Alien Lord

Chapter 1971: Close

Perhaps the scorching sun is a true flame of death for many barbarians, spirit beasts, and even the Golden Power, but for fire dragons like the Golden Power, especially the fire-powered Golden Power As far as Jiaolong is concerned, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

  Remaining blood of dragons like Jiaolong wants to be stronger. One is to constantly break through the realm, and the other is to improve the purity of its own blood.

   Moreover, the latter one is the most important, because the pureer the blood of the dragon is, the more powerful it not only holds, but also the brighter its future path.

  Jiaolong, as a descendant of the dragon's blood, has both good and bad sides.

On the good side, I believe everyone can guess, that is, it can have some dragon powers, such as dragon power, and powerful power. These benefits can make Jiaolong inherently powerful and even powerful. Do leapfrog battles.

The bad side is the limitation on the bloodline.

   This limit is not the limit in the general sense, but directly limits the upper limit of the dragon's strength.

   As long as the blood purity of Jiaolong does not reach the corresponding level, its realm can only be maintained at that realm.

For example, if the dragon is in the Jindan period, it needs to achieve about 78% of the blood purity. Once it is less than this purity, then this dragon will accumulate no more power, its realm will also be Restricted to the realm of pseudo-Golden Period, and never break through the Jindan Period.

  So, how powerful is this bloodline prohibition for Jiaolong.

Therefore, all Jiaolongs, when they are practicing, or when they are out looking for treasures, the first idea in their hearts is to refine their own blood veins, as much as possible to refine their own blood veins more purely, for this reason, they are willing to risk All risks.

Like this time facing the three big suns directly, this can melt all the big suns, the other Jindan powerhouses can't hide, but the Jindan dragons directly face up, The purpose is to use the power of the sun to refine his blood.

   The result is also gratifying, the Jindan period Jiaolong still persisted.

  To tell the truth, this is also the reason why the Jindan period Jiaolong transported well.

One is that it is Lin Ze’s spirit beast, so there are countless panacea around him, and there are magic medicines like Taisui, so even if he is exposed to countless dangers in the sun of the sun, in the end it insists Down.

In addition, both Huang Quan and the elders thought that the Jindan period Jiaolong was mortal this time, so they did not come to disturb the refining of the Jindan period Jiaolong, otherwise, as long as any one of them attacked Jindan Period Jiaolong, do not want to be able to complete the blood refining this time.

  Finally, it is the most important point. Without Song Yu’s ‘completion’, where can the Jindan period Jiaolong have such a good luck.

  I believe that if Song Yu knew that the three large sunset cannons he fired last time not only failed to kill the Jindan period Jiaolong, but completed it, I believe he would definitely regret to die.

"Aoao!" Jindan period Jiaolong with a broken body, even if the blood on the body continued to flow down, but its voice is still full of countless joy, this joy, directly let the following Huang Quan, the elders, and Song Yu, who were already out of force, looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Did I hear it wrong? How could the dragon's call be full of joy?" Huang Quan couldn't help but ask the elders around him, but found that the face of the elders was the same. Emotional color.

   "Patriarch, maybe I know what the reason is." The elder who finished this sentence showed an extremely complex look on his face, and finally even brought a hint of embarrassment.

   "........" Huang Quan's mind was instantly filled with question marks.

   "Patriarch, this dragon was using our attacks to refine his blood." The elder said directly.

   "........" Hearing this answer, Huang Quan was not only ignorant in his brain, even his eyes were fixed at this time, and his heart was blank.

"Ahhhhh!!" The next moment, Huang Quan, who had come back to God, was completely angry, he roared loudly, and when he looked at the Jindan period Jiaolong, it was completely // red // // naked // /Naked killing...

They were fighting for life and death a moment ago, and they also paid countless blood and sacrifices in order to be able to fire the Great Sunset God Cannon. In order to come, they were killing the dragon in the Golden Pill Period, but now you tell him, actually they do All of this is self-righteous. Even without the large amount of blood and sacrifice they had previously given, Jiaolong will automatically meet their attack.

   This cruel reality was doubled, even if it was as strong as Huang Quan, at this time, my heart was also furious, and the cold killing intention instantly enveloped the range of 100 meters around.

   Before with some hot air, it became extremely cold...

   "I want you to die!"

   Huang Quan screamed furiously, stepped on the rocky ground under his feet, faced with the magical instruments that had hit him without any fear, but instead jumped up and ran into it.

