Alien Lord

Chapter 1952: Siege

"Working on such a strong barbarian clans, don't you family worry about getting into trouble? Maybe they have a stronger backing, if you provoke them, you might face a more powerful attack by then. Don’t forget, there are more than a thousand troops added in front of this tribe. It’s okay for me to leave this place shortly afterwards. But you have to stay here in the future and get in trouble like this. I’m afraid it’s hard to get out.” After a moment, he said worriedly.

Wang Chen carefully considered this possible surname. He was in deep contemplation for a while, and then sighed after half a ring, "Master, this is no way in front of you, as the saying goes, on the side of the couch, how can you let others sleep fast! Since the barbarians Establish the tribe by our side, and during the security period, we must also destroy this barbarian tribe. As for whether it will cause more danger afterwards, huh, lord, this is our cultivator's world after all, even if it is this barbarian The tribe is strong. Facing our entire practice world, he is weak like an ant."

"Well, that's true!" Lin Ze nodded and agreed with Wang Chen's words.

As Wang Chen said, this is the world of cultivators after all.

If your barbarian is safe and stable here, okay, the other sects will not come to trouble, but if you want to go all out, the countless families and sects, and other loose repairs will let you know that here Who is the master! !

"Alas, it seems that I want to find out the details of this tribe, I have to look at my own." Lin Ze's eyes turned to the hundreds of barbarian refiners and other barbarians imprisoned in the plane seed world. Master.

These people were secretly sneaked into the barbarian camp by Lin Ze, and Lin Ze has no time to plant puppet marks for them. Therefore, Lin Ze does not know much about the barbarian.

Between the two speaking, Huang Quan, the barbarian patriarch, and Zhou Da and Huang Hui were already in a fierce battle.

Before Huang Hui's timely action, he intercepted the attack of the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan who was attacking Zhou Da.

Unlike before, now that Zhou Da and Huang Hui have a puppet mark as a channel of communication, the two are now performing a set of joint combat techniques, and the fighting power has exploded several times in an instant.

The two operate a fire flying sword and a water flying sword respectively. The two flying swords are like spirit snakes, one attack and one defense, both offensive and defensive look obvious.

It stands to reason that their strength is pretty good, if it goes well, it is also possible to beat the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan down.

But things are unpredictable!

At this time, Huang Quan, the barbarian patriarch, was like a red-eyed beast going down the mountain, swiftly swiftly lightning, and a heavy sword danced in his hand like a raging thunder, attacking for life, rushing through a hack, killing Huang Hui and Zhou Da are temporarily at a disadvantage.

In a few breaths, Huang Quan flew by himself, and then he approached Huang Hui's side. As soon as he approached Huang Hui's side, Huang Quan was almost undefended and attacked Huang Hui with all his strength. A black light cut through, and the tacit agreement between Huang Hui and Zhou Da fell to the ground, and their flying swords were too late to defend.

Originally, Lin Ze issued an order in advance to prevent Huang Hui and Zhou Da from giving up their hands. Huang Quan and these people are still useful. Therefore, in the face of Huang Quan's life-threatening play, even if there is a middle Some opportunities, Huang Hui and Zhou Da did not dare to die, for a time, the two were shocked by Huang Quan's lifeless play.

With Lin Ze's order in hand, they did not want to really kill Huang Quan, but Huang Quan did not spare his life at all.

Under such circumstances, Huang Hui and Zhou Da are naturally very passive. For a time, they looked extremely embarrassed and ran around in the surrounding area. They were completely unable to cooperate because of a yellow power between them.

Of course, if Huang Hui and Zhou Da Yu Jian Fei were in the air, Huang Quan was helpless for both of them, but they were reluctant to throw away the flying sword in this way.

One is that Huang Hui and Zhou Da, two Jindan strong, fighting a barbarian Jindan strong, such overwhelming strength, if still given by a barbarian Jindan strong who only knows melee Randomly escaping into the sky, their faces were lost.

In addition, it was because of Lin Ze's order to capture Huang Quan.

The two of them now look embarrassed, but, the same, they are also greatly consuming Huang Quan's strength.

Maybe now they can't win Huang Quan, but believe that if this continues, Huang Quan's spiritual consumption will accelerate rapidly. In the end, winning Huang Quan is not a matter of course.

Perhaps it was a shame to be hunted down by Huang Quan in this way, but as long as Lin Ze’s order could be completed, Huang Hui and Zhou Da didn’t care at all.

Gradually, Huang Quan's breathing began to rush, and these changes fell into the eyes of Huang Hui and Zhou Da, and their two faces showed surprise.

"It's time to fight back!" The two looked at each other and made the same decision.

