Alien Lord

Chapter 1950: Secret Manufacturing

In the sky, the second round of attacks of the Family Alliance began.

As soon as he came up, the Family Alliance launched all the Yuanshi Cannons and the two Lingshi Cannons in Lin Ze's hands.

"Boom!" The sound of the artillery shook the sky, and the sky was full of light. The whole place of the barbarian tribe was besieged. The barbarian disciples under the protection of the mountain protection array can only see the various auras flying all over the sky. They couldn't see the sun above at this time.

The mountain guards above the head and the ground beneath them all tremble in the full attack of the family alliance. No one knows whether the mountain guards above their heads will break down in the next moment. After that, they all In the fiery artillery fire, it turned into fly ash.

As the patriarch Huang Quan struggled to support, but he could do nothing about the full attack of the Family Alliance. He only watched the clan people around him vomit blood one by one, and it didn’t take long. There are no more than three hundred people of all races.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Huang Quan would like to persevere again, because now is the time when the family league is full of vigour. Even if it turns back with various cards, it is difficult to successfully repel the high morale family league.

In addition, what Huang Quan is most worried about is that the most powerful Huang Hui and Zhou Da have never shot.

And these old guys are living in the sky with an old god, they don't even look at the battle on the ground.

What does this mean? Explain Huang Hui and Zhou Da that they certainly have a hole card that didn't show up.

However, under the repeated bombardment, the large mountain protection array above the barbarian's head swayed violently, and cracks had gradually appeared in some places.

All the more than three hundred barbarian tribes have been rotated up, but as long as there is a shell in the sky, there will be three or five clan vomiting blood and retreat.

The earliest group of injured disciples, who had just swallowed the healing pill, didn't even have time to meditate and administer the medicine, so they had to hurry up and replace the new seriously injured clan.

"Patriarch, the situation is urgent now, and we can't stand the strength of the moving beast garden anymore!!" the elder shouted loudly on the side.

Huang Quan heard that his heart was extremely helpless. He clearly knew that he should not attack at this time, but now that the situation is urgent, he has no choice.

Without mobilizing the reserve barbarian army, their tribe must now be destroyed.


"Stop attacking, stop attacking!" At this time, Zhou Da spoke, and with his orders, the attack of the Family Alliance gradually stopped.

Seeing that the attack stopped, the following Huang Quan and others were in doubt, because the situation just now was extremely beneficial to the family alliance. I didn’t see that he almost had to take the last resort. The beast in the Spirit Beast Park Great army.

"I don't know what these people Huang Hui want to do?" Huang Quan and the elders looked at each other, thinking at the same time in their hearts.

However, no matter what Huang Hui wants to do, it is good to be able to give them a little time to take a breath now. In this way, the previously injured people will have more time to heal.

Therefore, Huang Quan quickly ordered other tribes to stop the attack. Even Song Yu, who just wanted to launch an artillery attack, also suspended the attack at this time under the orders of the three elders.

"Why stop the attack? Isn't it about to break the barbarians' defensive lineup?" Many family members have such doubts in their hearts, and they are Huang Hui and others looking to the side.

Huang Hui et al. turned a blind eye to the doubtful eyes of these family children, because this was something that had been planned for a long time, and now it is just that they are acting according to the plan.

"Huang Quan, how is it, our attack power is very strong!" Zhou Da directly stood up as a representative and said to Huang Quan.

"Humph!!!" Huang Quan snorted coldly, but couldn't say anything to refute.

"Oh, you just default." Zhou Da smiled when he saw Huang Quan speechless.

"Zhou Da, what do you want to do, just say it!" Huang Quan said politely, he knew that Zhou Da they would stop, definitely want to discuss something with him.

"It's worthy of being the patriarch, it's smart!" Zhou Da smiled, and then he no longer covered up, said bluntly: "Patriarch Huang Quan, I am here today, just want to borrow a few items from your tribe. Just You are willing to borrow, and since then follow the orders of our family alliance, then both of us can still get along safely."

Zhou Da hehe smiled.

"What do you want to borrow?"

When Huang Quan replied, there was already some speculation in mind.

However, he didn't want to turn his face directly now, anyway, he also delayed more time, giving the tribe people more healing time to recover their vitality.

