dare not invade, but also desperately build a city to defend. Ha ha, this time I really can’t miss this barbarian.” Lin Ze was very happy Thinking.

Just by looking at the results of this attack, Lin Ze knew that the barbarian was worthy of the barbarian, and the fighting strength was the strongest Lin Ze had ever seen.

Even, the fighting power of some wild beasts is not as good as the fighting power of barbarians.

Unlike the countries here, Lin Ze, with a modern education, does not reject anything from the barbarians. As long as they are humans, Lin Ze can accept it.

Now these barbarians are like the people on the grasslands in ancient China. Although they seem extremely barbaric in the Central Plains country, they are all of the same origin and same species. As long as you spend some time, they can still merge. they.

Moreover, the barbarians here are like the people on the grasslands in ancient China, they will continue to attack the surrounding countries, all because the barren grasslands are too barren, and because of the powerful barbarians everywhere, Lin Ze I believe that as long as they are given a sufficient and safe living environment, the barbaric temper of these barbarians and the personality that likes to loot can also be changed.

I didn’t see the current Mongolian people, and had long since lost the predatory traits. Instead, they became the best experts in raising cattle and sheep.

It can be seen that as long as they are given the hope of life and given them sufficient respect, even barbarians can be integrated into our extended family.

At this time, Huang Hui was also looking at Zhou Da, who were in the midst of the sky, and their three golden-dragon strongmen. They were run around by a valley chased by a barbarian patriarch, and his old face was flushed. There was a constant low curse in my heart.

By the way, he glanced at Lin Ze's face not far away.

Fortunately, Lin Ze's look was still so indifferent. Looking at the stone temple in the center, he didn't seem to care too much about the battlefield in the valley.

But Huang Hui could imagine that Lin Ze was actually not satisfied, otherwise he would not change his sight. Lin Ze did this, one was to leave Zhou Da with a face, and the other was right. A hint from Huang Hui that he could no longer see it.

Of course, these meanings Lin Ze just didn't show, and he needed Huang Hui to understand it himself.

Thinking of this, Huang Hui felt very ashamed, and even felt a little self-confident, wanting to get a hole in the ground and drill directly.

Xu An, Lin Guang and Zhou Da and other people's embarrassment, his commander of course also followed the embarrassment, who called them a gang, and he is still their commander.

"Fighting like this, I don't know what the result will be. This face can't be thrown away anymore. It seems that I have to do it myself." Huang Hui murmured secretly in his heart, and then he couldn't care about an old face, directly toward The valley fell below.

Under normal circumstances, the fighting among the strong in the cultivation world still pays attention to some manners. The fighting methods have rules of fighting methods, or some unspoken rules. Under normal circumstances, other practitioners will not mess up.

Unless it is the kind of cultivator with a small capacity, or an adversary who fights for life and death, or fights for spiritual treasures, or top spiritual materials, otherwise when the two cultivators fight, the other cultivators around them will not easily shoot for no reason. Suppress other practitioners.

Of course, the premise of all this is the practitioners in the war group, don't personally provoke other practitioners around you, or you should deserve it if you die.

Huang Hui, a mid-level powerhouse like Jindan, has lived for nearly sixty to seventy years. This age is also considered to be self-respected. Naturally, he will not easily break the unspoken rules in the cultivation world and participate in it without permission. Zhou Da fighting between them.

According to his expected arrangement, after breaking the outer mountain protection array, Xu An, Lin Guang, and Zhou Da led the army to break the stone temple of the barbarians. He thought that this strength was basically enough. Even if their three Jindan first-level strongmen could not conquer this barbarian tribe, but rushed into the stone temple to force down the barbarian tribes inside, I believe it can still be done.

But what he didn't expect was that, combined with the power of Xu An, Lin Guang and Zhou Da, he couldn't manage the great barbarian leader Huang Quan. Not only did the temple hall's door fail to take a half step, even now, he still got him The commander went to the field to help the field, this reality made him very faceless.

It's just that now the situation can't help Huang Hui hesitating, and then hesitating, maybe their faces have lost more.

Of course, Huang Hui came off the court in person, but also left his face aside.

Fortunately, there are no other outsiders in this valley, Lin Ze is their master, and the other family alliance forces are originally their men, so Huang Hui does not have to worry about spreading it and ruining his reputation.

"Huang Quan, look at the trick!"

In order to stop falling behind, Huang Hui shouted first, then slapped the storage bag around his waist, and threw out a yellow Tongtong gold shield. The gold shield rose against the wind and quickly turned into a mouthful of tens of meters. Fangyuan's giant gold shield was shot towards the head of the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan.

"Huh, Huang Hui, then three of them don’t say one, after they won’t win, there is another one now. You family leagues are really shameless! Huh, I’m not going to fight against you shameless guys like you, I’m going too!"

At this time, Huang Quan, the head of the barbarian clan, actually had some support.

Don’t see that he was chasing Zhou Da and they had an absolute advantage, but only Huang Quan knew the bitterness In order to maintain this advantage, Huang Quan took a hundred The two hundredths of fighting power not only appeases his physical and spiritual strength, but also, when fighting, swallowing the pill is as simple as eating, and so many.

Countless panacea medicines, and constantly forcibly inspiring all their own power, have made Huang Quan overload for a long time.

Huang Quan's heart has long been in trouble for such a long time of overloaded operation.

To be honest, he had long wanted to retreat, but at that time, his tribe's clan had not completely retreated into the loyal Demon Temple, and he could not give up the strategic advantage of this way to improve morale.

In case of good luck, he beheaded one of Zhou Da's three people, is that better?

Therefore, Huang Quan has been insisting on it.

Huang Hui, who still maintains his prosperity, came to an end, and the clan people have all retreated into the temple. Huang Quan knows that he will suffer a big loss if he fights again.

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