"Huang Quan, watch me burn a real fire-Daoshan Huohai! The little barbarians dare to run wild in front of me Zhou Da, see how I burned you this time!" Zhou Da shouted.

On the other side, Huang Hui had already received Zhou Da's signal. Therefore, on one side, he tried his best to contain Huang Quan and let Zhou Da finally relax. After that, his complexion was revealed and his hands pinched a complicated set of laws. At the cost of a small half of the body's spiritual power, he exhibited the fire department killer, which had been successfully cultivated not long ago, and burned the true fire.

In an instant, the aura of fire in the field skyrocketed, and a billowing fire wave covering nearly a hundred meters range was continuously tumbling. These terrifying fire waves were like magma, sweeping towards Huang Hui and Huang Quan in the fierce battle. Where the fire waves passed, even the ground rocks were burnt to char.

Huang Hui had long been informed of the secret communication, so he had transported his body shield long ago, and he was naturally not afraid of this fiery raid.

Coupled with the fact that Huang Hui raised the water-protected body, he was more conducive to resisting the engulfment of this flame. However, this large-scale sudden fire wave was even more harmful to the unprotected barbarian chief Huang Quan. Bigger.

But what happened next made Lin Ze, Huang Hui, Zhou Da and others move.

Huang Quan was obviously in a battle, knowing that the flame was so powerful, it would be uncomfortable if it was burned.

However, he did not retreat because of this. He, after a hundred battles, knew that once he retreated at this time, the advantages he had built up before would be lost.

In addition, he now consumes a lot of spiritual energy. If Huang Hui and Zhou Da chase after victory, he will face great danger.

Therefore, the next moment Huang Quan raised his head and thrilled the screams of the valley, then his muscles shuddered quickly, a crackling bone burst, and the muscles bulged up one by one, showing that the blue blood was soaring, and the skin was pale. Bronze bronze.

Suddenly, Huang Quan waved his right hand, and he was enveloped by countless black-colored knife lights. Then he stepped on his feet and shot at Zhou Da with lightning. The speed is as fast as a meteor.

Sword waves, storms and storms generally split the layers of fire waves directly in front of him. At the next moment, Huang Quan's body directly rushed across the continuous sea of ​​fire in front of him, and the madness of the thunder was utterly blinded to Zhou Da.

Zhou Da had just released the Burning True Fire, and the breath in his body had not yet stabilized, and he was still proud of Huang Quan’s being forced to retreat, and was finally captured by the two of them. Huang Quan actually broke into the burning of his natural fire, and immediately killed him in front of him.

The previous example of being close to Huang Quan was first. At this time, Zhou Da dared to block Huang Quan’s knife. He wanted to escape without thinking, and his mental strength exclaimed for help, avoiding Huang Quan’s mad attack. .


A dazzling black awn flashed over, and the hard rock on the ground suddenly had a length of more than two hundred meters long and a depth of more than ten meters. It was enough to accommodate the next person's knife-cut ravine. The sides of the ravine were extremely smooth, just like It was polished in general.

It was just crossed by the blade. If it was cut on the front, I was afraid that it would have to be cut in two pieces in a huge rock 100 meters wide.

Under the full attack of Huang Quan, the explosive power is greater than before.

Zhou Da saw the opportunity badly and escaped quickly, avoiding the frontal knife, but he was still swept by the blade's Yu Wei, the red glow of the fire shield was quickly dimmed, and then there was a detailed series of clicks. crack.

Seeing this, Zhou Da couldn't help but whisper a secret, and his back was shocked by the cold sweat.

Huang Hui and the other Wang Chen and several of them were equally shocked at this They did not expect that the fighting power of Huang Quan in the explosive state would be so powerful.

However, it is impossible for them to admit defeat in this way.

Wang Chen continued to skim on one side to prevent the barbarian elders below from disturbing the battle between Zhou Da and them. Afterwards, Huang Hui also hurriedly//fuck//the flying sword beside him, and went all out to kill Huang Quan.

After this period of continuous eruptions, Huang Quan's explosive power seems to have reached the limit. In Lin Ze's view, the bronze luster on his body was dimmed.

However, even so, Huang Quan's lifeless nature has not changed at all.

I don't know if he saw the idea that Huang Hui didn't dare to kill him, or he really wanted to exchange his life with Huang Hui. In the face of Huang Hui's flying sword attack, he didn't dodge, and suddenly hacked out , Nii flew a few sword qi in front of the sharpest head, and then boldly stretched out his left palm to catch Huang Hui's flying sword.

The handle had just been shaken back for more than ten meters. The flying sword of water attribute was directly grabbed by him. The light blue light above the flying sword fluctuated and shook violently, but actually struggled under Huang Quan’s iron palm. Off.

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