In addition, after this battle with the Family Alliance, Huang Quanxin admitted for the first time that the strength of the Family Alliance was really strong.

If it is possible, he is not too willing to play against the family alliance. If he can solve this war at a small cost, he still intends to consider it.

These changes in Huang Quan's heart are actually what Lin Ze wants to see most.

Why did Hui Hui temporarily suspend their hands when they had the upper hand, it was because Lin Ze wanted to persuade Huang Quan to these people.

Don't forget that Huang Quan holds a giant spirit stone mine in their hands. If they want to get specific information about this giant spirit stone mine, they have to learn from Huang Quan's mouth.

However, according to the personality of the barbarian, if you force the questioning, you will never be able to force the questioning. They would rather commit suicide than succumb.

Therefore, only by hurting them and persuading them, finally, under the threat of the life safety of the tribes, Huang Quan and these people may surrender.

As long as they surrendered, Linze, the giant spirit stone mine at that location, wouldn't get it.

Oh, you said such news, the family alliance will also know at that time.

Ha ha, even if a person like Huang Quan surrenders, Huang Hui and Zhou Da will only guard him.

And Huang Hui and Zhou Da were Lin Ze's people. With their help, Lin Ze secretly planted a puppet mark on Huang Quan, which was quite a simple matter.

And once Huang Quan was planted with the puppet mark, would he still talk about the Lingshi mine to the Family Alliance? !

It is precisely because of these considerations that after occupying an absolute advantage, Huang Hui stopped them and they wanted to persuade Huang Quan to these people.

"Huang Quan, we are here to want the secret method of making warships in your tribe. In addition, from now on, your tribe will become subordinates of our family alliance and follow our orders. As long as we have agreed to these conditions Today, we will stop here, otherwise, if..." Zhou Da's eyes looked at the family army around him, especially the two golden dragons.

Obviously, this is threatening Huang Quan. If he does not agree, then Huang Quan will continue to face their full attack until they break their tribe.

"Come on, don't even think about the treasures of my tribe. How can our great devil tribe tribe give you these families, you dream!"

Huang Quan was furious.

If it is changed to other conditions, Huang Quan still has to worry about Zhou Daduo and fight for more time. However, Zhou Da requires their tribes to submit to the family alliance. Huang Quan has a little room to discuss this requirement. No.

"Huang Quan, do you really want to refuse? You know, as long as you surrender, we can still give you some blood of Jiaolong." Zhou Da said without a word of Huang Quan, he said with a smile, his words were full.// Enticement//confusion//sex.

".........." Facing the temptation of Zhou Da, Huang Quan was speechless for a while.

"Jiaolong's bloodline is obviously already evolving towards the dragon. Obviously the bloodline is extremely pure. If our tribe can get this bloodline descendant of the dragon king, then our tribe..." The beautiful picture of the future, Huang Quan's heart was so touched.

No way, for any barbarian tribe, Jiaolong is the top spirit beast they most respect.

As long as this tribe can get the blood of Jiaolong, then this tribe will spread throughout the wild barren wilderness, countless barbarians will continue to come to this tribe, and then join this tribe piously.

It can be said that as long as Huang Quan’s tribe has Jiaolong, then their tribe can grow and grow in a very short period of It’s not difficult to grow ten times in a short period of time. thing.

For Huang Quan, who wants to strengthen the tribe, this is really a temptation.

"No, we can surrender the secret craft of warships, but it is absolutely impossible to obey the orders of your family alliance!" Huang Quan said firmly, he can surrender the secret craftsmanship of warships. Command, don't even think about it.

As for why Huang Quan so easily agreed to surrender the secret method of manufacturing warships, it was because he knew clearly that the secret method of manufacturing warships has been revealed.

Anyway, everything in the refining room has been looted by the owner of the dragon. In this way, the corresponding secret method of making warships is believed to have been leaked out. Most people need to spend more time to study Well, so Huang Quan can agree to this condition, as for other things, he certainly will not agree.

If he really agrees to this condition, then their tribe will be rejected by the entire barbarian, no matter where they go, there will be no place for them to survive, so this condition, he will never agree to this condition!

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