Alien Lord

Chapter 1948: Exposed

After seeing these powerful beasts, Song Yu already had a very bad hunch about the final result of this war.

Even if they finally repelled this attack of the Family League, but their tribe will definitely be hurt.

At that time, they should not say that they could hold the valley, and whether they could safely return to other tribal territories would be a problem.

"Damn, now it seems that you can only rely on these three great sunset cannons!" Song Yu scolded at the bottom of her heart.

The strength of the family alliance is beyond their imagination, and if you want to retain the power of their tribe to the greatest extent, it is obvious that the three big sunset magic guns in front of you are extremely important.

Song Yu and the 2nd Elder had silently inspected it before. He said that he hadn't encountered a real enemy all year round before falling down. He just kept it outside and withstood the wind and rain here. It hasn't been used for a long time, and has maintained these three great sunset cannons.

However, there has been no good care and maintenance from time to time, so these three big sunset magic guns must have been damaged.

Just like the one just shot, why did Song Yu just fire one shot and then did not fire again.

In fact, it is not that Song Yu lacked their strength, but because of problems with the gun mount.

The strong anti-shock force directly shocked the gun mount. If another shot was fired, the mount would be damaged.

Therefore, Song Yu quickly stopped and repaired the damaged gun mount.

It's just that the sunset gun's gun mount is extremely complicated, and the volume is huge. Plus Song Yu is not a refining master. Therefore, if you want to repair it thoroughly, it is really a distant matter.

Fortunately, at this time, the second elder came with people, and the second elder also had considerable refining strength, plus the extremely good knowledge of the sunset sun gun, so the gun mount here was quickly repaired.

It's just that these gun mounts have been subjected to wind and rain for decades outside, and they haven't been maintained very much. Therefore, the gun mount is repaired as well, but the service life is extremely limited.

According to the inspection of the second elder, the entire gun mount can withstand the power of thirty or forty guns again. No matter how much, the gun mount will not hold on.

Moreover, this is not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is that the big Japanese Luo Shen gun itself has a problem.

The inside of the gun body was extremely corroded by wind and rain, and some patterns had problems.

Judging from the current situation of the three large sunset cannons, another ten cannons will surely collapse.

There are three big sunset cannons with the same quality. So, Song Yu can shoot up to thirty times at most.

No matter how many, they are committing suicide.

Thinking of being able to fire only thirty cannons, both Elder and Song Yu frowned, regretting for a while.

If I knew there would be such a day, they should have maintained these three great sunset cannons well before, no, they should be cast on the surrounding Shantou, they were all casted with the great sunset cannons. The powerful barbarian of the foundation period, even if two hundred heads came, they were not afraid.

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, so now Song Yu and they can only bear the bad results they left before.

"Song Yu, you have the experience of firing artillery. After that, it is up to you to decide how to play these great sunset artillery." The second elder on one side said to Song Yu.

The second elder also saw the cultivation of Song Quan by Huang Quan and the elder elders. So, in some ways, the elders could take care of Song Yu, and the second elder would also take care of it.

In addition, after all, he is a strong power in the Golden Age period. Once the situation outside changes, he needs to be killed directly, so it is not suitable to grow a sunset cannon here.

"Yes, the second elder, Song Yu leads the life!!" Song Yu's heart was filled with joy.

After the first shot, he was more interested in how to shoot the sunset magic gun. Once again, he estimated that he could deal with the twenty giant heads and the inflexible behemoth, and he could hit one shot in two shots. .

It is a pity that the number of firings of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon is limited. Otherwise, Song Yu can confidently say that he can fight against so many barbarians by himself.

Twenty wild beasts, if you want to destroy, each must hit at least two cannons. In this way, the number of shots of the sunset cannon will be consumed.

Even if the bullets are not missed, but there are Huang Hui and their masters, I am afraid that their tribe will eventually be unable to resist, thinking of this, Song Yu's heart was sad for a while.


Twenty giant beasts in the foundation period were empty, and Huang Quan's face in the valley was dignified.

However, he calculated the strength comparison between the two sides. Although their tribe seems to be at a disadvantage, it does not actually mean that there is no possibility of winning.

The twenty giant beasts are all spirit beasts in the foundation period.