  Although he is tall and burly, it seems that it should not be very fast, but on the contrary, Huang Quan's speed is extremely fast. He jumped abruptly, and was only a few meters away from the attacking weapon. After that, his right hand waved, the black light flashed, and he ran like lightning. The giant axe in his hand was cut with precision by the flying sword. On the tip of the sword.

   Zhou Da's fire-fighting flying sword "Dang" made a clear wailing sound. After that, he was directly nibbling away by tens of meters from the black black axe in Huang Quan's hand, and the light above it quickly dimmed.

  Just look at the way it is now. Obviously, Zhou Da's fire-type flying sword has suffered a lot of damage.

   Of course, Huang Quan's side is not without losses. The black giant axe in his hand also has a gap of nearly an inch deep.

   But this is not important, because such a gap is completely trivial to this huge axe with a full height.

   In addition, what is important is that when Huang Quan fell, he was close to the appearance of the Jindan period Jiaolong but not more than 50 meters. With his strength, he was able to kill the Jindan period Jiaolong almost in the blink of an eye.

   "Huang Quan, your opponent is me!"

Zhou Dalai didn't have time to feel heartbroken for the damage of his fire attribute flying sword. He saw that Huang Quan had approached the severely injured Jindan period Jiaolong's side, his face had changed drastically, his hands hurriedly cast a decision, and quickly shot several raging The fireball blocked Huang Quan's approach, and at the same time, he withdrew and fast-forwarded, and fell loudly towards Huang Quan in front of his mouth.

  Don't look at the Jindan period Jiaolong has successfully completed the refining of the bloodline, but it is now really seriously injured, and it is still the kind of serious injury that completely lost its combat power.

The inflammation of the sun is not so easy to bear, and it also directly bears three full flowers. Seriously, the golden dragon can not die, it is the best result, and I want to maintain a certain fighting power, then Is it a dream?

   Therefore, after the Golden Dragon Dragon had successfully passed the refining of the sun, Lin Ze ordered Zhou Da to guard the Dragon Dragon in the Golden Dragon.

  With Lin Ze’s order, and Zhou Da also knew the situation of the Jindan period Jiaolong now, so after seeing Huang Quan approaching the Jindan period Jiaolong, he was really panicked.

   Being approached by such a powerful barbarian Jindan period strong man is definitely not a good thing.

   "Hoo!", Zhou Da's speed was extremely fast, and he came to Huang Quan in the blink of an eye, blocking his way.

   "Look for death!!" Huang Quan burst into a scream, and the giant axe in his hand cut directly to Zhou Da without hesitation.

  Huang Quan's thunderous axe came down, and Zhou Dali immediately ran his full body to protect his gang.

However, with such a full blow at close range, Zhou Da has no confidence to stop it, and, in his current position, once the body shield is cut off, perhaps without blinking, his life will be Carry on.

Lin Ze, who was floating in the air watching the battle, saw this, his face was surprised, a frown between his eyebrows, and there was a urge to shoot at the bottom of his heart.

   Now, Lin Ze knows the strength of the barbarian.

  Don't look at Huang Quan's strength, and Zhou Da is in a state, even in the real combat power, Zhou Da may be even a little higher than that.

  The cultivators of the family and the strong of the Although it seems that there are some differences in the way of cultivating, but in the end, they all share the same speed.

  Family cultivators like Zhou Da do not lack resources. Therefore, most of the magic weapons in their hands are magic weapons, and they are most good at ///// vertical magic weapons or magic weapons for long-range offensive and defensive warfare.

  Although Zhou Data's cultivator's body speed is extremely fast, and there are shields or defensive magic weapons as blessings, he is rarely willing to fight close with the enemy.

The barbarian strongmen are just the opposite, because they lack resources in the wilderness area, and they have strength as proof of strength. When fighting, they rely on their incomparable strength, and they don’t know what to do. Longitudinal weapon or magic weapon long-range attack, only rely on their amazing talents, coupled with extremely fierce combat, so it is very suitable for close combat.

   And such a talented divine power seems to be inexhaustible and tireless on the barbarians.

   Therefore, once a strong man of the barbarian gets close, it will be regarded as a strong man like Zhou Da, and will fall into the disadvantage. One is not good, and there may even be a danger to life.

   Not to mention, the closest thing is the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan, a barbaric strongman in the Golden Dan period, so now the danger facing Zhou Da has risen several grades directly. ...


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