After the spirit beasts are trained in captivity, their strength levels will drop, and their tribes also have spirit beast gardens. Therefore, Huang Quan is also clear about the situation inside. So, the strength that these twenty giant beasts can exert , Will be lower than expected.

It sounds as if the strength of these barbaric beasts is not so amazing, but as long as you think about Lin Ze's handling of a base-building dragon that was castrated a lot before, he was so embarrassed that you know these twenty base-building spirit beasts , What a terrible destructive power!

If Huang Quan was not a strong man in the Jindan period, where would he underestimate the twenty beasts of the foundation period.

If he is just the strength of the foundation period, not to mention 20 heads, just two or three heads, he will turn around and run away!

And, these wild animals are just the beginning!

At this time, Lin Ze is no longer hidden. Since he is going to go to war, his biggest thought factor should also appear, so that other children of the family will later insult him that he only knows that it is cheap.

Lin Ze did not have the extra movements of the family children, nor did he need to use the essence blood to open the beast spirit ring. He took off a spirit beast bag directly at his waist, and then wiped it with his right hand.

"Aoao Aoao!" A dragon roar all day long followed.


An extremely powerful momentum spread out. This powerful momentum directly oppressed those family children around him who were frightened, and they quickly moved away from the center of this momentum.

Not only that, but almost at the same time, another powerful force also rose into the sky.

The two powerful waves of palpitations echoed each other, and they were in harmony with each other.

At this time, everyone looked at Lin Ze and saw that at his feet, layers of spatial ripples gradually appeared. At the foot of the left side, a huge dark golden snake head protruded, and the dark gold on the top, with a nearly three-meter long horn gleaming cold murderously.

After the dragon had been drilled out, the others looked at it and took a breath of breath, because it was really too big to call the dragon.

Its body is the size of a bus, with a length of three or four hundred meters, and its head is much larger, and it looks like a hill. Then, two eyes the size of a car, with a cold fierce light , Looked around fiercely, seemingly searching for his prey.

On the other side, a dragon is larger and larger than this dragon, and a dragon with a natural aristocratic body slowly crawled out of the ripples in space.

It has a bigger head, which is half as big as the dragon before, and its neck is thick like a pillar of ten people. The golden horn on the head, with a detached golden thread, looks extraordinarily noble, just like The crown is average.

The scales on the body are also golden yellow, which naturally produces a compelling atmosphere. A tail is also thick and long, and the four feet of the abdomen are already faintly visible.

Obviously, this dragon has evolved in the direction of the dragon, and, depending on how it is now, the success rate is not small.

The young man stood on this dragon's head in this way. The two dragons were extremely obedient, showing that this young man is definitely a powerful beast master.

Seeing this, the barbarian tribes in the valley are horrified up and down: because these two dragons are already the spirit beasts of the Golden Pill Period!

Such powerful spirit beasts that once appeared in the spirit beast garden of their tribe are the ghosts of the two wild beasts sealed in the stone beast at the door.

However, even if these two spirit beasts are still alive, all the barbarians believe that they will not be the opponents of the above two golden dragons.

Dragons are invincible not only in the minds of human cultivators, but also in the hearts of barbarians.

Moreover, compared with the martial arts practitioners, the warriors of the barbarians have a deeper respect for the dragon.

"It's this beast master, he looted our refining room." Huang Quan looked at Lin Ze in the sky and could not eat Lin Ze in his I believe if his eyes can be turned into an attack Now, Lin Ze has been torn to pieces by Huang Quan's eyes.

"Well, it should be this guy!" The big elder looked at Lin Ze on the side full of murder.

Lin Ze's previous looting was not just a refining room, but the biggest support for their tribe to be strong.

Without those refining masters, their tribe wants to be strong, which is difficult.

"God is really too kind to the cultivators of these families and ancestors. Noble spirit beasts such as the Jindan period Jiaolong will be taken down by this beast master instead of existing in our tribe. It’s innocent!” Huang Quan said, looking at Lin Ze with jealousy.

Before, he really wouldn't care about Lin Ze, but after seeing the two golden dragons beside him, even Huang Quan couldn't help being jealous.

This is the Jiaolong, the dragon that is about to evolve into a dragon, and now he submits to Lin Ze. This is not why Huang Quan is jealous.

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